#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## # # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # # ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## # # !!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!! # This is copied directly from upstream LLVM. Please make any changes upstream, # rather than to this file directly. Once changes are made there, you're free # to integrate them here. """Checks for reverts of commits across a given git commit. To clarify the meaning of 'across' with an example, if we had the following commit history (where `a -> b` notes that `b` is a direct child of `a`): 123abc -> 223abc -> 323abc -> 423abc -> 523abc And where 423abc is a revert of 223abc, this revert is considered to be 'across' 323abc. More generally, a revert A of a parent commit B is considered to be 'across' a commit C if C is a parent of A and B is a parent of C. Please note that revert detection in general is really difficult, since merge conflicts/etc always introduce _some_ amount of fuzziness. This script just uses a bundle of heuristics, and is bound to ignore / incorrectly flag some reverts. The hope is that it'll easily catch the vast majority (>90%) of them, though. This is designed to be used in one of two ways: an import in Python, or run directly from a shell. If you want to import this, the `find_reverts` function is the thing to look at. If you'd rather use this from a shell, have a usage example: ``` ./revert_checker.py c47f97169 origin/main origin/release/12.x ``` This checks for all reverts from the tip of origin/main to c47f97169, which are across the latter. It then does the same for origin/release/12.x to c47f97169. Duplicate reverts discovered when walking both roots (origin/main and origin/release/12.x) are deduplicated in output. """ import argparse import collections import logging import re import subprocess import sys from typing import Generator, Iterable, List, NamedTuple assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), "Only Python 3.6+ is supported." # People are creative with their reverts, and heuristics are a bit difficult. # Like 90% of of reverts have "This reverts commit ${full_sha}". # Some lack that entirely, while others have many of them specified in ad-hoc # ways, while others use short SHAs and whatever. # # The 90% case is trivial to handle (and 100% free + automatic). The extra 10% # starts involving human intervention, which is probably not worth it for now. def _try_parse_reverts_from_commit_message(commit_message: str) -> List[str]: if not commit_message: return [] results = re.findall( r"This reverts commit ([a-f0-9]{40})\b", commit_message ) first_line = commit_message.splitlines()[0] initial_revert = re.match(r'Revert ([a-f0-9]{6,}) "', first_line) if initial_revert: results.append(initial_revert.group(1)) return results def _stream_stdout(command: List[str]) -> Generator[str, None, None]: with subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace" ) as p: assert p.stdout is not None # for mypy's happiness. yield from p.stdout def _resolve_sha(git_dir: str, sha: str) -> str: if len(sha) == 40: return sha return subprocess.check_output( ["git", "-C", git_dir, "rev-parse", sha], encoding="utf-8", stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ).strip() _LogEntry = NamedTuple( "_LogEntry", [ ("sha", str), ("commit_message", str), ], ) def _log_stream( git_dir: str, root_sha: str, end_at_sha: str ) -> Iterable[_LogEntry]: sep = 50 * "<>" log_command = [ "git", "-C", git_dir, "log", "^" + end_at_sha, root_sha, "--format=" + sep + "%n%H%n%B%n", ] stdout_stream = iter(_stream_stdout(log_command)) # Find the next separator line. If there's nothing to log, it may not exist. # It might not be the first line if git feels complainy. found_commit_header = False for line in stdout_stream: if line.rstrip() == sep: found_commit_header = True break while found_commit_header: sha = next(stdout_stream, None) assert sha is not None, "git died?" sha = sha.rstrip() commit_message = [] found_commit_header = False for line in stdout_stream: line = line.rstrip() if line.rstrip() == sep: found_commit_header = True break commit_message.append(line) yield _LogEntry(sha, "\n".join(commit_message).rstrip()) def _shas_between(git_dir: str, base_ref: str, head_ref: str) -> Iterable[str]: rev_list = [ "git", "-C", git_dir, "rev-list", "--first-parent", f"{base_ref}..{head_ref}", ] return (x.strip() for x in _stream_stdout(rev_list)) def _rev_parse(git_dir: str, ref: str) -> str: return subprocess.check_output( ["git", "-C", git_dir, "rev-parse", ref], encoding="utf-8", ).strip() Revert = NamedTuple( "Revert", [ ("sha", str), ("reverted_sha", str), ], ) def _find_common_parent_commit(git_dir: str, ref_a: str, ref_b: str) -> str: """Finds the closest common parent commit between `ref_a` and `ref_b`.""" return subprocess.check_output( ["git", "-C", git_dir, "merge-base", ref_a, ref_b], encoding="utf-8", ).strip() def find_reverts(git_dir: str, across_ref: str, root: str) -> List[Revert]: """Finds reverts across `across_ref` in `git_dir`, starting from `root`. These reverts are returned in order of oldest reverts first. """ across_sha = _rev_parse(git_dir, across_ref) root_sha = _rev_parse(git_dir, root) common_ancestor = _find_common_parent_commit(git_dir, across_sha, root_sha) if common_ancestor != across_sha: raise ValueError( f"{across_sha} isn't an ancestor of {root_sha} " "(common ancestor: {common_ancestor})" ) intermediate_commits = set(_shas_between(git_dir, across_sha, root_sha)) assert across_sha not in intermediate_commits logging.debug( "%d commits appear between %s and %s", len(intermediate_commits), across_sha, root_sha, ) all_reverts = [] for sha, commit_message in _log_stream(git_dir, root_sha, across_sha): reverts = _try_parse_reverts_from_commit_message(commit_message) if not reverts: continue resolved_reverts = sorted( set(_resolve_sha(git_dir, x) for x in reverts) ) for reverted_sha in resolved_reverts: if reverted_sha in intermediate_commits: logging.debug( "Commit %s reverts %s, which happened after %s", sha, reverted_sha, across_sha, ) continue try: object_type = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "-C", git_dir, "cat-file", "-t", reverted_sha], encoding="utf-8", stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning( "Failed to resolve reverted object %s (claimed to be reverted " "by sha %s)", reverted_sha, sha, ) continue if object_type == "commit": all_reverts.append(Revert(sha, reverted_sha)) continue logging.error( "%s claims to revert %s -- which isn't a commit -- %s", sha, object_type, reverted_sha, ) # Since `all_reverts` contains reverts in log order (e.g., newer comes before # older), we need to reverse this to keep with our guarantee of older = # earlier in the result. all_reverts.reverse() return all_reverts def _main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "base_ref", help="Git ref or sha to check for reverts around." ) parser.add_argument( "-C", "--git_dir", default=".", help="Git directory to use." ) parser.add_argument( "root", nargs="+", help="Root(s) to search for commits from." ) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-u", "--review_url", action="store_true", help="Format SHAs as llvm review URLs", ) opts = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG if opts.debug else logging.INFO, ) # `root`s can have related history, so we want to filter duplicate commits # out. The overwhelmingly common case is also to have one root, and it's way # easier to reason about output that comes in an order that's meaningful to # git. seen_reverts = set() all_reverts = [] for root in opts.root: for revert in find_reverts(opts.git_dir, opts.base_ref, root): if revert not in seen_reverts: seen_reverts.add(revert) all_reverts.append(revert) for revert in all_reverts: sha_fmt = ( f"https://reviews.llvm.org/rG{revert.sha}" if opts.review_url else revert.sha ) reverted_sha_fmt = ( f"https://reviews.llvm.org/rG{revert.reverted_sha}" if opts.review_url else revert.reverted_sha ) print(f"{sha_fmt} claims to revert {reverted_sha_fmt}") if __name__ == "__main__": _main()