#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This script takes an existing llvm ebuild file and generate a llvm-extra # ebuild. The newly generated llvm-extra ebuild can be installed as a regular # host package. # The new ebuild should be generated in sys-devel/llvm-extra directory. # The script also copies all the files from files/ directory. # The generated llvm-extra ebuild is slotted so multiple instances of # llvm-extra ebuilds can be installed at same time. # The slot is derived based on the _pre string in the llvm ebuild name. # e.g. For llvm-7.0_pre331547_p20180529-r8.ebuild, the slot will be # 7.0_pre331547. # # Usage: # ./create_llvm_extra.sh /path/to/llvm-7.0_pre331547_p20180529-r8.ebuild # # To use the clang installed by llvm-extra, modify the CFLAGS and # LDFLAGS of a pckage to pass the patch of the clang binary installed by # the llvm-extra package. # e.g. append-flags -Xclang-path=/usr/llvm-extra/version/clang # append-ldflags -Xclang-path=/usr/llvm-extra/version/clang # SCRIPT_DIR=$(realpath $(dirname "$0")) function check_cmd() { if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Exactly 1 argument expected" echo "Usage $0 " exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f "$1" ]]; then echo "$1 is not a file" exit 1; fi } function create_llvm_extra_ebuild() { EBUILD_PREFIX=llvm-extra EBUILD_DIR=$(dirname "$1") EBUILD_FILE_NAME=$(basename "$1") NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME="${EBUILD_FILE_NAME/llvm/$EBUILD_PREFIX}" NEW_EBUILD_FILENAME_NO_EXT="${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME%.*}" NEW_EBUILD_DIR="${EBUILD_DIR}/../${EBUILD_PREFIX}" NEW_EBUILD_PV="${NEW_EBUILD_FILENAME_NO_EXT#"$EBUILD_PREFIX-"}" NEW_EBUILD_SLOT="${NEW_EBUILD_PV%%_p[[:digit:]]*}" mkdir -p "${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}" if [[ -d "${EBUILD_DIR}/files" ]]; then cp -rf "${EBUILD_DIR}/files" "${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}" fi if [[ -f "${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}/${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME}" ]]; then echo "Removing existing ebuild file ${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME}" rm -f "${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}/${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME}" fi # Generate the llvm-extra ebuild file. "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/create_ebuild_file.py "$1" "${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}/${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Creation of ${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}/${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME} failed" exit 1 fi echo "***" echo "***" echo "${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}/${NEW_EBUILD_FILE_NAME} has been created." echo "***" echo "Test if it builds by running \$ sudo emerge ${EBUILD_PREFIX}:${NEW_EBUILD_SLOT}" echo "***" echo "If it works, Go ahead and submit the newly generated ebuild"\ "and any other files in ${NEW_EBUILD_DIR}." echo "***" echo "Don't forget to add sys-devel/${EBUILD_PREFIX}:${NEW_EBUILD_SLOT} to"\ "the dependencies in virtual/target-chromium-os-sdk ebuild." echo "***" echo "***" } set -e # Sanity checks. check_cmd "${@}" # Create llvm-extra ebuild. create_llvm_extra_ebuild "${@}"