#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Table generating, analyzing and printing functions. This defines several classes that are used to generate, analyze and print tables. Example usage: from utils import tabulator data = [["benchmark1", "33", "44"],["benchmark2", "44", "33"]] tabulator.GetSimpleTable(data) You could also use it to generate more complex tables with analysis such as p-values, custom colors, etc. Tables are generated by TableGenerator and analyzed/formatted by TableFormatter. TableFormatter can take in a list of columns with custom result computation and coloring, and will compare values in each row according to taht scheme. Here is a complex example on printing a table: from utils import tabulator runs = [[{"k1": "10", "k2": "12", "k5": "40", "k6": "40", "ms_1": "20", "k7": "FAIL", "k8": "PASS", "k9": "PASS", "k10": "0"}, {"k1": "13", "k2": "14", "k3": "15", "ms_1": "10", "k8": "PASS", "k9": "FAIL", "k10": "0"}], [{"k1": "50", "k2": "51", "k3": "52", "k4": "53", "k5": "35", "k6": "45", "ms_1": "200", "ms_2": "20", "k7": "FAIL", "k8": "PASS", "k9": "PASS"}]] labels = ["vanilla", "modified"] tg = TableGenerator(runs, labels, TableGenerator.SORT_BY_VALUES_DESC) table = tg.GetTable() columns = [Column(LiteralResult(), Format(), "Literal"), Column(AmeanResult(), Format()), Column(StdResult(), Format()), Column(CoeffVarResult(), CoeffVarFormat()), Column(NonEmptyCountResult(), Format()), Column(AmeanRatioResult(), PercentFormat()), Column(AmeanRatioResult(), RatioFormat()), Column(GmeanRatioResult(), RatioFormat()), Column(PValueResult(), PValueFormat()), ] tf = TableFormatter(table, columns) cell_table = tf.GetCellTable() tp = TablePrinter(cell_table, out_to) print tp.Print() """ import getpass import math import sys import numpy import colortrans from email_sender import EmailSender import misc def _AllFloat(values): return all([misc.IsFloat(v) for v in values]) def _GetFloats(values): return [float(v) for v in values] def _StripNone(results): res = [] for result in results: if result is not None: res.append(result) return res class TableGenerator(object): """Creates a table from a list of list of dicts. The main public function is called GetTable(). """ SORT_BY_KEYS = 0 SORT_BY_KEYS_DESC = 1 SORT_BY_VALUES = 2 SORT_BY_VALUES_DESC = 3 MISSING_VALUE = "x" def __init__(self, d, l, sort=SORT_BY_KEYS, key_name="keys"): self._runs = d self._labels = l self._sort = sort self._key_name = key_name def _AggregateKeys(self): keys = set([]) for run_list in self._runs: for run in run_list: keys = keys.union(run.keys()) return keys def _GetHighestValue(self, key): values = [] for run_list in self._runs: for run in run_list: if key in run: values.append(run[key]) values = _StripNone(values) if _AllFloat(values): values = _GetFloats(values) return max(values) def _GetLowestValue(self, key): values = [] for run_list in self._runs: for run in run_list: if key in run: values.append(run[key]) values = _StripNone(values) if _AllFloat(values): values = _GetFloats(values) return min(values) def _SortKeys(self, keys): if self._sort == self.SORT_BY_KEYS: return sorted(keys) elif self._sort == self.SORT_BY_VALUES: # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda return sorted(keys, key=lambda x: self._GetLowestValue(x)) elif self._sort == self.SORT_BY_VALUES_DESC: # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda return sorted(keys, key=lambda x: self._GetHighestValue(x), reverse=True) else: assert 0, "Unimplemented sort %s" % self._sort def _GetKeys(self): keys = self._AggregateKeys() return self._SortKeys(keys) def GetTable(self, number_of_rows=sys.maxint): """Returns a table from a list of list of dicts. The list of list of dicts is passed into the constructor of TableGenerator. This method converts that into a canonical list of lists which represents a table of values. Args: number_of_rows: Maximum number of rows to return from the table. Returns: A list of lists which is the table. Example: We have the following runs: [[{"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"}, {"k1": "v3"}], [{"k1": "v4", "k4": "v5"}]] and the following labels: ["vanilla", "modified"] it will return: [["Key", "vanilla", "modified"] ["k1", ["v1", "v3"], ["v4"]] ["k2", ["v2"], []] ["k4", [], ["v5"]]] The returned table can then be processed further by other classes in this module. """ keys = self._GetKeys() header = [self._key_name] + self._labels table = [header] rows = 0 for k in keys: row = [k] unit = None for run_list in self._runs: v = [] for run in run_list: if k in run: if type(run[k]) is list: val = run[k][0] unit = run[k][1] else: val = run[k] v.append(val) else: v.append(None) row.append(v) # If we got a 'unit' value, append the units name to the key name. if unit: keyname = row[0] + " (%s) " % unit row[0] = keyname table.append(row) rows += 1 if rows == number_of_rows: break return table class Result(object): """A class that respresents a single result. This single result is obtained by condensing the information from a list of runs and a list of baseline runs. """ def __init__(self): pass def _AllStringsSame(self, values): values_set = set(values) return len(values_set) == 1 def NeedsBaseline(self): return False # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _Literal(self, cell, values, baseline_values): cell.value = " ".join([str(v) for v in values]) def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): self._Literal(cell, values, baseline_values) def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): self._Literal(cell, values, baseline_values) def _InvertIfLowerIsBetter(self, cell): pass def _GetGmean(self, values): if not values: return float("nan") if any([v < 0 for v in values]): return float("nan") if any([v == 0 for v in values]): return 0.0 log_list = [math.log(v) for v in values] gmean_log = sum(log_list)/len(log_list) return math.exp(gmean_log) def Compute(self, cell, values, baseline_values): """Compute the result given a list of values and baseline values. Args: cell: A cell data structure to populate. values: List of values. baseline_values: List of baseline values. Can be none if this is the baseline itself. """ all_floats = True values = _StripNone(values) if not values: cell.value = "" return if _AllFloat(values): float_values = _GetFloats(values) else: all_floats = False if baseline_values: baseline_values = _StripNone(baseline_values) if baseline_values: if _AllFloat(baseline_values): float_baseline_values = _GetFloats(baseline_values) else: all_floats = False else: if self.NeedsBaseline(): cell.value = "" return float_baseline_values = None if all_floats: self._ComputeFloat(cell, float_values, float_baseline_values) self._InvertIfLowerIsBetter(cell) else: self._ComputeString(cell, values, baseline_values) class LiteralResult(Result): def __init__(self, iteration=0): super(LiteralResult, self).__init__() self.iteration = iteration def Compute(self, cell, values, baseline_values): try: cell.value = values[self.iteration] except IndexError: cell.value = "-" class NonEmptyCountResult(Result): """A class that counts the number of non-empty results. The number of non-empty values will be stored in the cell. """ def Compute(self, cell, values, baseline_values): """Put the number of non-empty values in the cell result. Args: cell: Put the result in cell.value. values: A list of values for the row. baseline_values: A list of baseline values for the row. """ cell.value = len(_StripNone(values)) if not baseline_values: return base_value = len(_StripNone(baseline_values)) if cell.value == base_value: return f = ColorBoxFormat() len_values = len(values) len_baseline_values = len(baseline_values) tmp_cell = Cell() tmp_cell.value = 1.0 + (float(cell.value - base_value) / (max(len_values, len_baseline_values))) f.Compute(tmp_cell) cell.bgcolor = tmp_cell.bgcolor class StringMeanResult(Result): def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if self._AllStringsSame(values): cell.value = str(values[0]) else: cell.value = "?" class AmeanResult(StringMeanResult): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): cell.value = numpy.mean(values) class RawResult(Result): pass class MinResult(Result): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): cell.value = min(values) def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if values: cell.value = min(values) else: cell.value = "" class MaxResult(Result): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): cell.value = max(values) def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if values: cell.value = max(values) else: cell.value = "" class NumericalResult(Result): def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): cell.value = "?" class StdResult(NumericalResult): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): cell.value = numpy.std(values) class CoeffVarResult(NumericalResult): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if numpy.mean(values) != 0.0: noise = numpy.abs(numpy.std(values)/numpy.mean(values)) else: noise = 0.0 cell.value = noise class ComparisonResult(Result): def NeedsBaseline(self): return True def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): value = None baseline_value = None if self._AllStringsSame(values): value = values[0] if self._AllStringsSame(baseline_values): baseline_value = baseline_values[0] if value is not None and baseline_value is not None: if value == baseline_value: cell.value = "SAME" else: cell.value = "DIFFERENT" else: cell.value = "?" class PValueResult(ComparisonResult): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if len(values) < 2 or len(baseline_values) < 2: cell.value = float("nan") return import stats # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top _, cell.value = stats.lttest_ind(values, baseline_values) def _ComputeString(self, cell, values, baseline_values): return float("nan") class KeyAwareComparisonResult(ComparisonResult): def _IsLowerBetter(self, key): # TODO(llozano): Trying to guess direction by looking at the name of the # test does not seem like a good idea. Test frameworks should provide this # info explicitly. I believe Telemetry has this info. Need to find it out. # # Below are some test names for which we are not sure what the # direction is. # # For these we dont know what the direction is. But, since we dont # specify anything, crosperf will assume higher is better: # --percent_impl_scrolled--percent_impl_scrolled--percent # --solid_color_tiles_analyzed--solid_color_tiles_analyzed--count # --total_image_cache_hit_count--total_image_cache_hit_count--count # --total_texture_upload_time_by_url # # About these we are doubtful but we made a guess: # --average_num_missing_tiles_by_url--*--units (low is good) # --experimental_mean_frame_time_by_url--*--units (low is good) # --experimental_median_frame_time_by_url--*--units (low is good) # --texture_upload_count--texture_upload_count--count (high is good) # --total_deferred_image_decode_count--count (low is good) # --total_tiles_analyzed--total_tiles_analyzed--count (high is good) lower_is_better_keys = ["milliseconds", "ms_", "seconds_", "KB", "rdbytes", "wrbytes", "dropped_percent", "(ms)", "(seconds)", "--ms", "--average_num_missing_tiles", "--experimental_jank", "--experimental_mean_frame", "--experimental_median_frame_time", "--total_deferred_image_decode_count", "--seconds"] return any([l in key for l in lower_is_better_keys]) def _InvertIfLowerIsBetter(self, cell): if self._IsLowerBetter(cell.name): if cell.value: cell.value = 1.0/cell.value class AmeanRatioResult(KeyAwareComparisonResult): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if numpy.mean(baseline_values) != 0: cell.value = numpy.mean(values)/numpy.mean(baseline_values) elif numpy.mean(values) != 0: cell.value = 0.00 # cell.value = 0 means the values and baseline_values have big difference else: cell.value = 1.00 # no difference if both values and baseline_values are 0 class GmeanRatioResult(KeyAwareComparisonResult): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell, values, baseline_values): if self._GetGmean(baseline_values) != 0: cell.value = self._GetGmean(values)/self._GetGmean(baseline_values) elif self._GetGmean(values) != 0: cell.value = 0.00 else: cell.value = 1.00 class Color(object): """Class that represents color in RGBA format.""" def __init__(self, r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0): self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b self.a = a def __str__(self): return "r: %s g: %s: b: %s: a: %s" % (self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a) def Round(self): """Round RGBA values to the nearest integer.""" self.r = int(self.r) self.g = int(self.g) self.b = int(self.b) self.a = int(self.a) def GetRGB(self): """Get a hex representation of the color.""" return "%02x%02x%02x" % (self.r, self.g, self.b) @classmethod def Lerp(cls, ratio, a, b): """Perform linear interpolation between two colors. Args: ratio: The ratio to use for linear polation. a: The first color object (used when ratio is 0). b: The second color object (used when ratio is 1). Returns: Linearly interpolated color. """ ret = cls() ret.r = (b.r - a.r)*ratio + a.r ret.g = (b.g - a.g)*ratio + a.g ret.b = (b.b - a.b)*ratio + a.b ret.a = (b.a - a.a)*ratio + a.a return ret class Format(object): """A class that represents the format of a column.""" def __init__(self): pass def Compute(self, cell): """Computes the attributes of a cell based on its