#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utilities to run commands in outside/inside chroot and on the board.""" import getpass import os import re import select import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from cros_utils import logger mock_default = False CHROMEOS_SCRIPTS_DIR = "/mnt/host/source/src/scripts" LOG_LEVEL = ("none", "quiet", "average", "verbose") def InitCommandExecuter(mock=False): # pylint: disable=global-statement global mock_default # Whether to default to a mock command executer or not mock_default = mock def GetCommandExecuter(logger_to_set=None, mock=False, log_level="verbose"): # If the default is a mock executer, always return one. if mock_default or mock: return MockCommandExecuter(log_level, logger_to_set) else: return CommandExecuter(log_level, logger_to_set) class CommandExecuter(object): """Provides several methods to execute commands on several environments.""" def __init__(self, log_level, logger_to_set=None): self.log_level = log_level if log_level == "none": self.logger = None else: if logger_to_set is not None: self.logger = logger_to_set else: self.logger = logger.GetLogger() def GetLogLevel(self): return self.log_level def SetLogLevel(self, log_level): self.log_level = log_level def RunCommandGeneric( self, cmd, return_output=False, machine=None, username=None, command_terminator=None, command_timeout=None, terminated_timeout=10, print_to_console=True, env=None, except_handler=lambda p, e: None, ): """Run a command. Returns triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr). """ cmd = str(cmd) if self.log_level == "quiet": print_to_console = False if self.log_level == "verbose": self.logger.LogCmd(cmd, machine, username, print_to_console) elif self.logger: self.logger.LogCmdToFileOnly(cmd, machine, username) if command_terminator and command_terminator.IsTerminated(): if self.logger: self.logger.LogError( "Command was terminated!", print_to_console ) return (1, "", "") if machine is not None: user = "" if username is not None: user = username + "@" cmd = "ssh -t -t %s%s -- '%s'" % (user, machine, cmd) # We use setsid so that the child will have a different session id # and we can easily kill the process group. This is also important # because the child will be disassociated from the parent terminal. # In this way the child cannot mess the parent's terminal. p = None try: # pylint: disable=bad-option-value, subprocess-popen-preexec-fn p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid, executable="/bin/bash", env=env, ) full_stdout = "" full_stderr = "" # Pull output from pipes, send it to file/stdout/string out = err = None pipes = [p.stdout, p.stderr] my_poll = select.poll() my_poll.register(p.stdout, select.POLLIN) my_poll.register(p.stderr, select.POLLIN) terminated_time = None started_time = time.time() while pipes: if command_terminator and command_terminator.IsTerminated(): os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGTERM) if self.logger: self.logger.LogError( "Command received termination request. " "Killed child process group.", print_to_console, ) break l = my_poll.poll(100) for (fd, _) in l: if fd == p.stdout.fileno(): out = os.read(p.stdout.fileno(), 16384).decode("utf8") if return_output: full_stdout += out if self.logger: self.logger.LogCommandOutput(out, print_to_console) if out == "": pipes.remove(p.stdout) my_poll.unregister(p.stdout) if fd == p.stderr.fileno(): err = os.read(p.stderr.fileno(), 16384).decode("utf8") if return_output: full_stderr += err if self.logger: self.logger.LogCommandError(err, print_to_console) if err == "": pipes.remove(p.stderr) my_poll.unregister(p.stderr) if p.poll() is not None: if terminated_time is None: terminated_time = time.time() elif ( terminated_timeout is not None and time.time() - terminated_time > terminated_timeout ): if self.logger: self.logger.LogWarning( "Timeout of %s seconds reached since " "process termination." % terminated_timeout, print_to_console, ) break if ( command_timeout is not None and time.time() - started_time > command_timeout ): os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGTERM) if self.logger: self.logger.LogWarning( "Timeout of %s seconds reached since process" "started. Killed child process group." % command_timeout, print_to_console, ) break if out == err == "": break p.wait() if return_output: return (p.returncode, full_stdout, full_stderr) return (p.returncode, "", "") except BaseException as err: except_handler(p, err) raise def RunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command. Takes the same arguments as RunCommandGeneric except for return_output. Returns a single value returncode. """ # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output' assert len(args) <= 1 assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = False return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0] def RunCommandWExceptionCleanup(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command and kill process if exception is thrown. Takes the same arguments as RunCommandGeneric except for except_handler. Returns same as RunCommandGeneric. """ def KillProc(proc, _): if proc: os.killpg(os.getpgid(proc.