#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Updates the LLVM hash and uprevs the build of the specified packages. For each package, a temporary repo is created and the changes are uploaded for review. """ from __future__ import print_function from collections import namedtuple from enum import Enum import argparse import os import re import subprocess import tempfile from assert_not_in_chroot import VerifyOutsideChroot from failure_modes import FailureModes from subprocess_helpers import ChrootRunCommand, ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput from get_llvm_hash import GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption, is_svn_option import get_llvm_hash import llvm_patch_management # Specify which LLVM hash to update class LLVMVariant(Enum): """Represent the LLVM hash in an ebuild file to update.""" current = 'LLVM_HASH' next = 'LLVM_NEXT_HASH' # If set to `True`, then the contents of `stdout` after executing a command will # be displayed to the terminal. verbose = False CommitContents = namedtuple('CommitContents', ['url', 'cl_number']) def GetCommandLineArgs(): """Parses the command line for the optional command line arguments. Returns: The log level to use when retrieving the LLVM hash or google3 LLVM version, the chroot path to use for executing chroot commands, a list of a package or packages to update their LLVM next hash, and the LLVM version to use when retrieving the LLVM hash. """ # Default path to the chroot if a path is not specified. cros_root = os.path.expanduser('~') cros_root = os.path.join(cros_root, 'chromiumos') # Create parser and add optional command-line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Updates the build's hash for llvm-next.") # Add argument for a specific chroot path. parser.add_argument( '--chroot_path', default=cros_root, help='the path to the chroot (default: %(default)s)') # Add argument for specific builds to uprev and update their llvm-next hash. parser.add_argument( '--update_packages', default=['sys-devel/llvm'], required=False, nargs='+', help='the ebuilds to update their hash for llvm-next ' \ '(default: %(default)s)') # Add argument for whether to display command contents to `stdout`. parser.add_argument( '--verbose', action='store_true', help='display contents of a command to the terminal ' '(default: %(default)s)') # Add argument for the LLVM hash to update parser.add_argument( '--is_llvm_next', action='store_true', help= 'which llvm hash to update. Update LLVM_NEXT_HASH specified. ' \ 'Otherwise, update LLVM_HASH' ) # Add argument for the LLVM version to use. parser.add_argument( '--llvm_version', type=is_svn_option, required=True, help='which git hash to use. Either a svn revision, or one ' 'of %s' % sorted(get_llvm_hash.KNOWN_HASH_SOURCES)) # Add argument for the mode of the patch management when handling patches. parser.add_argument( '--failure_mode', default=FailureModes.FAIL.value, choices=[FailureModes.FAIL.value, FailureModes.CONTINUE.value, FailureModes.DISABLE_PATCHES.value, FailureModes.REMOVE_PATCHES.value], help='the mode of the patch manager when handling failed patches ' \ '(default: %(default)s)') # Add argument for the patch metadata file. parser.add_argument( '--patch_metadata_file', default='PATCHES.json', help='the .json file that has all the patches and their ' 'metadata if applicable (default: PATCHES.json inside $FILESDIR)') # Parse the command line. args_output = parser.parse_args() # FIXME: We shouldn't be using globals here, but until we fix it, make pylint # stop complaining about it. # pylint: disable=global-statement global verbose verbose = args_output.verbose return args_output def GetChrootBuildPaths(chromeos_root, package_list): """Gets the chroot path(s) of the package(s). Args: chromeos_root: The absolute path to the chroot to use for executing chroot commands. package_list: A list of a package/packages to be used to find their chroot path. Returns: A list of a chroot path/chroot paths of the package's ebuild file. Raises: ValueError: Failed to get the chroot path of a package. """ chroot_paths = [] # Find the chroot path for each package's ebuild. for cur_package in sorted(set(package_list)): # Cmd to find the chroot path for the package. equery_cmd = ['equery', 'w', cur_package] chroot_path = ChrootRunCommand(chromeos_root, equery_cmd, verbose=verbose) chroot_paths.append(chroot_path.strip()) return