#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import hashlib import image_chromeos import file_lock_machine import math import os.path import re import sys import threading import time from utils import command_executer from utils import logger from utils import misc from utils.file_utils import FileUtils from image_checksummer import ImageChecksummer CHECKSUM_FILE = "/usr/local/osimage_checksum_file" class NonMatchingMachines(Exception): pass class MissingLocksDirectory(Exception): """Raised when cannot find/access the machine locks directory.""" class CrosMachine(object): def __init__(self, name, chromeos_root, log_level, cmd_exec=None): self.name = name self.image = None self.checksum = None self.locked = False self.released_time = time.time() self.test_run = None self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root self.log_level = log_level self.ce = cmd_exec or command_executer.GetCommandExecuter( log_level=self.log_level) self.SetUpChecksumInfo() def SetUpChecksumInfo(self): if not self.IsReachable(): self.machine_checksum = None return self._GetMemoryInfo() self._GetCPUInfo() self._ComputeMachineChecksumString() self._GetMachineID() self.machine_checksum = self._GetMD5Checksum(self.checksum_string) self.machine_id_checksum = self._GetMD5Checksum(self.machine_id) def IsReachable(self): command = "ls" ret = self.ce.CrosRunCommand(command, machine=self.name, chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) if ret: return False return True def _ParseMemoryInfo(self): line = self.meminfo.splitlines()[0] usable_kbytes = int(line.split()[1]) # This code is from src/third_party/test/files/client/bin/base_utils.py # usable_kbytes is system's usable DRAM in kbytes, # as reported by memtotal() from device /proc/meminfo memtotal # after Linux deducts 1.5% to 9.5% for system table overhead # Undo the unknown actual deduction by rounding up # to next small multiple of a big power-of-two # eg 12GB - 5.1% gets rounded back up to 12GB mindeduct = 0.005 # 0.5 percent maxdeduct = 0.095 # 9.5 percent # deduction range 1.5% .. 9.5% supports physical mem sizes # 6GB .. 12GB in steps of .5GB # 12GB .. 24GB in steps of 1 GB # 24GB .. 48GB in steps of 2 GB ... # Finer granularity in physical mem sizes would require # tighter spread between min and max possible deductions # increase mem size by at least min deduction, without rounding min_kbytes = int(usable_kbytes / (1.0 - mindeduct)) # increase mem size further by 2**n rounding, by 0..roundKb or more round_kbytes = int(usable_kbytes / (1.0 - maxdeduct)) - min_kbytes # find least binary roundup 2**n that covers worst-cast roundKb mod2n = 1 << int(math.ceil(math.log(round_kbytes, 2))) # have round_kbytes <= mod2n < round_kbytes*2 # round min_kbytes up to next multiple of mod2n phys_kbytes = min_kbytes + mod2n - 1 phys_kbytes -= phys_kbytes % mod2n # clear low bits self.phys_kbytes = phys_kbytes def _GetMemoryInfo(self): #TODO yunlian: when the machine in rebooting, it will not return #meminfo, the assert does not catch it either command = "cat /proc/meminfo" ret, self.meminfo, _ = self.ce.CrosRunCommand(command, return_output=True, machine=self.name, username="root", chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) assert ret == 0, "Could not get meminfo from machine: %s" % self.name if ret == 0: self._ParseMemoryInfo() #cpuinfo format is different across architecture #need to find a better way to parse it. def _ParseCPUInfo(self, cpuinfo): return 0 def _GetCPUInfo(self): command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo" ret, self.cpuinfo, _ = self.ce.CrosRunCommand(command, return_output=True, machine=self.name, username="root", chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) assert ret == 0, "Could not get cpuinfo from machine: %s" % self.name if ret == 0: self._ParseCPUInfo(self.cpuinfo) def _ComputeMachineChecksumString(self): self.checksum_string = "" exclude_lines_list = ["MHz", "BogoMIPS", "bogomips"] for line in self.cpuinfo.splitlines(): if not any([e in line for e in exclude_lines_list]): self.checksum_string += line self.checksum_string += " " + str(self.phys_kbytes) def _GetMD5Checksum(self, ss): if ss: return hashlib.md5(ss).hexdigest() else: return "" def _GetMachineID(self): command = "dump_vpd_log --full --stdout" ret, if_out, _ = self.ce.CrosRunCommand(command, return_output=True, machine=self.name, chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) b = if_out.splitlines() a = [l for l in b if "Product" in l] if len(a): self.machine_id = a[0] return command = "ifconfig" ret, if_out, _ = self.ce.CrosRunCommand(command, return_output=True, machine=self.name, chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) b = if_out.splitlines() a = [l for l in b if "HWaddr" in l] if len(a): self.machine_id = "_".join(a) return a = [l for l in b if "ether" in l] if len(a): self.machine_id = "_".join(a) return assert 0, "Could not get machine_id from machine: %s" % self.name def __str__(self): l = [] l.append(self.name) l.append(str(self.image)) l.append(str(self.checksum)) l.append(str(self.locked)) l.append(str(self.released_time)) return ", ".join(l) class MachineManager(object): """Lock, image and unlock machines locally for benchmark runs. This class contains methods and calls to lock, unlock and image machines and distribute machines to each benchmark run. The assumption is that all of the machines for the experiment have been globally locked (using an AFE server) in the ExperimentRunner, but the machines still need to be locally locked/unlocked (allocated to benchmark runs) to prevent multiple benchmark runs within the same experiment from trying to use the same machine at the same time. """ def __init__(self, chromeos_root, acquire_timeout, log_level, locks_dir, cmd_exec=None, lgr=None): self._lock = threading.RLock() self._all_machines = [] self._machines = [] self.image_lock = threading.Lock() self.num_reimages = 0 self.chromeos_root = None self.machine_checksum = {} self.machine_checksum_string = {} self.acquire_timeout = acquire_timeout self.log_level = log_level self.locks_dir = locks_dir self.ce = cmd_exec or command_executer.GetCommandExecuter( log_level=self.log_level) self.logger = lgr or logger.GetLogger() if self.locks_dir and not os.path.isdir(self.locks_dir): raise MissingLocksDirectory("Cannot access locks directory: %s" % self.locks_dir) self._initialized_machines = [] self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root def ImageMachine(self, machine, label): if label.image_type == "local": checksum = ImageChecksummer().Checksum(label, self.log_level) elif label.image_type == "trybot": checksum = machine._GetMD5Checksum(label.chromeos_image) else: checksum = None if checksum and (machine.checksum == checksum): return chromeos_root = label.chromeos_root if not chromeos_root: chromeos_root = self.chromeos_root image_chromeos_args = [image_chromeos.__file__, "--no_lock", "--chromeos_root=%s" % chromeos_root, "--image=%s" % label.chromeos_image, "--image_args=%s" % label.image_args, "--remote=%s" % machine.name, "--logging_level=%s" % self.log_level] if label.board: image_chromeos_args.append("--board=%s" % label.board) # Currently can't image two machines at once. # So have to serialized on this lock. save_ce_log_level = self.ce.log_level if self.log_level != "verbose": self.ce.log_level = "average" with self.image_lock: if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Pushing image onto machine.") self.logger.LogOutput("CMD : python %s " % " ".join(image_chromeos_args)) retval = self.ce.RunCommand(" ".join(["python"] + image_chromeos_args)) if retval: cmd = "reboot && exit" if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("reboot & exit.") self.ce.CrosRunCommand(cmd, machine=machine.name, chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root) time.sleep(60) if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Pushing image onto machine.") self.logger.LogOutput("CMD : python %s " % " ".join(image_chromeos_args)) retval = self.ce.RunCommand(" ".join(["python"] + image_chromeos_args)) if retval: raise Exception("Could not image machine: '%s'." % machine.name) else: self.num_reimages += 1 machine.checksum = checksum machine.image = label.chromeos_image