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'except_handler' assert len(args) <= 8 assert "except_handler" not in kwargs kwargs["except_handler"] = KillProc return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs) def RunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command. Takes the same arguments as RunCommandGeneric except for return_output. Returns a triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr). """ # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output' assert len(args) <= 1 assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = True return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs) def RemoteAccessInitCommand(self, chromeos_root, machine, port=None): command = "" command += "\nset -- --remote=" + machine if port: command += " --ssh_port=" + port command += "\n. " + chromeos_root + "/src/scripts/common.sh" command += "\n. " + chromeos_root + "/src/scripts/remote_access.sh" command += "\nTMP=$(mktemp -d)" command += '\nFLAGS "$@" || exit 1' command += "\nremote_access_init" return command def WriteToTempShFile(self, contents): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w", encoding="utf-8", delete=False, prefix=os.uname()[1], suffix=".sh", ) as f: f.write("#!/bin/bash\n") f.write(contents) f.flush() return f.name def CrosLearnBoard(self, chromeos_root, machine): command = self.RemoteAccessInitCommand(chromeos_root, machine) command += "\nlearn_board" command += "\necho ${FLAGS_board}" retval, output, _ = self.RunCommandWOutput(command) if self.logger: self.logger.LogFatalIf(retval, "learn_board command failed") elif retval: sys.exit(1) return output.split()[-1] def CrosRunCommandGeneric( self, cmd, return_output=False, machine=None, command_terminator=None, chromeos_root=None, command_timeout=None, terminated_timeout=10, print_to_console=True, ): """Run a command on a ChromeOS box. Returns triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr). """ if self.log_level != "verbose": print_to_console = False if self.logger: self.logger.LogCmd(cmd, print_to_console=print_to_console) self.logger.LogFatalIf(not machine, "No machine provided!") self.logger.LogFatalIf( not chromeos_root, "chromeos_root not given!" ) else: if not chromeos_root or not machine: sys.exit(1) chromeos_root = os.path.expanduser(chromeos_root) port = None if ":" in machine: machine, port = machine.split(":") # Write all commands to a file. command_file = self.WriteToTempShFile(cmd) retval = self.CopyFiles( command_file, command_file, dest_machine=machine, dest_port=port, command_terminator=command_terminator, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, dest_cros=True, recursive=False, print_to_console=print_to_console, ) if retval: if self.logger: self.logger.LogError( "Could not run remote command on machine." " Is the machine up?" ) return (retval, "", "") command = self.RemoteAccessInitCommand(chromeos_root, machine, port) command += "\nremote_sh bash %s" % command_file command += '\nl_retval=$?; echo "$REMOTE_OUT"; exit $l_retval' retval = self.RunCommandGeneric( command, return_output, command_terminator=command_terminator, command_timeout=command_timeout, terminated_timeout=terminated_timeout, print_to_console=print_to_console, ) if return_output: connect_signature = ( "Initiating first contact with remote host\n" + "Connection OK\n" ) connect_signature_re = re.compile(connect_signature) modded_retval = list(retval) modded_retval[1] = connect_signature_re.sub("", retval[1]) return modded_retval return retval def CrosRunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command on a ChromeOS box. Takes the same arguments as CrosRunCommandGeneric except for return_output. Returns a single value returncode. """ # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output' assert len(args) <= 1 assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = False return self.CrosRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0] def CrosRunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command on a ChromeOS box. Takes the same arguments as CrosRunCommandGeneric except for return_output. Returns a triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr). """ # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output' assert len(args) <= 1 assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = True return self.CrosRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs) def ChrootRunCommandGeneric( self, chromeos_root, command, return_output=False, command_terminator=None, command_timeout=None, terminated_timeout=10, print_to_console=True, cros_sdk_options="", env=None, ): """Runs a command within the chroot. Returns triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr). """ if self.log_level != "verbose": print_to_console = False if self.logger: self.logger.LogCmd(command, print_to_console=print_to_console) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w", encoding="utf-8", delete=False, dir=os.path.join(chromeos_root, "src/scripts"), suffix=".sh", prefix="in_chroot_cmd", ) as f: f.write("#!