path: root/android
diff options
authorElliott Hughes <enh@google.com>2019-08-21 08:39:15 -0700
committerElliott Hughes <enh@google.com>2019-08-21 08:42:20 -0700
commit077af145ca6496c40df893070c8f2ecb1d0a8fff (patch)
tree14c1ae7561ae14bfd5a203298d9173f709fd104e /android
parenta3cc9bc4d179a440431fe9744da566983f911795 (diff)
regenerate.sh: only keep the generated files we actually need.
Also tidy up the script to reduce duplication. Bug: http://b/139450866 Test: ./regenerate.sh && mm -j32 Change-Id: If02d8d7939ab7a8a3b289e57e081dca1bac040a4
Diffstat (limited to 'android')
-rwxr-xr-xandroid/device/generated/config2helpbin22496 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xandroid/device/generated/mkflagsbin17848 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xandroid/device/generated/mktagsbin17000 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xandroid/host/generated/config2helpbin22496 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xandroid/host/generated/mkflagsbin17848 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xandroid/host/generated/mktagsbin17000 -> 0 bytes
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 10119 deletions
diff --git a/android/device/generated/Config.in b/android/device/generated/Config.in
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8cc14b..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/Config.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4611 +0,0 @@
-menu "Posix commands"
-# toys/posix/basename.c
-config BASENAME
- bool "basename"
- default y
- help
- usage: basename [-a] [-s SUFFIX] NAME... | NAME [SUFFIX]
- Return non-directory portion of a pathname removing suffix.
- -a All arguments are names
- -s SUFFIX Remove suffix (implies -a)
-# toys/posix/cal.c
-config CAL
- bool "cal"
- default y
- help
- usage: cal [[month] year]
- Print a calendar.
- With one argument, prints all months of the specified year.
- With two arguments, prints calendar for month and year.
-# toys/posix/cat.c
-config CAT
- bool "cat"
- default y
- help
- usage: cat [-u] [file...]
- Copy (concatenate) files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from stdin.
- Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -u Copy one byte at a time (slow)
-config CAT_V
- bool "cat -etv"
- default n
- depends on CAT
- help
- usage: cat [-evt]
- -e Mark each newline with $
- -t Show tabs as ^I
- -v Display nonprinting characters as escape sequences with M-x for
- high ascii characters (>127), and ^x for other nonprinting chars
-config CATV
- bool "catv"
- default y
- help
- usage: catv [-evt] [filename...]
- Display nonprinting characters as escape sequences. Use M-x for
- high ascii characters (>127), and ^x for other nonprinting chars.
- -e Mark each newline with $
- -t Show tabs as ^I
- -v Don't use ^x or M-x escapes
-# toys/posix/chgrp.c
-config CHGRP
- bool "chgrp"
- default y
- help
- usage: chgrp/chown [-RHLP] [-fvh] group file...
- Change group of one or more files.
- -f Suppress most error messages
- -h Change symlinks instead of what they point to
- -R Recurse into subdirectories (implies -h)
- -H With -R change target of symlink, follow command line symlinks
- -L With -R change target of symlink, follow all symlinks
- -P With -R change symlink, do not follow symlinks (default)
- -v Verbose
-config CHOWN
- bool "chown"
- default y
- help
- see: chgrp
-# toys/posix/chmod.c
-config CHMOD
- bool "chmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: chmod [-R] MODE FILE...
- Change mode of listed file[s] (recursively with -R).
- MODE can be (comma-separated) stanzas: [ugoa][+-=][rwxstXugo]
- Stanzas are applied in order: For each category (u = user,
- g = group, o = other, a = all three, if none specified default is a),
- set (+), clear (-), or copy (=), r = read, w = write, x = execute.
- s = u+s = suid, g+s = sgid, o+s = sticky. (+t is an alias for o+s).
- suid/sgid: execute as the user/group who owns the file.
- sticky: can't delete files you don't own out of this directory
- X = x for directories or if any category already has x set.
- Or MODE can be an octal value up to 7777 ug uuugggooo top +
- bit 1 = o+x, bit 1<<8 = u+w, 1<<11 = g+1 sstrwxrwxrwx bottom
- Examples:
- chmod u+w file - allow owner of "file" to write to it.
- chmod 744 file - user can read/write/execute, everyone else read only
-# toys/posix/cksum.c
-config CKSUM
- bool "cksum"
- default y
- help
- usage: cksum [-IPLN] [file...]
- For each file, output crc32 checksum value, length and name of file.
- If no files listed, copy from stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -H Hexadecimal checksum (defaults to decimal)
- -L Little endian (defaults to big endian)
- -P Pre-inversion
- -I Skip post-inversion
- -N Do not include length in CRC calculation (or output)
-config CRC32
- bool "crc32"
- default y
- help
- usage: crc32 [file...]
- Output crc32 checksum for each file.
-# toys/posix/cmp.c
-config CMP
- bool "cmp"
- default y
- help
- usage: cmp [-l] [-s] FILE1 FILE2
- Compare the contents of two files.
- -l Show all differing bytes
- -s Silent
-# toys/posix/comm.c
-config COMM
- bool "comm"
- default y
- help
- usage: comm [-123] FILE1 FILE2
- Read FILE1 and FILE2, which should be ordered, and produce three text
- columns as output: lines only in FILE1; lines only in FILE2; and lines
- in both files. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -1 Suppress the output column of lines unique to FILE1
- -2 Suppress the output column of lines unique to FILE2
- -3 Suppress the output column of lines duplicated in FILE1 and FILE2
-# toys/posix/cp.c
-config CP
- bool "cp"
- default y
- help
- usage: cp [-adlnrsvfipRHLP] SOURCE... DEST
- Copy files from SOURCE to DEST. If more than one SOURCE, DEST must
- be a directory.
- -D Create leading dirs under DEST (--parents)
- -f Delete destination files we can't write to
- -F Delete any existing destination file first (--remove-destination)
- -i Interactive, prompt before overwriting existing DEST
- -p Preserve timestamps, ownership, and mode
- -R Recurse into subdirectories (DEST must be a directory)
- -H Follow symlinks listed on command line
- -L Follow all symlinks
- -P Do not follow symlinks [default]
- -a Same as -dpr
- -d Don't dereference symlinks
- -l Hard link instead of copy
- -n No clobber (don't overwrite DEST)
- -r Synonym for -R
- -s Symlink instead of copy
- -v Verbose
- bool "cp --preserve support"
- default y
- depends on CP
- help
- usage: cp [--preserve=motcxa]
- --preserve takes either a comma separated list of attributes, or the first
- letter(s) of:
- mode - permissions (ignore umask for rwx, copy suid and sticky bit)
- ownership - user and group
- timestamps - file creation, modification, and access times.
