#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. import sys import textwrap from settings_factory import BenchmarkSettings from settings_factory import GlobalSettings from settings_factory import LabelSettings class Help(object): def GetUsage(self): return """%s [OPTIONS] [ACTION] EXPERIMENT_FILE""" % (sys.argv[0]) def _WrapLine(self, line): return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(line, 80)) def _GetFieldDescriptions(self, fields): res = "" for field_name in fields: field = fields[field_name] res += "Field:\t\t%s\n" % field.name res += self._WrapLine("Description:\t%s" % field.description) + "\n" res += "Type:\t\t%s\n" % type(field).__name__.replace("Field", "") res += "Required:\t%s\n" % field.required if field.default: res += "Default:\t%s\n" % field.default res += "\n" return res def GetHelp(self): global_fields = self._GetFieldDescriptions(GlobalSettings("").fields) benchmark_fields = self._GetFieldDescriptions(BenchmarkSettings("").fields) label_fields = self._GetFieldDescriptions(LabelSettings("").fields) return """%s is a script for running performance experiments on ChromeOS. It allows one to run ChromeOS Autotest benchmarks over several images and compare the results to determine whether there is a performance difference. Comparing several images using %s is referred to as running an "experiment". An "experiment file" is a configuration file which holds all the information that describes the experiment and how it should be run. An example of a simple experiment file is below: --------------------------------- test.exp --------------------------------- name: my_experiment board: x86-alex remote: chromeos-alex5 benchmark: PageCycler { iterations: 3 } my_first_image { chromeos_image: /usr/local/chromeos-1/chromiumos_image.bin } my_second_image { chromeos_image: /usr/local/chromeos-2/chromiumos_image.bin } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This experiment file names the experiment "my_experiment". It will be run on the board x86-alex. Benchmarks will be run using two remote devices, one is a device specified by a hostname and the other is a device specified by it's IP address. Benchmarks will be run in parallel across these devices. There is currently no way to specify which benchmark will run on each device. We define one "benchmark" that will be run, PageCycler. This benchmark has one "field" which specifies how many iterations it will run for. We specify 2 "labels" or images which will be compared. The PageCycler benchmark will be run on each of these images 3 times and a result table will be output which compares the two. The full list of fields that can be specified are as follows: ================= Global Fields ================= %s ================= Benchmark Fields ================= %s ================= Label Fields ================= %s Note that global fields are overidden by label or benchmark fields, if they can be specified in both places. Fields that are specified as arguments override fields specified in experiment files. %s is invoked by passing it a path to an experiment file, as well as an action to execute on that experiment file. The possible actions to use are: run\t\tRun the experiment and cache the results. table\t\tDisplay cached results of an experiment, without running anything. email\t\tEmail a summary of the results to the user. do\t\tThe default action. Executes the following actions: run, table, email. """ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], global_fields, benchmark_fields, label_fields, sys.argv[0])