value. Attributes typically are color, width, etc. Args: cell: The cell whose attributes are to be populated. """ if cell.value is None: cell.string_value = "" if isinstance(cell.value, float): self._ComputeFloat(cell) else: self._ComputeString(cell) def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): cell.string_value = "{0:.2f}".format(cell.value) def _ComputeString(self, cell): cell.string_value = str(cell.value) def _GetColor(self, value, low, mid, high, power=6, mid_value=1.0): min_value = 0.0 max_value = 2.0 if math.isnan(value): return mid if value > mid_value: value = max_value - mid_value/value return self._GetColorBetweenRange(value, min_value, mid_value, max_value, low, mid, high, power) def _GetColorBetweenRange(self, value, min_value, mid_value, max_value, low_color, mid_color, high_color, power): assert value <= max_value assert value >= min_value if value > mid_value: value = (max_value - value)/(max_value - mid_value) value **= power ret = Color.Lerp(value, high_color, mid_color) else: value = (value - min_value)/(mid_value - min_value) value **= power ret = Color.Lerp(value, low_color, mid_color) ret.Round() return ret class PValueFormat(Format): def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): cell.string_value = "%0.2f" % float(cell.value) if float(cell.value) < 0.05: cell.bgcolor = self._GetColor(cell.value, Color(255, 255, 0, 0), Color(255, 255, 255, 0), Color(255, 255, 255, 0), mid_value=0.05, power=1) class StorageFormat(Format): """Format the cell as a storage number. Example: If the cell contains a value of 1024, the string_value will be 1.0K. """ def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): base = 1024 suffices = ["K", "M", "G"] v = float(cell.value) current = 0 while v >= base**(current + 1) and current < len(suffices): current += 1 if current: divisor = base**current cell.string_value = "%1.1f%s" % ((v/divisor), suffices[current - 1]) else: cell.string_value = str(cell.value) class CoeffVarFormat(Format): """Format the cell as a percent. Example: If the cell contains a value of 1.5, the string_value will be +150%. """ def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): cell.string_value = "%1.1f%%" % (float(cell.value) * 100) cell.color = self._GetColor(cell.value, Color(0, 255, 0, 0), Color(0, 0, 0, 0), Color(255, 0, 0, 0), mid_value=0.02, power=1) class PercentFormat(Format): """Format the cell as a percent. Example: If the cell contains a value of 1.5, the string_value will be +50%. """ def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): cell.string_value = "%+1.1f%%" % ((float(cell.value) - 1) * 100) cell.color = self._GetColor(cell.value, Color(255, 0, 0, 0), Color(0, 0, 0, 0), Color(0, 255, 0, 0)) class RatioFormat(Format): """Format the cell as a ratio. Example: If the cell contains a value of 1.5642, the string_value will be 1.56. """ def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): cell.string_value = "%+1.1f%%" % ((cell.value - 1) * 100) cell.color = self._GetColor(cell.value, Color(255, 0, 0, 0), Color(0, 0, 0, 0), Color(0, 255, 0, 0)) class ColorBoxFormat(Format): """Format the cell as a color box. Example: If the cell contains a value of 1.5, it will get a green color. If the cell contains a value of 0.5, it will get a red color. The intensity of the green/red will be determined by how much above or below 1.0 the value is. """ def _ComputeFloat(self, cell): cell.string_value = "--" bgcolor = self._GetColor(cell.value, Color(255, 0, 0, 0), Color(255, 255, 255, 0), Color(0, 255, 0, 0)) cell.bgcolor = bgcolor cell.color = bgcolor class Cell(object): """A class to represent a cell in a table. Attributes: value: The raw value of the cell. color: The color of the cell. bgcolor: The background color of the cell. string_value: The string value of the cell. suffix: A string suffix to be attached to the value when displaying. prefix: A string prefix to be attached to the value when displaying. color_row: Indicates whether the whole row is to inherit this cell's color. bgcolor_row: Indicates whether the whole row is to inherit this cell's bgcolor. width: Optional specifier to make a column narrower than the usual width. The usual width of a column is the max of all its cells widths. colspan: Set the colspan of the cell in the HTML table, this is used for table headers. Default value is 1. name: the test name of the cell. header: Whether this is a header in html. """ def __init__(self): self.value = None self.color = None