#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Script to image a ChromeOS device. This script images a remote ChromeOS device with a specific image." """ from __future__ import print_function __author__ = 'asharif@google.com (Ahmad Sharif)' import argparse import filecmp import getpass import glob import os import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import time from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import locks from cros_utils import logger from cros_utils import misc from cros_utils.file_utils import FileUtils checksum_file = '/usr/local/osimage_checksum_file' lock_file = '/tmp/image_chromeos_lock/image_chromeos_lock' def Usage(parser, message): print('ERROR: %s' % message) parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) def CheckForCrosFlash(chromeos_root, remote, log_level): cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) # Check to see if remote machine has cherrypy, ctypes command = "python -c 'import cherrypy, ctypes'" ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand( command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote) logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf( ret == 255, 'Failed ssh to %s (for checking cherrypy)' % remote) logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf( ret != 0, "Failed to find cherrypy or ctypes on remote '{}', " 'cros flash cannot work.'.format(remote)) def DisableCrosBeeps(chromeos_root, remote, log_level): """Disable annoying chromebooks beeps after reboots.""" cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) command = '/usr/share/vboot/bin/set_gbb_flags.sh 0x1' logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Trying to disable beeping.') ret, o, _ = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommandWOutput( command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote) if ret != 0: logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(o) logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Failed to disable beeps.') def FindChromeOSImage(image_file, chromeos_root): """Find path for ChromeOS image inside chroot. This function could be called with image paths that are either inside or outside the chroot. In either case the path needs to be translated to an real/absolute path inside the chroot. Example input paths: /usr/local/google/home/uname/chromeos/chroot/tmp/my-test-images/image ~/trunk/src/build/images/board/latest/image /tmp/peppy-release/R67-1235.0.0/image Corresponding example output paths: /tmp/my-test-images/image /home/uname/trunk/src/build/images/board/latest/image /tmp/peppy-release/R67-1235.0,0/image """ # Get the name of the user, for "/home/" part of the path. whoami = getpass.getuser() # Get the full path for the chroot dir, including 'chroot' real_chroot_dir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(chromeos_root), 'chroot') # Get the full path for the chromeos root, excluding 'chroot' real_chromeos_root = os.path.realpath(chromeos_root) # If path name starts with real_chroot_dir, remove that piece, but assume # the rest of the path is correct. if image_file.find(real_chroot_dir) != -1: chroot_image = image_file[len(real_chroot_dir):] # If path name starts with chromeos_root, excluding 'chroot', replace the # chromeos_root with the prefix: '/home//trunk'. elif image_file.find(real_chromeos_root) != -1: chroot_image = image_file[len(real_chromeos_root):] chroot_image = '/home/%s/trunk%s' % (whoami, chroot_image) # Else assume the path is already internal, so leave it alone. else: chroot_image = image_file return chroot_image def DoImage(argv): """Image ChromeOS.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-c', '--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root', help='Target directory for ChromeOS installation.') parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote', dest='remote', help='Target device.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', dest='image', help='Image binary file.') parser.add_argument( '-b', '--board', dest='board', help='Target board override.') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force an image even if it is non-test.') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--no_lock', dest='no_lock', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not attempt to lock remote before imaging. ' 'This option should only be used in cases where the ' 'exclusive lock has already been acquired (e.g. in ' 'a script that calls this one).') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--logging_level', dest='log_level', default='verbose', help='Amount of logging to be used. Valid levels are ' "'quiet', 'average', and 'verbose'.") parser.add_argument('-a', '--image_args', dest='image_args') options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if not options.log_level in command_executer.LOG_LEVEL: Usage(parser, "--logging_level must be 'quiet', 'average' or 'verbose'") else: log_level = options.log_level # Common initializations cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) l = logger.GetLogger() if options.chromeos_root is None: Usage(parser, '--chromeos_root must be set') if options.remote is None: Usage(parser, '--remote must be set') options.chromeos_root = os.path.expanduser(options.chromeos_root) if options.board is