# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Logging helper module.""" from __future__ import print_function # System modules import os.path import sys import traceback # TODO(yunlian@google.com): Use GetRoot from misc def GetRoot(scr_name): """Break up pathname into (dir+name).""" abs_path = os.path.abspath(scr_name) return (os.path.dirname(abs_path), os.path.basename(abs_path)) class Logger(object): """Logging helper class.""" MAX_LOG_FILES = 10 def __init__(self, rootdir, basefilename, print_console, subdir='logs'): logdir = os.path.join(rootdir, subdir) basename = os.path.join(logdir, basefilename) try: os.makedirs(logdir) except OSError: pass # print("Warning: Logs directory '%s' already exists." % logdir) self.print_console = print_console self._CreateLogFileHandles(basename) self._WriteTo(self.cmdfd, ' '.join(sys.argv), True) def _AddSuffix(self, basename, suffix): return '%s%s' % (basename, suffix) def _FindSuffix(self, basename): timestamps = [] found_suffix = None for i in range(self.MAX_LOG_FILES): suffix = str(i) suffixed_basename = self._AddSuffix(basename, suffix) cmd_file = '%s.cmd' % suffixed_basename if not os.path.exists(cmd_file): found_suffix = suffix break timestamps.append(os.stat(cmd_file).st_mtime) if found_suffix: return found_suffix # Try to pick the oldest file with the suffix and return that one. suffix = str(timestamps.index(min(timestamps))) # print ("Warning: Overwriting log file: %s" % # self._AddSuffix(basename, suffix)) return suffix def _CreateLogFileHandle(self, name): fd = None try: fd = open(name, 'w') except IOError: print('Warning: could not open %s for writing.' % name) return fd def _CreateLogFileHandles(self, basename): suffix = self._FindSuffix(basename) suffixed_basename = self._AddSuffix(basename, suffix) self.cmdfd = self._CreateLogFileHandle('%s.cmd' % suffixed_basename) self.stdout = self._CreateLogFileHandle('%s.out' % suffixed_basename) self.stderr = self._CreateLogFileHandle('%s.err' % suffixed_basename) self._CreateLogFileSymlinks(basename, suffixed_basename) # Symlink unsuffixed basename to currently suffixed one. def _CreateLogFileSymlinks(self, basename, suffixed_basename): try: for extension in ['cmd', 'out', 'err']: src_file = '%s.%s' % (os.path.basename(suffixed_basename), extension) dest_file = '%s.%s' % (basename, extension) if os.path.exists(dest_file): os.remove(dest_file) os.symlink(src_file, dest_file) except Exception as ex: print('Exception while creating symlinks: %s' % str(ex)) def _WriteTo(self, fd, msg, flush): if fd: fd.write(msg) if flush: fd.flush() def LogStartDots(self, print_to_console=True): term_fd = self._GetStdout(print_to_console) if term_fd: term_fd.flush() term_fd.write('. ') term_fd.flush() def LogAppendDot(self, print_to_console=True): term_fd = self._GetStdout(print_to_console) if term_fd: term_fd.write('. ') term_fd.flush() def LogEndDots(self, print_to_console=True): term_fd = self._GetStdout(print_to_console) if term_fd: term_fd.write('\n') term_fd.flush() def LogMsg(self, file_fd, term_fd, msg, flush=True): if file_fd: self._WriteTo(file_fd, msg, flush) if self.print_console: self._WriteTo(term_fd, msg, flush) def _GetStdout(self, print_to_console): if print_to_console: return sys.stdout return None def _GetStderr(self, print_to_console): if print_to_console: return sys.stderr return None def LogCmdToFileOnly(self, cmd, machine='', user=None): if not self.cmdfd: return host = ('%s@%s' % (user, machine)) if user else machine flush = True cmd_string = 'CMD (%s): %s\n' % (host, cmd) self._WriteTo(self.cmdfd, cmd_string, flush) def LogCmd(self, cmd, machine='', user=None, print_to_console=True): if user: host = '%s@%s' % (user, machine) else: host = machine self.LogMsg(self.cmdfd, self._GetStdout(print_to_console), 'CMD (%s): %s\n' % (host, cmd)) def LogFatal(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(self.stderr, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), 'FATAL: %s\n' % msg) self.LogMsg(self.stderr, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), '\n'.join(traceback.format_stack())) sys.exit(1) def LogError(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(self.stderr, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), 'ERROR: %s\n' % msg) def LogWarning(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(self.stderr, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), 'WARNING: %s\n' % msg) def LogOutput(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(self.stdout, self._GetStdout(print_to_console), 'OUTPUT: %s\n' % msg) def LogFatalIf(self, condition, msg): if condition: self.LogFatal(msg) def LogErrorIf(self, condition, msg): if condition: self.LogError(msg) def LogWarningIf(self, condition, msg): if condition: self.LogWarning(msg) def LogCommandOutput(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg( self.stdout, self._GetStdout(print_to_console), msg, flush=False) def