#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Updates the status of a tryjob.""" import argparse import enum import json import os import subprocess import sys import chroot from test_helpers import CreateTemporaryJsonFile class TryjobStatus(enum.Enum): """Values for the 'status' field of a tryjob.""" GOOD = "good" BAD = "bad" PENDING = "pending" SKIP = "skip" # Executes the script passed into the command line (this script's exit code # determines the 'status' value of the tryjob). CUSTOM_SCRIPT = "custom_script" class CustomScriptStatus(enum.Enum): """Exit code values of a custom script.""" # NOTE: Not using 1 for 'bad' because the custom script can raise an # exception which would cause the exit code of the script to be 1, so the # tryjob's 'status' would be updated when there is an exception. # # Exit codes are as follows: # 0: 'good' # 124: 'bad' # 125: 'skip' GOOD = 0 BAD = 124 SKIP = 125 custom_script_exit_value_mapping = { CustomScriptStatus.GOOD.value: TryjobStatus.GOOD.value, CustomScriptStatus.BAD.value: TryjobStatus.BAD.value, CustomScriptStatus.SKIP.value: TryjobStatus.SKIP.value, } def GetCommandLineArgs(): """Parses the command line for the command line arguments.""" # Default absoute path to the chroot if not specified. cros_root = os.path.expanduser("~") cros_root = os.path.join(cros_root, "chromiumos") # Create parser and add optional command-line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Updates the status of a tryjob." ) # Add argument for the JSON file to use for the update of a tryjob. parser.add_argument( "--status_file", required=True, help="The absolute path to the JSON file that contains the tryjobs used " "for bisecting LLVM.", ) # Add argument that sets the 'status' field to that value. parser.add_argument( "--set_status", required=True, choices=[tryjob_status.value for tryjob_status in TryjobStatus], help='Sets the "status" field of the tryjob.', ) # Add argument that determines which revision to search for in the list of # tryjobs. parser.add_argument( "--revision", required=True, type=int, help="The revision to set its status.", ) # Add argument for the custom script to execute for the 'custom_script' # option in '--set_status'. parser.add_argument( "--custom_script", help="The absolute path to the custom script to execute (its exit code " 'should be %d for "good", %d for "bad", or %d for "skip")' % ( CustomScriptStatus.GOOD.value, CustomScriptStatus.BAD.value, CustomScriptStatus.SKIP.value, ), ) args_output = parser.parse_args() if not ( os.path.isfile( args_output.status_file and not args_output.status_file.endswith(".json") ) ): raise ValueError( 'File does not exist or does not ending in ".json" ' ": %s" % args_output.status_file ) if ( args_output.set_status == TryjobStatus.CUSTOM_SCRIPT.value and not args_output.custom_script ): raise ValueError( "Please provide the absolute path to the script to " "execute." ) return args_output def FindTryjobIndex(revision, tryjobs_list): """Searches the list of tryjob dictionaries to find 'revision'. Uses the key 'rev' for each dictionary and compares the value against 'revision.' Args: revision: The revision to search for in the tryjobs. tryjobs_list: A list of tryjob dictionaries of the format: { 'rev' : [REVISION], 'url' : [URL_OF_CL], 'cl' : [CL_NUMBER], 'link' : [TRYJOB_LINK], 'status' : [TRYJOB_STATUS], 'buildbucket_id': [BUILDBUCKET_ID] } Returns: The index within the list or None to indicate it was not found. """ for cur_index, cur_tryjob_dict in enumerate(tryjobs_list): if cur_tryjob_dict["rev"] == revision: return cur_index return None def GetCustomScriptResult(custom_script, status_file, tryjob_contents): """Returns the conversion of the exit code of the custom script. Args: custom_script: Absolute path to the script to be executed. status_file: Absolute path to the file that contains information about the bisection of LLVM. tryjob_contents: A dictionary of the contents of the tryjob (e.g. 