# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2013 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """SuiteRunner defines the interface from crosperf to test script.""" import contextlib import json import os from pathlib import Path import pipes import random import shlex import subprocess import time from cros_utils import command_executer # sshwatcher path, relative to ChromiumOS source root. SSHWATCHER = "src/platform/dev/contrib/sshwatcher/sshwatcher.go" TEST_THAT_PATH = "/usr/bin/test_that" TAST_PATH = "/usr/bin/tast" CROSFLEET_PATH = "crosfleet" GS_UTIL = "src/chromium/depot_tools/gsutil.py" AUTOTEST_DIR = "/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/autotest/files" CHROME_MOUNT_DIR = "/tmp/chrome_root" def GetProfilerArgs(profiler_args): # Remove "--" from in front of profiler args. args_list = shlex.split(profiler_args) new_list = [] for arg in args_list: if arg[0:2] == "--": arg = arg[2:] new_list.append(arg) args_list = new_list # Remove "perf_options=" from middle of profiler args. new_list = [] for arg in args_list: idx = arg.find("perf_options=") if idx != -1: prefix = arg[0:idx] suffix = arg[idx + len("perf_options=") + 1 : -1] new_arg = prefix + "'" + suffix + "'" new_list.append(new_arg) else: new_list.append(arg) args_list = new_list return " ".join(args_list) def GetDutConfigArgs(dut_config): return f"dut_config={pipes.quote(json.dumps(dut_config))}" @contextlib.contextmanager def ssh_tunnel(sshwatcher: "os.PathLike", machinename: str) -> str: """Context manager that forwards a TCP port over SSH while active. This class is used to set up port forwarding before entering the chroot, so that the forwarded port can be used from inside the chroot. Args: sshwatcher: Path to sshwatcher.go machinename: Hostname of the machine to connect to. Returns: host:port string that can be passed to tast """ # We have to tell sshwatcher which port we want to use. # We pick a port that is likely to be available. port = random.randrange(4096, 32768) cmd = ["go", "run", str(sshwatcher), machinename, str(port)] # Pylint wants us to use subprocess.Popen as a context manager, # but we don't, so that we can ask sshwatcher to terminate and # limit the time we wait for it to do so. # pylint: disable=consider-using-with proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: # sshwatcher takes a few seconds before it binds to the port, # presumably due to SSH handshaking taking a while. # Give it 12 seconds before we ask the client to connect. time.sleep(12) yield f"localhost:{port}" finally: proc.terminate() proc.wait(timeout=5) class SuiteRunner(object): """This defines the interface from crosperf to test script.""" def __init__( self, dut_config, logger_to_use=None, log_level="verbose", cmd_exec=None, cmd_term=None, ): self.logger = logger_to_use self.log_level = log_level self._ce = cmd_exec or command_executer.GetCommandExecuter( self.logger, log_level=self.log_level ) # DUT command executer. # Will be initialized and used within Run. self._ct = cmd_term or command_executer.CommandTerminator() self.dut_config = dut_config def Run(self, cros_machine, label, benchmark, test_args, profiler_args): machine_name = cros_machine.name for i in range(0, benchmark.retries + 1): if label.crosfleet: ret_tup = self.Crosfleet_Run( label, benchmark, test_args, profiler_args ) else: if benchmark.suite == "tast": with ssh_tunnel( Path(label.chromeos_root, SSHWATCHER), machine_name ) as hostport: ret_tup = self.Tast_Run(hostport, label, benchmark) else: ret_tup = self.Test_That_Run( machine_name, label, benchmark, test_args, profiler_args ) if ret_tup[0] != 0: self.logger.LogOutput( "benchmark %s failed. Retries left: %s" % (benchmark.name, benchmark.retries - i) ) elif i > 0: self.logger.LogOutput( "benchmark %s succeded after %s retries" % (benchmark.name, i) ) break else: self.logger.LogOutput( "benchmark %s succeded on first try" % benchmark.name ) break return ret_tup def