# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Tools for searching/manipulating the manifests repository.""" from __future__ import print_function __author__ = 'llozano@google.com (Luis Lozano)' import copy import os import re import shutil import tempfile import time from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import logger MANIFEST_VERSION_MAIN_BRANCH = 'master' def IsCrosVersion(version): match = re.search(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', version) return match is not None def IsRFormatCrosVersion(version): match = re.search(r'(R\d+-\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', version) return match is not None def RFormatCrosVersion(version): assert IsCrosVersion(version) tmp_major, tmp_minor = version.split('.', 1) rformat = 'R' + tmp_major + '-' + tmp_minor assert IsRFormatCrosVersion(rformat) return rformat class ManifestVersions(object): """This class handles interactions with the manifests repo.""" def __init__(self, internal=True): self.internal = internal self.clone_location = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter() if internal: versions_git = ('https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/' 'chromeos/manifest-versions.git') else: versions_git = ( 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/manifest-versions.git') commands = [ 'cd {0}'.format(self.clone_location), 'git clone {0}'.format(versions_git) ] ret = self.ce.RunCommands(commands) if ret: logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Failed to clone manifest-versions.') def __del__(self): if self.clone_location: shutil.rmtree(self.clone_location) def TimeToVersionChromeOS(self, my_time): """Convert timestamp to version number, in ChromeOS/Paladin.""" cur_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) des_time = float(my_time) if cur_time - des_time > 7000000: logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('The time you specify is too early.') commands = [ 'cd {0}'.format(self.clone_location), 'cd manifest-versions', 'git checkout -f $(git rev-list' + ' --max-count=1 --before={0} origin/{1})'.format( my_time, MANIFEST_VERSION_MAIN_BRANCH) ] ret = self.ce.RunCommands(commands) if ret: logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Failed to checkout manifest at ' 'specified time') path = os.path.realpath('{0}/manifest-versions/LKGM/lkgm.xml'.format( self.clone_location)) pp = path.split('/') new_list = copy.deepcopy(pp) for i, e in enumerate(pp): if e == 'android-LKGM-candidates': new_list[i] = 'paladin' chrome_path = '/'.join(new_list) if not os.path.exists(chrome_path): logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('LKGM path is %s' % path) logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Cannot find path %s' % chrome_path) pieces = os.path.basename(chrome_path).split('.') pieces = pieces[:-2] new_base = '.'.join(pieces) + '*' wild_path = os.path.join('/', '/'.join(new_list[:-1]), new_base) command = 'ls %s' % wild_path ret, out, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWOutput(command) if ret == 0: out = out.strip() files = out.split('\n') latest = files[-1] small = os.path.basename(latest).split('.xml')[0] version = pp[-2] + '.' + small else: small = os.path.basename(path).split('.xml')[0] version = pp[-2] + '.' + small commands = [ 'cd {0}'.format(self.clone_location), 'cd manifest-versions', 'git checkout {0}'.format(MANIFEST_VERSION_MAIN_BRANCH) ] self.ce.RunCommands(commands) return version def TimeToVersion(self, my_time): """Convert timestamp to version number.""" cur_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) des_time = float(my_time) if cur_time - des_time > 7000000: logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('The time you specify is too early.') commands = [ 'cd {0}'.format(self.clone_location), 'cd manifest-versions', 'git checkout -f $(git rev-list' + ' --max-count=1 --before={0} origin/{1})'.format( my_time, MANIFEST_VERSION_MAIN_BRANCH) ] ret = self.ce.RunCommands(commands) if ret: logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Failed to checkout manifest at ' 'specified time') path = os.path.realpath('{0}/manifest-versions/LKGM/lkgm.xml'.format( self.clone_location)) pp = path.split('/') small = os.path.basename(path).split('.xml')[0] version = pp[-2] + '.' + small commands = [ 'cd {0}'.format(self.clone_location), 'cd manifest-versions', 'git checkout {0}'.format(MANIFEST_VERSION_MAIN_BRANCH) ] self.ce.RunCommands(commands) return version def GetManifest(self, version, to_file): """Get the manifest file from a given chromeos-internal version.""" assert not IsRFormatCrosVersion(version) version = version.split('.', 1)[1] os.chdir(self.clone_location) files = [ os.path.join(r, f) for r, _, fs in os.walk('.') for f in fs if version in f ] if files: command = 'cp {0} {1}'.format(files[0], to_file) ret = self.ce.RunCommand(command) if ret: raise RuntimeError('Cannot copy manifest to {0}'.format(to_file)) else: raise RuntimeError('Version {0} is not available.'.format(version))