self.bgcolor = None self.string_value = None self.suffix = None self.prefix = None # Entire row inherits this color. self.color_row = False self.bgcolor_row = False self.width = None self.colspan = 1 self.name = None self.header = False def __str__(self): l = [] l.append("value: %s" % self.value) l.append("string_value: %s" % self.string_value) return " ".join(l) class Column(object): """Class representing a column in a table. Attributes: result: an object of the Result class. fmt: an object of the Format class. """ def __init__(self, result, fmt, name=""): self.result = result self.fmt = fmt self.name = name # Takes in: # ["Key", "Label1", "Label2"] # ["k", ["v", "v2"], [v3]] # etc. # Also takes in a format string. # Returns a table like: # ["Key", "Label1", "Label2"] # ["k", avg("v", "v2"), stddev("v", "v2"), etc.]] # according to format string class TableFormatter(object): """Class to convert a plain table into a cell-table. This class takes in a table generated by TableGenerator and a list of column formats to apply to the table and returns a table of cells. """ def __init__(self, table, columns): """The constructor takes in a table and a list of columns. Args: table: A list of lists of values. columns: A list of column containing what to produce and how to format it. """ self._table = table self._columns = columns self._table_columns = [] self._out_table = [] def GenerateCellTable(self, table_type): row_index = 0 all_failed = False for row in self._table[1:]: # It does not make sense to put retval in the summary table. if str(row[0]) == "retval" and table_type == "summary": # Check to see if any runs passed, and update all_failed. all_failed = True for values in row[1:]: if 0 in values: all_failed = False continue key = Cell() key.string_value = str(row[0]) out_row = [key] baseline = None for values in row[1:]: for column in self._columns: cell = Cell() cell.name = key.string_value if column.result.NeedsBaseline(): if baseline is not None: column.result.Compute(cell, values, baseline) column.fmt.Compute(cell) out_row.append(cell) if not row_index: self._table_columns.append(column) else: column.result.Compute(cell, values, baseline) column.fmt.Compute(cell) out_row.append(cell) if not row_index: self._table_columns.append(column) if baseline is None: baseline = values self._out_table.append(out_row) row_index += 1 # If this is a summary table, and the only row in it is 'retval', and # all the test runs failed, we need to a 'Results' row to the output # table. if table_type == "summary" and all_failed and len(self._table) == 2: labels_row = self._table[0] key = Cell() key.string_value = "Results" out_row = [key] baseline = None for value in labels_row[1:]: for column in self._columns: cell = Cell() cell.name = key.string_value column.result.Compute(cell, ["Fail"], baseline) column.fmt.Compute(cell) out_row.append(cell) if not row_index: self._table_columns.append(column) self._out_table.append(out_row) def AddColumnName(self): """Generate Column name at the top of table.""" key = Cell() key.header = True key.string_value = "Keys" header = [key] for column in self._table_columns: cell = Cell() cell.header = True if column.name: cell.string_value = column.name else: result_name = column.result.__class__.__name__ format_name = column.fmt.__class__.__name__ cell.string_value = "%s %s" % (result_name.replace("Result", ""), format_name.replace("Format", "")) header.append(cell) self._out_table = [header] + self._out_table def AddHeader(self, s): """Put additional string on the top of the table.""" cell = Cell() cell.header = True cell.string_value = str(s) header = [cell] colspan = max(1, max(len(row) for row in self._table)) cell.colspan = colspan self._out_table = [header] + self._out_table def GetPassesAndFails(self, values): passes = 0 fails = 0 for val in values: if val == 0: passes = passes + 1 else: fails = fails + 1 return passes, fails def AddLabelName(self): """Put label on the top of the table.""" top_header = [] base_colspan = len([c for c in self._columns if not c.result.NeedsBaseline()]) compare_colspan = len(self._columns) # Find the row with the key 'retval', if it exists. This # will be used to calculate the number of iterations that passed and # failed for each image label. retval_row = None for row in self._table: if row[0] == "retval": retval_row = row # The label is organized as follows # "keys" label_base, label_comparison1, label_comparison2 # The first cell has colspan 1, the second