- context - security context
- xattr - extended attributes
- all - all of the above
-config MV
- bool "mv"
- default y
- help
- usage: mv [-fivn] SOURCE... DEST
- -f Force copy by deleting destination file
- -i Interactive, prompt before overwriting existing DEST
- -v Verbose
- -n No clobber (don't overwrite DEST)
-config INSTALL
- bool "install"
- default y
- help
- usage: install [-dDpsv] [-o USER] [-g GROUP] [-m MODE] [SOURCE...] DEST
- Copy files and set attributes.
- -d Act like mkdir -p
- -D Create leading directories for DEST
- -g Make copy belong to GROUP
- -m Set permissions to MODE
- -o Make copy belong to USER
- -p Preserve timestamps
- -s Call "strip -p"
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/cpio.c
-config CPIO
- bool "cpio"
- default y
- help
- usage: cpio -{o|t|i|p DEST} [-v] [--verbose] [-F FILE] [--no-preserve-owner]
- [ignored: -mdu -H newc]
- Copy files into and out of a "newc" format cpio archive.
- -F FILE Use archive FILE instead of stdin/stdout
- -p DEST Copy-pass mode, copy stdin file list to directory DEST
- -i Extract from archive into file system (stdin=archive)
- -o Create archive (stdin=list of files, stdout=archive)
- -t Test files (list only, stdin=archive, stdout=list of files)
- -v Verbose
- --no-preserve-owner (don't set ownership during extract)
- --trailer Add legacy trailer (prevents concatenation)
-# toys/posix/cut.c
-config CUT
- bool "cut"
- default y
- help
- usage: cut [-Ds] [-bcfF LIST] [-dO DELIM] [FILE...]
- Print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.
- Each selection LIST is comma separated, either numbers (counting from 1)
- or dash separated ranges (inclusive, with X- meaning to end of line and -X
- from start). By default selection ranges are sorted and collated, use -D
- to prevent that.
- -b Select bytes
- -c Select UTF-8 characters
- -C Select unicode columns
- -d Use DELIM (default is TAB for -f, run of whitespace for -F)
- -D Don't sort/collate selections or match -fF lines without delimiter
- -f Select fields (words) separated by single DELIM character
- -F Select fields separated by DELIM regex
- -O Output delimiter (default one space for -F, input delim for -f)
- -s Skip lines without delimiters
-# toys/posix/date.c
-config DATE
- bool "date"
- default y
- help
- usage: date [-u] [-r FILE] [-d DATE] [+DISPLAY_FORMAT] [-D SET_FORMAT] [SET]
- Set/get the current date/time. With no SET shows the current date.
- -d Show DATE instead of current time (convert date format)
- -D +FORMAT for SET or -d (instead of MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss])
- -r Use modification time of FILE instead of current date
- -u Use UTC instead of current timezone
- Supported input formats:
- MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss] POSIX
- @UNIXTIME[.FRACTION] seconds since midnight 1970-01-01
- YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm[:ss]] ISO 8601
- hh:mm[:ss] 24-hour time today
- All input formats can be preceded by TZ="id" to set the input time zone
- separately from the output time zone. Otherwise $TZ sets both.
- +FORMAT specifies display format string using strftime(3) syntax:
- %% literal % %n newline %t tab
- %S seconds (00-60) %M minute (00-59) %m month (01-12)
- %H hour (0-23) %I hour (01-12) %p AM/PM
- %y short year (00-99) %Y year %C century
- %a short weekday name %A weekday name %u day of week (1-7, 1=mon)
- %b short month name %B month name %Z timezone name
- %j day of year (001-366) %d day of month (01-31) %e day of month ( 1-31)
- %N nanosec (output only)
- %U Week of year (0-53 start sunday) %W Week of year (0-53 start monday)
- %V Week of year (1-53 start monday, week < 4 days not part of this year)
- %D = "%m/%d/%y" %r = "%I : %M : %S %p" %T = "%H:%M:%S" %h = "%b"
- %x locale date %X locale time %c locale date/time
-# toys/posix/df.c
-config DF
- bool "df"
- default y
- help
- usage: df [-HPkhi] [-t type] [FILESYSTEM ...]
- The "disk free" command shows total/used/available disk space for
- each filesystem listed on the command line, or all currently mounted
- filesystems.
- -a Show all (including /proc and friends)
- -P The SUSv3 "Pedantic" option
- -k Sets units back to 1024 bytes (the default without -P)
- -h Human readable (K=1024)
- -H Human readable (k=1000)
- -i Show inodes instead of blocks
- -t type Display only filesystems of this type
- Pedantic provides a slightly less useful output format dictated by Posix,
- and sets the units to 512 bytes instead of the default 1024 bytes.
-# toys/posix/dirname.c
-config DIRNAME
- bool "dirname"
- default y
- help
- usage: dirname PATH...
- Show directory portion of path.
-# toys/posix/du.c
-config DU
- bool "du"
- default y
- help
- usage: du [-d N] [-askxHLlmc] [file...]
- Show disk usage, space consumed by files and directories.
- Size in:
- -k 1024 byte blocks (default)
- -K 512 byte blocks (posix)
- -m Megabytes
- -h Human readable (e.g., 1K 243M 2G)
- What to show:
- -a All files, not just directories
- -H Follow symlinks on cmdline
- -L Follow all symlinks
- -s Only total size of each argument
- -x Don't leave this filesystem
- -c Cumulative total
- -d N Only depth < N
- -l Disable hardlink filter
-# toys/posix/echo.c
-config ECHO
- bool "echo"
- default y
- help
- usage: echo [-neE] [args...]
- Write each argument to stdout, with one space between each, followed
- by a newline.
- -n No trailing newline
- -E Print escape sequences literally (default)
- -e Process the following escape sequences:
- \\ Backslash
- \0NNN Octal values (1 to 3 digits)
- \a Alert (beep/flash)
- \b Backspace
- \c Stop output here (avoids trailing newline)
- \f Form feed
- \n Newline
- \r Carriage return
- \t Horizontal tab
- \v Vertical tab
- \xHH Hexadecimal values (1 to 2 digits)
-# toys/posix/env.c
-config ENV
- bool "env"
- default y
- help
- usage: env [-i] [-u NAME] [NAME=VALUE...] [COMMAND [ARG...]]
- Set the environment for command invocation, or list environment variables.
- -i Clear existing environment
- -u NAME Remove NAME from the environment
- -0 Use null instead of newline in output
-# toys/posix/expand.c
-config EXPAND
- bool "expand"
- default y
- help
- usage: expand [-t TABLIST] [FILE...]
- Expand tabs to spaces according to tabstops.
