# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """A module to handle the report format.""" from __future__ import print_function import datetime import functools import itertools import json import os import re from cros_utils.tabulator import AmeanResult from cros_utils.tabulator import Cell from cros_utils.tabulator import CoeffVarFormat from cros_utils.tabulator import CoeffVarResult from cros_utils.tabulator import Column from cros_utils.tabulator import Format from cros_utils.tabulator import GmeanRatioResult from cros_utils.tabulator import LiteralResult from cros_utils.tabulator import MaxResult from cros_utils.tabulator import MinResult from cros_utils.tabulator import PValueFormat from cros_utils.tabulator import PValueResult from cros_utils.tabulator import RatioFormat from cros_utils.tabulator import RawResult from cros_utils.tabulator import StdResult from cros_utils.tabulator import TableFormatter from cros_utils.tabulator import TableGenerator from cros_utils.tabulator import TablePrinter from update_telemetry_defaults import TelemetryDefaults from column_chart import ColumnChart from results_organizer import OrganizeResults import results_report_templates as templates def ParseChromeosImage(chromeos_image): """Parse the chromeos_image string for the image and version. The chromeos_image string will probably be in one of two formats: 1: /src/build/images//./ \ chromiumos_test_image.bin 2: /chroot/tmp/// \ chromiumos_test_image.bin We parse these strings to find the 'chromeos_version' to store in the json archive (without the .datatime bit in the first case); and also the 'chromeos_image', which would be all of the first case, but only the part after '/chroot/tmp' in the second case. Args: chromeos_image: string containing the path to the chromeos_image that crosperf used for the test. Returns: version, image: The results of parsing the input string, as explained above. """ # Find the Chromeos Version, e.g. R45-2345.0.0..... # chromeos_image should have been something like: # ///chromiumos_test_image.bin" if chromeos_image.endswith('/chromiumos_test_image.bin'): full_version = chromeos_image.split('/')[-2] # Strip the date and time off of local builds (which have the format # "R43-2345.0.0.date-and-time"). version, _ = os.path.splitext(full_version) else: version = '' # Find the chromeos image. If it's somewhere in .../chroot/tmp/..., then # it's an official image that got downloaded, so chop off the download path # to make the official image name more clear. official_image_path = '/chroot/tmp' if official_image_path in chromeos_image: image = chromeos_image.split(official_image_path, 1)[1] else: image = chromeos_image return version, image def _AppendUntilLengthIs(gen, the_list, target_len): """Appends to `list` until `list` is `target_len` elements long. Uses `gen` to generate elements. """ the_list.extend(gen() for _ in xrange(target_len - len(the_list))) return the_list def _FilterPerfReport(event_threshold, report): """Filters out entries with `< event_threshold` percent in a perf report.""" def filter_dict(m): return {fn_name: pct for fn_name, pct in m.iteritems() if pct >= event_threshold} return {event: filter_dict(m) for event, m in report.iteritems()} class _PerfTable(object): """Generates dicts from a perf table. Dicts look like: {'benchmark_name': {'perf_event_name': [LabelData]}} where LabelData is a list of perf dicts, each perf dict coming from the same label. Each perf dict looks like {'function_name': 0.10, ...} (where 0.10 is the percentage of time spent in function_name). """ def __init__(self, benchmark_names_and_iterations, label_names, read_perf_report, event_threshold=None): """Constructor. read_perf_report is a function that takes a label name, benchmark name, and benchmark iteration, and returns a dictionary describing the perf output for that given run. """ self.event_threshold = event_threshold self._label_indices = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(label_names)} self.perf_data = {} for label in label_names: for bench_name, bench_iterations in benchmark_names_and_iterations: for i in xrange(bench_iterations): report = read_perf_report(label, bench_name, i) self._ProcessPerfReport(report, label, bench_name, i) def _ProcessPerfReport(self, perf_report, label, benchmark_name, iteration): """Add the data from one run to the dict.""" perf_of_run = perf_report if self.event_threshold