#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Parse data from benchmark_runs for tabulator.""" from __future__ import print_function import json import os import re import sys from utils import misc TELEMETRY_RESULT_DEFAULTS_FILE = "default-telemetry-results.json" class ResultOrganizer(object): """Create a dict from benchmark_runs. The structure of the output dict is as follows: {"benchmark_1":[ [{"key1":"v1", "key2":"v2"},{"key1":"v1", "key2","v2"}] #one label [] #the other label ] "benchmark_2": [ ]}. """ def __init__(self, benchmark_runs, labels, benchmarks=None, json_report=False): self.result = {} self.labels = [] self.prog = re.compile(r"(\w+)\{(\d+)\}") self.benchmarks = benchmarks if not self.benchmarks: self.benchmarks = [] for label in labels: self.labels.append(label.name) for benchmark_run in benchmark_runs: benchmark_name = benchmark_run.benchmark.name if json_report: show_all_results = True else: show_all_results = benchmark_run.benchmark.show_all_results if benchmark_name not in self.result: self.result[benchmark_name] = [] while len(self.result[benchmark_name]) < len(labels): self.result[benchmark_name].append([]) label_index = self.labels.index(benchmark_run.label.name) cur_table = self.result[benchmark_name][label_index] index = benchmark_run.iteration - 1 while index >= len(cur_table): cur_table.append({}) cur_dict = cur_table[index] if not benchmark_run.result: continue benchmark = benchmark_run.benchmark if not show_all_results: summary_list = self._GetSummaryResults(benchmark.test_name) if len(summary_list) > 0: summary_list.append ("retval") else: # Did not find test_name in json file; therefore show everything. show_all_results = True for test_key in benchmark_run.result.keyvals: if not show_all_results and not test_key in summary_list: continue cur_dict[test_key] = benchmark_run.result.keyvals[test_key] # Occasionally Telemetry tests will not fail but they will not return a # result, either. Look for those cases, and force them to be a fail. # (This can happen if, for example, the test has been disabled.) if len(cur_dict) == 1 and cur_dict['retval'] == 0: cur_dict['retval'] = 1 # TODO: This output should be sent via logger. print("WARNING: Test '%s' appears to have succeeded but returned" " no results." % benchmark_name, file=sys.stderr) if json_report and benchmark_run.machine: cur_dict['machine'] = benchmark_run.machine.name cur_dict['machine_checksum'] = benchmark_run.machine.checksum cur_dict['machine_string'] = benchmark_run.machine.checksum_string self._DuplicatePass() def _GetSummaryResults (self, test_name): dirname, _ = misc.GetRoot(sys.argv[0]) fullname = os.path.join(dirname, TELEMETRY_RESULT_DEFAULTS_FILE) if os.path.exists (fullname): # Slurp the file into a dictionary. The keys in the dictionary are # the benchmark names. The value for a key is a list containing the # names of all the result fields that should be returned in a 'default' # report. result_defaults = json.load(open(fullname)) # Check to see if the current benchmark test actually has an entry in # the dictionary. if test_name in result_defaults: return result_defaults[test_name] else: return [] def _DuplicatePass(self): for bench, data in self.result.items(): max_dup = self._GetMaxDup(data) if not max_dup: continue for label in data: index = data.index(label) data[index] = self._GetNonDupLabel(max_dup, label) self._AdjustIteration(max_dup, bench) def _GetMaxDup(self, data): """Find the maximum i inside ABCD{i}.""" max_dup = 0 for label in data: for run in label: for key in run: if re.match(self.prog, key): max_dup = max(max_dup, int(re.search(self.prog, key).group(2))) return max_dup def _GetNonDupLabel(self, max_dup, label): """Create new list for the runs of the same label.""" new_label = [] for run in label: start_index = len(new_label) new_label.append(dict(run)) for i in range(max_dup): new_label.append({}) new_run = new_label[start_index] for key, value in new_run.items(): if re.match(self.prog, key): new_key = re.search(self.prog, key).group(1) index = int(re.search(self.prog, key).group(2)) new_label[start_index+index][new_key] = str(value) del new_run[key] return new_label def _AdjustIteration(self, max_dup, bench): """Adjust the interation numbers if the have keys like ABCD{i}.""" for benchmark in self.benchmarks: if benchmark.name == bench: if not benchmark.iteration_adjusted: benchmark.iteration_adjusted = True benchmark.iterations *= (max_dup +1)