- Specify tab stops, either a single number instead of the default 8,
- or a comma separated list of increasing numbers representing tabstop
- positions (absolute, not increments) with each additional tab beyond
- that becoming one space.
-# toys/posix/false.c
-config FALSE
- bool "false"
- default y
- help
- Return nonzero.
-# toys/posix/file.c
-config FILE
- bool "file"
- default y
- help
- usage: file [-hL] [file...]
- Examine the given files and describe their content types.
- -h Don't follow symlinks (default)
- -L Follow symlinks
-# toys/posix/find.c
-config FIND
- bool "find"
- default y
- help
- usage: find [-HL] [DIR...] [<options>]
- Search directories for matching files.
- Default: search ".", match all, -print matches.
- -H Follow command line symlinks -L Follow all symlinks
- Match filters:
- -name PATTERN filename with wildcards (-iname case insensitive)
- -path PATTERN path name with wildcards (-ipath case insensitive)
- -user UNAME belongs to user UNAME -nouser user ID not known
- -group GROUP belongs to group GROUP -nogroup group ID not known
- -perm [-/]MODE permissions (-=min /=any) -prune ignore dir contents
- -size N[c] 512 byte blocks (c=bytes) -xdev only this filesystem
- -links N hardlink count -atime N[u] accessed N units ago
- -ctime N[u] created N units ago -mtime N[u] modified N units ago
- -newer FILE newer mtime than FILE -mindepth N at least N dirs down
- -depth ignore contents of dir -maxdepth N at most N dirs down
- -inum N inode number N -empty empty files and dirs
- -type [bcdflps] type is (block, char, dir, file, symlink, pipe, socket)
- -true always true -false always false
- -context PATTERN security context
- Numbers N may be prefixed by a - (less than) or + (greater than). Units for
- -Xtime are d (days, default), h (hours), m (minutes), or s (seconds).
- Combine matches with:
- !, -a, -o, ( ) not, and, or, group expressions
- Actions:
- -print Print match with newline -print0 Print match with null
- -exec Run command with path -execdir Run command in file's dir
- -ok Ask before exec -okdir Ask before execdir
- -delete Remove matching file/dir -printf FORMAT Print using format string
- Commands substitute "{}" with matched file. End with ";" to run each file,
- or "+" (next argument after "{}") to collect and run with multiple files.
- -printf FORMAT characters are \ escapes and:
- %b 512 byte blocks used
- %f basename %g textual gid %G numeric gid
- %i decimal inode %l target of symlink %m octal mode
- %M ls format type/mode %p path to file %P path to file minus DIR
- %s size in bytes %T@ mod time as unixtime
- %u username %U numeric uid %Z security context
-# toys/posix/getconf.c
-config GETCONF
- bool "getconf"
- default y
- help
- usage: getconf -a [PATH] | -l | NAME [PATH]
- Get system configuration values. Values from pathconf(3) require a path.
- -a Show all (defaults to "/" if no path given)
- -l List available value names (grouped by source)
-# toys/posix/grep.c
-config GREP
- bool "grep"
- default y
- help
- usage: grep [-EFrivwcloqsHbhn] [-ABC NUM] [-m MAX] [-e REGEX]... [-MS PATTERN]... [-f REGFILE] [FILE]...
- Show lines matching regular expressions. If no -e, first argument is
- regular expression to match. With no files (or "-" filename) read stdin.
- Returns 0 if matched, 1 if no match found, 2 for command errors.
- -e Regex to match. (May be repeated.)
- -f File listing regular expressions to match.
- file search:
- -r Recurse into subdirectories (defaults FILE to ".")
- -R Recurse into subdirectories and symlinks to directories
- -M Match filename pattern (--include)
- -S Skip filename pattern (--exclude)
- --exclude-dir=PATTERN Skip directory pattern
- -I Ignore binary files
- match type:
- -A Show NUM lines after -B Show NUM lines before match
- -C NUM lines context (A+B) -E extended regex syntax
- -F fixed (literal match) -a always text (not binary)
- -i case insensitive -m match MAX many lines
- -v invert match -w whole word (implies -E)
- -x whole line -z input NUL terminated
- display modes: (default: matched line)
- -c count of matching lines -l show only matching filenames
- -o only matching part -q quiet (errors only)
- -s silent (no error msg) -Z output NUL terminated
- output prefix (default: filename if checking more than 1 file)
- -H force filename -b byte offset of match
- -h hide filename -n line number of match
-config EGREP
- bool
- default y
- depends on GREP
-config FGREP
- bool
- default y
- depends on GREP
-# toys/posix/head.c
-config HEAD
- bool "head"
- default y
- help
- usage: head [-n number] [file...]
- Copy first lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from
- stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -n Number of lines to copy
- -c Number of bytes to copy
- -q Never print headers
- -v Always print headers
-# toys/posix/iconv.c
-config ICONV
- bool "iconv"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_ICONV
- help
- usage: iconv [-f FROM] [-t TO] [FILE...]
- Convert character encoding of files.
- -c Omit invalid chars
- -f Convert from (default utf8)
- -t Convert to (default utf8)
-# toys/posix/id.c
-config ID
- bool "id"
- default y
- help
- usage: id [-nGgru] [USER...]
- Print user and group ID.
- -n Print names instead of numeric IDs (to be used with -Ggu)
- -G Show only the group IDs
- -g Show only the effective group ID
- -r Show real ID instead of effective ID
- -u Show only the effective user ID
-config ID_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on ID && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: id [-Z]
- -Z Show only security context
-config GROUPS
- bool "groups"
- default y
- help
- usage: groups [user]
- Print the groups a user is in.
-config LOGNAME
- bool "logname"
- default y
- help
- usage: logname
- Print the current user name.
-config WHOAMI
- bool "whoami"
- default y
- help
- usage: whoami
- Print the current user name.
-# toys/posix/kill.c
-config KILL
- bool "kill"
- default y
- help
- usage: kill [-l [SIGNAL] | -s SIGNAL | -SIGNAL] pid...
- Send signal to process(es).
- -l List signal name(s) and number(s)
- -s Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
-config KILLALL5
- bool "killall5"
- default y
- depends on KILL
- help
- usage: killall5 [-l [SIGNAL]] [-SIGNAL|-s SIGNAL] [-o PID]...
- Send a signal to all processes outside current session.
- -l List signal name(s) and number(s)
- -o PID Omit PID
- -s Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
-# toys/posix/link.c
-config LINK
- bool "link"
- default y
- help
- usage: link FILE NEWLINK
- Create hardlink to a file.
-# toys/posix/ln.c
-config LN
- bool "ln"
- default y
- help
- usage: ln [-sfnv] [FROM...] TO
- Create a link between FROM and TO.
- With only one argument, create link in current directory.
