#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Runs tests for the given input files. Tries its best to autodetect all tests based on path name without being *too* aggressive. In short, there's a small set of directories in which, if you make any change, all of the tests in those directories get run. Additionally, if you change a python file named foo, it'll run foo_test.py or foo_unittest.py if either of those exist. All tests are run in parallel. """ # NOTE: An alternative mentioned on the initial CL for this # https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/toolchain-utils/+/1516414 # is pytest. It looks like that brings some complexity (and makes use outside # of the chroot a bit more obnoxious?), but might be worth exploring if this # starts to grow quite complex on its own. import argparse import collections import signal import multiprocessing.pool import os import pipes import subprocess import sys from typing import Tuple, Optional TestSpec = collections.namedtuple("TestSpec", ["directory", "command"]) # List of python scripts that are not test with relative path to # toolchain-utils. non_test_py_files = { "debug_info_test/debug_info_test.py", } def _make_relative_to_toolchain_utils(toolchain_utils, path): """Cleans & makes a path relative to toolchain_utils. Raises if that path isn't under toolchain_utils. """ # abspath has the nice property that it removes any markers like './'. as_abs = os.path.abspath(path) result = os.path.relpath(as_abs, start=toolchain_utils) if result.startswith("../"): raise ValueError("Non toolchain-utils directory found: %s" % result) return result def _filter_python_tests(test_files, toolchain_utils): """Returns all files that are real python tests.""" python_tests = [] for test_file in test_files: rel_path = _make_relative_to_toolchain_utils(toolchain_utils, test_file) if rel_path not in non_test_py_files: python_tests.append(_python_test_to_spec(test_file)) else: print("## %s ... NON_TEST_PY_FILE" % rel_path) return python_tests def _gather_python_tests_in(rel_subdir, toolchain_utils): """Returns all files that appear to be Python tests in a given directory.""" subdir = os.path.join(toolchain_utils, rel_subdir) test_files = ( os.path.join(subdir, file_name) for file_name in os.listdir(subdir) if file_name.endswith("_test.py") or file_name.endswith("_unittest.py") ) return _filter_python_tests(test_files, toolchain_utils) def _run_test(test_spec: TestSpec, timeout: int) -> Tuple[Optional[int], str]: """Runs a test. Returns a tuple indicating the process' exit code, and the combined stdout+stderr of the process. If the exit code is None, the process timed out. """ # Each subprocess gets its own process group, since many of these tests # spawn subprocesses for a variety of reasons. If these tests time out, we # want to be able to clean up all of the children swiftly. p = subprocess.Popen( test_spec.command, cwd=test_spec.directory, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding="utf-8", preexec_fn=lambda: os.setpgid(0, 0), ) child_pgid = p.pid try: out, _ = p.communicate(timeout=timeout) return p.returncode, out except BaseException as e: # Try to shut the processes down gracefully. os.killpg(child_pgid, signal.SIGINT) try: # 2 seconds is arbitrary, but given that these are unittests, # should be plenty of time for them to shut down. p.wait(timeout=2) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: os.killpg(child_pgid, signal.SIGKILL) except: os.killpg(child_pgid, signal.SIGKILL) raise if isinstance(e, subprocess.TimeoutExpired): # We just killed the entire process group. This should complete # ~immediately. If it doesn't, something is very wrong. out, _ = p.communicate(timeout=5) return (None, out) raise def _python_test_to_spec(test_file): """Given a .py file, convert it to a TestSpec.""" # Run tests in the directory they exist in, since some of them are sensitive # to that. test_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(test_file)) file_name = os.path.basename(test_file) if os.access(test_file, os.X_OK): command = ["./" + file_name] else: # Assume the user wanted py3. command = ["python3", file_name] return TestSpec(directory=test_directory, command=command) def _autodetect_python_tests_for(test_file, toolchain_utils): """Given a test file, detect if there may be related tests.""" if not test_file.endswith(".py"): return [] test_prefixes = ("test_", "unittest_") test_suffixes = ("_test.py", "_unittest.py") test_file_name = os.path.basename(test_file) test_file_is_a_test = any( test_file_name.startswith(x) for x in test_prefixes ) or any(test_file_name.endswith(x) for x in test_suffixes) if test_file_is_a_test: test_files = [test_file] else: test_file_no_suffix = test_file[:-3] candidates = [test_file_no_suffix + x for x in test_suffixes] dir_name = os.path.dirname(test_file) candidates += ( os.path.join(dir_name, x + test_file_name) for x in test_prefixes ) test_files = (x for x in candidates if os.path.exists(x)) return _filter_python_tests(test_files, toolchain_utils) def _run_test_scripts(pool, all_tests, timeout, show_successful_output=False): """Runs a list of TestSpecs. Returns whether all of them succeeded.""" results = [ pool.apply_async(_run_test, (test, timeout)) for test in all_tests ] failures = [] for i, (test, future) in enumerate(zip(all_tests, results)): # Add a bit more spacing between outputs. if show_successful_output and i: print("\n") pretty_test = " ".join( pipes.quote(test_arg) for test_arg in test.command ) pretty_directory = os.path.relpath(test.directory) if pretty_directory == ".": test_message = pretty_test else: test_message = "%s in %s/" % (pretty_test, pretty_directory) print("## %s ... " % test_message, end="") # Be sure that the users sees which test is running. sys.stdout.flush() exit_code, stdout = future.get() if exit_code == 0: print("PASS") is_failure = False else: print("TIMEOUT" if exit_code is None else "FAIL") failures.append(test_message) is_failure = True if show_successful_output or is_failure: if stdout: print("-- Stdout:\n", stdout) else: print("-- No stdout was produced.") if failures: word = "tests" if len(failures) > 1 else "test" print(f"{len(failures)} {word} failed:") for failure in failures: print(f"\t{failure}") return not failures def _compress_list(l): """Removes consecutive duplicate elements from |l|. >>> _compress_list([]) [] >>> _compress_list([1, 1]) [1] >>> _compress_list([1, 2, 1]) [1, 2, 1] """ result = [] for e in l: if result and result[-1] == e: continue result.append(e) return result def _fix_python_path(toolchain_utils): pypath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") if pypath: pypath = ":" + pypath os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = toolchain_utils + pypath def _find_forced_subdir_python_tests(test_paths, toolchain_utils): assert all(os.path.isabs(path) for path in test_paths) # Directories under toolchain_utils for which any change will cause all tests # in that directory to be rerun. Includes changes in subdirectories. all_dirs = { "crosperf", "cros_utils", } relative_paths = [ _make_relative_to_toolchain_utils(toolchain_utils, path) for path in test_paths ] gather_test_dirs = set() for path in relative_paths: top_level_dir = path.split("/")[0] if top_level_dir in all_dirs: gather_test_dirs.add(top_level_dir) results = [] for d in sorted(gather_test_dirs): results += _gather_python_tests_in(d, toolchain_utils) return results def _find_go_tests(test_paths): """Returns TestSpecs for the go folders of the given files""" assert all(os.path.isabs(path) for path in test_paths) dirs_with_gofiles = set( os.path.dirname(p) for p in test_paths if p.endswith(".go") ) command = ["go", "test", "-vet=all"] # Note: We sort the directories to be deterministic. return [ TestSpec(directory=d, command=command) for d in sorted(dirs_with_gofiles) ] def main(argv): default_toolchain_utils = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "--show_all_output", action="store_true", help="show stdout of successful tests", ) parser.add_argument( "--toolchain_utils", default=default_toolchain_utils, help="directory of toolchain-utils. Often auto-detected", ) parser.add_argument( "file", nargs="*", help="a file that we should run tests for" ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout", default=120, type=int, help="Time to allow a test to execute before timing it out, in " "seconds.", ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) modified_files = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in args.file] show_all_output = args.show_all_output toolchain_utils = args.toolchain_utils if not modified_files: print("No files given. Exit.") return 0 _fix_python_path(toolchain_utils) tests_to_run = _find_forced_subdir_python_tests( modified_files, toolchain_utils ) for f in modified_files: tests_to_run += _autodetect_python_tests_for(f, toolchain_utils) tests_to_run += _find_go_tests(modified_files) # TestSpecs have lists, so we can't use a set. We'd likely want to keep them # sorted for determinism anyway. tests_to_run.sort() tests_to_run = _compress_list(tests_to_run) with multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool() as pool: success = _run_test_scripts( pool, tests_to_run, args.timeout, show_all_output ) return 0 if success else 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))