use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Context, Result}; use regex::Regex; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Command, Output}; const CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH: &str = "src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay"; const ANDROID_LLVM_REL_PATH: &str = "toolchain/llvm_android"; const CROS_MAIN_BRANCH: &str = "main"; const ANDROID_MAIN_BRANCH: &str = "master"; // nocheck const WORK_BRANCH_NAME: &str = "__patch_sync_tmp"; /// Context struct to keep track of both Chromium OS and Android checkouts. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RepoSetupContext { pub cros_checkout: PathBuf, pub android_checkout: PathBuf, /// Run `repo sync` before doing any comparisons. pub sync_before: bool, pub wip_mode: bool, } impl RepoSetupContext { pub fn setup(&self) -> Result<()> { if self.sync_before { { let crpp = self.cros_patches_path(); let cros_git = crpp.parent().unwrap(); git_cd_cmd(cros_git, ["checkout", CROS_MAIN_BRANCH])?; } { let anpp = self.android_patches_path(); let android_git = anpp.parent().unwrap(); git_cd_cmd(android_git, ["checkout", ANDROID_MAIN_BRANCH])?; } repo_cd_cmd(&self.cros_checkout, &["sync", CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH])?; repo_cd_cmd(&self.android_checkout, &["sync", ANDROID_LLVM_REL_PATH])?; } Ok(()) } pub fn cros_repo_upload>(&self, reviewers: &[S]) -> Result<()> { let llvm_dir = self .cros_checkout .join(&CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH) .join("sys-devel/llvm"); ensure!( llvm_dir.is_dir(), "CrOS LLVM dir {} is not a directory", llvm_dir.display() ); Self::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir)?; let mut extra_args = vec!["--label=Commit-Queue+1"]; for reviewer in reviewers { extra_args.push("--re"); extra_args.push(reviewer.as_ref()); } if self.wip_mode { extra_args.push("--wip"); extra_args.push("--no-emails"); } Self::repo_upload( &self.cros_checkout, CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH, &Self::build_commit_msg( "llvm: Synchronize patches from android", "android", "chromiumos", "BUG=None\nTEST=CQ", ), extra_args, ) } pub fn android_repo_upload>(&self, reviewers: &[S]) -> Result<()> { let mut extra_args = Vec::new(); // TODO(ajordanr): Presubmit ready can only be enabled if we // have the permissions. // extra_args.push("--label=Presubmit-Ready+1"); for reviewer in reviewers { extra_args.push("--re"); extra_args.push(reviewer.as_ref()); } if self.wip_mode { extra_args.push("--wip"); extra_args.push("--no-emails"); } Self::repo_upload( &self.android_checkout, ANDROID_LLVM_REL_PATH, &Self::build_commit_msg( "Synchronize patches from chromiumos", "chromiumos", "android", "Test: N/A", ), extra_args, ) } fn cros_cleanup(&self) -> Result<()> { let git_path = self.cros_checkout.join(CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH); Self::cleanup_branch(&git_path, CROS_MAIN_BRANCH, WORK_BRANCH_NAME) .with_context(|| format!("cleaning up branch {}", WORK_BRANCH_NAME))?; Ok(()) } fn android_cleanup(&self) -> Result<()> { let git_path = self.android_checkout.join(ANDROID_LLVM_REL_PATH); Self::cleanup_branch(&git_path, ANDROID_MAIN_BRANCH, WORK_BRANCH_NAME) .with_context(|| format!("cleaning up branch {}", WORK_BRANCH_NAME))?; Ok(()) } /// Wrapper around cleanups to ensure both get run, even if errors appear. pub fn cleanup(&self) { if let Err(e) = self.cros_cleanup() { eprintln!("Failed to clean up chromiumos, continuing: {}", e); } if let Err(e) = self.android_cleanup() { eprintln!("Failed to clean up android, continuing: {}", e); } } /// Get the Android path to the PATCHES.json file pub fn android_patches_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.android_checkout .join(&ANDROID_LLVM_REL_PATH) .join("patches/PATCHES.json") } /// Get the Chromium OS path to the PATCHES.json file pub fn cros_patches_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.cros_checkout .join(&CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH) .join("sys-devel/llvm/files/PATCHES.json") } /// Return the contents of the old PATCHES.json from Chromium OS pub fn old_cros_patch_contents(&self, hash: &str) -> Result { Self::old_file_contents( hash, &self.cros_checkout.join(CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY_REL_PATH), Path::new("sys-devel/llvm/files/PATCHES.json"), ) } /// Return the contents of the old PATCHES.json from android pub fn old_android_patch_contents(&self, hash: &str) -> Result { Self::old_file_contents( hash, &self.android_checkout.join(ANDROID_LLVM_REL_PATH), Path::new("patches/PATCHES.json"), ) } fn repo_upload<'a, I: IntoIterator>( checkout_path: &Path, subproject_git_wd: &'a str, commit_msg: &str, extra_flags: I, ) -> Result<()> { let git_path = &checkout_path.join(&subproject_git_wd); ensure!