- -s Create a symbolic link
- -f Force the creation of the link, even if TO already exists
- -n Symlink at destination treated as file
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/logger.c
-config LOGGER
- bool "logger"
- default y
- help
- usage: logger [-s] [-t TAG] [-p [FACILITY.]PRIORITY] [message...]
- Log message (or stdin) to syslog.
- -s Also write message to stderr
- -t Use TAG instead of username to identify message source
- -p Specify PRIORITY with optional FACILITY. Default is "user.notice"
-# toys/posix/ls.c
-config LS
- bool "ls"
- default y
- help
- usage: ls [-ACFHLRSZacdfhiklmnpqrstux1] [--color[=auto]] [directory...]
- List files.
- what to show:
- -a all files including .hidden -b escape nongraphic chars
- -c use ctime for timestamps -d directory, not contents
- -i inode number -p put a '/' after dir names
- -q unprintable chars as '?' -s storage used (1024 byte units)
- -u use access time for timestamps -A list all files but . and ..
- -H follow command line symlinks -L follow symlinks
- -R recursively list in subdirs -F append /dir *exe @sym |FIFO
- -Z security context
- output formats:
- -1 list one file per line -C columns (sorted vertically)
- -g like -l but no owner -h human readable sizes
- -l long (show full details) -m comma separated
- -n like -l but numeric uid/gid -o like -l but no group
- -x columns (horizontal sort) -ll long with nanoseconds (--full-time)
- --color device=yellow symlink=turquoise/red dir=blue socket=purple
- files: exe=green suid=red suidfile=redback stickydir=greenback
- =auto means detect if output is a tty.
- sorting (default is alphabetical):
- -f unsorted -r reverse -t timestamp -S size
-# toys/posix/mkdir.c
-config MKDIR
- bool "mkdir"
- default y
- help
- usage: mkdir [-vp] [-m mode] [dirname...]
- Create one or more directories.
- -m Set permissions of directory to mode
- -p Make parent directories as needed
- -v Verbose
-config MKDIR_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on MKDIR && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: [-Z context]
- -Z Set security context
-# toys/posix/mkfifo.c
-config MKFIFO
- bool "mkfifo"
- default y
- help
- usage: mkfifo [NAME...]
- Create FIFOs (named pipes).
-config MKFIFO_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on MKFIFO && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: mkfifo [-Z CONTEXT]
- -Z Security context
-# toys/posix/nice.c
-config NICE
- bool "nice"
- default y
- help
- usage: nice [-n PRIORITY] COMMAND [ARG...]
- Run a command line at an increased or decreased scheduling priority.
- Higher numbers make a program yield more CPU time, from -20 (highest
- priority) to 19 (lowest). By default processes inherit their parent's
- niceness (usually 0). By default this command adds 10 to the parent's
- priority. Only root can set a negative niceness level.
-# toys/posix/nl.c
-config NL
- bool "nl"
- default y
- help
- usage: nl [-E] [-l #] [-b MODE] [-n STYLE] [-s SEPARATOR] [-v #] [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]
- Number lines of input.
- -E Use extended regex syntax (when doing -b pREGEX)
- -b Which lines to number: a (all) t (non-empty, default) pREGEX (pattern)
- -l Only count last of this many consecutive blank lines
- -n Number STYLE: ln (left justified) rn (right justified) rz (zero pad)
- -s Separator to use between number and line (instead of TAB)
- -v Starting line number for each section (default 1)
- -w Width of line numbers (default 6)
-# toys/posix/nohup.c
-config NOHUP
- bool "nohup"
- default y
- help
- usage: nohup COMMAND [ARG...]
- Run a command that survives the end of its terminal.
- Redirect tty on stdin to /dev/null, tty on stdout to "nohup.out".
-# toys/posix/od.c
-config OD
- bool "od"
- default y
- help
- usage: od [-bcdosxv] [-j #] [-N #] [-w #] [-A doxn] [-t acdfoux[#]]
- Dump data in octal/hex.
- -A Address base (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, none)
- -j Skip this many bytes of input
- -N Stop dumping after this many bytes
- -t Output type a(scii) c(har) d(ecimal) f(loat) o(ctal) u(nsigned) (he)x
- plus optional size in bytes
- aliases: -b=-t o1, -c=-t c, -d=-t u2, -o=-t o2, -s=-t d2, -x=-t x2
- -v Don't collapse repeated lines together
- -w Total line width in bytes (default 16)
-# toys/posix/paste.c
-config PASTE
- bool "paste"
- default y
- help
- usage: paste [-s] [-d DELIMITERS] [FILE...]
- Merge corresponding lines from each input file.
- -d List of delimiter characters to separate fields with (default is \t)
- -s Sequential mode: turn each input file into one line of output
-# toys/posix/patch.c
-config PATCH
- bool "patch"
- default y
- help
- usage: patch [-d DIR] [-i file] [-p depth] [-Rlsu] [--dry-run]
- Apply a unified diff to one or more files.
- -d Modify files in DIR
- -i Input file (default=stdin)
- -l Loose match (ignore whitespace)
- -p Number of '/' to strip from start of file paths (default=all)
- -R Reverse patch
- -s Silent except for errors
- -u Ignored (only handles "unified" diffs)
- --dry-run Don't change files, just confirm patch applies
- This version of patch only handles unified diffs, and only modifies
- a file when all hunks to that file apply. Patch prints failed hunks
- to stderr, and exits with nonzero status if any hunks fail.
- A file compared against /dev/null (or with a date <= the epoch) is
- created/deleted as appropriate.
-# toys/posix/printf.c
-config PRINTF
- bool "printf"
- default y
- help
- usage: printf FORMAT [ARGUMENT...]
- Format and print ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, using C printf syntax
- (% escapes for cdeEfgGiosuxX, \ escapes for abefnrtv0 or \OCTAL or \xHEX).
-# toys/posix/ps.c
-config PS
- bool "ps"
- default y
- help
- usage: ps [-AadefLlnwZ] [-gG GROUP,] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-p PID,] [-t TTY,] [-uU USER,]
- List processes.
- Which processes to show (-gGuUpPt selections may be comma separated lists):
- -A All -a Has terminal not session leader
- -d All but session leaders -e Synonym for -A
- -g In GROUPs -G In real GROUPs (before sgid)
- -p PIDs (--pid) -P Parent PIDs (--ppid)
- -s In session IDs -t Attached to selected TTYs
- -T Show threads also -u Owned by selected USERs
- -U Real USERs (before suid)
- Output modifiers:
- -k Sort FIELDs (-FIELD to reverse) -M Measure/pad future field widths
- -n Show numeric USER and GROUP -w Wide output (don't truncate fields)
- Which FIELDs to show. (-o HELP for list, default = -o PID,TTY,TIME,CMD)
- -o Output FIELDs instead of defaults, each with optional :size and =title
- -O Add FIELDS to defaults
- -Z Include LABEL
-config TOP
- bool "top"
- default y
- help
- usage: top [-Hbq] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-s SORT] [-n NUMBER] [-m LINES] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]
- Show process activity in real time.