chroot_paths def _ConvertChrootPathsToSymLinkPaths(chromeos_root, chroot_file_paths): """Converts the chroot path(s) to absolute symlink path(s). Args: chromeos_root: The absolute path to the chroot. chroot_file_paths: A list of a chroot path/chroot paths to convert to a absolute symlink path/symlink paths. Returns: A list of absolute path(s) which are symlinks that point to the ebuild of the package(s). Raises: ValueError: Invalid prefix for the chroot path or invalid chroot path(s) were provided. """ symlink_file_paths = [] chroot_prefix = '/mnt/host/source/' # Iterate through the chroot paths. # # For each chroot file path, remove '/mnt/host/source/' prefix # and combine the chroot path with the result and add it to the list. for cur_chroot_file_path in chroot_file_paths: if not cur_chroot_file_path.startswith(chroot_prefix): raise ValueError( 'Invalid prefix for the chroot path: %s' % cur_chroot_file_path) rel_path = cur_chroot_file_path[len(chroot_prefix):] # combine the chromeos root path + '/src/...' absolute_symlink_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, rel_path) symlink_file_paths.append(absolute_symlink_path) return symlink_file_paths def GetEbuildPathsFromSymLinkPaths(symlinks): """Reads the symlink(s) to get the ebuild path(s) to the package(s). Args: symlinks: A list of absolute path symlink/symlinks that point to the package's ebuild. Returns: A dictionary where the key is the absolute path of the symlink and the value is the absolute path to the ebuild that was read from the symlink. Raises: ValueError: Invalid symlink(s) were provided. """ # A dictionary that holds: # key: absolute symlink path # value: absolute ebuild path resolved_paths = {} # Iterate through each symlink. # # For each symlink, check that it is a valid symlink, # and then construct the ebuild path, and # then add the ebuild path to the dict. for cur_symlink in symlinks: if not os.path.islink(cur_symlink): raise ValueError('Invalid symlink provided: %s' % cur_symlink) # Construct the absolute path to the ebuild. ebuild_path = os.path.realpath(cur_symlink) if cur_symlink not in resolved_paths: resolved_paths[cur_symlink] = ebuild_path return resolved_paths def UpdateEbuildLLVMHash(ebuild_path, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version): """Updates the LLVM hash in the ebuild. The build changes are staged for commit in the temporary repo. Args: ebuild_path: The absolute path to the ebuild. llvm_variant: Which LLVM hash to update. git_hash: The new git hash. svn_version: The SVN-style revision number of git_hash. Raises: ValueError: Invalid ebuild path provided or failed to stage the commit of the changes or failed to update the LLVM hash. """ # Iterate through each ebuild. # # For each ebuild, read the file in # advance and then create a temporary file # that gets updated with the new LLVM hash # and revision number and then the ebuild file # gets updated to the temporary file. if not os.path.isfile(ebuild_path): raise ValueError('Invalid ebuild path provided: %s' % ebuild_path) temp_ebuild_file = '%s.temp' % ebuild_path with open(ebuild_path) as ebuild_file: # write updates to a temporary file in case of interrupts with open(temp_ebuild_file, 'w') as temp_file: for cur_line in ReplaceLLVMHash(ebuild_file, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version): temp_file.write(cur_line) os.rename(temp_ebuild_file, ebuild_path) # Get the path to the parent directory. parent_dir = os.path.dirname(ebuild_path) # Stage the changes. stage_changes_cmd = ['git', '-C', parent_dir, 'add', ebuild_path] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(stage_changes_cmd, verbose=verbose) def ReplaceLLVMHash(ebuild_lines, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version): """Updates the LLVM git hash. Args: ebuild_lines: The contents of the ebuild file. llvm_variant: The LLVM hash to update. git_hash: The new git hash. svn_version: The SVN-style revision number of git_hash. """ is_updated = False llvm_regex = re.compile('^' + re.escape(llvm_variant.value) + '=\"[a-z0-9]+\"') for cur_line in ebuild_lines: if not is_updated and llvm_regex.search(cur_line): # Update the git hash and revision number. cur_line = '%s=\"%s\" # r%d\n' % (llvm_variant.value, git_hash, svn_version) is_updated = True yield cur_line if not is_updated: raise ValueError('Failed to update %s' % llvm_variant.value) def