#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Runs a tryjob/tryjobs after updating the packages.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import datetime import json import os import subprocess import chroot import failure_modes import get_llvm_hash import update_chromeos_llvm_hash VALID_CQ_TRYBOTS = ['llvm', 'llvm-next', 'llvm-tot'] def GetCommandLineArgs(): """Parses the command line for the command line arguments. Returns: The log level to use when retrieving the LLVM hash or google3 LLVM version, the chroot path to use for executing chroot commands, a list of a package or packages to update their LLVM next hash, and the LLVM version to use when retrieving the LLVM hash. """ # Default path to the chroot if a path is not specified. cros_root = os.path.expanduser('~') cros_root = os.path.join(cros_root, 'chromiumos') # Create parser and add optional command-line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Update an LLVM hash of packages and run tests.') # Add argument for other change lists that want to run alongside the tryjob # which has a change list of updating a package's git hash. parser.add_argument( '--extra_change_lists', type=int, nargs='+', default=[], help='change lists that would like to be run alongside the change list ' 'of updating the packages') # Add argument for a specific chroot path. parser.add_argument('--chroot_path', default=cros_root, help='the path to the chroot (default: %(default)s)') # Add argument to choose between llvm and llvm-next. parser.add_argument( '--is_llvm_next', action='store_true', help='which llvm hash to update. Update LLVM_NEXT_HASH if specified. ' 'Otherwise, update LLVM_HASH') # Add argument for the absolute path to the file that contains information on # the previous tested svn version. parser.add_argument( '--last_tested', help='the absolute path to the file that contains the last tested ' 'arguments.') # Add argument for the LLVM version to use. parser.add_argument('--llvm_version', type=get_llvm_hash.IsSvnOption, required=True, help='which git hash of LLVM to find ' '{google3, ToT, } ' '(default: finds the git hash of the google3 LLVM ' 'version)') # Add argument to add reviewers for the created CL. parser.add_argument('--reviewers', nargs='+', default=[], help='The reviewers for the package update changelist') # Add argument for whether to display command contents to `stdout`. parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='display contents of a command to the terminal ' '(default: %(default)s)') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name') subparser_names = [] # Testing with the tryjobs. tryjob_subparser = subparsers.add_parser('tryjobs') subparser_names.append('tryjobs') tryjob_subparser.add_argument('--builders', required=True, nargs='+', default=[], help='builders to use for the tryjob testing') # Add argument for custom options for the tryjob. tryjob_subparser.add_argument('--options', required=False, nargs='+', default=[], help='options to use for the tryjob testing') # Testing with the recipe builders recipe_subparser = subparsers.add_parser('recipe') subparser_names.append('recipe') recipe_subparser.add_argument('--options', required=False, nargs='+', default=[], help='options passed to the recipe builders') recipe_subparser.add_argument('--builders', required=True, nargs='+', default=[], help='recipe builders to launch') # Testing with CQ. cq_subparser = subparsers.add_parser('cq') subparser_names.append('cq') # Add argument for specify a cq trybot to test along with other cq builders # e.g. llvm, llvm-next or llvm-tot cq_subparser.add_argument( '--cq_trybot', choices=VALID_CQ_TRYBOTS, help='include the trybot to test together with other cq builders ' 'available: %(choices)s') args_output = parser.parse_args() if args_output.subparser_name not in subparser_names: parser.error('one of %s must be specified' % subparser_names) return args_output def UnchangedSinceLastRun(last_tested_file, arg_dict): """Gets the arguments used for last run Args: last_tested_file: The absolute path to the file that contains the arguments for the last run. arg_dict: The arguments used for this run. Returns: Return true if the arguments used for last run exist and are the same as the arguments used for this run. Otherwise return false. """ if not last_tested_file: return False # Get the last tested svn version if the file exists. last_arg_dict = None try: with open(last_tested_file) as f: last_arg_dict = json.load(f) except (IOError, ValueError): return