- -H Show threads
- -k Fallback sort FIELDS (default -S,-%CPU,-ETIME,-PID)
- -O Add FIELDS (replacing PR,NI,VIRT,RES,SHR,S from default)
- -s Sort by field number (1-X, default 9)
- -b Batch mode (no tty)
- -d Delay SECONDS between each cycle (default 3)
- -m Maximum number of tasks to show
- -n Exit after NUMBER iterations
- -p Show these PIDs
- -u Show these USERs
- -q Quiet (no header lines)
- Cursor LEFT/RIGHT to change sort, UP/DOWN move list, space to force
- update, R to reverse sort, Q to exit.
-# Requires CONFIG_IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING in the kernel for /proc/$$/io
-config IOTOP
- bool "iotop"
- default y
- help
- usage: iotop [-AaKObq] [-n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]
- Rank processes by I/O.
- -A All I/O, not just disk
- -a Accumulated I/O (not percentage)
- -H Show threads
- -K Kilobytes
- -k Fallback sort FIELDS (default -[D]IO,-ETIME,-PID)
- -m Maximum number of tasks to show
- -O Only show processes doing I/O
- -s Sort by field number (0-X, default 6)
- -b Batch mode (no tty)
- -d Delay SECONDS between each cycle (default 3)
- -n Exit after NUMBER iterations
- -p Show these PIDs
- -u Show these USERs
- -q Quiet (no header lines)
- Cursor LEFT/RIGHT to change sort, UP/DOWN move list, space to force
- update, R to reverse sort, Q to exit.
-config PGREP
- bool "pgrep"
- default y
- help
- usage: pgrep [-clfnovx] [-d DELIM] [-L SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]
- Search for process(es). PATTERN is an extended regular expression checked
- against command names.
- -c Show only count of matches
- -d Use DELIM instead of newline
- -L Send SIGNAL instead of printing name
- -l Show command name
- -f Check full command line for PATTERN
- -G Match real Group ID(s)
- -g Match Process Group(s) (0 is current user)
- -n Newest match only
- -o Oldest match only
- -P Match Parent Process ID(s)
- -s Match Session ID(s) (0 for current)
- -t Match Terminal(s)
- -U Match real User ID(s)
- -u Match effective User ID(s)
- -v Negate the match
- -x Match whole command (not substring)
-config PKILL
- bool "pkill"
- default y
- help
- usage: pkill [-fnovx] [-SIGNAL|-l SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]
- -l Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
- -V Verbose
- -f Check full command line for PATTERN
- -G Match real Group ID(s)
- -g Match Process Group(s) (0 is current user)
- -n Newest match only
- -o Oldest match only
- -P Match Parent Process ID(s)
- -s Match Session ID(s) (0 for current)
- -t Match Terminal(s)
- -U Match real User ID(s)
- -u Match effective User ID(s)
- -v Negate the match
- -x Match whole command (not substring)
-# toys/posix/pwd.c
-config PWD
- bool "pwd"
- default y
- help
- usage: pwd [-L|-P]
- Print working (current) directory.
- -L Use shell's path from $PWD (when applicable)
- -P Print canonical absolute path
-# toys/posix/renice.c
-config RENICE
- bool "renice"
- default y
- help
- usage: renice [-gpu] -n increment ID ...
-# toys/posix/rm.c
-config RM
- bool "rm"
- default y
- help
- usage: rm [-fiRrv] FILE...
- Remove each argument from the filesystem.
- -f Force: remove without confirmation, no error if it doesn't exist
- -i Interactive: prompt for confirmation
- -rR Recursive: remove directory contents
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/rmdir.c
-config RMDIR
- bool "rmdir"
- default y
- help
- usage: rmdir [-p] [dirname...]
- Remove one or more directories.
- -p Remove path
-# toys/posix/sed.c
-config SED
- bool "sed"
- default y
- help
- usage: sed [-inrzE] [-e SCRIPT]...|SCRIPT [-f SCRIPT_FILE]... [FILE...]
- Stream editor. Apply one or more editing SCRIPTs to each line of input
- (from FILE or stdin) producing output (by default to stdout).
- -e Add SCRIPT to list
- -f Add contents of SCRIPT_FILE to list
- -i Edit each file in place (-iEXT keeps backup file with extension EXT)
- -n No default output (use the p command to output matched lines)
- -r Use extended regular expression syntax
- -E POSIX alias for -r
- -s Treat input files separately (implied by -i)
- -z Use \0 rather than \n as the input line separator
- A SCRIPT is a series of one or more COMMANDs separated by newlines or
- semicolons. All -e SCRIPTs are concatenated together as if separated
- by newlines, followed by all lines from -f SCRIPT_FILEs, in order.
- If no -e or -f SCRIPTs are specified, the first argument is the SCRIPT.
- Each COMMAND may be preceded by an address which limits the command to
- apply only to the specified line(s). Commands without an address apply to
- every line. Addresses are of the form:
- The ADDRESS may be a decimal line number (starting at 1), a /regular
- expression/ within a pair of forward slashes, or the character "$" which
- matches the last line of input. (In -s or -i mode this matches the last
- line of each file, otherwise just the last line of the last file.) A single
- address matches one line, a pair of comma separated addresses match
- everything from the first address to the second address (inclusive). If
- both addresses are regular expressions, more than one range of lines in
- each file can match. The second address can be +N to end N lines later.
- REGULAR EXPRESSIONS in sed are started and ended by the same character
- (traditionally / but anything except a backslash or a newline works).
- Backslashes may be used to escape the delimiter if it occurs in the
- regex, and for the usual printf escapes (\abcefnrtv and octal, hex,
- and unicode). An empty regex repeats the previous one. ADDRESS regexes
- (above) require the first delimiter to be escaped with a backslash when
- it isn't a forward slash (to distinguish it from the COMMANDs below).
- Sed mostly operates on individual lines one at a time. It reads each line,
- processes it, and either writes it to the output or discards it before
- reading the next line. Sed can remember one additional line in a separate
- buffer (using the h, H, g, G, and x commands), and can read the next line
- of input early (using the n and N command), but other than that command
- scripts operate on individual lines of text.
- Each COMMAND starts with a single character. The following commands take
- no arguments:
- { Start a new command block, continuing until a corresponding "}".
- Command blocks may nest. If the block has an address, commands within
- the block are only run for lines within the block's address range.
