import datetime import getpass import glob import os import pickle import re import threading import time import image_chromeos import machine_manager_singleton import table_formatter from utils import command_executer from utils import logger SCRATCH_DIR = "/home/%s/cros_scratch" % getpass.getuser() PICKLE_FILE = "pickle.txt" VERSION = "1" def ConvertToFilename(text): ret = text ret = re.sub("/", "__", ret) ret = re.sub(" ", "_", ret) ret = re.sub("=", "", ret) ret = re.sub("\"", "", ret) return ret class AutotestRun(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, autotest, chromeos_root="", chromeos_image="", board="", remote="", iteration=0, image_checksum="", exact_remote=False, rerun=False, rerun_if_failed=False): self.autotest = autotest self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root self.chromeos_image = chromeos_image self.board = board self.remote = remote self.iteration = iteration l = logger.GetLogger() l.LogFatalIf(not image_checksum, "Checksum shouldn't be None") self.image_checksum = image_checksum self.results = {} threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.terminate = False self.retval = None self.status = "PENDING" self.run_completed = False self.exact_remote = exact_remote self.rerun = rerun self.rerun_if_failed = rerun_if_failed self.results_dir = None self.full_name = None @staticmethod def MeanExcludingSlowest(array): mean = sum(array) / len(array) array2 = [] for v in array: if mean != 0 and abs(v - mean)/mean < 0.2: array2.append(v) if array2: return sum(array2) / len(array2) else: return mean @staticmethod def AddComposite(results_dict): composite_keys = [] composite_dict = {} for key in results_dict: mo = re.match("(.*){\d+}", key) if mo: composite_keys.append( for key in results_dict: for composite_key in composite_keys: if (key.count(composite_key) != 0 and table_formatter.IsFloat(results_dict[key])): if composite_key not in composite_dict: composite_dict[composite_key] = [] composite_dict[composite_key].append(float(results_dict[key])) break for composite_key in composite_dict: v = composite_dict[composite_key] results_dict["%s[c]" % composite_key] = sum(v) / len(v) mean_excluding_slowest = AutotestRun.MeanExcludingSlowest(v) results_dict["%s[ce]" % composite_key] = mean_excluding_slowest return results_dict def ParseOutput(self): p = re.compile("^-+.*?^-+", re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE) matches = p.findall(self.out) for i in range(len(matches)): results = matches[i] results_dict = {} for line in results.splitlines()[1:-1]: mo = re.match("(.*\S)\s+\[\s+(PASSED|FAILED)\s+\]", line) if mo: results_dict[] = continue mo = re.match("(.*\S)\s+(.*)", line) if mo: results_dict[] = # Add a composite keyval for tests like startup. results_dict = AutotestRun.AddComposite(results_dict) self.results = results_dict # This causes it to not parse the table again # Autotest recently added a secondary table # That reports errors and screws up the final pretty output. break mo ="Results placed in (\S+)", self.out) if mo: self.results_dir = self.full_name = os.path.basename(self.results_dir) def GetCacheHashBase(self): ret = ("%s %s %s" % (self.image_checksum,, self.iteration)) if self.autotest.args: ret += " %s" % self.autotest.args ret += "-%s" % VERSION return ret def GetLabel(self): ret = "%s %s remote:%s" % (self.chromeos_image,, self.remote) return ret def TryToLoadFromCache(self): base = self.GetCacheHashBase() if self.exact_remote: if not self.remote: return False cache_dir_glob = "%s_%s" % (ConvertToFilename(base), self.remote) else: cache_dir_glob = "%s*" % ConvertToFilename(base) cache_path_glob = os.path.join(SCRATCH_DIR, cache_dir_glob) matching_dirs = glob.glob(cache_path_glob) if matching_dirs: matching_dir = matching_dirs[0] cache_file = os.path.join(matching_dir, PICKLE_FILE) assert os.path.isfile(cache_file) self._logger.LogOutput("Trying to read from cache file: %s" % cache_file) return self.ReadFromCache(cache_file) self._logger.LogOutput("Cache miss. AM going to run: %s for: %s" % (, self.chromeos_image)) return False def ReadFromCache(self, cache_file): with open(cache_file, "rb") as f: self.retval = pickle.load(f) self.out = pickle.load(f) self.err = pickle.load(f) self._logger.LogOutput(self.out) return True return False def StoreToCache(self): base = self.GetCacheHashBase() self.cache_dir = os.path.join(SCRATCH_DIR, "%s_%s" % ( ConvertToFilename(base), self.remote)) cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, PICKLE_FILE) command = "mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(cache_file) ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command) assert ret == 0, "Couldn't create cache dir" with open(cache_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.retval, f) pickle.dump(self.out, f) pickle.dump(self.err, f) def run(self): self._logger = logger.Logger( os.path.dirname(__file__), "%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(__file__),, True) self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(self._logger) self.RunCached() def RunCached(self): self.status = "WAITING" cache_hit = False if not self.rerun: cache_hit = self.TryToLoadFromCache() else: self._logger.LogOutput("--rerun passed. Not using cached results.") if self.rerun_if_failed and self.retval: self._logger.LogOutput("--rerun_if_failed passed and existing test " "failed. Rerunning...") cache_hit = False if not cache_hit: # Get machine while True: if self.terminate: return 1 self.machine = ( machine_manager_singleton.MachineManagerSingleton().AcquireMachine(self.image_checksum)) if self.machine: self._logger.LogOutput("%s: Machine %s acquired at %s" % (,, break else: sleep_duration = 10 time.sleep(sleep_duration) try: self.remote = if self.machine.checksum != self.image_checksum: self.retval = self.ImageTo( if self.retval: return self.retval self.machine.checksum = self.image_checksum self.machine.image = self.chromeos_image self.status = "RUNNING: %s" % [self.retval, self.out, self.err] = self.RunTestOn( self.run_completed = True finally: self._logger.LogOutput("Releasing machine: %s" % machine_manager_singleton.MachineManagerSingleton().ReleaseMachine(self.machine) self._logger.LogOutput("Released machine: %s" % self.StoreToCache() if not self.retval: self.status = "SUCCEEDED" else: self.status = "FAILED" self.ParseOutput() # Copy results directory to the scratch dir if (not cache_hit and not self.retval and self.autotest.args and "--profile" in self.autotest.args): results_dir = os.path.join(self.chromeos_root, "chroot", self.results_dir.lstrip("/")) tarball = os.path.join( self.cache_dir, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(self.results_dir))) command = ("cd %s && tar cjf %s.tbz2 ." % (results_dir, tarball)) self._ce.RunCommand(command) perf_data_file = os.path.join(self.results_dir, self.full_name, "profiling/iteration.1/") # Attempt to build a perf report and keep it with the results. command = ("cd %s/src/scripts &&" " cros_sdk -- /usr/sbin/perf report --symfs=/build/%s" " -i %s --stdio" % (self.chromeos_root, self.board, perf_data_file)) ret, out, err = self._ce.RunCommand(command, return_output=True) with open(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, ""), "wb") as f: f.write(out) return self.retval def ImageTo(self, machine_name): image_args = [image_chromeos.__file__, "--chromeos_root=%s" % self.chromeos_root, "--image=%s" % self.chromeos_image, "--remote=%s" % machine_name] if self.board: image_args.append("--board=%s" % self.board) ### devserver_port = 8080 ### mo ="\d+", ### if mo: ### to_add = int( ### assert to_add < 100, "Too many threads launched!" ### devserver_port += to_add ### # I tried --noupdate_stateful, but that still fails when run in parallel. ### image_args.append("--image_to_live_args=\"--devserver_port=%s" ### " --noupdate_stateful\"" % devserver_port) ### image_args.append("--image_to_live_args=--devserver_port=%s" % ### devserver_port) # Currently can't image two machines at once. # So have to serialized on this lock. self.status = "WAITING ON IMAGE_LOCK" with machine_manager_singleton.MachineManagerSingleton().image_lock: self.status = "IMAGING" retval = self._ce.RunCommand(" ".join(["python"] + image_args)) machine_manager_singleton.MachineManagerSingleton().num_reimages += 1 if retval: self.status = "ABORTED DUE TO IMAGE FAILURE" return retval def DoPowerdHack(self): command = "sudo initctl stop powerd" self._ce.CrosRunCommand(command,, chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) def RunTestOn(self, machine_name): command = "cd %s/src/scripts" % self.chromeos_root options = "" if self.board: options += " --board=%s" % self.board if self.autotest.args: options += " %s" % self.autotest.args if "tegra2" in self.board: self.DoPowerdHack() command += ("&& cros_sdk -- ./ --remote=%s %s %s" % (machine_name, options, return self._ce.RunCommand(command, True)