is not None: perf_of_run = _FilterPerfReport(self.event_threshold, perf_report) if benchmark_name not in self.perf_data: self.perf_data[benchmark_name] = {event: [] for event in perf_of_run} ben_data = self.perf_data[benchmark_name] label_index = self._label_indices[label] for event in ben_data: _AppendUntilLengthIs(list, ben_data[event], label_index + 1) data_for_label = ben_data[event][label_index] _AppendUntilLengthIs(dict, data_for_label, iteration + 1) data_for_label[iteration] = perf_of_run[event] if perf_of_run else {} def _GetResultsTableHeader(ben_name, iterations): benchmark_info = ('Benchmark: {0}; Iterations: {1}' .format(ben_name, iterations)) cell = Cell() cell.string_value = benchmark_info cell.header = True return [[cell]] def _ParseColumn(columns, iteration): new_column = [] for column in columns: if column.result.__class__.__name__ != 'RawResult': new_column.append(column) else: new_column.extend(Column(LiteralResult(i), Format(), str(i + 1)) for i in xrange(iteration)) return new_column def _GetTables(benchmark_results, columns, table_type): iter_counts = benchmark_results.iter_counts result = benchmark_results.run_keyvals tables = [] for bench_name, runs in result.iteritems(): iterations = iter_counts[bench_name] ben_table = _GetResultsTableHeader(bench_name, iterations) all_runs_empty = all(not dict for label in runs for dict in label) if all_runs_empty: cell = Cell() cell.string_value = ('This benchmark contains no result.' ' Is the benchmark name valid?') cell_table = [[cell]] else: table = TableGenerator(runs, benchmark_results.label_names).GetTable() parsed_columns = _ParseColumn(columns, iterations) tf = TableFormatter(table, parsed_columns) cell_table = tf.GetCellTable(table_type) tables.append(ben_table) tables.append(cell_table) return tables def _GetPerfTables(benchmark_results, columns, table_type): p_table = _PerfTable(benchmark_results.benchmark_names_and_iterations, benchmark_results.label_names, benchmark_results.read_perf_report) tables = [] for benchmark in p_table.perf_data: iterations = benchmark_results.iter_counts[benchmark] ben_table = _GetResultsTableHeader(benchmark, iterations) tables.append(ben_table) benchmark_data = p_table.perf_data[benchmark] table = [] for event in benchmark_data: tg = TableGenerator(benchmark_data[event], benchmark_results.label_names, sort=TableGenerator.SORT_BY_VALUES_DESC) table = tg.GetTable(ResultsReport.PERF_ROWS) parsed_columns = _ParseColumn(columns, iterations) tf = TableFormatter(table, parsed_columns) tf.GenerateCellTable(table_type) tf.AddColumnName() tf.AddLabelName() tf.AddHeader(str(event)) table = tf.GetCellTable(table_type, headers=False) tables.append(table) return tables class ResultsReport(object): """Class to handle the report format.""" MAX_COLOR_CODE = 255 PERF_ROWS = 5 def __init__(self, results): self.benchmark_results = results def _GetTablesWithColumns(self, columns, table_type, perf): get_tables = _GetPerfTables if perf else _GetTables return get_tables(self.benchmark_results, columns, table_type) def GetFullTables(self, perf=False): columns = [Column(RawResult(), Format()), Column(MinResult(), Format()), Column(MaxResult(), Format()), Column(AmeanResult(), Format()), Column(StdResult(), Format(), 'StdDev'), Column(CoeffVarResult(), CoeffVarFormat(), 'StdDev/Mean'), Column(GmeanRatioResult(), RatioFormat(), 'GmeanSpeedup'), Column(PValueResult(), PValueFormat(), 'p-value')] return self._GetTablesWithColumns(columns, 'full', perf) def GetSummaryTables(self, perf=False): columns = [Column(AmeanResult(), Format()), Column(StdResult(), Format(), 'StdDev'), Column(CoeffVarResult(), CoeffVarFormat(), 'StdDev/Mean'), Column(GmeanRatioResult(), RatioFormat(), 'GmeanSpeedup'), Column(PValueResult(), PValueFormat(), 'p-value')] return self._GetTablesWithColumns(columns, 'summary', perf) def _PrintTable(tables, out_to): # tables may be None. if not tables: return '' if out_to == 'HTML': out_type = TablePrinter.HTML elif out_to == 'PLAIN': out_type = TablePrinter.PLAIN elif out_to == 'CONSOLE': out_type = TablePrinter.CONSOLE elif out_to == 'TSV': out_type = TablePrinter.TSV elif out_to == 'EMAIL': out_type = TablePrinter.EMAIL else: raise ValueError('Invalid out_to value: %s' % (out_to,)) printers = (TablePrinter(table, out_type) for table in tables) return ''.join(printer.Print() for printer in printers) class TextResultsReport(ResultsReport): """Class to generate text result report.""" H1_STR = '===========================================' H2_STR = '-------------------------------------------' def __init__(self, results, email=False, experiment=None): super(TextResultsReport, self).