#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """This module controls locking and unlocking of test machines.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import enum import getpass import os import sys import file_lock_machine from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import logger from cros_utils import machines class LockException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" class MachineNotPingable(LockException): """Raised when machine does not respond to ping.""" class LockingError(LockException): """Raised when server fails to lock/unlock machine as requested.""" class DontOwnLock(LockException): """Raised when user attmepts to unlock machine locked by someone else.""" # This should not be raised if the user specified '--force' class NoAFEServer(LockException): """Raised when cannot find/access the autotest server.""" class AFEAccessError(LockException): """Raised when cannot get information about lab machine from lab server.""" class MachineType(enum.Enum): """Enum class to hold machine type.""" AFE = 'afe' LOCAL = 'local' SKYLAB = 'skylab' class LockManager(object): """Class for locking/unlocking machines vie three different modes. This class contains methods for checking the locked status of machines, and for changing the locked status. It handles HW lab machines (both AFE and Skylab), and local machines, using appropriate locking mechanisms for each. !!!IMPORTANT NOTE!!! The AFE server can only be called from the main thread/process of a program. If you launch threads and try to call it from a thread, you will get an error. This has to do with restrictions in the Python virtual machine (and signal handling) and cannot be changed. """ SKYLAB_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/skylab' # TODO(zhizhouy): lease time may needs to be dynamically adjusted. For now we # set it long enough to cover the period to finish nightly rotation tests. LEASE_MINS = 1440 SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL = '/usr/local/google/home/mobiletc-prebuild' \ '/sheriff_utils/skylab_credential' \ '/chromeos-swarming-credential.json' SWARMING = 'chromite/third_party/swarming.client/swarming.py' SUCCESS = 0 def __init__(self, remotes, force_option, chromeos_root, locks_dir='', log=None): """Initializes an LockManager object. Args: remotes: A list of machine names or ip addresses to be managed. Names and ip addresses should be represented as strings. If the list is empty, the lock manager will get all known machines. force_option: A Boolean indicating whether or not to force an unlock of a machine that was locked by someone else. chromeos_root: The ChromeOS chroot to use for the autotest scripts. locks_dir: A directory used for file locking local devices. log: If not None, this is the logger object to be used for writing out informational output messages. It is expected to be an instance of Logger class from cros_utils/logger.py. """ self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root self.user = getpass.getuser() self.logger = log or logger.GetLogger() self.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(self.logger) autotest_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'src/third_party/autotest/files') sys.path.append(chromeos_root) sys.path.append(autotest_path) sys.path.append(os.path.join(autotest_path, 'server', 'cros')) self.locks_dir = locks_dir # We have to wait to do these imports until the paths above have # been fixed. # pylint: disable=import-error from client import setup_modules setup_modules.setup( base_path=autotest_path, root_module_name='autotest_lib') from dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers self.afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE( timeout_min=30, delay_sec=10, debug=False, server='cautotest') self.machines = list(set(remotes)) or [] self.toolchain_lab_machines = self.GetAllToolchainLabMachines() if not self.machines: self.machines = self.toolchain_lab_machines self.force = force_option self.local_machines = [] self.skylab_machines = [] def CheckMachine(self, machine, error_msg): """Verifies that machine is responding to ping. Args: machine: String containing the name or ip address of machine to check. error_msg: Message to print if ping fails. Raises: MachineNotPingable: If machine is not responding to 'ping' """ if not machines.MachineIsPingable(machine, logging_level='none'): cros_machine = machine + '.cros' if not