is base_colspan # The others are compare_colspan column_position = 0 for label in self._table[0]: cell = Cell() cell.header = True # Put the number of pass/fail iterations in the image label header. if column_position > 0 and retval_row: retval_values = retval_row[column_position] if type(retval_values) is list: passes, fails = self.GetPassesAndFails(retval_values) cell.string_value = str(label) + " (pass:%d fail:%d)" % (passes, fails) else: cell.string_value = str(label) else: cell.string_value = str(label) if top_header: cell.colspan = base_colspan if len(top_header) > 1: cell.colspan = compare_colspan top_header.append(cell) column_position = column_position + 1 self._out_table = [top_header] + self._out_table def _PrintOutTable(self): o = "" for row in self._out_table: for cell in row: o += str(cell) + " " o += "\n" print o def GetCellTable(self, table_type, headers=True): """Function to return a table of cells. The table (list of lists) is converted into a table of cells by this function. Args: headers: A boolean saying whether we want default headers Returns: A table of cells with each cell having the properties and string values as requiested by the columns passed in the constructor. """ # Generate the cell table, creating a list of dynamic columns on the fly. if not self._out_table: self.GenerateCellTable(table_type) if headers: self.AddColumnName() self.AddLabelName() return self._out_table class TablePrinter(object): """Class to print a cell table to the console, file or html.""" PLAIN = 0 CONSOLE = 1 HTML = 2 TSV = 3 EMAIL = 4 def __init__(self, table, output_type): """Constructor that stores the cell table and output type.""" self._table = table self._output_type = output_type # Compute whole-table properties like max-size, etc. def _ComputeStyle(self): self._row_styles = [] for row in self._table: row_style = Cell() for cell in row: if cell.color_row: assert cell.color, "Cell color not set but color_row set!" assert not row_style.color, "Multiple row_style.colors found!" row_style.color = cell.color if cell.bgcolor_row: assert cell.bgcolor, "Cell bgcolor not set but bgcolor_row set!" assert not row_style.bgcolor, "Multiple row_style.bgcolors found!" row_style.bgcolor = cell.bgcolor self._row_styles.append(row_style) self._column_styles = [] if len(self._table) < 2: return for i in range(max(len(row) for row in self._table)): column_style = Cell() for row in self._table: if not any([cell.colspan != 1 for cell in row]): column_style.width = max(column_style.width, len(row[i].string_value)) self._column_styles.append(column_style) def _GetBGColorFix(self, color): if self._output_type == self.CONSOLE: rgb = color.GetRGB() prefix, _ = colortrans.rgb2short(rgb) # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string prefix = "\033[48;5;%sm" % prefix suffix = "\033[0m" elif self._output_type in [self.EMAIL, self.HTML]: rgb = color.GetRGB() prefix = ("" .format(rgb)) suffix = "" elif self._output_type in [self.PLAIN, self.TSV]: prefix = "" suffix = "" return prefix, suffix def _GetColorFix(self, color): if self._output_type == self.CONSOLE: rgb = color.GetRGB() prefix, _ = colortrans.rgb2short(rgb) # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string prefix = "\033[38;5;%sm" % prefix suffix = "\033[0m" elif self._output_type in [self.EMAIL, self.HTML]: rgb = color.GetRGB() prefix = "".format(rgb) suffix = "" elif self._output_type in [self.PLAIN, self.TSV]: prefix = "" suffix = "" return prefix, suffix def Print(self): """Print the table to a console, html, etc. Returns: A string that contains the desired representation of the table. """ self._ComputeStyle() return self._GetStringValue() def _GetCellValue(self, i, j): cell = self._table[i][j] out = cell.string_value raw_width = len(out) if cell.color: p, s = self._GetColorFix(cell.color) out = "%s%s%s" % (p, out, s) if cell.bgcolor: p, s = self._GetBGColorFix(cell.bgcolor) out = "%s%s%s" % (p, out, s) if self._output_type in [self.PLAIN, self.CONSOLE, self.EMAIL]: if cell.width: width = cell.width else: if self._column_styles: width = self._column_styles[j].width else: width = len(cell.string_value) if cell.colspan > 1: width = 0 start = 0 for k in range(j): start += self._table[i][k].colspan for k in range(cell.colspan): width += self._column_styles[start + k].width if width > raw_width: padding = ("%" + str(width - raw_width) + "s") % "" out = padding + out if self._output_type == self.HTML: if cell.header: tag = "th" else: tag = "td" out = "<{0} colspan = \"{2}\"> {1} ".format(tag, out, cell.colspan) return out def _GetHorizontalSeparator(self): if self._output_type in [self.CONSOLE, self.PLAIN, self.EMAIL]: return " " if self._output_type == self.HTML: return "" if self._output_type == self.TSV: return "\t" def _GetVerticalSeparator(self): if self._output_type in [self.PLAIN, self.CONSOLE, self.TSV, self.EMAIL]: return "\n" if self._output_type == self.HTML: return "\n" def _GetPrefix(self): if self._output_type in [self.PLAIN, self.CONSOLE, self.TSV, self.EMAIL]: return "" if self._output_type == self.HTML: return "