( git_path.is_dir(), "git_path {} is not a directory", git_path.display() ); repo_cd_cmd( checkout_path, &["start", WORK_BRANCH_NAME, subproject_git_wd], )?; let base_args = ["upload", "--br", WORK_BRANCH_NAME, "-y", "--verify"]; let new_args = base_args .iter() .copied() .chain(extra_flags) .chain(["--", subproject_git_wd]); git_cd_cmd(git_path, &["add", "."]) .and_then(|_| git_cd_cmd(git_path, &["commit", "-m", commit_msg])) .and_then(|_| repo_cd_cmd(checkout_path, new_args))?; Ok(()) } /// Clean up the git repo after we're done with it. fn cleanup_branch(git_path: &Path, base_branch: &str, rm_branch: &str) -> Result<()> { git_cd_cmd(git_path, ["restore", "."])?; git_cd_cmd(git_path, ["clean", "-fd"])?; git_cd_cmd(git_path, ["checkout", base_branch])?; // It's acceptable to be able to not delete the branch. This may be // because the branch does not exist, which is an expected result. // Since this is a very common case, we won't report any failures related // to this command failure as it'll pollute the stderr logs. let _ = git_cd_cmd(git_path, ["branch", "-D", rm_branch]); Ok(()) } /// Increment LLVM's revision number fn rev_bump_llvm(llvm_dir: &Path) -> Result { let ebuild = find_ebuild(llvm_dir) .with_context(|| format!("finding ebuild in {} to rev bump", llvm_dir.display()))?; let ebuild_dir = ebuild.parent().unwrap(); let suffix_matcher = Regex::new(r"-r([0-9]+)\.ebuild").unwrap(); let ebuild_name = ebuild .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("converting ebuild filename to utf-8"))?; let new_path = if let Some(captures) = suffix_matcher.captures(ebuild_name) { let full_suffix = captures.get(0).unwrap().as_str(); let cur_version = captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::().unwrap(); let new_filename = ebuild_name.replace(full_suffix, &format!("-r{}.ebuild", cur_version + 1_u32)); let new_path = ebuild_dir.join(new_filename); fs::rename(&ebuild, &new_path)?; new_path } else { // File did not end in a revision. We should append -r1 to the end. let new_filename = ebuild.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy() + "-r1.ebuild"; let new_path = ebuild_dir.join(new_filename.as_ref()); fs::rename(&ebuild, &new_path)?; new_path }; Ok(new_path) } /// Return the contents of an old file in git fn old_file_contents(hash: &str, pwd: &Path, file: &Path) -> Result { let git_ref = format!( "{}:{}", hash, file.to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("failed to convert filepath to str"))? ); let output = git_cd_cmd(pwd, &["show", &git_ref])?; if !output.status.success() { bail!("could not get old file contents for {}", &git_ref) } String::from_utf8(output.stdout) .with_context(|| format!("converting {} file contents to UTF-8", &git_ref)) } /// Create the commit message fn build_commit_msg(subj: &str, from: &str, to: &str, footer: &str) -> String { format!( "[patch_sync] {}\n\n\ Copies new PATCHES.json changes from {} to {}.