False return arg_dict == last_arg_dict def AddReviewers(cl, reviewers, chroot_path): """Add reviewers for the created CL.""" gerrit_abs_path = os.path.join(chroot_path, 'chromite/bin/gerrit') for reviewer in reviewers: cmd = [gerrit_abs_path, 'reviewers', str(cl), reviewer] subprocess.check_output(cmd) def AddLinksToCL(tests, cl, chroot_path): """Adds the test link(s) to the CL as a comment.""" # NOTE: Invoking `cros_sdk` does not make each tryjob link appear on its own # line, so invoking the `gerrit` command directly instead of using `cros_sdk` # to do it for us. # # FIXME: Need to figure out why `cros_sdk` does not add each tryjob link as a # newline. gerrit_abs_path = os.path.join(chroot_path, 'chromite/bin/gerrit') links = ['Started the following tests:'] links.extend(test['link'] for test in tests) add_message_cmd = [gerrit_abs_path, 'message', str(cl), '\n'.join(links)] subprocess.check_output(add_message_cmd) # Testing with tryjobs def GetCurrentTimeInUTC(): """Returns the current time via `datetime.datetime.utcnow()`.""" return datetime.datetime.utcnow() def GetTryJobCommand(change_list, extra_change_lists, options, builder): """Constructs the 'tryjob' command. Args: change_list: The CL obtained from updating the packages. extra_change_lists: Extra change lists that would like to be run alongside the change list of updating the packages. options: Options to be passed into the tryjob command. builder: The builder to be passed into the tryjob command. Returns: The 'tryjob' command with the change list of updating the packages and any extra information that was passed into the command line. """ tryjob_cmd = ['cros', 'tryjob', '--yes', '--json', '-g', '%d' % change_list] if extra_change_lists: for extra_cl in extra_change_lists: tryjob_cmd.extend(['-g', '%d' % extra_cl]) if options: tryjob_cmd.extend('--%s' % option for option in options) tryjob_cmd.append(builder) return tryjob_cmd def RunTryJobs(cl_number, extra_change_lists, options, builders, chroot_path): """Runs a tryjob/tryjobs. Args: cl_number: The CL created by updating the packages. extra_change_lists: Any extra change lists that would run alongside the CL that was created by updating the packages ('cl_number'). options: Any options to be passed into the 'tryjob' command. builders: All the builders to run the 'tryjob' with. chroot_path: The absolute path to the chroot. Returns: A list that contains stdout contents of each tryjob, where stdout is information (a hashmap) about the tryjob. The hashmap also contains stderr if there was an error when running a tryjob. Raises: ValueError: Failed to submit a tryjob. """ # Contains the results of each builder. tests = [] # Run tryjobs with the change list number obtained from updating the # packages and append additional changes lists and options obtained from the # command line. for builder in builders: cmd = GetTryJobCommand(cl_number, extra_change_lists, options, builder) out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=chroot_path, encoding='utf-8') test_output = json.loads(out) buildbucket_id = int(test_output[0]['id']) tests.append({ 'launch_time': str(GetCurrentTimeInUTC()), 'link': 'http://ci.chromium.org/b/%s' % buildbucket_id, 'buildbucket_id': buildbucket_id, 'extra_cls': extra_change_lists, 'options': options, 'builder': [builder] }) AddLinksToCL(tests, cl_number, chroot_path) return tests def StartRecipeBuilders(cl_number, extra_change_lists, options, builders, chroot_path): """Launch recipe builders. Args: cl_number: The CL created by updating the packages. extra_change_lists: Any extra change lists that would run alongside the CL that was created by updating the packages ('cl_number'). options: Any options to be passed into the 'tryjob' command. builders: All the builders to run the 'tryjob' with. chroot_path: The absolute path to the chroot. Returns: A list that contains stdout contents of each builder, where stdout is information (a hashmap) about the tryjob. The hashmap also contains stderr if there was an error when running a tryjob. Raises: ValueError: Failed to start a builder. """ # Contains the results of each builder. tests = [] # Launch a builders with the change list number obtained from updating the # packages and append additional changes lists and options obtained from the # command line. for builder in builders: cmd = ['bb', 'add', '-json'] if cl_number: cmd.extend(['-cl', 'crrev.com/c/%d' % cl_number]) if extra_change_lists: for cl in extra_change_lists: cmd.extend(['-cl', 