UprevEbuild(symlink): """Uprevs the ebuild's revision number. Increases the revision number by 1 and stages the change in the temporary repo. Args: symlink: The absolute path of the symlink that points to the ebuild of the package. Raises: ValueError: Failed to uprev the symlink or failed to stage the changes. """ if not os.path.islink(symlink): raise ValueError('Invalid symlink provided: %s' % symlink) # Find the revision number and increment it by 1. new_symlink, is_changed = re.subn( r'r([0-9]+).ebuild', lambda match: 'r%s.ebuild' % str(int(match.group(1)) + 1), symlink, count=1) if not is_changed: # failed to increment the revision number raise ValueError('Failed to uprev the ebuild.') path_to_symlink_dir = os.path.dirname(symlink) # Stage the new symlink for commit. stage_symlink_cmd = [ 'git', '-C', path_to_symlink_dir, 'mv', symlink, new_symlink ] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(stage_symlink_cmd, verbose=verbose) def _CreateRepo(path_to_repo_dir, branch): """Creates a temporary repo for the changes. Args: path_to_repo_dir: The absolute path to the repo. branch: The name of the branch to create. llvm_variant: The LLVM hash to update. git_hash: The new git hash. Raises: ValueError: Failed to create a repo in that directory. """ if not os.path.isdir(path_to_repo_dir): raise ValueError('Invalid directory path provided: %s' % path_to_repo_dir) reset_changes_cmd = [ 'git', '-C', path_to_repo_dir, 'reset', 'HEAD', '--hard', ] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(reset_changes_cmd, verbose=verbose) create_repo_cmd = ['repo', 'start', branch] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput( create_repo_cmd, cwd=path_to_repo_dir, verbose=verbose) def _DeleteRepo(path_to_repo_dir, branch): """Deletes the temporary repo. Args: path_to_repo_dir: The absolute path of the repo. branch: The name of the branch to delete. Raises: ValueError: Failed to delete the repo in that directory. """ if not os.path.isdir(path_to_repo_dir): raise ValueError('Invalid directory path provided: %s' % path_to_repo_dir) checkout_to_master_cmd = [ 'git', '-C', path_to_repo_dir, 'checkout', 'cros/master' ] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(checkout_to_master_cmd, verbose=verbose) reset_head_cmd = ['git', '-C', path_to_repo_dir, 'reset', 'HEAD', '--hard'] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(reset_head_cmd, verbose=verbose) delete_repo_cmd = ['git', '-C', path_to_repo_dir, 'branch', '-D', branch] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(delete_repo_cmd, verbose=verbose) def GetGerritRepoUploadContents(repo_upload_contents): """Parses 'repo upload' to get the Gerrit commit URL and CL number. Args: repo_upload_contents: The contents of the 'repo upload' command. Returns: A nametuple that has two (key, value) pairs, where the first pair is the Gerrit commit URL and the second pair is the change list number. Raises: ValueError: The contents of the 'repo upload' command did not contain a Gerrit commit URL. """ found_url = re.search( r'https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/' r'chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay/\+/([0-9]+)', repo_upload_contents) if not found_url: raise ValueError('Failed to find change list URL.') cl_number = int(found_url.group(1)) return CommitContents(url=found_url.group(0), cl_number=cl_number) def UploadChanges(path_to_repo_dir, branch, commit_messages): """Uploads the changes (updating LLVM next hash and uprev symlink) for review. Args: path_to_repo_dir: The absolute path to the repo where changes were made. branch: The name of the branch to upload. commit_messages: A string of commit message(s) (i.e. '[message]' of the changes made. Returns: A nametuple that has two (key, value) pairs, where the first pair is the Gerrit commit URL and the second pair is the change list number. Raises: ValueError: Failed to create a commit or failed to upload the changes for review. """ if not os.path.isdir(path_to_repo_dir): raise ValueError('Invalid directory path provided: %s' % path_to_repo_dir) # Create a git commit. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as commit_msg_file: commit_msg_file.write('\n'.join(commit_messages)) commit_msg_file.flush() commit_cmd = ['git', 'commit', '-F', commit_msg_file.name] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput( commit_cmd, cwd=path_to_repo_dir, verbose=verbose) # Upload the changes for review. upload_change_cmd = ( 'yes | repo upload --wip --ne --br=%s --no-verify' % branch) # Pylint currently doesn't lint things in py3 mode, and py2 didn't allow # users to specify `encoding`s for Popen. Hence, pylint is "wrong" here. # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg # NOTE: Need `shell=True` in order to pipe `yes` into `repo upload ...`. # # The CL URL is sent to 'stderr', so need to redirect 'stderr' to 'stdout'. upload_changes_obj = subprocess.Popen( upload_change_cmd, cwd=path_to_repo_dir, shell=True, encoding='UTF-8', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, _ = upload_changes_obj.communicate() if upload_changes_obj.returncode: # Failed to upload changes. print(out) raise ValueError('Failed to upload changes for review') return GetGerritRepoUploadContents(out.rstrip()) def CreatePathDictionaryFromPackages(chroot_path, update_packages): """Creates a symlink and ebuild path pair dictionary from the packages. Args: chroot_path: The absolute path to the chroot. update_packages: The filtered packages to be updated. Returns: A dictionary where the key is the absolute path to the symlink of the package and the value is the absolute path to the ebuild of the package. """ # Construct a list containing the chroot file paths of the package(s). chroot_file_paths = GetChrootBuildPaths(chroot_path, update_packages) # Construct a list containing the symlink(s) of the package(s). symlink_file_paths = _ConvertChrootPathsToSymLinkPaths( chroot_path, chroot_file_paths) # Create a dictionary where the key is the absolute path of the symlink to # the package and the value is the absolute path to the ebuild of the package. return GetEbuildPathsFromSymLinkPaths(symlink_file_paths) def RemovePatchesFromFilesDir(patches_to_remove): """Removes the patches from $FILESDIR of a package. Args: patches_to_remove: A list where each entry is the absolute path to a patch. Raises: ValueError: Failed to remove a patch in $FILESDIR. """ for cur_patch in patches_to_remove: remove_patch_cmd = [ 'git', '-C', os.path.dirname(cur_patch), 'rm', '-f', cur_patch ] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(remove_patch_cmd, verbose=verbose) def StagePatchMetadataFileForCommit(patch_metadata_file_path): """Stages the updated patch metadata file for commit. Args: patch_metadata_file_path: The absolute path to the patch metadata file. Raises: ValueError: Failed to stage the patch metadata file for commit or invalid patch metadata file. """ if not os.path.isfile(patch_metadata_file_path): raise ValueError( 'Invalid patch metadata file provided: %s' % patch_metadata_file_path) # Cmd to stage the patch metadata file for commit. stage_patch_file = [ 'git', '-C', os.path.dirname(patch_metadata_file_path), 'add', patch_metadata_file_path ] ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput(stage_patch_file, verbose=verbose) def StagePackagesPatchResultsForCommit(package_info_dict, commit_messages): """Stages the patch results of the packages to the commit message. Args: package_info_dict: A dictionary where the key is the package name and the value is a dictionary that contains information about the patches of the package (key). commit_messages: The commit message that has the updated ebuilds and upreving information. """ # For each package, check if any patches for that package have # changed, if so, add which patches have changed to the commit # message. for package_name, patch_info_dict in package_info_dict.items(): if patch_info_dict['disabled_patches'] or \ patch_info_dict['removed_patches'] or \ patch_info_dict['modified_metadata']: cur_package_header = '\nFor the package %s:' % package_name commit_messages.append(cur_package_header) # Add to the commit message that the patch metadata file was modified. if patch_info_dict['modified_metadata']: patch_metadata_path = patch_info_dict['modified_metadata'] commit_messages.append('The patch metadata file %s was modified' % os.path.basename(patch_metadata_path)) StagePatchMetadataFileForCommit(patch_metadata_path) # Add each disabled patch to the commit message. if patch_info_dict['disabled_patches']: commit_messages.append('The following patches were disabled:') for patch_path in patch_info_dict['disabled_patches']: commit_messages.append(os.path.basename(patch_path)) # Add each removed patch to the commit message. if