'status', 'url', 'link', 'buildbucket_id', etc.). Returns: The exit code conversion to either return 'good', 'bad', or 'skip'. Raises: ValueError: The custom script failed to provide the correct exit code. """ # Create a temporary file to write the contents of the tryjob at index # 'tryjob_index' (the temporary file path will be passed into the custom # script as a command line argument). with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as temp_json_file: with open(temp_json_file, "w") as tryjob_file: json.dump( tryjob_contents, tryjob_file, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ") ) exec_script_cmd = [custom_script, temp_json_file] # Execute the custom script to get the exit code. exec_script_cmd_obj = subprocess.Popen( exec_script_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) _, stderr = exec_script_cmd_obj.communicate() # Invalid exit code by the custom script. if ( exec_script_cmd_obj.returncode not in custom_script_exit_value_mapping ): # Save the .JSON file to the directory of 'status_file'. name_of_json_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(status_file), os.path.basename(temp_json_file) ) os.rename(temp_json_file, name_of_json_file) raise ValueError( "Custom script %s exit code %d did not match " 'any of the expected exit codes: %d for "good", %d ' 'for "bad", or %d for "skip".\nPlease check %s for information ' "about the tryjob: %s" % ( custom_script, exec_script_cmd_obj.returncode, CustomScriptStatus.GOOD.value, CustomScriptStatus.BAD.value, CustomScriptStatus.SKIP.value, name_of_json_file, stderr, ) ) return custom_script_exit_value_mapping[exec_script_cmd_obj.returncode] def UpdateTryjobStatus(revision, set_status, status_file, custom_script): """Updates a tryjob's 'status' field based off of 'set_status'. Args: revision: The revision associated with the tryjob. set_status: What to update the 'status' field to. Ex: TryjobStatus.Good, TryjobStatus.BAD, TryjobStatus.PENDING, or TryjobStatus. status_file: The .JSON file that contains the tryjobs. custom_script: The absolute path to a script that will be executed which will determine the 'status' value of the tryjob. """ # Format of 'bisect_contents': # { # 'start': [START_REVISION_OF_BISECTION] # 'end': [END_REVISION_OF_BISECTION] # 'jobs' : [ # {[TRYJOB_INFORMATION]}, # {[TRYJOB_INFORMATION]}, # ..., # {[TRYJOB_INFORMATION]} # ] # } with open(status_file) as tryjobs: bisect_contents = json.load(tryjobs) if not bisect_contents["jobs"]: sys.exit("No tryjobs in %s" % status_file) tryjob_index = FindTryjobIndex(revision, bisect_contents["jobs"]) # 'FindTryjobIndex()' returns None if the revision was not found. if tryjob_index is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to find tryjob for %d in %s" % (revision, status_file) ) # Set 'status' depending on 'set_status' for the tryjob. if set_status == TryjobStatus.GOOD: bisect_contents["jobs"][tryjob_index][ "status" ] = TryjobStatus.GOOD.value elif set_status == TryjobStatus.BAD: bisect_contents["jobs"][tryjob_index]["status"] = TryjobStatus.BAD.value elif set_status == TryjobStatus.PENDING: bisect_contents["jobs"][tryjob_index][ "status" ] = TryjobStatus.PENDING.value elif set_status == TryjobStatus.SKIP: bisect_contents["jobs"][tryjob_index][ "status" ] = TryjobStatus.SKIP.value elif set_status == TryjobStatus.CUSTOM_SCRIPT: bisect_contents["jobs"][tryjob_index]["status"] = GetCustomScriptResult( custom_script, status_file, bisect_contents["jobs"][tryjob_index] ) else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid "set_status" option provided: %s' % set_status ) with open(status_file, "w") as update_tryjobs: json.dump( bisect_contents, update_tryjobs, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ") ) def main(): """Updates the status of a tryjob.""" chroot.VerifyOutsideChroot() args_output = GetCommandLineArgs() UpdateTryjobStatus( args_output.revision, TryjobStatus(args_output.set_status), args_output.status_file, args_output.custom_script, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()