#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Checks for new reverts in LLVM on a nightly basis. If any reverts are found that were previously unknown, this cherry-picks them or fires off an email. All LLVM SHAs to monitor are autodetected. """ import argparse import io import json import logging import os import pprint import subprocess import sys import typing as t import cros_utils.email_sender as email_sender import cros_utils.tiny_render as tiny_render import get_llvm_hash import get_upstream_patch import git_llvm_rev import revert_checker State = t.Any def _find_interesting_android_shas( android_llvm_toolchain_dir: str, ) -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]: llvm_project = os.path.join( android_llvm_toolchain_dir, "toolchain/llvm-project" ) def get_llvm_merge_base(branch: str) -> str: head_sha = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", branch], cwd=llvm_project, encoding="utf-8", ).strip() merge_base = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "merge-base", branch, "aosp/upstream-main"], cwd=llvm_project, encoding="utf-8", ).strip() logging.info( "Merge-base for %s (HEAD == %s) and upstream-main is %s", branch, head_sha, merge_base, ) return merge_base main_legacy = get_llvm_merge_base("aosp/master-legacy") # nocheck testing_upstream = get_llvm_merge_base("aosp/testing-upstream") result = [("main-legacy", main_legacy)] # If these are the same SHA, there's no point in tracking both. if main_legacy != testing_upstream: result.append(("testing-upstream", testing_upstream)) else: logging.info( "main-legacy and testing-upstream are identical; ignoring " "the latter." ) return result def _parse_llvm_ebuild_for_shas( ebuild_file: io.TextIOWrapper, ) -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]: def parse_ebuild_assignment(line: str) -> str: no_comments = line.split("#")[0] no_assign = no_comments.split("=", 1)[1].strip() assert no_assign.startswith('"') and no_assign.endswith('"'), no_assign return no_assign[1:-1] llvm_hash, llvm_next_hash = None, None for line in ebuild_file: if line.startswith("LLVM_HASH="): llvm_hash = parse_ebuild_assignment(line) if llvm_next_hash: break if line.startswith("LLVM_NEXT_HASH"): llvm_next_hash = parse_ebuild_assignment(line) if llvm_hash: break if not llvm_next_hash or not llvm_hash: raise ValueError( "Failed to detect SHAs for llvm/llvm_next. Got: " "llvm=%s; llvm_next=%s" % (llvm_hash, llvm_next_hash) ) results = [("llvm", llvm_hash)] if llvm_next_hash != llvm_hash: results.append(("llvm-next", llvm_next_hash)) return results def _find_interesting_chromeos_shas( chromeos_base: str, ) -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]: llvm_dir = os.path.join( chromeos_base, "src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/sys-devel/llvm" ) candidate_ebuilds = [ os.path.join(llvm_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(llvm_dir) if "_pre" in x and not os.path.islink(os.path.join(llvm_dir, x)) ] if len(candidate_ebuilds) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected exactly one llvm ebuild candidate; got %s" % pprint.pformat(candidate_ebuilds) ) with open(candidate_ebuilds[0], encoding="utf-8") as f: return _parse_llvm_ebuild_for_shas(f) _Email = t.NamedTuple( "_Email", [ ("subject", str), ("body", tiny_render.Piece), ], ) def _generate_revert_email( repository_name: str, friendly_name: str, sha: str, prettify_sha: t.Callable[[str], tiny_render.Piece], get_sha_description: t.Callable[[str], tiny_render.Piece], new_reverts: t.List[revert_checker.Revert], ) -> _Email: email_pieces = [ "It looks like there may be %s across %s (" % ( "a new revert" if len(new_reverts) == 1 else "new reverts", friendly_name, ), prettify_sha(sha), ").", tiny_render.line_break, tiny_render.line_break, "That is:" if len(new_reverts) == 1 else "These are:", ] revert_listing = [] for revert in sorted(new_reverts, key=lambda r: r.sha): revert_listing.append( [ prettify_sha(revert.sha), " (appears to revert ", prettify_sha(revert.reverted_sha), "): ", get_sha_description(revert.sha), ] ) email_pieces.append(tiny_render.UnorderedList(items=revert_listing)) email_pieces += [ tiny_render.line_break, "PTAL and consider reverting them locally.", ] return _Email( subject="[revert-checker/%s] new %s discovered across %s" % ( repository_name, "revert" if len(new_reverts) == 1 else "reverts", friendly_name, ), body=email_pieces, ) _EmailRecipients = t.NamedTuple( "_EmailRecipients", [ ("well_known", t.List[str]), ("direct", t.List[str]), ], ) def _send_revert_email(recipients: _EmailRecipients, email: _Email) -> None: email_sender.EmailSender().SendX20Email( subject=email.subject, identifier="revert-checker", well_known_recipients=recipients.well_known, direct_recipients=["gbiv@google.com"] + recipients.direct, text_body=tiny_render.render_text_pieces(email.body), html_body=tiny_render.render_html_pieces(email.body), ) def _write_state(state_file: str, new_state: State) -> None: try: tmp_file = state_file + ".new" with open(tmp_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump( new_state, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(",", ": ") ) os.rename(tmp_file, state_file) except: try: os.remove(tmp_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass raise def _read_state(state_file: str) -> State: try: with open(state_file) as f: return json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: logging.info( "No state file found at %r; starting with an empty slate", state_file, ) return {} def find_shas( llvm_dir: str, interesting_shas: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]], state: State, new_state: State, ): for friendly_name, sha in interesting_shas: logging.info("Finding reverts across %s (%s)", friendly_name, sha) all_reverts = revert_checker.find_reverts( llvm_dir, sha, root="origin/" + git_llvm_rev.MAIN_BRANCH ) logging.info( "Detected the following revert(s) across %s:\n%s", friendly_name, pprint.pformat(all_reverts), ) new_state[sha] = [r.sha for r in all_reverts] if sha not in state: logging.info("SHA %s is new to me", sha) existing_reverts = set() else: existing_reverts = set(state[sha]) new_reverts = [r for r in all_reverts if r.sha not in existing_reverts] if not new_reverts: logging.info("...All of which have been reported.") continue yield (friendly_name, sha, new_reverts) def do_cherrypick( chroot_path: str, llvm_dir: str, interesting_shas: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]], state: State, reviewers: t.List[str], cc: t.List[str], ) -> State: new_state: State = {} seen: t.Set[str] = set() for friendly_name, _sha, reverts in find_shas( llvm_dir, interesting_shas, state, new_state ): if friendly_name in seen: continue seen.add(friendly_name) for sha, reverted_sha in reverts: try: # We upload reverts for all platforms by default, since there's no # real reason for them to be CrOS-specific. get_upstream_patch.get_from_upstream( chroot_path=chroot_path, create_cl=True, start_sha=reverted_sha, patches=[sha], reviewers=reviewers, cc=cc, platforms=(), ) except get_upstream_patch.CherrypickError as e: logging.info("%s, skipping...", str(e)) return new_state def do_email( is_dry_run: bool, llvm_dir: str, repository: str, interesting_shas: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]], state: State, recipients: _EmailRecipients, ) -> State: def prettify_sha(sha: str) -> tiny_render.Piece: rev = get_llvm_hash.GetVersionFrom(llvm_dir, sha) # 12 is arbitrary, but should be unambiguous enough. short_sha = sha[:12] return tiny_render.Switch( text=f"r{rev} ({short_sha})", html=tiny_render.Link( href="https://reviews.llvm.org/rG" + sha, inner="r" + str(rev) ), ) def get_sha_description(sha: str) -> tiny_render.Piece: return subprocess.check_output( ["git", "log", "-n1", "--format=%s", sha], cwd=llvm_dir, encoding="utf-8", ).strip() new_state: State = {} for friendly_name, sha, new_reverts in find_shas( llvm_dir, interesting_shas, state, new_state ): email = _generate_revert_email( repository, friendly_name, sha, prettify_sha, get_sha_description, new_reverts, ) if is_dry_run: logging.info( "Would send email:\nSubject: %s\nBody:\n%s\n", email.subject, tiny_render.render_text_pieces(email.body), ) else: logging.info("Sending email with subject %r...", email.subject) _send_revert_email(recipients, email) logging.info("Email sent.") return new_state def parse_args(argv: t.List[str]) -> t.Any: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["cherry-pick", "email", "dry-run"], help="Automatically cherry-pick upstream reverts, send an email, or " "write to stdout.", ) parser.add_argument( "--state_file", required=True, help="File to store persistent state in." ) parser.add_argument( "--llvm_dir", required=True, help="Up-to-date LLVM directory to use." ) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--reviewers", type=str, nargs="*", help="Requests reviews from REVIEWERS. All REVIEWERS must have existing " "accounts.", ) parser.add_argument( "--cc", type=str, nargs="*", help="CCs the CL to the recipients. All recipients must have existing " "accounts.", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="repository") subparsers.required = True chromeos_subparser = subparsers.add_parser("chromeos") chromeos_subparser.add_argument( "--chromeos_dir", required=True, help="Up-to-date CrOS directory to use.", ) android_subparser = subparsers.add_parser("android") android_subparser.add_argument( "--android_llvm_toolchain_dir", required=True, help="Up-to-date android-llvm-toolchain directory to use.", ) return parser.parse_args(argv) def find_chroot( opts: t.Any, reviewers: t.List[str], cc: t.List[str] ) -> t.Tuple[str, t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]], _EmailRecipients]: recipients = reviewers + cc if opts.repository == "chromeos": chroot_path = opts.chromeos_dir return ( chroot_path, _find_interesting_chromeos_shas(chroot_path), _EmailRecipients(well_known=["mage"], direct=recipients), ) elif opts.repository == "android": if opts.action == "cherry-pick": raise RuntimeError( "android doesn't currently support automatic cherry-picking." ) chroot_path = opts.android_llvm_toolchain_dir return ( chroot_path, _find_interesting_android_shas(chroot_path), _EmailRecipients( well_known=[], direct=["android-llvm-dev@google.com"] + recipients, ), ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown repository {opts.repository}") def main(argv: t.List[str]) -> int: opts = parse_args(argv) logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG if opts.debug else logging.INFO, ) action = opts.action llvm_dir = opts.llvm_dir repository = opts.repository state_file = opts.state_file reviewers = opts.reviewers if opts.reviewers else [] cc = opts.cc if opts.cc else [] chroot_path, interesting_shas, recipients = find_chroot(opts, reviewers, cc) logging.info("Interesting SHAs were %r", interesting_shas) state = _read_state(state_file) logging.info("Loaded state\n%s", pprint.pformat(state)) # We want to be as free of obvious side-effects as possible in case something # above breaks. Hence, action as late as possible. if action == "cherry-pick": new_state = do_cherrypick( chroot_path=chroot_path, llvm_dir=llvm_dir, interesting_shas=interesting_shas, state=state, reviewers=reviewers, cc=cc, ) else: new_state = do_email( is_dry_run=action == "dry-run", llvm_dir=llvm_dir, repository=repository, interesting_shas=interesting_shas, state=state, recipients=recipients, ) _write_state(state_file, new_state) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))