patch_info_dict['removed_patches']: commit_messages.append('The following patches were removed:') for patch_path in patch_info_dict['removed_patches']: commit_messages.append(os.path.basename(patch_path)) RemovePatchesFromFilesDir(patch_info_dict['removed_patches']) return commit_messages def UpdatePackages(packages, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version, chroot_path, patch_metadata_file, mode, git_hash_source, extra_commit_msg): """Updates an LLVM hash and uprevs the ebuild of the packages. A temporary repo is created for the changes. The changes are then uploaded for review. Args: packages: A list of all the packages that are going to be updated. llvm_variant: The LLVM hash to update. git_hash: The new git hash. svn_version: The SVN-style revision number of git_hash. chroot_path: The absolute path to the chroot. patch_metadata_file: The name of the .json file in '$FILESDIR/' that has the patches and its metadata. mode: The mode of the patch manager when handling an applicable patch that failed to apply. Ex: 'FailureModes.FAIL' git_hash_source: The source of which git hash to use based off of. Ex: 'google3', 'tot', or such as 365123 Returns: A nametuple that has two (key, value) pairs, where the first pair is the Gerrit commit URL and the second pair is the change list number. """ # Determines whether to print the result of each executed command. llvm_patch_management.verbose = verbose # Construct a dictionary where the key is the absolute path of the symlink to # the package and the value is the absolute path to the ebuild of the package. paths_dict = CreatePathDictionaryFromPackages(chroot_path, packages) repo_path = os.path.dirname(next(iter(paths_dict.values()))) branch = 'update-' + llvm_variant.value + '-' + git_hash _CreateRepo(repo_path, branch) try: commit_message_header = 'llvm' if llvm_variant == LLVMVariant.next: commit_message_header = 'llvm-next' if git_hash_source in get_llvm_hash.KNOWN_HASH_SOURCES: commit_message_header += ( '/%s: upgrade to %s (r%d)' % (git_hash_source, git_hash, svn_version)) else: commit_message_header += ( ': upgrade to %s (r%d)' % (git_hash, svn_version)) commit_messages = [ commit_message_header + '\n', 'The following packages have been updated:', ] # Holds the list of packages that are updating. packages = [] # Iterate through the dictionary. # # For each iteration: # 1) Update the ebuild's LLVM hash. # 2) Uprev the ebuild (symlink). # 3) Add the modified package to the commit message. for symlink_path, ebuild_path in paths_dict.items(): path_to_ebuild_dir = os.path.dirname(ebuild_path) UpdateEbuildLLVMHash(ebuild_path, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version) UprevEbuild(symlink_path) cur_dir_name = os.path.basename(path_to_ebuild_dir) parent_dir_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path_to_ebuild_dir)) packages.append('%s/%s' % (parent_dir_name, cur_dir_name)) commit_messages.append('%s/%s' % (parent_dir_name, cur_dir_name)) # Handle the patches for each package. package_info_dict = llvm_patch_management.UpdatePackagesPatchMetadataFile( chroot_path, svn_version, patch_metadata_file, packages, mode) # Update the commit message if changes were made to a package's patches. commit_messages = StagePackagesPatchResultsForCommit( package_info_dict, commit_messages) if extra_commit_msg: commit_messages.append(extra_commit_msg) change_list = UploadChanges(repo_path, branch, commit_messages) finally: _DeleteRepo(repo_path, branch) return change_list def main(): """Updates the LLVM next hash for each package. Raises: AssertionError: The script was run inside the chroot. """ VerifyOutsideChroot() args_output = GetCommandLineArgs() llvm_variant = LLVMVariant.current if args_output.is_llvm_next: llvm_variant = LLVMVariant.next git_hash_source = args_output.llvm_version git_hash, svn_version = GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption(git_hash_source) change_list = UpdatePackages( args_output.update_packages, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version, args_output.chroot_path, args_output.patch_metadata_file, FailureModes(args_output.failure_mode), git_hash_source, extra_commit_msg=None) print('Successfully updated packages to %s (%d)' % (git_hash, svn_version)) print('Gerrit URL: %s' % change_list.url) print('Change list number: %d' % change_list.cl_number) if __name__ == '__main__': main()