RemoveTelemetryTempFile(self, machine, chromeos_root): filename = "telemetry@%s" % machine fullname = os.path.join(chromeos_root, "chroot", "tmp", filename) if os.path.exists(fullname): os.remove(fullname) def GenTestArgs(self, benchmark, test_args, profiler_args): args_list = [] if benchmark.suite != "telemetry_Crosperf" and profiler_args: self.logger.LogFatal( "Tests other than telemetry_Crosperf do not " "support profiler." ) if test_args: # Strip double quotes off args (so we can wrap them in single # quotes, to pass through to Telemetry). if test_args[0] == '"' and test_args[-1] == '"': test_args = test_args[1:-1] args_list.append("test_args='%s'" % test_args) args_list.append(GetDutConfigArgs(self.dut_config)) if not ( benchmark.suite == "telemetry_Crosperf" or benchmark.suite == "crosperf_Wrapper" ): self.logger.LogWarning( "Please make sure the server test has stage for " "device setup.\n" ) else: args_list.append("test=%s" % benchmark.test_name) if benchmark.suite == "telemetry_Crosperf": args_list.append("run_local=%s" % benchmark.run_local) args_list.append(GetProfilerArgs(profiler_args)) return args_list # TODO(zhizhouy): Currently do not support passing arguments or running # customized tast tests, as we do not have such requirements. def Tast_Run(self, machine, label, benchmark): # Remove existing tast results command = "rm -rf /usr/local/autotest/results/*" self._ce.CrosRunCommand( command, machine=machine, chromeos_root=label.chromeos_root ) command = " ".join( [TAST_PATH, "run", "-build=False", machine, benchmark.test_name] ) if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Running test.") self.logger.LogOutput("CMD: %s" % command) return self._ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput( label.chromeos_root, command, command_terminator=self._ct ) def Test_That_Run( self, machine, label, benchmark, test_args, profiler_args ): """Run the test_that test..""" # Remove existing test_that results command = "rm -rf /usr/local/autotest/results/*" self._ce.CrosRunCommand( command, machine=machine, chromeos_root=label.chromeos_root ) if benchmark.suite == "telemetry_Crosperf": if not os.path.isdir(label.chrome_src): self.logger.LogFatal( "Cannot find chrome src dir to " "run telemetry: %s" % label.chrome_src ) # Check for and remove temporary file that may have been left by # previous telemetry runs (and which might prevent this run from # working). self.RemoveTelemetryTempFile(machine, label.chromeos_root) # --autotest_dir specifies which autotest directory to use. autotest_dir_arg = "--autotest_dir=%s" % ( label.autotest_path if label.autotest_path else AUTOTEST_DIR ) # --fast avoids unnecessary copies of syslogs. fast_arg = "--fast" board_arg = "--board=%s" % label.board args_list = self.GenTestArgs(benchmark, test_args, profiler_args) args_arg = "--args=%s" % pipes.quote(" ".join(args_list)) command = " ".join( [ TEST_THAT_PATH, autotest_dir_arg, fast_arg, board_arg, args_arg, machine, benchmark.suite if ( benchmark.suite == "telemetry_Crosperf" or benchmark.suite == "crosperf_Wrapper" ) else benchmark.test_name, ] ) # Use --no-ns-pid so that cros_sdk does not create a different # process namespace and we can kill process created easily by their # process group. chrome_root_options = ( f"--no-ns-pid " f"--chrome_root={label.chrome_src} --chrome_root_mount={CHROME_MOUNT_DIR} " f'FEATURES="-usersandbox" ' f"CHROME_ROOT={CHROME_MOUNT_DIR}" ) if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Running test.") self.logger.LogOutput("CMD: %s" % command) return self._ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput( label.chromeos_root, command, command_terminator=self._ct, cros_sdk_options=chrome_root_options, ) def DownloadResult(self, label, task_id): gsutil_cmd = os.path.join(label.chromeos_root, GS_UTIL) result_dir = "gs://chromeos-autotest-results/swarming-%s" % task_id download_path = os.path.join(label.chromeos_root, "chroot/tmp") ls_command = "%s ls %s" % ( gsutil_cmd, os.path.join(result_dir, "autoserv_test"), ) cp_command = "%s -mq cp -r %s %s" % ( gsutil_cmd, result_dir, download_path, ) # Server sometimes will not be able to generate the result directory right # after the test. Will try to access this gs location every 60s for # RETRY_LIMIT mins. t = 0 RETRY_LIMIT = 10 while t < RETRY_LIMIT: t += 1 status = self._ce.RunCommand(ls_command, print_to_console=False) if status == 0: break if t < RETRY_LIMIT: self.logger.LogOutput( "Result directory not generated yet, " "retry (%d) in 60s." % t ) time.sleep(60) else: self.logger.LogOutput( "No result directory for task %s" % task_id ) return status # Wait for 60s to make sure server finished writing to gs location. time.sleep(60) status = self._ce.RunCommand(cp_command) if status != 0: self.logger.LogOutput( "Cannot download results from task %s" % task_id ) else: self.logger.LogOutput("Result downloaded for task %s" % task_id) return status def Crosfleet_Run(self, label, benchmark, test_args, profiler_args): """Run the test via crosfleet..""" options = [] if label.board: options.append("-board=%s" % label.board) if label.build: options.append("-image=%s" % label.build) # TODO: now only put toolchain pool here, user need to be able to specify # which pool to use. Need to request feature to not use this option at all. options.append("-pool=toolchain") args_list = self.GenTestArgs(benchmark, test_args, profiler_args) options.append("-test-args=%s" % pipes.quote(" ".join(args_list))) dimensions = [] for dut in label.remote: dimensions.append("-dim dut_name:%s" % dut.rstrip(".cros")) command = ("%s create-test %s %s %s") % ( CROSFLEET_PATH, " ".join(dimensions), " ".join(options), benchmark.suite if ( benchmark.suite == "telemetry_Crosperf" or benchmark.suite == "crosperf_Wrapper" ) else benchmark.test_name, ) if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Starting crosfleet test.") self.logger.LogOutput("CMD: %s" % command) ret_tup = self._ce.RunCommandWOutput( command, command_terminator=self._ct ) if ret_tup[0] != 0: self.logger.LogOutput("Crosfleet test not created successfully.") return ret_tup # Std output of the command will look like: # Created request at https://ci.chromium.org/../cros_test_platform/b12345 # We want to parse it and get the id number of the task, which is the # number in the very end of the link address. task_id = ret_tup[1].strip().split("b")[-1] command = "crosfleet wait-task %s" % task_id if self.log_level != "verbose": self.logger.LogOutput("Waiting for crosfleet test to finish.") self.logger.LogOutput("CMD: %s" % command) ret_tup = self._ce.RunCommandWOutput( command, command_terminator=self._ct ) # The output of `wait-task` command will be a combination of verbose and a # json format result in the end. The json result looks like this: # {"task-result": # {"name":"Test Platform Invocation", # "state":"", "failure":false, "success":true, # "task-run-id":"12345", # "task-run-url":"https://ci.chromium.org/.../cros_test_platform/b12345", # "task-logs-url":"" # }, # "stdout":"", # "child-results": # [{"name":"graphics_WebGLAquarium", # "state":"", "failure":false, "success":true, "task-run-id":"", # "task-run-url":"https://chromeos-swarming.appspot.com/task?id=1234", # "task-logs-url":"https://stainless.corp.google.com/1234/"} # ] # } # We need the task id of the child-results to download result. output = json.loads(ret_tup[1].split("\n")[-1]) output = output["child-results"][0] if output["success"]: task_id = output["task-run-url"].split("=")[-1] if self.DownloadResult(label, task_id) == 0: result_dir = "\nResults placed in tmp/swarming-%s\n" % task_id return (ret_tup[0], result_dir, ret_tup[2]) return ret_tup def CommandTerminator(self): return self._ct def Terminate(self): self._ct.Terminate() class MockSuiteRunner(object): """Mock suite runner for test.""" def __init__(self): self._true = True def Run(self, *_args): if self._true: return [0, "", ""] else: return [0, "", ""]