None: board = cmd_executer.CrosLearnBoard(options.chromeos_root, options.remote) else: board = options.board if options.image is None: images_dir = misc.GetImageDir(options.chromeos_root, board) image = os.path.join(images_dir, 'latest', 'chromiumos_test_image.bin') if not os.path.exists(image): image = os.path.join(images_dir, 'latest', 'chromiumos_image.bin') is_xbuddy_image = False else: image = options.image is_xbuddy_image = image.startswith('xbuddy://') if not is_xbuddy_image: image = os.path.expanduser(image) if not is_xbuddy_image: image = os.path.realpath(image) if not os.path.exists(image) and not is_xbuddy_image: Usage(parser, 'Image file: ' + image + ' does not exist!') try: should_unlock = False if not options.no_lock: try: _ = locks.AcquireLock( list(options.remote.split()), options.chromeos_root) should_unlock = True except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError('Error acquiring machine: %s' % str(e)) reimage = False local_image = False if not is_xbuddy_image: local_image = True image_checksum = FileUtils().Md5File(image, log_level=log_level) command = 'cat ' + checksum_file ret, device_checksum, _ = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommandWOutput( command, chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root, machine=options.remote) device_checksum = device_checksum.strip() image_checksum = str(image_checksum) l.LogOutput('Image checksum: ' + image_checksum) l.LogOutput('Device checksum: ' + device_checksum) if image_checksum != device_checksum: [found, located_image] = LocateOrCopyImage( options.chromeos_root, image, board=board) reimage = True l.LogOutput('Checksums do not match. Re-imaging...') chroot_image = FindChromeOSImage(located_image, options.chromeos_root) is_test_image = IsImageModdedForTest(options.chromeos_root, chroot_image, log_level) if not is_test_image and not options.force: logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Have to pass --force to image a ' 'non-test image!') else: reimage = True found = True l.LogOutput('Using non-local image; Re-imaging...') if reimage: # If the device has /tmp mounted as noexec, image_to_live.sh can fail. command = 'mount -o remount,rw,exec /tmp' cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand( command, chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root, machine=options.remote) # Check to see if cros flash will work for the remote machine. CheckForCrosFlash(options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level) # Disable the annoying chromebook beeps after reboot. DisableCrosBeeps(options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level) cros_flash_args = [ 'cros', 'flash', '--board=%s' % board, '--clobber-stateful', options.remote ] if local_image: cros_flash_args.append(chroot_image) else: cros_flash_args.append(image) command = ' '.join(cros_flash_args) # Workaround for crosbug.com/35684. os.chmod(misc.GetChromeOSKeyFile(options.chromeos_root), 0600) if log_level == 'average': cmd_executer.SetLogLevel('verbose') retries = 0 while True: if log_level == 'quiet': l.LogOutput('CMD : %s' % command) ret = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommand( options.chromeos_root, command, command_timeout=1800) if ret == 0 or retries >= 2: break retries += 1 if log_level == 'quiet': l.LogOutput('Imaging failed. Retry # %d.' % retries) if log_level == 'average': cmd_executer.SetLogLevel(log_level) logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(ret, 'Image command failed') # Unfortunately cros_image_to_target.py sometimes returns early when the # machine isn't fully up yet. ret = EnsureMachineUp(options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level) # If this is a non-local image, then the ret returned from # EnsureMachineUp is the one that will be returned by this function; # in that case, make sure the value in 'ret' is appropriate. if not local_image and ret is True: ret = 0 else: ret = 1 if local_image: if log_level == 'average': l.LogOutput('Verifying image.') command = 'echo %s > %s && chmod -w %s' % (image_checksum, checksum_file, checksum_file) ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand( command, chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root, machine=options.remote) logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(ret, 'Writing checksum failed.') successfully_imaged = VerifyChromeChecksum( options.chromeos_root, chroot_image, options.remote, log_level) logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(not successfully_imaged, 'Image verification failed!') TryRemountPartitionAsRW(options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level) if found is False: temp_dir = os.path.dirname(located_image) l.LogOutput('Deleting temp image dir: %s' % temp_dir) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) else: l.LogOutput('Checksums match. Skipping reimage, doing a reboot.') command = 'reboot && exit' _ = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand( command, chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root, machine=options.remote) # Wait 30s after reboot. time.sleep(30) return ret finally: if should_unlock: locks.ReleaseLock(list(options.remote.split()), options.chromeos_root) def LocateOrCopyImage(chromeos_root, image, board=None): l = logger.GetLogger() if board is None: board_glob = '*' else: board_glob = board chromeos_root_realpath = os.path.realpath(chromeos_root) image = os.path.realpath(image) if image.startswith('%s/' % chromeos_root_realpath): return [True, image] # First search within the existing build dirs for any matching files. images_glob = ( '%s/src/build/images/%s/*/*.bin' % (chromeos_root_realpath, board_glob)) images_list = glob.glob(images_glob) for potential_image in images_list: if filecmp.cmp(potential_image, image): l.LogOutput('Found matching image %s in chromeos_root.' % potential_image) return [True, potential_image] # We did not find an image. Copy it in the src dir and return the copied # file. if board is None: board = '' base_dir = ('%s/src/build/images/%s' % (chromeos_root_realpath, board)) if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.makedirs(base_dir) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s/tmp' % base_dir) new_image = '%s/%s' % (temp_dir, os.path.basename(image)) l.LogOutput('No matching image found. Copying %s to %s' % (image, new_image)) shutil.copyfile(image, new_image) return [False, new_image] def GetImageMountCommand(image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp): image_dir = os.path.dirname(image) image_file = os.path.basename(image) mount_command = ('cd ~/trunk/src/scripts &&' './mount_gpt_image.sh --from=%s --image=%s' ' --safe --read_only' ' --rootfs_mountpt=%s' ' --stateful_mountpt=%s' % (image_dir, image_file, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp)) return mount_command def MountImage(chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, unmount=False, extra_commands=''): cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) command = GetImageMountCommand(image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp) if unmount: command = '%s --unmount' % command if extra_commands: command = '%s ; %s' % (command, extra_commands) ret, out, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root, command) logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(ret, 'Mount/unmount command failed!') return out def IsImageModdedForTest(chromeos_root, image, log_level): if log_level != 'verbose': log_level = 'quiet' command = 'mktemp -d' cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) _, rootfs_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root, command) _, stateful_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput( chromeos_root, command) rootfs_mp = rootfs_mp.strip() stateful_mp = stateful_mp.strip() lsb_release_file = os.path.join(rootfs_mp, 'etc/lsb-release') extra = ('grep CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK %s | grep -i test' % lsb_release_file) output = MountImage( chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, extra_commands=extra) is_test_image = re.search('test', output, re.IGNORECASE) MountImage( chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, unmount=True) return is_test_image def VerifyChromeChecksum(chromeos_root, image, remote, log_level): command = 'mktemp -d' cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) _, rootfs_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root, command) _, stateful_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput( chromeos_root, command) rootfs_mp = rootfs_mp.strip() stateful_mp = stateful_mp.strip() chrome_file = '%s/opt/google/chrome/chrome' % rootfs_mp extra = 'md5sum %s' % chrome_file out = MountImage( chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, extra_commands=extra) image_chrome_checksum = out.strip().split()[0] MountImage( chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, unmount=True) command = 'md5sum /opt/google/chrome/chrome' [_, o, _] = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommandWOutput( command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote) device_chrome_checksum = o.split()[0] return image_chrome_checksum.strip() == device_chrome_checksum.strip() # Remount partition as writable. # TODO: auto-detect if an image is built using --noenable_rootfs_verification. def TryRemountPartitionAsRW(chromeos_root, remote, log_level): l = logger.GetLogger() cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) command = 'sudo mount -o remount,rw /' ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(\ command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote, terminated_timeout=10) if ret: ## Safely ignore. l.LogWarning('Failed to remount partition as rw, ' 'probably the image was not built with ' "\"--noenable_rootfs_verification\", " 'you can safely ignore this.') else: l.LogOutput('Re-mounted partition as writable.') def EnsureMachineUp(chromeos_root, remote, log_level): l = logger.GetLogger() cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level) timeout = 600 magic = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' command = 'echo %s' % magic start_time = time.time() while True: current_time = time.time() if current_time - start_time > timeout: l.LogError( 'Timeout of %ss reached. Machine still not up. Aborting.' % timeout) return False ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand( command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote) if not ret: return True if __name__ == '__main__': retval = DoImage(sys.argv) sys.exit(retval)