self.ce.log_level = save_ce_log_level return retval def ComputeCommonCheckSum(self, label): for machine in self.GetMachines(label): if machine.machine_checksum: self.machine_checksum[label.name] = machine.machine_checksum break def ComputeCommonCheckSumString(self, label): for machine in self.GetMachines(label): if machine.checksum_string: self.machine_checksum_string[label.name] = machine.checksum_string break def _TryToLockMachine(self, cros_machine): with self._lock: assert cros_machine, "Machine can't be None" for m in self._machines: if m.name == cros_machine.name: return locked = True if self.locks_dir: locked = file_lock_machine.Machine(cros_machine.name, self.locks_dir).Lock(True, sys.argv[0]) if locked: self._machines.append(cros_machine) command = "cat %s" % CHECKSUM_FILE ret, out, _ = self.ce.CrosRunCommand( command, return_output=True, chromeos_root=self.chromeos_root, machine=cros_machine.name) if ret == 0: cros_machine.checksum = out.strip() elif self.locks_dir: self.logger.LogOutput("Couldn't lock: %s" % cros_machine.name) # This is called from single threaded mode. def AddMachine(self, machine_name): with self._lock: for m in self._all_machines: assert m.name != machine_name, "Tried to double-add %s" % machine_name if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Setting up remote access to %s" % machine_name) self.logger.LogOutput("Checking machine characteristics for %s" % machine_name) cm = CrosMachine(machine_name, self.chromeos_root, self.log_level) if cm.machine_checksum: self._all_machines.append(cm) def AreAllMachineSame(self, label): checksums = [m.machine_checksum for m in self.GetMachines(label)] return len(set(checksums)) == 1 def RemoveMachine(self, machine_name): with self._lock: self._machines = [m for m in self._machines if m.name != machine_name] if self.locks_dir: res = file_lock_machine.Machine(machine_name, self.locks_dir).Unlock(True) if not res: self.logger.LogError("Could not unlock machine: '%s'." % machine_name) def ForceSameImageToAllMachines(self, label): machines = self.GetMachines(label) for m in machines: self.ImageMachine(m, label) m.SetUpChecksumInfo() def AcquireMachine(self, chromeos_image, label, throw=False): if label.image_type == "local": image_checksum = ImageChecksummer().Checksum(label, self.log_level) elif label.image_type == "trybot": image_checksum = hashlib.md5(chromeos_image).hexdigest() else: image_checksum = None machines = self.GetMachines(label) check_interval_time = 120 with self._lock: # Lazily external lock machines while self.acquire_timeout >= 0: for m in machines: new_machine = m not in self._all_machines self._TryToLockMachine(m) if new_machine: m.released_time = time.time() if not self.AreAllMachineSame(label): if not throw: # Log fatal message, which calls sys.exit. Default behavior. self.logger.LogFatal("-- not all the machines are identical") else: # Raise an exception, which can be caught and handled by calling # function. raise NonMatchingMachines("Not all the machines are identical") if self.GetAvailableMachines(label): break else: sleep_time = max(1, min(self.acquire_timeout, check_interval_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) self.acquire_timeout -= sleep_time if self.acquire_timeout < 0: machine_names = [] for machine in machines: machine_names.append(machine.name) self.logger.LogFatal("Could not acquire any of the " "following machines: '%s'" % ", ".join(machine_names)) ### for m in self._machines: ### if (m.locked and time.time() - m.released_time < 10 and ### m.checksum == image_checksum): ### return None for m in [machine for machine in self.GetAvailableMachines(label) if not machine.locked]: if image_checksum and (m.checksum == image_checksum): m.locked = True m.test_run = threading.current_thread() return m for m in [machine for machine in self.GetAvailableMachines(label) if not machine.locked]: if not m.checksum: m.locked = True m.test_run = threading.current_thread() return m # This logic ensures that threads waiting on a machine will get a machine # with a checksum equal to their image over other threads. This saves time # when