\n For questions about this job, contact\n\n {}", subj, from, to, footer ) } } /// Return the path of an ebuild located within the given directory. fn find_ebuild(dir: &Path) -> Result { // The logic here is that we create an iterator over all file paths to ebuilds // with _pre in the name. Then we sort those ebuilds based on their revision numbers. // Then we return the highest revisioned one. let ebuild_rev_matcher = Regex::new(r"-r([0-9]+)\.ebuild").unwrap(); // For LLVM ebuilds, we only want to check for ebuilds that have this in their file name. let per_heuristic = "_pre"; // Get an iterator over all ebuilds with a _per in the file name. let ebuild_candidates = fs::read_dir(dir)?.filter_map(|entry| { let entry = entry.ok()?; let path = entry.path(); if path.extension()? != "ebuild" { // Not an ebuild, ignore. return None; } let stem = path.file_stem()?.to_str()?; if stem.contains(per_heuristic) { return Some(path); } None }); let try_parse_ebuild_rev = |path: PathBuf| -> Option<(u64, PathBuf)> { let name = path.file_name()?; if let Some(rev_match) = ebuild_rev_matcher.captures(name.to_str()?) { let rev_str = rev_match.get(1)?; let rev_num = rev_str.as_str().parse::().ok()?; return Some((rev_num, path)); } // If it doesn't have a revision, then it's revision 0. Some((0, path)) }; let mut sorted_candidates: Vec<_> = ebuild_candidates.filter_map(try_parse_ebuild_rev).collect(); sorted_candidates.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| x.0); let highest_rev_ebuild = sorted_candidates .pop() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("could not find ebuild"))?; Ok(highest_rev_ebuild.1) } /// Run a given git command from inside a specified git dir. pub fn git_cd_cmd(pwd: &Path, args: I) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let mut command = Command::new("git"); command.current_dir(&pwd).args(args); let output = command.output()?; if !output.status.success() { bail!( "git command failed:\n {:?}\nstdout --\n{}\nstderr --\n{}", command, String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr), ); } Ok(output) } pub fn repo_cd_cmd(pwd: &Path, args: I) -> Result<()> where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let mut command = Command::new("repo"); command.current_dir(&pwd).args(args); let status = command.status()?; if !status.success() { bail!("repo command failed:\n {:?} \n", command) } Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use rand::prelude::Rng; use std::env; use std::fs::File; #[test] fn test_revbump_ebuild() { // Random number to append at the end of the test folder to prevent conflicts. let rng: u32 = rand::thread_rng().gen(); let llvm_dir = env::temp_dir().join(format!("patch_sync_test_{}", rng)); fs::create_dir(&llvm_dir).expect("creating llvm dir in temp directory"); { // With revision let ebuild_name = "llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r10.ebuild"; let ebuild_path = llvm_dir.join(ebuild_name); File::create(&ebuild_path).expect("creating test ebuild file"); let new_ebuild_path = RepoSetupContext::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir).expect("rev bumping the ebuild"); assert!( new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r11.ebuild"), "{}", new_ebuild_path.display() ); fs::remove_file(new_ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild file"); } { // Without revision let ebuild_name = "llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019.ebuild"; let ebuild_path = llvm_dir.join(ebuild_name); File::create(&ebuild_path).expect("creating test ebuild file"); let new_ebuild_path = RepoSetupContext::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir).expect("rev bumping the ebuild"); assert!( new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r1.ebuild"), "{}", new_ebuild_path.display() ); fs::remove_file(new_ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild file"); } { // With both let ebuild_name = "llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019.ebuild"; let ebuild_path = llvm_dir.join(ebuild_name); File::create(&ebuild_path).expect("creating test ebuild file"); let ebuild_link_name = "llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r2.ebuild"; let ebuild_link_path = llvm_dir.join(ebuild_link_name); File::create(&ebuild_link_path).expect("creating test ebuild link file"); let new_ebuild_path = RepoSetupContext::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir).expect("rev bumping the ebuild"); assert!( new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r3.ebuild"), "{}", new_ebuild_path.display() ); fs::remove_file(new_ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild link file"); fs::remove_file(ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild file"); } fs::remove_dir(&llvm_dir).expect("removing temp test dir"); } }