// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package main // #include // #include // #include // int libc_execve(const char *pathname, char *const argv[], // char *const envp[]) { // if (execve(pathname, argv, envp) != 0) { // return errno; // } // return 0; // } import "C" import ( "unsafe" ) // Replacement for syscall.Execve that uses the libc. // This allows tools that rely on intercepting syscalls via // LD_PRELOAD to work properly (e.g. gentoo sandbox). // Note that this changes the go binary to be a dynamically linked one. // See crbug.com/1000863 for details. func libcExecve(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string) error { freeList := []unsafe.Pointer{} defer func() { for _, ptr := range freeList { C.free(ptr) } }() goStrToC := func(goStr string) *C.char { cstr := C.CString(goStr) freeList = append(freeList, unsafe.Pointer(cstr)) return cstr } goSliceToC := func(goSlice []string) **C.char { // len(goSlice)+1 as the c array needs to be null terminated. cArray := C.malloc(C.size_t(len(goSlice)+1) * C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)))) freeList = append(freeList, cArray) // Convert the C array to a Go Array so we can index it. // Note: Storing pointers to the c heap in go pointer types is ok // (see https://golang.org/cmd/cgo/). cArrayForIndex := (*[1<<30 - 1]*C.char)(cArray) for i, str := range goSlice { cArrayForIndex[i] = goStrToC(str) } cArrayForIndex[len(goSlice)] = nil return (**C.char)(cArray) } if errno := C.libc_execve(goStrToC(argv0), goSliceToC(argv), goSliceToC(envv)); errno != 0 { return newErrorwithSourceLocf("exec error: %d", errno) } return nil }