- } End command block (this command cannot have an address)
- d Delete this line and move on to the next one
- (ignores remaining COMMANDs)
- D Delete one line of input and restart command SCRIPT (same as "d"
- unless you've glued lines together with "N" or similar)
- g Get remembered line (overwriting current line)
- G Get remembered line (appending to current line)
- h Remember this line (overwriting remembered line)
- H Remember this line (appending to remembered line, if any)
- l Print line, escaping \abfrtv (but not newline), octal escaping other
- nonprintable characters, wrapping lines to terminal width with a
- backslash, and appending $ to actual end of line.
- n Print default output and read next line, replacing current line
- (If no next line available, quit processing script)
- N Append next line of input to this line, separated by a newline
- (This advances the line counter for address matching and "=", if no
- next line available quit processing script without default output)
- p Print this line
- P Print this line up to first newline (from "N")
- q Quit (print default output, no more commands processed or lines read)
- x Exchange this line with remembered line (overwrite in both directions)
- = Print the current line number (followed by a newline)
- The following commands (may) take an argument. The "text" arguments (to
- the "a", "b", and "c" commands) may end with an unescaped "\" to append
- the next line (for which leading whitespace is not skipped), and also
- treat ";" as a literal character (use "\;" instead).
- a [text] Append text to output before attempting to read next line
- b [label] Branch, jumps to :label (or with no label, to end of SCRIPT)
- c [text] Delete line, output text at end of matching address range
- (ignores remaining COMMANDs)
- i [text] Print text
- r [file] Append contents of file to output before attempting to read
- next line.
- s/S/R/F Search for regex S, replace matched text with R using flags F.
- The first character after the "s" (anything but newline or
- backslash) is the delimiter, escape with \ to use normally.
- The replacement text may contain "&" to substitute the matched
- text (escape it with backslash for a literal &), or \1 through
- \9 to substitute a parenthetical subexpression in the regex.
- You can also use the normal backslash escapes such as \n and
- a backslash at the end of the line appends the next line.
- The flags are:
- [0-9] A number, substitute only that occurrence of pattern
- g Global, substitute all occurrences of pattern
- i Ignore case when matching
- p Print the line if match was found and replaced
- w [file] Write (append) line to file if match replaced
- t [label] Test, jump to :label only if an "s" command found a match in
- this line since last test (replacing with same text counts)
- T [label] Test false, jump only if "s" hasn't found a match.
- w [file] Write (append) line to file
- y/old/new/ Change each character in 'old' to corresponding character
- in 'new' (with standard backslash escapes, delimiter can be
- any repeated character except \ or \n)
- : [label] Labeled target for jump commands
- # Comment, ignore rest of this line of SCRIPT
- Deviations from POSIX: allow extended regular expressions with -r,
- editing in place with -i, separate with -s, NUL-separated input with -z,
- printf escapes in text, line continuations, semicolons after all commands,
- 2-address anywhere an address is allowed, "T" command, multiline
- continuations for [abc], \; to end [abc] argument before end of line.
-# toys/posix/sleep.c
-config SLEEP
- bool "sleep"
- default y
- help
- usage: sleep DURATION
- Wait before exiting.
- DURATION can be a decimal fraction. An optional suffix can be "m"
- (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days), or "s" (seconds, the default).
-# toys/posix/sort.c
-config SORT
- bool "sort"
- default y
- help
- usage: sort [-runbcdfiMsz] [FILE...] [-k#[,#[x]] [-t X]] [-o FILE]
- Sort all lines of text from input files (or stdin) to stdout.
- -r Reverse
- -u Unique lines only
- -n Numeric order (instead of alphabetical)
- -b Ignore leading blanks (or trailing blanks in second part of key)
- -c Check whether input is sorted
- -d Dictionary order (use alphanumeric and whitespace chars only)
- -f Force uppercase (case insensitive sort)
- -i Ignore nonprinting characters
- -M Month sort (jan, feb, etc)
- -x Hexadecimal numerical sort
- -s Skip fallback sort (only sort with keys)
- -z Zero (null) terminated lines
- -k Sort by "key" (see below)
- -t Use a key separator other than whitespace
- -o Output to FILE instead of stdout
- -V Version numbers (name-1.234-rc6.5b.tgz)
- Sorting by key looks at a subset of the words on each line. -k2 uses the
- second word to the end of the line, -k2,2 looks at only the second word,
- -k2,4 looks from the start of the second to the end of the fourth word.
- -k2.4,5 starts from the fourth character of the second word, to the end
- of the fifth word. Specifying multiple keys uses the later keys as tie
- breakers, in order. A type specifier appended to a sort key (such as -2,2n)
- applies only to sorting that key.
-config SORT_FLOAT
- bool
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_FLOAT
- help
- usage: sort [-g]
- -g General numeric sort (double precision with nan and inf)
-# toys/posix/split.c
-config SPLIT
- bool "split"
- default y
- help
- usage: split [-a SUFFIX_LEN] [-b BYTES] [-l LINES] [INPUT [OUTPUT]]
- Copy INPUT (or stdin) data to a series of OUTPUT (or "x") files with
- alphabetically increasing suffix (aa, ab, ac... az, ba, bb...).
- -a Suffix length (default 2)
- -b BYTES/file (10, 10k, 10m, 10g...)
- -l LINES/file (default 1000)
-# toys/posix/strings.c
-config STRINGS
- bool "strings"
- default y
- help
- usage: strings [-fo] [-t oxd] [-n LEN] [FILE...]
- Display printable strings in a binary file
- -f Show filename
- -n At least LEN characters form a string (default 4)
- -o Show offset (ala -t d)
- -t Show offset type (o=octal, d=decimal, x=hexadecimal)
-# toys/posix/tail.c
-config TAIL
- bool "tail"
- default y
- help
- usage: tail [-n|c NUMBER] [-f] [FILE...]
- Copy last lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from
- stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -n Output the last NUMBER lines (default 10), +X counts from start
- -c Output the last NUMBER bytes, +NUMBER counts from start
- -f Follow FILE(s), waiting for more data to be appended
-# toys/posix/tar.c
-config TAR
- bool "tar"
- default y
- help
- usage: tar [-cxt] [-fvohmjkOS] [-XTCf NAME] [FILES]
- Create, extract, or list files in a .tar (or compressed t?z) file.
- Options:
- c Create x Extract t Test (list)
- f tar FILE (default -) C Change to DIR first v Verbose display
- o Ignore owner h Follow symlinks m Ignore mtime
- J xz compression j bzip2 compression z gzip compression
- O Extract to stdout X exclude names in FILE T include names in FILE
- --exclude FILENAME to exclude --full-time Show seconds with -tv
- --mode MODE Adjust modes --mtime TIME Override timestamps
- --owner NAME Set file owner to NAME --group NAME Set file group to NAME
- --sparse Record sparse files
- --restrict All archive contents must extract under one subdirctory
- --numeric-owner Save/use/display uid and gid, not user/group name
- --no-recursion Don't store directory contents
-# toys/posix/tee.c
-config TEE
- bool "tee"
- default y
- help
- usage: tee [-ai] [file...]