__init__(results) self.email = email self.experiment = experiment @staticmethod def _MakeTitle(title): header_line = TextResultsReport.H1_STR # '' at the end gives one newline. return '\n'.join([header_line, title, header_line, '']) @staticmethod def _MakeSection(title, body): header_line = TextResultsReport.H2_STR # '\n' at the end gives us two newlines. return '\n'.join([header_line, title, header_line, body, '\n']) @staticmethod def FromExperiment(experiment, email=False): results = BenchmarkResults.FromExperiment(experiment) return TextResultsReport(results, email, experiment) def GetStatusTable(self): """Generate the status table by the tabulator.""" table = [['', '']] columns = [Column(LiteralResult(iteration=0), Format(), 'Status'), Column(LiteralResult(iteration=1), Format(), 'Failing Reason')] for benchmark_run in self.experiment.benchmark_runs: status = [benchmark_run.name, [benchmark_run.timeline.GetLastEvent(), benchmark_run.failure_reason]] table.append(status) cell_table = TableFormatter(table, columns).GetCellTable('status') return [cell_table] def GetReport(self): """Generate the report for email and console.""" output_type = 'EMAIL' if self.email else 'CONSOLE' experiment = self.experiment sections = [] if experiment is not None: title_contents = "Results report for '%s'" % (experiment.name, ) else: title_contents = 'Results report' sections.append(self._MakeTitle(title_contents)) summary_table = _PrintTable(self.GetSummaryTables(perf=False), output_type) sections.append(self._MakeSection('Summary', summary_table)) if experiment is not None: table = _PrintTable(self.GetStatusTable(), output_type) sections.append(self._MakeSection('Benchmark Run Status', table)) perf_table = _PrintTable(self.GetSummaryTables(perf=True), output_type) if perf_table: sections.append(self._MakeSection('Perf Data', perf_table)) if experiment is not None: experiment_file = experiment.experiment_file sections.append(self._MakeSection('Experiment File', experiment_file)) cpu_info = experiment.machine_manager.GetAllCPUInfo(experiment.labels) sections.append(self._MakeSection('CPUInfo', cpu_info)) return '\n'.join(sections) def _GetHTMLCharts(label_names, test_results): charts = [] for item, runs in test_results.iteritems(): # Fun fact: label_names is actually *entirely* useless as a param, since we # never add headers. We still need to pass it anyway. table = TableGenerator(runs, label_names).GetTable() columns = [Column(AmeanResult(), Format()), Column(MinResult(), Format()), Column(MaxResult(), Format())] tf = TableFormatter(table, columns) data_table = tf.GetCellTable('full', headers=False) for cur_row_data in data_table: test_key = cur_row_data[0].string_value title = '{0}: {1}'.format(item, test_key.replace('/', '')) chart = ColumnChart(title, 300, 200) chart.AddColumn('Label', 'string') chart.AddColumn('Average', 'number') chart.AddColumn('Min', 'number') chart.AddColumn('Max', 'number') chart.AddSeries('Min', 'line', 'black') chart.AddSeries('Max', 'line', 'black') cur_index = 1 for label in label_names: chart.AddRow([label, cur_row_data[cur_index].value, cur_row_data[cur_index + 1].value, cur_row_data[cur_index + 2].value]) if isinstance(cur_row_data[cur_index].value, str): chart = None break cur_index += 3 if chart: charts.append(chart) return charts class HTMLResultsReport(ResultsReport): """Class to generate html result report.""" def __init__(self, benchmark_results, experiment=None): super(HTMLResultsReport, self).__init__(benchmark_results) self.experiment = experiment @staticmethod def FromExperiment(experiment): return HTMLResultsReport(BenchmarkResults.FromExperiment(experiment), experiment=experiment) def GetReport(self): label_names = self.benchmark_results.label_names test_results = self.benchmark_results.run_keyvals charts = _GetHTMLCharts(label_names, test_results) chart_javascript = ''.join(chart.GetJavascript() for chart in charts) chart_divs = ''.join(chart.GetDiv() for chart in charts) summary_table = self.GetSummaryTables() full_table = self.GetFullTables() perf_table = self.GetSummaryTables(perf=True) experiment_file = '' if self.experiment is not None: experiment_file = self.experiment.experiment_file # Use kwargs for sanity, and so that testing is a bit easier. return templates.GenerateHTMLPage(perf_table=perf_table, chart_js=chart_javascript, summary_table=summary_table, print_table=_PrintTable, chart_divs=chart_divs, full_table=full_table, experiment_file=experiment_file) def ParseStandardPerfReport(report_data): """Parses the output of `perf report`. It'll parse the following: {{garbage}} # Samples: 1234M of event 'foo' 1.23% command shared_object location function::name 1.22% command shared_object location function2::name # Samples: 999K of event 'bar' 0.23% command shared_object location function3::name {{etc.