LogCommandError(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg( self.stderr, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), msg, flush=False) def Flush(self): self.cmdfd.flush() self.stdout.flush() self.stderr.flush() class MockLogger(object): """Logging helper class.""" MAX_LOG_FILES = 10 def __init__(self, *_args, **_kwargs): self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr return None def _AddSuffix(self, basename, suffix): return '%s%s' % (basename, suffix) def _FindSuffix(self, basename): timestamps = [] found_suffix = None for i in range(self.MAX_LOG_FILES): suffix = str(i) suffixed_basename = self._AddSuffix(basename, suffix) cmd_file = '%s.cmd' % suffixed_basename if not os.path.exists(cmd_file): found_suffix = suffix break timestamps.append(os.stat(cmd_file).st_mtime) if found_suffix: return found_suffix # Try to pick the oldest file with the suffix and return that one. suffix = str(timestamps.index(min(timestamps))) # print ("Warning: Overwriting log file: %s" % # self._AddSuffix(basename, suffix)) return suffix def _CreateLogFileHandle(self, name): print('MockLogger: creating open file handle for %s (writing)' % name) def _CreateLogFileHandles(self, basename): suffix = self._FindSuffix(basename) suffixed_basename = self._AddSuffix(basename, suffix) print('MockLogger: opening file %s.cmd' % suffixed_basename) print('MockLogger: opening file %s.out' % suffixed_basename) print('MockLogger: opening file %s.err' % suffixed_basename) self._CreateLogFileSymlinks(basename, suffixed_basename) # Symlink unsuffixed basename to currently suffixed one. def _CreateLogFileSymlinks(self, basename, suffixed_basename): for extension in ['cmd', 'out', 'err']: src_file = '%s.%s' % (os.path.basename(suffixed_basename), extension) dest_file = '%s.%s' % (basename, extension) print('MockLogger: Calling os.symlink(%s, %s)' % (src_file, dest_file)) def _WriteTo(self, _fd, msg, _flush): print('MockLogger: %s' % msg) def LogStartDots(self, _print_to_console=True): print('. ') def LogAppendDot(self, _print_to_console=True): print('. ') def LogEndDots(self, _print_to_console=True): print('\n') def LogMsg(self, _file_fd, _term_fd, msg, **_kwargs): print('MockLogger: %s' % msg) def _GetStdout(self, _print_to_console): return None def _GetStderr(self, _print_to_console): return None def LogCmdToFileOnly(self, *_args, **_kwargs): return # def LogCmdToFileOnly(self, cmd, machine='', user=None): # host = ('%s@%s' % (user, machine)) if user else machine # cmd_string = 'CMD (%s): %s\n' % (host, cmd) # print('MockLogger: Writing to file ONLY: %s' % cmd_string) def LogCmd(self, cmd, machine='', user=None, print_to_console=True): if user: host = '%s@%s' % (user, machine) else: host = machine self.LogMsg(0, self._GetStdout(print_to_console), 'CMD (%s): %s\n' % (host, cmd)) def LogFatal(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(0, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), 'FATAL: %s\n' % msg) self.LogMsg(0, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), '\n'.join(traceback.format_stack())) print('MockLogger: Calling sysexit(1)') def LogError(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(0, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), 'ERROR: %s\n' % msg) def LogWarning(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(0, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), 'WARNING: %s\n' % msg) def LogOutput(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg(0, self._GetStdout(print_to_console), 'OUTPUT: %s\n' % msg) def LogFatalIf(self, condition, msg): if condition: self.LogFatal(msg) def LogErrorIf(self, condition, msg): if condition: self.LogError(msg) def LogWarningIf(self, condition, msg): if condition: self.LogWarning(msg) def LogCommandOutput(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg( self.stdout, self._GetStdout(print_to_console), msg, flush=False) def LogCommandError(self, msg, print_to_console=True): self.LogMsg( self.stderr, self._GetStderr(print_to_console), msg, flush=False) def Flush(self): print('MockLogger: Flushing cmdfd, stdout, stderr') main_logger = None def InitLogger(script_name, log_dir, print_console=True, mock=False): """Initialize a global logger. To be called only once.""" # pylint: disable=global-statement global main_logger assert not main_logger, 'The logger has already been initialized' rootdir, basefilename = GetRoot(script_name) if not log_dir: log_dir = rootdir if not mock: main_logger = Logger(log_dir, basefilename, print_console) else: main_logger = MockLogger(log_dir, basefilename, print_console) def GetLogger(log_dir='', mock=False): if not main_logger: InitLogger(sys.argv[0], log_dir, mock=mock) return main_logger def HandleUncaughtExceptions(fun): """Catches all exceptions that would go outside decorated fun scope.""" def _Interceptor(*args, **kwargs): try: return fun(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: GetLogger().LogFatal('Uncaught exception:\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) return _Interceptor