/bin/bash\n") f.write(command) f.write("\n") f.flush() command_file = f.name os.chmod(command_file, 0o777) # if return_output is set, run a test command first to make sure that # the chroot already exists. We want the final returned output to skip # the output from chroot creation steps. if return_output: ret = self.RunCommand( "cd %s; cros_sdk %s -- true" % (chromeos_root, cros_sdk_options), env=env, # Give this command a long time to execute; it might involve setting # the chroot up, or running fstrim on its image file. Both of these # operations can take well over the timeout default of 10 seconds. terminated_timeout=5 * 60, ) if ret: return (ret, "", "") # Run command_file inside the chroot, making sure that any "~" is expanded # by the shell inside the chroot, not outside. command = "cd %s; cros_sdk %s -- bash -c '%s/%s'" % ( chromeos_root, cros_sdk_options, CHROMEOS_SCRIPTS_DIR, os.path.basename(command_file), ) ret = self.RunCommandGeneric( command, return_output, command_terminator=command_terminator, command_timeout=command_timeout, terminated_timeout=terminated_timeout, print_to_console=print_to_console, env=env, ) os.remove(command_file) return ret def ChrootRunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a command within the chroot. Takes the same arguments as ChrootRunCommandGeneric except for return_output. Returns a single value returncode. """ # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output' assert len(args) <= 2 assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = False return self.ChrootRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0] def ChrootRunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a command within the chroot. Takes the same arguments as ChrootRunCommandGeneric except for return_output. Returns a triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr). """ # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output' assert len(args) <= 2 assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = True return self.ChrootRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs) def RunCommands( self, cmdlist, machine=None, username=None, command_terminator=None ): cmd = " ;\n".join(cmdlist) return self.RunCommand( cmd, machine=machine, username=username, command_terminator=command_terminator, ) def CopyFiles( self, src, dest, src_machine=None, src_port=None, dest_machine=None, dest_port=None, src_user=None, dest_user=None, recursive=True, command_terminator=None, chromeos_root=None, src_cros=False, dest_cros=False, print_to_console=True, ): src = os.path.expanduser(src) dest = os.path.expanduser(dest) if recursive: src = src + "/" dest = dest + "/" if src_cros or dest_cros: if self.logger: self.logger.LogFatalIf( src_cros == dest_cros, "Only one of src_cros and desc_cros can " "be True.", ) self.logger.LogFatalIf( not chromeos_root, "chromeos_root not given!" ) elif src_cros == dest_cros or not chromeos_root: sys.exit(1) if src_cros: cros_machine = src_machine cros_port = src_port host_machine = dest_machine host_user = dest_user else: cros_machine = dest_machine cros_port = dest_port host_machine = src_machine host_user = src_user command = self.RemoteAccessInitCommand( chromeos_root, cros_machine, cros_port ) ssh_command = ( "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" + " -o UserKnownHostsFile=$(mktemp)" + " -i $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY" ) if cros_port: ssh_command += " -p %s" % cros_port rsync_prefix = '\nrsync -r -e "%s" ' % ssh_command if dest_cros: command += rsync_prefix + "%s root@%s:%s" % ( src, cros_machine, dest, ) else: command += rsync_prefix + "root@%s:%s %s" % ( cros_machine, src, dest, ) return self.RunCommand( command, machine=host_machine, username=host_user, command_terminator=command_terminator, print_to_console=print_to_console, ) if dest_machine == src_machine: command = "rsync -a %s %s" % (src, dest) else: if src_machine is None: src_machine = os.uname()[1] src_user = getpass.getuser() command = "rsync -a %s@%s:%s %s" % ( src_user, src_machine, src, dest, ) return self.RunCommand( command, machine=dest_machine, username=dest_user, command_terminator=command_terminator, print_to_console=print_to_console, ) def RunCommand2( self, cmd, cwd=None, line_consumer=None, timeout=None, shell=True, join_stderr=True, env=None, except_handler=lambda p, e: None, ): """Run the command with an extra feature line_consumer. This version allow developers to provide a line_consumer which will be fed execution output lines. A line_consumer is a callback, which is given a chance to run for each line the execution outputs (either to stdout or stderr). The line_consumer must accept one and exactly one dict argument, the dict argument has these items - 'line' - The line output by the binary. Notice, this string includes the trailing '\n'. 