machines.MachineIsPingable(cros_machine, logging_level='none'): raise MachineNotPingable(error_msg) def GetAllToolchainLabMachines(self): """Gets a list of all the toolchain machines in the ChromeOS HW lab. Returns: A list of names of the toolchain machines in the ChromeOS HW lab. """ machines_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'crosperf', 'default_remotes') machine_list = [] with open(machines_file, 'r') as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() for line in lines: _, remotes = line.split(':') remotes = remotes.strip() for r in remotes.split(): machine_list.append(r.strip()) return machine_list def GetMachineType(self, m): """Get where the machine is located. Args: m: String containing the name or ip address of machine. Returns: Value of the type in MachineType Enum. """ if m in self.local_machines: return MachineType.LOCAL if m in self.skylab_machines: return MachineType.SKYLAB return MachineType.AFE def PrintStatusHeader(self): """Prints the status header lines for machines.""" print('\nMachine (Board)\t\t\t\t\tStatus') print('---------------\t\t\t\t\t------') def PrintStatus(self, m, state, machine_type): """Prints status for a single machine. Args: m: String containing the name or ip address of machine. state: A dictionary of the current state of the machine. machine_type: MachineType to determine where the machine is located. """ if machine_type == MachineType.AFE and not m.endswith('.cros'): m += '.cros' if state['locked']: print('%s (%s)\t\t%slocked by %s since %s' % (m, state['board'], '\t\t' if machine_type == MachineType.LOCAL else '', state['locked_by'], state['lock_time'])) else: print( '%s (%s)\t\t%sunlocked' % (m, state['board'], '\t\t' if machine_type == MachineType.LOCAL else '')) def AddMachineToLocal(self, machine): """Adds a machine to local machine list. Args: machine: The machine to be added. """ if machine not in self.local_machines: self.local_machines.append(machine) def AddMachineToSkylab(self, machine): """Adds a machine to skylab machine list. Args: machine: The machine to be added. """ if machine not in self.skylab_machines: self.skylab_machines.append(machine) def ListMachineStates(self, machine_states): """Gets and prints the current status for a list of machines. Prints out the current status for all of the machines in the current LockManager's list of machines (set when the object is initialized). Args: machine_states: A dictionary of the current state of every machine in the current LockManager's list of machines. Normally obtained by calling LockManager::GetMachineStates. """ self.PrintStatusHeader() for m in machine_states: machine_type = self.GetMachineType(m) state = machine_states[m] self.PrintStatus(m, state, machine_type) def UpdateLockInAFE(self, should_lock_machine, machine): """Calls an AFE server to lock/unlock a machine. Args: should_lock_machine: Boolean indicating whether to lock the machine (True) or unlock the machine (False). machine: The machine to update. Returns: True if requested action succeeded, else False. """ kwargs = {'locked': should_lock_machine} if should_lock_machine: kwargs['lock_reason'] = 'toolchain user request (%s)' % self.user m = machine.split('.')[0] afe_server = self.afe try: afe_server.run( 'modify_hosts', host_filter_data={'hostname__in': [m]}, update_data=kwargs) except Exception: return False return True def UpdateLockInSkylab(self, should_lock_machine, machine): """Ask skylab to lease/release a machine. Args: should_lock_machine: Boolean indicating whether to lock the machine (True) or unlock the machine (False). machine: The machine to update. Returns: True if requested action succeeded, else False. """ try: if should_lock_machine: ret = self.LeaseSkylabMachine(machine) else: ret = self.ReleaseSkylabMachine(machine) except Exception: return False return ret def UpdateFileLock(self, should_lock_machine, machine): """Use file lock for local machines, Args: should_lock_machine: Boolean indicating whether to lock the machine (True) or unlock the machine (False). machine: The machine to update. Returns: True if requested action succeeded, else False. """ try: if should_lock_machine: ret = file_lock_machine.Machine(machine, self.locks_dir).Lock( True, sys.argv[0]) else: ret = file_lock_machine.Machine(machine, self.locks_dir).Unlock(True) except Exception: return False return ret def UpdateMachines(self, lock_machines): """Sets the locked state of the machines to the requested