\n" def _GetSuffix(self): if self._output_type in [self.PLAIN, self.CONSOLE, self.TSV, self.EMAIL]: return "" if self._output_type == self.HTML: return "\n
" def _GetStringValue(self): o = "" o += self._GetPrefix() for i in range(len(self._table)): row = self._table[i] # Apply row color and bgcolor. p = s = bgp = bgs = "" if self._row_styles[i].bgcolor: bgp, bgs = self._GetBGColorFix(self._row_styles[i].bgcolor) if self._row_styles[i].color: p, s = self._GetColorFix(self._row_styles[i].color) o += p + bgp for j in range(len(row)): out = self._GetCellValue(i, j) o += out + self._GetHorizontalSeparator() o += s + bgs o += self._GetVerticalSeparator() o += self._GetSuffix() return o # Some common drivers def GetSimpleTable(table, out_to=TablePrinter.CONSOLE): """Prints a simple table. This is used by code that has a very simple list-of-lists and wants to produce a table with ameans, a percentage ratio of ameans and a colorbox. Args: table: a list of lists. out_to: specify the fomat of output. Currently it supports HTML and CONSOLE. Returns: A string version of the table that can be printed to the console. Example: GetSimpleConsoleTable([["binary", "b1", "b2"],["size", "300", "400"]]) will produce a colored table that can be printed to the console. """ columns = [ Column(AmeanResult(), Format()), Column(AmeanRatioResult(), PercentFormat()), Column(AmeanRatioResult(), ColorBoxFormat()), ] our_table = [table[0]] for row in table[1:]: our_row = [row[0]] for v in row[1:]: our_row.append([v]) our_table.append(our_row) tf = TableFormatter(our_table, columns) cell_table = tf.GetCellTable() tp = TablePrinter(cell_table, out_to) return tp.Print() # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def GetComplexTable(runs, labels, out_to=TablePrinter.CONSOLE): """Prints a complex table. This can be used to generate a table with arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, p-values, etc. Args: runs: A list of lists with data to tabulate. labels: A list of labels that correspond to the runs. out_to: specifies the format of the table (example CONSOLE or HTML). Returns: A string table that can be printed to the console or put in an HTML file. """ tg = TableGenerator(runs, labels, TableGenerator.SORT_BY_VALUES_DESC) table = tg.GetTable() columns = [Column(LiteralResult(), Format(), "Literal"), Column(AmeanResult(), Format()), Column(StdResult(), Format()), Column(CoeffVarResult(), CoeffVarFormat()), Column(NonEmptyCountResult(), Format()), Column(AmeanRatioResult(), PercentFormat()), Column(AmeanRatioResult(), RatioFormat()), Column(GmeanRatioResult(), RatioFormat()), Column(PValueResult(), PValueFormat()), ] tf = TableFormatter(table, columns) cell_table = tf.GetCellTable() tp = TablePrinter(cell_table, out_to) return tp.Print() if __name__ == "__main__": # Run a few small tests here. runs = [[{"k1": "10", "k2": "12", "k5": "40", "k6": "40", "ms_1": "20", "k7": "FAIL", "k8": "PASS", "k9": "PASS", "k10": "0"}, {"k1": "13", "k2": "14", "k3": "15", "ms_1": "10", "k8": "PASS", "k9": "FAIL", "k10": "0"}], [{"k1": "50", "k2": "51", "k3": "52", "k4": "53", "k5": "35", "k6": "45", "ms_1": "200", "ms_2": "20", "k7": "FAIL", "k8": "PASS", "k9": "PASS"}]] labels = ["vanilla", "modified"] t = GetComplexTable(runs, labels, TablePrinter.CONSOLE) print t email = GetComplexTable(runs, labels, TablePrinter.EMAIL) runs = [[{"k1": "1"}, {"k1": "1.1"}, {"k1": "1.2"}], [{"k1": "5"}, {"k1": "5.1"}, {"k1": "5.2"}]] t = GetComplexTable(runs, labels, TablePrinter.CONSOLE) print t simple_table = [ ["binary", "b1", "b2", "b3"], ["size", 100, 105, 108], ["rodata", 100, 80, 70], ["data", 100, 100, 100], ["debug", 100, 140, 60], ] t = GetSimpleTable(simple_table) print t email += GetSimpleTable(simple_table, TablePrinter.HTML) email_to = [getpass.getuser()] email = "
" % email EmailSender().SendEmail(email_to, "SimpleTableTest", email, msg_type="html")