#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. import getpass import glob import hashlib import os import pickle import re import tempfile from image_checksummer import ImageChecksummer from utils import command_executer from utils import logger from utils import misc SCRATCH_DIR = "/home/%s/cros_scratch" % getpass.getuser() RESULTS_FILE = "results.txt" AUTOTEST_TARBALL = "autotest.tbz2" PERF_RESULTS_FILE = "perf-results.txt" class Result(object): """ This class manages what exactly is stored inside the cache without knowing what the key of the cache is. For runs with perf, it stores perf.data, perf.report, etc. The key generation is handled by the ResultsCache class. """ def __init__(self, chromeos_root, logger): self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root self._logger = logger self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(self._logger) self._temp_dir = None def _CopyFilesTo(self, dest_dir, files_to_copy): file_index = 0 for file_to_copy in files_to_copy: if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): command = "mkdir -p %s" % dest_dir self._ce.RunCommand(command) dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, ("%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(file_to_copy), file_index))) ret = self._ce.CopyFiles(file_to_copy, dest_file, recursive=False) if ret: raise Exception("Could not copy results file: %s" % file_to_copy) def CopyResultsTo(self, dest_dir): self._CopyFilesTo(dest_dir, self.perf_data_files) self._CopyFilesTo(dest_dir, self.perf_report_files) def _GetKeyvals(self): generate_test_report = os.path.join(self._chromeos_root, "src", "platform", "crostestutils", "utils_py", "generate_test_report.py") command = ("python %s --no-color --csv %s" % (generate_test_report, self.results_dir)) [ret, out, err] = self._ce.RunCommand(command, return_output=True) keyvals_dict = {} for line in out.splitlines(): tokens = line.split(",") key = tokens[-2] if key.startswith(self.results_dir): key = key[len(self.results_dir) + 1:] value = tokens[-1] keyvals_dict[key] = value return keyvals_dict def _GetResultsDir(self): mo = re.search("Results placed in (\S+)", self.out) if mo: result = mo.group(1) return result raise Exception("Could not find results directory.") def _FindFilesInResultsDir(self, find_args): command = "find %s %s" % (self.results_dir, find_args) ret, out, err = self._ce.RunCommand(command, return_output=True) if ret: raise Exception("Could not run find command!") return out def _GetPerfDataFiles(self): return self._FindFilesInResultsDir("-name perf.data").splitlines() def _GetPerfReportFiles(self): return self._FindFilesInResultsDir("-name perf.data.report").splitlines() def _GeneratePerfReportFiles(self): perf_report_files = [] for perf_data_file in self.perf_data_files: # Generate a perf.report and store it side-by-side with the perf.data # file. chroot_perf_data_file = misc.GetInsideChrootPath(self._chromeos_root, perf_data_file) perf_report_file = "%s.report" % perf_data_file if os.path.exists(perf_report_file): raise Exception("Perf report file already exists: %s" % perf_report_file) chroot_perf_report_file = misc.GetInsideChrootPath(self._chromeos_root, perf_report_file) command = ("/usr/sbin/perf report " "--symfs /build/%s " "--vmlinux /build/%s/usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux " "--kallsyms /build/%s/boot/System.map-* " "-i %s --stdio " "| head -n1000 " "| tee %s" % (self._board, self._board, self._board, chroot_perf_data_file, chroot_perf_report_file)) ret, out, err = self._ce.ChrootRunCommand(self._chromeos_root, command, return_output=True) # Add a keyval to the dictionary for the events captured. perf_report_files.append( misc.GetOutsideChrootPath(self._chromeos_root, chroot_perf_report_file)) return perf_report_files def _GatherPerfResults(self): report_id = 0 for perf_report_file in self.perf_report_files: with open(perf_report_file, "r") as f: report_contents = f.read() for group in re.findall("Events: (\S+) (\S+)", report_contents): num_events = group[0] event_name = group[1] key = "perf_%s_%s" % (report_id, event_name) value = str(misc.UnitToNumber(num_events)) self.keyvals[key] = value def _PopulateFromRun(self, board, out, err, retval): self._board = board self.out = out self.err = err self.retval = retval self.chroot_results_dir = self._GetResultsDir() self.results_dir = misc.GetOutsideChrootPath(self._chromeos_root, self.chroot_results_dir) self.perf_data_files = self._GetPerfDataFiles() # Include all perf.report data in table. self.perf_report_files = self._GeneratePerfReportFiles() # TODO(asharif): Do something similar with perf stat. # Grab keyvals from the directory. self._ProcessResults() def _ProcessResults(self): # Note that this function doesn't know anything about whether there is a # cache hit or miss. It should process results agnostic of the cache hit # state. self.keyvals = self._GetKeyvals() self.keyvals["retval"] = self.retval # Generate report from all perf.data files. # Now parse all perf report files and include them in keyvals. self._GatherPerfResults() def _PopulateFromCacheDir(self, cache_dir): # Read in everything from the cache