value. The machines updated are the ones in self.machines (specified when the class object was intialized). Args: lock_machines: Boolean indicating whether to lock the machines (True) or unlock the machines (False). Returns: A list of the machines whose state was successfully updated. """ updated_machines = [] action = 'Locking' if lock_machines else 'Unlocking' for m in self.machines: # TODO(zhizhouy): Handling exceptions with more details when locking # doesn't succeed. machine_type = self.GetMachineType(m) if machine_type == MachineType.SKYLAB: ret = self.UpdateLockInSkylab(lock_machines, m) elif machine_type == MachineType.LOCAL: ret = self.UpdateFileLock(lock_machines, m) else: ret = self.UpdateLockInAFE(lock_machines, m) if ret: self.logger.LogOutput( '%s %s machine succeeded: %s.' % (action, machine_type.value, m)) updated_machines.append(m) else: self.logger.LogOutput( '%s %s machine failed: %s.' % (action, machine_type.value, m)) self.machines = updated_machines return updated_machines def _InternalRemoveMachine(self, machine): """Remove machine from internal list of machines. Args: machine: Name of machine to be removed from internal list. """ # Check to see if machine is lab machine and if so, make sure it has # ".cros" on the end. cros_machine = machine if machine.find('rack') > 0 and machine.find('row') > 0: if machine.find('.cros') == -1: cros_machine = cros_machine + '.cros' self.machines = [ m for m in self.machines if m != cros_machine and m != machine ] def CheckMachineLocks(self, machine_states, cmd): """Check that every machine in requested list is in the proper state. If the cmd is 'unlock' verify that every machine is locked by requestor. If the cmd is 'lock' verify that every machine is currently unlocked. Args: machine_states: A dictionary of the current state of every machine in the current LockManager's list of machines. Normally obtained by calling LockManager::GetMachineStates. cmd: The user-requested action for the machines: 'lock' or 'unlock'. Raises: DontOwnLock: The lock on a requested machine is owned by someone else. """ for k, state in machine_states.iteritems(): if cmd == 'unlock': if not state['locked']: self.logger.LogWarning('Attempt to unlock already unlocked machine ' '(%s).' % k) self._InternalRemoveMachine(k) # TODO(zhizhouy): Skylab doesn't support host info such as locked_by. # Need to update this when skylab supports it. if (state['locked'] and state['locked_by'] and state['locked_by'] != self.user): raise DontOwnLock('Attempt to unlock machine (%s) locked by someone ' 'else (%s).' % (k, state['locked_by'])) elif cmd == 'lock': if state['locked']: self.logger.LogWarning( 'Attempt to lock already locked machine (%s)' % k) self._InternalRemoveMachine(k) def GetMachineStates(self, cmd=''): """Gets the current state of all the requested machines. Gets the current state of all the requested machines. Stores the data in a dictionary keyed by machine name. Args: cmd: The command for which we are getting the machine states. This is important because if one of the requested machines is missing we raise an exception, unless the requested command is 'add'. Returns: A dictionary of machine states for all the machines in the LockManager object. Raises: NoAFEServer: Cannot find the HW Lab AFE server. AFEAccessError: An error occurred when querying the server about a machine. """ if not self.afe: raise NoAFEServer('Error: Cannot connect to main AFE server.') machine_list = {} for m in self.machines: # For local or skylab machines, we simply set {'locked': status} for them # TODO(zhizhouy): This is a quick fix since skylab cannot return host info # as afe does. We need to get more info such as locked_by when skylab # supports that. if m in self.local_machines or m in self.skylab_machines: values = { 'locked': 0 if cmd == 'lock' else 1, 'board': '??', 'locked_by': '', 'lock_time': '' } machine_list[m] = values else: # For autotest machines, we use afe APIs to get locking info. mod_host = m.split('.')