'crrev.com/c/%d' % cl]) if options: cmd.extend(options) cmd.append(builder) out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=chroot_path, encoding='utf-8') test_output = json.loads(out) tests.append({ 'launch_time': test_output['createTime'], 'link': 'http://ci.chromium.org/b/%s' % test_output['id'], 'buildbucket_id': test_output['id'], 'extra_cls': extra_change_lists, 'options': options, 'builder': [builder] }) AddLinksToCL(tests, cl_number, chroot_path) return tests # Testing with CQ def GetCQDependString(dependent_cls): """Get CQ dependency string e.g. `Cq-Depend: chromium:MM, chromium:NN`.""" if not dependent_cls: return None # Cq-Depend must start a new paragraph prefixed with "Cq-Depend". return '\nCq-Depend: ' + ', '.join( ('chromium:%s' % i) for i in dependent_cls) def GetCQIncludeTrybotsString(trybot): """Get Cq-Include-Trybots string, for more llvm testings""" if not trybot: return None if trybot not in VALID_CQ_TRYBOTS: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid llvm trybot' % trybot) # Cq-Include-Trybots must start a new paragraph prefixed # with "Cq-Include-Trybots". return '\nCq-Include-Trybots:chromeos/cq:cq-%s-orchestrator' % trybot def StartCQDryRun(cl, dependent_cls, chroot_path): """Start CQ dry run for the changelist and dependencies.""" gerrit_abs_path = os.path.join(chroot_path, 'chromite/bin/gerrit') cl_list = [cl] cl_list.extend(dependent_cls) for changes in cl_list: cq_dry_run_cmd = [gerrit_abs_path, 'label-cq', str(changes), '1'] subprocess.check_output(cq_dry_run_cmd) def main(): """Updates the packages' LLVM hash and run tests. Raises: AssertionError: The script was run inside the chroot. """ chroot.VerifyOutsideChroot() args_output = GetCommandLineArgs() patch_metadata_file = 'PATCHES.json' svn_option = args_output.llvm_version git_hash, svn_version = get_llvm_hash.GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption( svn_option) # There is no need to run tryjobs when all the key parameters remain unchanged # from last time. # If --last_tested is specified, check if the current run has the same # arguments last time --last_tested is used. if args_output.last_tested: chroot_file_paths = chroot.GetChrootEbuildPaths( args_output.chroot_path, update_chromeos_llvm_hash.DEFAULT_PACKAGES) arg_dict = { 'svn_version': svn_version, 'ebuilds': chroot_file_paths, 'extra_cls': args_output.extra_change_lists, } if args_output.subparser_name in ('tryjobs', 'recipe'): arg_dict['builders'] = args_output.builders arg_dict['tryjob_options'] = args_output.options if UnchangedSinceLastRun(args_output.last_tested, arg_dict): print('svn version (%d) matches the last tested svn version in %s' % (svn_version, args_output.last_tested)) return llvm_variant = update_chromeos_llvm_hash.LLVMVariant.current if args_output.is_llvm_next: llvm_variant = update_chromeos_llvm_hash.LLVMVariant.next update_chromeos_llvm_hash.verbose = args_output.verbose extra_commit_msg = None if args_output.subparser_name == 'cq': cq_depend_msg = GetCQDependString(args_output.extra_change_lists) if cq_depend_msg: extra_commit_msg = cq_depend_msg cq_trybot_msg = GetCQIncludeTrybotsString(args_output.cq_trybot) if cq_trybot_msg: extra_commit_msg += cq_trybot_msg change_list = update_chromeos_llvm_hash.UpdatePackages( update_chromeos_llvm_hash.DEFAULT_PACKAGES, llvm_variant, git_hash, svn_version, args_output.chroot_path, patch_metadata_file, failure_modes.FailureModes.DISABLE_PATCHES, svn_option, extra_commit_msg=extra_commit_msg) AddReviewers(change_list.cl_number, args_output.reviewers, args_output.chroot_path) print('Successfully updated packages to %d' % svn_version) print('Gerrit URL: %s' % change_list.url) print('Change list number: %d' % change_list.cl_number) if args_output.subparser_name == 'tryjobs': tests = RunTryJobs(change_list.cl_number, args_output.extra_change_lists, args_output.options, args_output.builders, args_output.chroot_path) print('Tests:') for test in tests: print(test) elif args_output.subparser_name == 'recipe': tests = StartRecipeBuilders(change_list.cl_number, args_output.extra_change_lists, args_output.options, args_output.builders, args_output.chroot_path) print('Tests:') for test in tests: print(test) else: StartCQDryRun(change_list.cl_number, args_output.extra_change_lists, args_output.chroot_path) # If --last_tested is specified, record the arguments used if args_output.last_tested: with open(args_output.last_tested, 'w') as f: json.dump(arg_dict, f, indent=2) if __name__ == '__main__': main()