#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Chroot helper functions.""" from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess import collections CommitContents = collections.namedtuple('CommitContents', ['url', 'cl_number']) def InChroot(): """Returns True if currently in the chroot.""" return 'CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT' in os.environ def VerifyOutsideChroot(): """Checks whether the script invoked was executed in the chroot. Raises: AssertionError: The script was run inside the chroot. """ assert not InChroot(), 'Script should be run outside the chroot.' def GetChrootEbuildPaths(chromeos_root, packages): """Gets the chroot path(s) of the package(s). Args: chromeos_root: The absolute path to the chroot to use for executing chroot commands. packages: A list of a package/packages to be used to find their chroot path. Returns: A list of chroot paths of the packages' ebuild files. Raises: ValueError: Failed to get the chroot path of a package. """ chroot_paths = [] # Find the chroot path for each package's ebuild. for package in sorted(set(packages)): chroot_path = subprocess.check_output( ['cros_sdk', '--', 'equery', 'w', package], cwd=chromeos_root, encoding='utf-8') chroot_paths.append(chroot_path.strip()) return chroot_paths def ConvertChrootPathsToAbsolutePaths(chromeos_root, chroot_paths): """Converts the chroot path(s) to absolute symlink path(s). Args: chromeos_root: The absolute path to the chroot. chroot_paths: A list of chroot paths to convert to absolute paths. Returns: A list of absolute path(s). Raises: ValueError: Invalid prefix for the chroot path or invalid chroot paths were provided. """ abs_paths = [] chroot_prefix = '/mnt/host/source/' # Iterate through the chroot paths. # # For each chroot file path, remove '/mnt/host/source/' prefix # and combine the chroot path with the result and add it to the list. for chroot_path in chroot_paths: if not chroot_path.startswith(chroot_prefix): raise ValueError('Invalid prefix for the chroot path: %s' % chroot_path) rel_path = chroot_path[len(chroot_prefix):] # combine the chromeos root path + '/src/...' abs_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, rel_path) abs_paths.append(abs_path) return abs_paths