[0] host_info = self.afe.get_hosts(hostname=mod_host) if not host_info: raise AFEAccessError('Unable to get information about %s from main' ' autotest server.' % m) host_info = host_info[0] name = host_info.hostname values = {} values['board'] = host_info.platform if host_info.platform else '??' values['locked'] = host_info.locked if host_info.locked: values['locked_by'] = host_info.locked_by values['lock_time'] = host_info.lock_time else: values['locked_by'] = '' values['lock_time'] = '' machine_list[name] = values self.ListMachineStates(machine_list) return machine_list def CheckMachineInSkylab(self, machine): """Run command to check if machine is in Skylab or not. Returns: True if machine in skylab, else False """ credential = '' if os.path.exists(self.SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL): credential = '--auth-service-account-json %s' % self.SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL swarming = os.path.join(self.chromeos_root, self.SWARMING) cmd = (('%s query --swarming https://chromeos-swarming.appspot.com ' \ "%s 'bots/list?is_dead=FALSE&dimensions=dut_name:%s'") % \ (swarming, credential, machine.rstrip('.cros'))) ret_tup = self.ce.RunCommandWOutput(cmd) # The command will return a json output as stdout. If machine not in skylab # stdout will look like this: # { # "death_timeout": "600", # "now": "TIMESTAMP" # } # Otherwise there will be a tuple starting with 'items', we simply detect # this keyword for result. if 'items' not in ret_tup[1]: return False else: return True def LeaseSkylabMachine(self, machine): """Run command to lease dut from skylab. Returns: True if succeeded, False if failed. """ credential = '' if os.path.exists(self.SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL): credential = '-service-account-json %s' % self.SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL cmd = (('%s lease-dut -minutes %s %s %s') % \ (self.SKYLAB_PATH, self.LEASE_MINS, credential, machine.rstrip('.cros'))) # Wait 120 seconds for server to start the lease task, if not started, # we will treat it as unavailable. check_interval_time = 120 retval = self.ce.RunCommand(cmd, command_timeout=check_interval_time) return retval == self.SUCCESS def ReleaseSkylabMachine(self, machine): """Run command to release dut from skylab. Returns: True if succeeded, False if failed. """ credential = '' if os.path.exists(self.SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL): credential = '-service-account-json %s' % self.SKYLAB_CREDENTIAL cmd = (('%s release-dut %s %s') % \ (self.SKYLAB_PATH, credential, machine.rstrip('.cros'))) retval = self.ce.RunCommand(cmd) return retval == self.SUCCESS def Main(argv): """Parse the options, initialize lock manager and dispatch proper method. Args: argv: The options with which this script was invoked. Returns: 0 unless an exception is raised. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--list', dest='cmd', action='store_const', const='status', help='List current status of all known machines.') parser.add_argument( '--lock', dest='cmd', action='store_const', const='lock', help='Lock given machine(s).') parser.add_argument( '--unlock', dest='cmd', action='store_const', const='unlock', help='Unlock given machine(s).') parser.add_argument( '--status', dest='cmd', action='store_const', const='status', help='List current status of given machine(s).') parser.add_argument( '--remote', dest='remote', help='machines on which to operate') parser.add_argument( '--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root', required=True, help='ChromeOS root to use for autotest scripts.') parser.add_argument( '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force lock/unlock of machines, even if not' ' current lock owner.') options = parser.parse_args(argv) if not options.remote and options.cmd != 'status': parser.error('No machines specified for operation.') if not os.path.isdir(options.chromeos_root): parser.error('Cannot find chromeos_root: %s.' % options.chromeos_root) if not options.cmd: parser.error('No operation selected (--list, --status, --lock, --unlock,' ' --add_machine, --remove_machine).') machine_list = [] if options.remote: machine_list = options.remote.split() lock_manager = LockManager(machine_list, options.force, options.chromeos_root) machine_states = lock_manager.GetMachineStates(cmd=options.cmd) cmd = options.cmd if cmd == 'status': lock_manager.ListMachineStates(machine_states) elif cmd == 'lock': if not lock_manager.force: lock_manager.CheckMachineLocks(machine_states, cmd) lock_manager.UpdateMachines(True) elif cmd == 'unlock': if not lock_manager.force: lock_manager.CheckMachineLocks(machine_states, cmd) lock_manager.UpdateMachines(False) elif cmd == 'add': lock_manager.AddMachinesToLocalServer() elif cmd == 'remove': lock_manager.RemoveMachinesFromLocalServer() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main(sys.argv[1:]))