crosperf initially assigns the machines to threads by minimizing # the number of re-images. # TODO(asharif): If we centralize the thread-scheduler, we wont need this # code and can implement minimal reimaging code more cleanly. for m in [machine for machine in self.GetAvailableMachines(label) if not machine.locked]: if time.time() - m.released_time > 15: # The release time gap is too large, so it is probably in the start # stage, we need to reset the released_time. m.released_time = time.time() elif time.time() - m.released_time > 8: m.locked = True m.test_run = threading.current_thread() return m return None def GetAvailableMachines(self, label=None): if not label: return self._machines return [m for m in self._machines if m.name in label.remote] def GetMachines(self, label=None): if not label: return self._all_machines return [m for m in self._all_machines if m.name in label.remote] def ReleaseMachine(self, machine): with self._lock: for m in self._machines: if machine.name == m.name: assert m.locked == True, "Tried to double-release %s" % m.name m.released_time = time.time() m.locked = False m.status = "Available" break def Cleanup(self): with self._lock: # Unlock all machines (via file lock) for m in self._machines: res = file_lock_machine.Machine(m.name, self.locks_dir).Unlock(True) if not res: self.logger.LogError("Could not unlock machine: '%s'." % m.name) def __str__(self): with self._lock: l = ["MachineManager Status:"] for m in self._machines: l.append(str(m)) return "\n".join(l) def AsString(self): with self._lock: stringify_fmt = "%-30s %-10s %-4s %-25s %-32s" header = stringify_fmt % ("Machine", "Thread", "Lock", "Status", "Checksum") table = [header] for m in self._machines: if m.test_run: test_name = m.test_run.name test_status = m.test_run.timeline.GetLastEvent() else: test_name = "" test_status = "" try: machine_string = stringify_fmt % (m.name, test_name, m.locked, test_status, m.checksum) except Exception: machine_string = "" table.append(machine_string) return "Machine Status:\n%s" % "\n".join(table) def GetAllCPUInfo(self, labels): """Get cpuinfo for labels, merge them if their cpuinfo are the same.""" dic = {} for label in labels: for machine in self._all_machines: if machine.name in label.remote: if machine.cpuinfo not in dic: dic[machine.cpuinfo] = [label.name] else: dic[machine.cpuinfo].append(label.name) break output = "" for key, v in dic.items(): output += " ".join(v) output += "\n-------------------\n" output += key output += "\n\n\n" return output class MockCrosMachine(CrosMachine): def __init__(self, name, chromeos_root, log_level): self.name = name self.image = None self.checksum = None self.locked = False self.released_time = time.time() self.test_run = None self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root self.checksum_string = re.sub("\d", "", name) #In test, we assume "lumpy1", "lumpy2" are the same machine. self.machine_checksum = self._GetMD5Checksum(self.checksum_string) self.log_level = log_level def IsReachable(self): return True class MockMachineManager(MachineManager): def __init__(self, chromeos_root, acquire_timeout, log_level, dummy_locks_dir): super(MockMachineManager, self).__init__(chromeos_root, acquire_timeout, log_level, lock_machine.Machine.LOCKS_DIR) def _TryToLockMachine(self, cros_machine): self._machines.append(cros_machine) cros_machine.checksum = "" def AddMachine(self, machine_name): with self._lock: for m in self._all_machines: assert m.name != machine_name, "Tried to double-add %s" % machine_name cm = MockCrosMachine(machine_name, self.chromeos_root, self.log_level) assert cm.machine_checksum, ("Could not find checksum for machine %s" % machine_name) self._all_machines.append(cm) def AcquireMachine(self, chromeos_image, label, throw=False): for machine in self._all_machines: if not machine.locked: machine.locked = True return machine return None def ImageMachine(self, machine_name, label): return 0 def ReleaseMachine(self, machine): machine.locked = False def GetMachines(self, label): return self._all_machines def GetAvailableMachines(self, label): return self._all_machines