- Copy stdin to each listed file, and also to stdout.
- Filename "-" is a synonym for stdout.
- -a Append to files
- -i Ignore SIGINT
-# toys/posix/test.c
-config TEST
- bool "test"
- default y
- help
- usage: test [-bcdefghLPrSsuwx PATH] [-nz STRING] [-t FD] [X ?? Y]
- Return true or false by performing tests. (With no arguments return false.)
- --- Tests with a single argument (after the option):
- PATH is/has:
- -b block device -f regular file -p fifo -u setuid bit
- -c char device -g setgid -r read bit -w write bit
- -d directory -h symlink -S socket -x execute bit
- -e exists -L symlink -s nonzero size
- STRING is:
- -n nonzero size -z zero size (STRING by itself implies -n)
- FD (integer file descriptor) is:
- -t a TTY
- --- Tests with one argument on each side of an operator:
- Two strings:
- = are identical != differ
- Two integers:
- -eq equal -gt first > second -lt first < second
- -ne not equal -ge first >= second -le first <= second
- --- Modify or combine tests:
- ! EXPR not (swap true/false) EXPR -a EXPR and (are both true)
- ( EXPR ) evaluate this first EXPR -o EXPR or (is either true)
-# toys/posix/time.c
-config TIME
- bool "time"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_FLOAT
- help
- usage: time [-pv] COMMAND [ARGS...]
- Run command line and report real, user, and system time elapsed in seconds.
- (real = clock on the wall, user = cpu used by command's code,
- system = cpu used by OS on behalf of command.)
- -p POSIX format output (default)
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/touch.c
-config TOUCH
- bool "touch"
- default y
- help
- usage: touch [-amch] [-d DATE] [-t TIME] [-r FILE] FILE...
- Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time.
- -a Change access time
- -m Change modification time
- -c Don't create file
- -h Change symlink
- -d Set time to DATE (in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:SS[.frac][tz] format)
- -t Set time to TIME (in [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss][frac] format)
- -r Set time same as reference FILE
-# toys/posix/true.c
-config TRUE
- bool "true"
- default y
- help
- Return zero.
-# toys/posix/tty.c
-config TTY
- bool "tty"
- default y
- help
- usage: tty [-s]
- Show filename of terminal connected to stdin.
- Prints "not a tty" and exits with nonzero status if no terminal
- is connected to stdin.
- -s Silent, exit code only
-# toys/posix/ulimit.c
-config ULIMIT
- bool "ulimit"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_PRLIMIT
- help
- usage: ulimit [-P PID] [-SHRacdefilmnpqrstuv] [LIMIT]
- Print or set resource limits for process number PID. If no LIMIT specified
- (or read-only -ap selected) display current value (sizes in bytes).
- Default is ulimit -P $PPID -Sf" (show soft filesize of your shell).
- -S Set/show soft limit -H Set/show hard (maximum) limit
- -a Show all limits -c Core file size
- -d Process data segment -e Max scheduling priority
- -f Output file size -i Pending signal count
- -l Locked memory -m Resident Set Size
- -n Number of open files -p Pipe buffer
- -q Posix message queue -r Max Real-time priority
- -R Realtime latency (usec) -s Stack size
- -t Total CPU time (in seconds) -u Maximum processes (under this UID)
- -v Virtual memory size -P PID to affect (default $PPID)
-# toys/posix/uname.c
-config UNAME
- bool "uname"
- default y
- help
- usage: uname [-asnrvm]
- Print system information.
- -s System name
- -n Network (domain) name
- -r Kernel Release number
- -v Kernel Version
- -m Machine (hardware) name
- -a All of the above
-# toys/posix/uniq.c
-config UNIQ
- bool "uniq"
- default y
- help
- usage: uniq [-cduiz] [-w maxchars] [-f fields] [-s char] [input_file [output_file]]
- Report or filter out repeated lines in a file
- -c Show counts before each line
- -d Show only lines that are repeated
- -u Show only lines that are unique
- -i Ignore case when comparing lines
- -z Lines end with \0 not \n
- -w Compare maximum X chars per line
- -f Ignore first X fields
- -s Ignore first X chars
-# toys/posix/unlink.c
-config UNLINK
- bool "unlink"
- default y
- help
- usage: unlink FILE
- Delete one file.
-# toys/posix/uudecode.c
-config UUDECODE
- bool "uudecode"
- default y
- help
- usage: uudecode [-o OUTFILE] [INFILE]
- Decode file from stdin (or INFILE).
- -o Write to OUTFILE instead of filename in header
-# toys/posix/uuencode.c
-config UUENCODE
- bool "uuencode"
- default y
- help
- usage: uuencode [-m] [file] encode-filename
- Uuencode stdin (or file) to stdout, with encode-filename in the output.
- -m Base64
-# toys/posix/wc.c
-config WC
- bool "wc"
- default y
- help
- usage: wc -lwcm [FILE...]
- Count lines, words, and characters in input.
- -l Show lines
- -w Show words
- -c Show bytes
- -m Show characters
- By default outputs lines, words, bytes, and filename for each
- argument (or from stdin if none). Displays only either bytes
- or characters.
-# toys/posix/who.c
-config WHO
- bool "who"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_UTMPX
- help
- usage: who
- Print information about logged in users.
-# toys/posix/xargs.c
-config XARGS
- bool "xargs"
- default y
- help
- usage: xargs [-0prt] [-s NUM] [-n NUM] [-E STR] COMMAND...
- Run command line one or more times, appending arguments from stdin.
- If command exits with 255, don't launch another even if arguments remain.
- -0 Each argument is NULL terminated, no whitespace or quote processing
- -E Stop at line matching string
- -n Max number of arguments per command
- -p Prompt for y/n from tty before running each command
- -r Don't run command with empty input
- -s Size in bytes per command line
- -t Trace, print command line to stderr
- bool "TODO xargs pedantic posix compatability"
- default n
- depends on XARGS
- help
- This version supports insane posix whitespace handling rendered obsolete
- by -0 mode.