'output' - Whether this is a stdout or stderr output, values are either 'stdout' or 'stderr'. When join_stderr is True, this value will always be 'output'. 'pobject' - The object used to control execution, for example, call pobject.kill(). Note: As this is written, the stdin for the process executed is not associated with the stdin of the caller of this routine. Args: cmd: Command in a single string. cwd: Working directory for execution. line_consumer: A function that will ba called by this function. See above for details. timeout: terminate command after this timeout. shell: Whether to use a shell for execution. join_stderr: Whether join stderr to stdout stream. env: Execution environment. except_handler: Callback for when exception is thrown during command execution. Passed process object and exception. Returns: Execution return code. Raises: child_exception: if fails to start the command process (missing permission, no such file, etc) """ class StreamHandler(object): """Internal utility class.""" def __init__(self, pobject, fd, name, line_consumer): self._pobject = pobject self._fd = fd self._name = name self._buf = "" self._line_consumer = line_consumer def read_and_notify_line(self): t = os.read(fd, 1024) self._buf = self._buf + t self.notify_line() def notify_line(self): p = self._buf.find("\n") while p >= 0: self._line_consumer( line=self._buf[: p + 1], output=self._name, pobject=self._pobject, ) if p < len(self._buf) - 1: self._buf = self._buf[p + 1 :] p = self._buf.find("\n") else: self._buf = "" p = -1 break def notify_eos(self): # Notify end of stream. The last line may not end with a '\n'. if self._buf != "": self._line_consumer( line=self._buf, output=self._name, pobject=self._pobject ) self._buf = "" if self.log_level == "verbose": self.logger.LogCmd(cmd) elif self.logger: self.logger.LogCmdToFileOnly(cmd) # We use setsid so that the child will have a different session id # and we can easily kill the process group. This is also important # because the child will be disassociated from the parent terminal. # In this way the child cannot mess the parent's terminal. pobject = None try: # pylint: disable=bad-option-value, subprocess-popen-preexec-fn pobject = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=cwd, bufsize=1024, env=env, shell=shell, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT if join_stderr else subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid, ) # We provide a default line_consumer if line_consumer is None: line_consumer = lambda **d: None start_time = time.time() poll = select.poll() outfd = pobject.stdout.fileno() poll.register(outfd, select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI) handlermap = { outfd: StreamHandler(pobject, outfd, "stdout", line_consumer) } if not join_stderr: errfd = pobject.stderr.fileno() poll.register(errfd, select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI) handlermap[errfd] = StreamHandler( pobject, errfd, "stderr", line_consumer ) while handlermap: readables = poll.poll(300) for (fd, evt) in readables: handler = handlermap[fd] if evt & (select.POLLPRI | select.POLLIN): handler.read_and_notify_line() elif evt & ( select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR | select.POLLNVAL ): handler.notify_eos() poll.unregister(fd) del handlermap[fd] if timeout is not None and (time.time() - start_time > timeout): os.killpg(os.getpgid(pobject.pid), signal.SIGTERM) return pobject.wait() except BaseException as err: except_handler(pobject, err) raise class MockCommandExecuter(CommandExecuter): """Mock class for class CommandExecuter.""" def RunCommandGeneric( self, cmd, return_output=False, machine=None, username=None, command_terminator=None, command_timeout=None, terminated_timeout=10, print_to_console=True, env=None, except_handler=lambda p, e: None, ): assert not command_timeout cmd = str(cmd) if machine is None: machine = "localhost" if username is None: username = "current" logger.GetLogger().LogCmd( "(Mock) " + cmd, machine, username, print_to_console ) return (0, "", "") def RunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs): assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = False return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0] def RunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs): assert "return_output" not in kwargs kwargs["return_output"] = True return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs) class CommandTerminator(object): """Object to request termination of a command in execution.""" def __init__(self): self.terminated = False def Terminate(self): self.terminated = True def IsTerminated(self): return self.terminated