#!/usr/bin/python2 # # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. """Script adapter used by automation client for testing dejagnu. This is not intended to be run on command line. To kick off a single dejagnu run, use ./dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py """ from __future__ import print_function __author__ = 'shenhan@google.com (Han Shen)' import argparse import sys import setup_chromeos import build_tc from dejagnu import run_dejagnu from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import email_sender class DejagnuAdapter(object): """Dejagnu Adapter class""" # TODO(shenhan): move these to constants.py. _CHROMIUM_GCC_GIT = ('https://chromium.googlesource.com/' 'chromiumos/third_party/gcc.git') _CHROMIUM_GCC_BRANCH = 'gcc.gnu.org/branches/google/gcc-4_7-mobile' _cmd_exec = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter() def __init__(self, board, remote, gcc_dir, chromeos_root, runtestflags, cleanup): self._board = board self._remote = remote self._gcc_dir = gcc_dir self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root self._runtestflags = runtestflags self._cleanup = cleanup def SetupChromeOS(self): cmd = [setup_chromeos.__file__, '--dir=' + self._chromeos_root, '--minilayout', '--jobs=8'] ret = setup_chromeos.Main(cmd) if ret: raise Exception('Failed to checkout chromeos') ## Do cros_sdk and setup_board, otherwise build_tc in next step will fail. cmd = 'cd {0} && cros_sdk --download'.format(self._chromeos_root) ret = self._cmd_exec.RunCommand(cmd, terminated_timeout=9000) if ret: raise Exception('Failed to create chroot.') def SetupBoard(self): cmd = './setup_board --board=' + self._board ret = self._cmd_exec.ChrootRunCommand(self._chromeos_root, cmd, terminated_timeout=4000) if ret: raise Exception('Failed to setup board.') def CheckoutGCC(self): cmd = 'git clone {0} {1} && cd {1} && git checkout {2}'.format( self._CHROMIUM_GCC_GIT, self._gcc_dir, self._CHROMIUM_GCC_BRANCH) ret = self._cmd_exec.RunCommand(cmd, terminated_timeout=300) if ret: raise Exception('Failed to checkout gcc.') ## Handle build_tc bug. cmd = ('touch {0}/gcc/config/arm/arm-tune.md ' + \ '{0}/gcc/config/arm/arm-tables.opt').format(self._gcc_dir) ret = self._cmd_exec.RunCommand(cmd) def BuildGCC(self): build_gcc_args = [build_tc.__file__, '--board=' + self._board, '--chromeos_root=' + self._chromeos_root, '--gcc_dir=' + self._gcc_dir] ret = build_tc.Main(build_gcc_args) if ret: raise Exception('Building gcc failed.') def CheckGCC(self): args = [run_dejagnu.__file__, '--board=' + self._board, '--chromeos_root=' + self._chromeos_root, '--mount=' + self._gcc_dir, '--remote=' + self._remote] if self._cleanup: args.append('--cleanup=' + self._cleanup) if self._runtestflags: args.append('--flags=' + self._runtestflags) return run_dejagnu.Main(args) # Parse the output log to determine how many failures we have. # Return -1 if parse output log failed. def GetNumNewFailures(input_str): if not input_str: return 0 start_counting = False n_failures = 0 for l in input_str.splitlines(): print(l) if not start_counting and 'Build results not in the manifest' in l: start_counting = True elif start_counting and l and ( l.find('UNRESOLVED:') == 0 or l.find('FAIL:') == 0 or l.find('XFAIL:') == 0 or l.find('XPASS:') == 0): n_failures = n_failures + 1 if not start_counting: return -1 return n_failures # Do not throw any exception in this function! def EmailResult(result): email_to = ['c-compiler-chrome@google.com'] if len(result) == 4: subject = 'Job failed: dejagnu test didn\'t finish' email_text = 'Job failed prematurely, check exception below.\n' + \ result[3] elif result[0]: subject = 'Job finished: dejagnu test failed' num_new_failures = GetNumNewFailures(result[1]) if num_new_failures >= 0: summary = '{0} new fail(s), check log below.'.format(num_new_failures) else: summary = 'At least 1 new fail found, check log below.' email_text = summary + \ ('\nStdout ====\n' '{0}\n' '\nStderr ===\n' '{1}\n').format(result[1], result[2]) else: subject = 'Job finished: dejagnu test passed' email_text = ('Cool! No new fail found.\n' '\nStdout ====\n' '{0}\n' '\nStderr ====\n' '{1}\n').format(result[1], result[2]) try: email_sender.EmailSender().SendEmail(email_to, subject, email_text) print('Email sent.') except Exception as e: # Do not propagate this email sending exception, you want to email an # email exception? Just log it on console. print('Sending email failed - {0}' 'Subject: {1}' 'Text: {2}').format( str(e), subject, email_text) def ProcessArguments(argv): """Processing script arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('This script is used by nightly client to test gcc. ' 'DO NOT run it unless you know what you are doing.'), usage='test_gcc_dejagnu.py options') parser.add_argument('-b', '--board', dest='board', help=('Required. Specify board type. For example ' '\'lumpy\' and \'daisy\'')) parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote', dest='remote', help=('Required. Specify remote board address')) parser.add_argument('-g', '--gcc_dir', dest='gcc_dir', default='gcc.live', help=('Optional. Specify gcc checkout directory.')) parser.add_argument('-c', '--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root', default='chromeos.live', help=('Optional. Specify chromeos checkout directory.')) parser.add_argument('--cleanup', dest='cleanup', default=None, help=('Optional. Do cleanup after the test.')) parser.add_argument('--runtestflags', dest='runtestflags', default=None, help=('Optional. Options to RUNTESTFLAGS env var ' 'while invoking make check. ' '(Mainly used for testing purpose.)')) options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if not options.board or not options.remote: raise Exception('--board and --remote are mandatory options.') return options def Main(argv): opt = ProcessArguments(argv) adapter = DejagnuAdapter(opt.board, opt.remote, opt.gcc_dir, opt.chromeos_root, opt.runtestflags, opt.cleanup) try: adapter.SetupChromeOS() adapter.SetupBoard() adapter.CheckoutGCC() adapter.BuildGCC() ret = adapter.CheckGCC() except Exception as e: print(e) ret = (1, '', '', str(e)) finally: EmailResult(ret) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': retval = Main(sys.argv) sys.exit(retval[0])