mod android_utils; mod patch_parsing; mod version_control; use std::borrow::ToOwned; use std::collections::BTreeSet; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use structopt::StructOpt; use patch_parsing::{filter_patches_by_platform, PatchCollection, PatchDictSchema}; use version_control::RepoSetupContext; fn main() -> Result<()> { match Opt::from_args() { Opt::Show { cros_checkout_path, android_checkout_path, sync, keep_unmerged, } => show_subcmd(ShowOpt { cros_checkout_path, android_checkout_path, sync, keep_unmerged, }), Opt::Transpose { cros_checkout_path, cros_reviewers, old_cros_ref, android_checkout_path, android_reviewers, old_android_ref, sync, verbose, dry_run, no_commit, wip, disable_cq, } => transpose_subcmd(TransposeOpt { cros_checkout_path, cros_reviewers: cros_reviewers .map(|r| r.split(',').map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect()) .unwrap_or_default(), old_cros_ref, android_checkout_path, android_reviewers: android_reviewers .map(|r| r.split(',').map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect()) .unwrap_or_default(), old_android_ref, sync, verbose, dry_run, no_commit, wip, disable_cq, }), } } struct ShowOpt { cros_checkout_path: PathBuf, android_checkout_path: PathBuf, keep_unmerged: bool, sync: bool, } fn show_subcmd(args: ShowOpt) -> Result<()> { let ShowOpt { cros_checkout_path, android_checkout_path, keep_unmerged, sync, } = args; let ctx = RepoSetupContext { cros_checkout: cros_checkout_path, android_checkout: android_checkout_path, sync_before: sync, wip_mode: true, // Has no effect, as we're not making changes enable_cq: false, // Has no effect, as we're not uploading anything }; ctx.setup()?; let make_collection = |platform: &str, patches_fp: &Path| -> Result { let parsed_collection = PatchCollection::parse_from_file(patches_fp) .with_context(|| format!("could not parse {} PATCHES.json", platform))?; Ok(if keep_unmerged { parsed_collection } else { filter_patches_by_platform(&parsed_collection, platform).map_patches(|p| { // Need to do this platforms creation as Rust 1.55 cannot use "from". let mut platforms = BTreeSet::new(); platforms.insert(platform.to_string()); PatchDictSchema { platforms, ..p.clone() } }) }) }; let cur_cros_collection = make_collection("chromiumos", &ctx.cros_patches_path())?; let cur_android_collection = make_collection("android", &ctx.android_patches_path())?; let merged = cur_cros_collection.union(&cur_android_collection)?; println!("{}", merged.serialize_patches()?); Ok(()) } struct TransposeOpt { cros_checkout_path: PathBuf, old_cros_ref: String, android_checkout_path: PathBuf, old_android_ref: String, sync: bool, verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, no_commit: bool, cros_reviewers: Vec, android_reviewers: Vec, wip: bool, disable_cq: bool, } fn transpose_subcmd(args: TransposeOpt) -> Result<()> { let ctx = RepoSetupContext { cros_checkout: args.cros_checkout_path, android_checkout: args.android_checkout_path, sync_before: args.sync, wip_mode: args.wip, enable_cq: !args.disable_cq, }; ctx.setup()?; let cros_patches_path = ctx.cros_patches_path(); let android_patches_path = ctx.android_patches_path(); // Get new Patches ------------------------------------------------------- let (cur_cros_collection, new_cros_patches) = patch_parsing::new_patches( &cros_patches_path, &ctx.old_cros_patch_contents(&args.old_cros_ref)?, "chromiumos", ) .context("finding new patches for chromiumos")?; let (cur_android_collection, new_android_patches) = patch_parsing::new_patches( &android_patches_path, &ctx.old_android_patch_contents(&args.old_android_ref)?, "android", ) .context("finding new patches for android")?; // Have to ignore patches that are already at the destination, even if // the patches are new. let new_cros_patches = new_cros_patches.subtract(&cur_android_collection)?; let new_android_patches = new_android_patches.subtract(&cur_cros_collection)?; // Need to do an extra filtering step for Android, as AOSP doesn't // want patches outside of the start/end bounds. let android_llvm_version: u64 = { let android_llvm_version_str = android_utils::get_android_llvm_version(&ctx.android_checkout)?; android_llvm_version_str.parse::().with_context(|| { format!