directory. with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, RESULTS_FILE), "r") as f: self.out = pickle.load(f) self.err = pickle.load(f) self.retval = pickle.load(f) # Untar the tarball to a temporary directory self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() command = ("cd %s && tar xf %s" % (self._temp_dir, os.path.join(cache_dir, AUTOTEST_TARBALL))) ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command) if ret: raise Exception("Could not untar cached tarball") self.results_dir = self._temp_dir self.perf_data_files = self._GetPerfDataFiles() self.perf_report_files = self._GetPerfReportFiles() self._ProcessResults() def CleanUp(self): if self._temp_dir: command = "rm -rf %s" % self._temp_dir self._ce.RunCommand(command) def StoreToCacheDir(self, cache_dir): # Create the dir if it doesn't exist. command = "mkdir -p %s" % cache_dir ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command) if ret: raise Exception("Could not create cache dir: %s" % cache_dir) # Store to the cache directory. with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, RESULTS_FILE), "w") as f: pickle.dump(self.out, f) pickle.dump(self.err, f) pickle.dump(self.retval, f) tarball = os.path.join(cache_dir, AUTOTEST_TARBALL) command = ("cd %s && tar cjf %s ." % (self.results_dir, tarball)) ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command) if ret: raise Exception("Couldn't store autotest output directory.") @classmethod def CreateFromRun(cls, logger, chromeos_root, board, out, err, retval): result = cls(chromeos_root, logger) result._PopulateFromRun(board, out, err, retval) return result @classmethod def CreateFromCacheHit(cls, chromeos_root, logger, cache_dir): result = cls(chromeos_root, logger) try: result._PopulateFromCacheDir(cache_dir) except Exception as e: logger.LogError("Exception while using cache: %s" % e) return None return result class CacheConditions(object): # Cache hit only if the result file exists. CACHE_FILE_EXISTS = 0 # Cache hit if the ip address of the cached result and the new run match. REMOTES_MATCH = 1 # Cache hit if the image checksum of the cached result and the new run match. CHECKSUMS_MATCH = 2 # Cache hit only if the cached result was successful RUN_SUCCEEDED = 3 # Never a cache hit. FALSE = 4 # Cache hit if the image path matches the cached image path. IMAGE_PATH_MATCH = 5 class ResultsCache(object): """ This class manages the key of the cached runs without worrying about what is exactly stored (value). The value generation is handled by the Results class. """ CACHE_VERSION = 3 def Init(self, chromeos_image, chromeos_root, autotest_name, iteration, autotest_args, remote, board, cache_conditions, logger_to_use): self.chromeos_image = chromeos_image self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root self.autotest_name = autotest_name self.iteration = iteration self.autotest_args = autotest_args, self.remote = remote self.board = board self.cache_conditions = cache_conditions self._logger = logger_to_use self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(self._logger) def _GetCacheDirForRead(self): glob_path = self._FormCacheDir(self._GetCacheKeyList(True)) matching_dirs = glob.glob(glob_path) if matching_dirs: # Cache file found. if len(matching_dirs) > 1: self._logger.LogError("Multiple compatible cache files: %s." % " ".join(matching_dirs)) return matching_dirs[0] else: return None def _GetCacheDirForWrite(self): return self._FormCacheDir(self._GetCacheKeyList(False)) def _FormCacheDir(self, list_of_strings): cache_key = " ".join(list_of_strings) cache_dir = misc.GetFilenameFromString(cache_key) cache_path = os.path.join(SCRATCH_DIR, cache_dir) return cache_path def _GetCacheKeyList(self, read): if read and CacheConditions.REMOTES_MATCH not in self.cache_conditions: remote = "*" else: remote = self.remote if read and CacheConditions.CHECKSUMS_MATCH not in self.cache_conditions: checksum = "*" else: checksum = ImageChecksummer().Checksum(self.chromeos_image) if read and CacheConditions.IMAGE_PATH_MATCH not in self.cache_conditions: image_path_checksum = "*" else: image_path_checksum = hashlib.md5(self.chromeos_image).hexdigest() autotest_args_checksum = hashlib.md5( "".join(self.autotest_args)).hexdigest() return (image_path_checksum, self.autotest_name, str(self.iteration), autotest_args_checksum, checksum, remote, str(self.CACHE_VERSION)) def ReadResult(self): if CacheConditions.FALSE in self.cache_conditions: return None cache_dir = self._GetCacheDirForRead() if not cache_dir: return None if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): return None self._logger.LogOutput("Trying to read from cache dir: %s" % cache_dir) result = Result.CreateFromCacheHit(self.chromeos_root, self._logger, cache_dir) if not result: return None if (result.retval == 0 or CacheConditions.RUN_SUCCEEDED not in self.cache_conditions): return result return None def StoreResult(self, result): cache_dir = self._GetCacheDirForWrite() result.StoreToCacheDir(cache_dir) class MockResultsCache(object): def Init(self, *args): pass def ReadResult(self): return Result("Results placed in /tmp/test", "", 0) def StoreResult(self, result): pass