}} Into: {'foo': {'function::name': 1.23, 'function2::name': 1.22}, 'bar': {'function3::name': 0.23, etc.}} """ # This function fails silently on its if it's handed a string (as opposed to a # list of lines). So, auto-split if we do happen to get a string. if isinstance(report_data, basestring): report_data = report_data.splitlines() # Samples: N{K,M,G} of event 'event-name' samples_regex = re.compile(r"#\s+Samples: \d+\S? of event '([^']+)'") # We expect lines like: # N.NN% command samples shared_object [location] symbol # # Note that we're looking at stripped lines, so there is no space at the # start. perf_regex = re.compile(r'^(\d+(?:.\d*)?)%' # N.NN% r'\s*\d+' # samples count (ignored) r'\s*\S+' # command (ignored) r'\s*\S+' # shared_object (ignored) r'\s*\[.\]' # location (ignored) r'\s*(\S.+)' # function ) stripped_lines = (l.strip() for l in report_data) nonempty_lines = (l for l in stripped_lines if l) # Ignore all lines before we see samples_regex interesting_lines = itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: not samples_regex.match(x), nonempty_lines) first_sample_line = next(interesting_lines, None) # Went through the entire file without finding a 'samples' header. Quit. if first_sample_line is None: return {} sample_name = samples_regex.match(first_sample_line).group(1) current_result = {} results = {sample_name: current_result} for line in interesting_lines: samples_match = samples_regex.match(line) if samples_match: sample_name = samples_match.group(1) current_result = {} results[sample_name] = current_result continue match = perf_regex.match(line) if not match: continue percentage_str, func_name = match.groups() try: percentage = float(percentage_str) except ValueError: # Couldn't parse it; try to be "resilient". continue current_result[func_name] = percentage return results def _ReadExperimentPerfReport(results_directory, label_name, benchmark_name, benchmark_iteration): """Reads a perf report for the given benchmark. Returns {} on failure. The result should be a map of maps; it should look like: {perf_event_name: {function_name: pct_time_spent}}, e.g. {'cpu_cycles': {'_malloc': 10.0, '_free': 0.3, ...}} """ raw_dir_name = label_name + benchmark_name + str(benchmark_iteration + 1) dir_name = ''.join(c for c in raw_dir_name if c.isalnum()) file_name = os.path.join(results_directory, dir_name, 'perf.data.report.0') try: with open(file_name) as in_file: return ParseStandardPerfReport(in_file) except IOError: # Yes, we swallow any IO-related errors. return {} # Split out so that testing (specifically: mocking) is easier def _ExperimentToKeyvals(experiment, for_json_report): """Converts an experiment to keyvals.""" return OrganizeResults(experiment.benchmark_runs, experiment.labels, json_report=for_json_report) class BenchmarkResults(object): """The minimum set of fields that any ResultsReport will take.""" def __init__(self, label_names, benchmark_names_and_iterations, run_keyvals, read_perf_report=None): if read_perf_report is None: def _NoPerfReport(*_args, **_kwargs): return {} read_perf_report = _NoPerfReport self.label_names = label_names self.benchmark_names_and_iterations = benchmark_names_and_iterations self.iter_counts = dict(benchmark_names_and_iterations) self.run_keyvals = run_keyvals self.read_perf_report = read_perf_report @staticmethod def FromExperiment(experiment, for_json_report=False): label_names = [label.name for label in experiment.labels] benchmark_names_and_iterations = [(benchmark.name, benchmark.iterations) for benchmark in experiment.benchmarks] run_keyvals = _ExperimentToKeyvals(experiment, for_json_report) read_perf_report = functools.partial(_ReadExperimentPerfReport, experiment.results_directory) return BenchmarkResults(label_names, benchmark_names_and_iterations, run_keyvals, read_perf_report) def _GetElemByName(name, from_list): """Gets an element from the given list by its name field. Raises an error if it doesn't find exactly one match. """ elems = [e for e in from_list if e.name == name] if len(elems) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected 1 item named %s, found %d' % (name, len(elems))) return elems[0] def _Unlist(l): """If l is a list, extracts the first element of l. Otherwise, returns l.""" return l[0] if isinstance(l, list) else l class JSONResultsReport(ResultsReport): """Class that generates JSON reports for experiments.""" def __init__(self, benchmark_results, date=None, time=None, experiment=None, json_args=None): """Construct a JSONResultsReport. json_args is the dict of arguments we pass to json.dumps in GetReport(). """ super(JSONResultsReport, self).__init__(benchmark_results) defaults = TelemetryDefaults() defaults.ReadDefaultsFile() summary_field_defaults = defaults.GetDefault() if summary_field_defaults is None: summary_field_defaults = {} self.summary_field_defaults = summary_field_defaults if json_args is None: json_args = {} self.json_args = json_args self.experiment = experiment if not date: timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') date, time = timestamp.split(' ') self.date = date self.time = time @staticmethod def FromExperiment(experiment, date=None, time=None, json_args=None): benchmark_results = BenchmarkResults.FromExperiment(experiment, for_json_report=True) return JSONResultsReport(benchmark_results, date, time, experiment, json_args) def GetReportObjectIgnoringExperiment(self): """Gets the JSON report object specifically for the output data. Ignores any experiment-specific fields (e.g. board, machine checksum, ...). """ benchmark_results = self.benchmark_results label_names = benchmark_results.label_names summary_field_defaults = self.summary_field_defaults final_results = [] for test, test_results in benchmark_results.run_keyvals.iteritems(): for label_name, label_results in zip(label_names, test_results): for iter_results in label_results: passed = iter_results.get('retval') == 0 json_results = { 'date': self.date, 'time': self.time, 'label': label_name, 'test_name': test, 'pass': passed, } final_results.append(json_results) if not passed: continue # Get overall results. summary_fields = summary_field_defaults.get(test) if summary_fields is not None: value = [] json_results['overall_result'] = value for f in summary_fields: v = iter_results.get(f) if v is None: continue # New telemetry results format: sometimes we get a list of lists # now. v = _Unlist(_Unlist(v)) value.append((f, float(v))) # Get detailed results. detail_results = {} json_results['detailed_results'] = detail_results for k, v in iter_results.iteritems(): if k == 'retval' or k == 'PASS' or k == ['PASS']: continue v = _Unlist(v) if 'machine' in k: json_results[k] = v elif v is not None: if isinstance(v, list): detail_results[k] = [float(d) for d in v] else: detail_results[k] = float(v) return final_results def GetReportObject(self): """Generate the JSON report, returning it as a python object.""" report_list = self.GetReportObjectIgnoringExperiment() if self.experiment is not None: self._AddExperimentSpecificFields(report_list) return report_list def _AddExperimentSpecificFields(self, report_list): """Add experiment-specific data to the JSON report.""" board = self.experiment.labels[0].board manager = self.experiment.machine_manager for report in report_list: label_name = report['label'] label = _GetElemByName(label_name, self.experiment.labels) img_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(label.chromeos_image)) ver, img = ParseChromeosImage(img_path) report.update({ 'board': board, 'chromeos_image': img, 'chromeos_version': ver, 'chrome_version': label.chrome_version, 'compiler': label.compiler }) if not report['pass']: continue if 'machine_checksum' not in report: report['machine_checksum'] = manager.machine_checksum[label_name] if 'machine_string' not in report: report['machine_string'] = manager.machine_checksum_string[label_name] def GetReport(self): """Dump the results of self.GetReportObject() to a string as JSON.""" # This exists for consistency with the other GetReport methods. # Specifically, they all return strings, so it's a bit awkward if the JSON # results reporter returns an object. return json.dumps(self.GetReportObject(), **self.json_args)