( "converting llvm version to u64: '{}'", android_llvm_version_str ) })? }; let new_android_patches = new_android_patches.filter_patches(|p| match (p.start_version, p.end_version) { (Some(start), Some(end)) => start <= android_llvm_version && android_llvm_version < end, (Some(start), None) => start <= android_llvm_version, (None, Some(end)) => android_llvm_version < end, (None, None) => true, }); if args.verbose { display_patches("New patches from Chromium OS", &new_cros_patches); display_patches("New patches from Android", &new_android_patches); } if args.dry_run { println!("--dry-run specified; skipping modifications"); return Ok(()); } modify_repos( &ctx, args.no_commit, ModifyOpt { new_cros_patches, cur_cros_collection, cros_reviewers: args.cros_reviewers, new_android_patches, cur_android_collection, android_reviewers: args.android_reviewers, }, ) } struct ModifyOpt { new_cros_patches: PatchCollection, cur_cros_collection: PatchCollection, cros_reviewers: Vec, new_android_patches: PatchCollection, cur_android_collection: PatchCollection, android_reviewers: Vec, } fn modify_repos(ctx: &RepoSetupContext, no_commit: bool, opt: ModifyOpt) -> Result<()> { // Cleanup on scope exit. scopeguard::defer! { ctx.cleanup(); } // Transpose Patches ----------------------------------------------------- let mut cur_android_collection = opt.cur_android_collection; let mut cur_cros_collection = opt.cur_cros_collection; if !opt.new_cros_patches.is_empty() { opt.new_cros_patches .transpose_write(&mut cur_android_collection)?; } if !opt.new_android_patches.is_empty() { opt.new_android_patches .transpose_write(&mut cur_cros_collection)?; } if no_commit { println!("--no-commit specified; not committing or uploading"); return Ok(()); } // Commit and upload for review ------------------------------------------ // Note we want to check if the android patches are empty for CrOS, and // vice versa. This is a little counterintuitive. if !opt.new_android_patches.is_empty() { ctx.cros_repo_upload(&opt.cros_reviewers) .context("uploading chromiumos changes")?; } if !opt.new_cros_patches.is_empty() { if let Err(e) = android_utils::sort_android_patches(&ctx.android_checkout) { eprintln!( "Couldn't sort Android patches; continuing. Caused by: {}", e ); } ctx.android_repo_upload(&opt.android_reviewers) .context("uploading android changes")?; } Ok(()) } fn display_patches(prelude: &str, collection: &PatchCollection) { println!("{}", prelude); if collection.patches.is_empty() { println!(" [No Patches]"); return; } println!("{}", collection); } #[derive(Debug, structopt::StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "patch_sync", about = "A pipeline for syncing the patch code")] enum Opt { /// Show a combined view of the PATCHES.json file, without making any changes. #[allow(dead_code)] Show { #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] cros_checkout_path: PathBuf, #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] android_checkout_path: PathBuf, /// Keep a patch's platform field even if it's not merged at that platform. #[structopt(long)] keep_unmerged: bool, /// Run repo sync before transposing. #[structopt(short, long)] sync: bool, }, /// Transpose patches from two PATCHES.json files /// to each other. Transpose { /// Path to the ChromiumOS source repo checkout. #[structopt(long = "cros-checkout", parse(from_os_str))] cros_checkout_path: PathBuf, /// Emails to send review requests to during Chromium OS upload. /// Comma separated. #[structopt(long = "cros-rev")] cros_reviewers: Option, /// Git ref (e.g. hash) for the ChromiumOS overlay to use as the base. #[structopt(long = "overlay-base-ref")] old_cros_ref: String, /// Path to the Android Open Source Project source repo checkout. #[structopt(long = "aosp-checkout", parse(from_os_str))] android_checkout_path: PathBuf, /// Emails to send review requests to during Android upload. /// Comma separated. #[structopt(long = "aosp-rev")] android_reviewers: Option, /// Git ref (e.g. hash) for the llvm_android repo to use as the base. #[structopt(long = "aosp-base-ref")] old_android_ref: String, /// Run repo sync before transposing. #[structopt(short, long)] sync: bool, /// Print information to stdout #[structopt(short, long)] verbose: bool, /// Do not change any files. Useful in combination with `--verbose` /// Implies `--no-commit`. #[structopt(long)] dry_run: bool, /// Do not commit or upload any changes made. #[structopt(long)] no_commit: bool, /// Upload and send things for review, but mark as WIP and send no /// emails. #[structopt(long)] wip: bool, /// Don't run CQ if set. Only has an effect if uploading. #[structopt(long)] disable_cq: bool, }, }