-menu "pending (see toys/pending/README)"
-# toys/pending/arp.c
-config ARP
- bool "arp"
- default n
- help
- usage: arp
- [-vn] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -a [HOSTNAME]
- [-v] [-i IF] -d HOSTNAME [pub]
- [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -s HOSTNAME HWADDR [temp]
- [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -s HOSTNAME HWADDR [netmask MASK] pub
- [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -Ds HOSTNAME IFACE [netmask MASK] pub
- Manipulate ARP cache
- -a Display (all) hosts
- -s Set new ARP entry
- -d Delete a specified entry
- -v Verbose
- -n Don't resolve names
- -i IF Network interface
- -D Read <hwaddr> from given device
- -A,-p AF Protocol family
- -H HWTYPE Hardware address type
-# toys/pending/arping.c
-config ARPING
- bool "arping"
- default n
- help
- usage: arping [-fqbDUA] [-c CNT] [-w TIMEOUT] [-I IFACE] [-s SRC_IP] DST_IP
- Send ARP requests/replies
- -f Quit on first ARP reply
- -q Quiet
- -b Keep broadcasting, don't go unicast
- -D Duplicated address detection mode
- -U Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbors
- -A ARP answer mode, update your neighbors
- -c N Stop after sending N ARP requests
- -w TIMEOUT Time to wait for ARP reply, seconds
- -I IFACE Interface to use (default eth0)
- -s SRC_IP Sender IP address
- DST_IP Target IP address
-# toys/pending/bc.c
-config BC
- bool "bc"
- default n
- help
- usage: bc [-ilqsw] [file ...]
- bc is a command-line calculator with a Turing-complete language.
- options:
- -i --interactive force interactive mode
- -l --mathlib use predefined math routines:
- s(expr) = sine of expr in radians
- c(expr) = cosine of expr in radians
- a(expr) = arctangent of expr, returning radians
- l(expr) = natural log of expr
- e(expr) = raises e to the power of expr
- j(n, x) = Bessel function of integer order n of x
- -q --quiet don't print version and copyright
- -s --standard error if any non-POSIX extensions are used
- -w --warn warn if any non-POSIX extensions are used
-# toys/pending/bootchartd.c
- bool "bootchartd"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: bootchartd {start [PROG ARGS]}|stop|init
- Create /var/log/bootlog.tgz with boot chart data
- start: start background logging; with PROG, run PROG,
- then kill logging with USR1
- stop: send USR1 to all bootchartd processes
- init: start background logging; stop when getty/xdm is seen
- (for init scripts)
- Under PID 1: as init, then exec $bootchart_init, /init, /sbin/init
-# toys/pending/brctl.c
-config BRCTL
- bool "brctl"
- default n
- help
- Manage ethernet bridges
- Commands:
- show Show a list of bridges
- addbr BRIDGE Create BRIDGE
- delbr BRIDGE Delete BRIDGE
- setageing BRIDGE TIME Set ageing time
- setfd BRIDGE TIME Set bridge forward delay
- sethello BRIDGE TIME Set hello time
- setmaxage BRIDGE TIME Set max message age
- setpathcost BRIDGE PORT COST Set path cost
- setportprio BRIDGE PORT PRIO Set port priority
- setbridgeprio BRIDGE PRIO Set bridge priority
- stp BRIDGE [1/yes/on|0/no/off] STP on/off
-# toys/pending/crond.c
-config CROND
- bool "crond"
- default n
- help
- usage: crond [-fbS] [-l N] [-d N] [-L LOGFILE] [-c DIR]
- A daemon to execute scheduled commands.
- -b Background (default)
- -c crontab dir
- -d Set log level, log to stderr
- -f Foreground
- -l Set log level. 0 is the most verbose, default 8
- -S Log to syslog (default)
- -L Log to file
-# toys/pending/crontab.c
-config CRONTAB
- bool "crontab"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: crontab [-u user] FILE
- [-u user] [-e | -l | -r]
- [-c dir]
- Files used to schedule the execution of programs.
- -c crontab dir
- -e edit user's crontab
- -l list user's crontab
- -r delete user's crontab
- -u user
- FILE Replace crontab by FILE ('-': stdin)
-# toys/pending/dd.c
-config DD
- bool "dd"
- default n
- help
- usage: dd [if=FILE] [of=FILE] [ibs=N] [obs=N] [iflag=FLAGS] [oflag=FLAGS]
- [bs=N] [count=N] [seek=N] [skip=N]
- [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync|fsync] [status=noxfer|none]
- Copy/convert files.
- if=FILE Read from FILE instead of stdin
- of=FILE Write to FILE instead of stdout
- bs=N Read and write N bytes at a time
- ibs=N Input block size
- obs=N Output block size
- count=N Copy only N input blocks
- skip=N Skip N input blocks
- seek=N Skip N output blocks
- iflag=FLAGS Set input flags
- oflag=FLAGS Set output flags
- conv=notrunc Don't truncate output file
- conv=noerror Continue after read errors
- conv=sync Pad blocks with zeros
- conv=fsync Physically write data out before finishing
- status=noxfer Don't show transfer rate
- status=none Don't show transfer rate or records in/out
- FLAGS is a comma-separated list of:
- count_bytes (iflag) interpret count=N in bytes, not blocks
- seek_bytes (oflag) interpret seek=N in bytes, not blocks
- skip_bytes (iflag) interpret skip=N in bytes, not blocks
- Numbers may be suffixed by c (*1), w (*2), b (*512), kD (*1000), k (*1024),
- MD (*1000*1000), M (*1024*1024), GD (*1000*1000*1000) or G (*1024*1024*1024).
-# toys/pending/dhcp.c
-config DHCP
- bool "dhcp"
- default n
- help
- usage: dhcp [-fbnqvoCRB] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE]
- Configure network dynamically using DHCP.
- -i Interface to use (default eth0)
- -p Create pidfile
- -s Run PROG at DHCP events (default /usr/share/dhcp/default.script)
- -B Request broadcast replies
- -t Send up to N discover packets
- -T Pause between packets (default 3 seconds)
- -A Wait N seconds after failure (default 20)
- -f Run in foreground
- -b Background if lease is not obtained
- -n Exit if lease is not obtained
- -q Exit after obtaining lease
- -R Release IP on exit
- -S Log to syslog too
- -a Use arping to validate offered address
- -O Request option OPT from server (cumulative)
- -o Don't request any options (unless -O is given)
- -r Request this IP address
- -x OPT:VAL Include option OPT in sent packets (cumulative)
- -F Ask server to update DNS mapping for NAME
- -H Send NAME as client hostname (default none)
- -V VENDOR Vendor identifier (default 'toybox VERSION')
- -C Don't send MAC as client identifier
- -v Verbose
- Signals:
- USR1 Renew current lease
- USR2 Release current lease
-# toys/pending/dhcp6.c
-config DHCP6
- bool "dhcp6"
- default n
- help
- usage: dhcp6 [-fbnqvR] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE]
- Configure network dynamically using DHCP.
- -i Interface to use (default eth0)
- -p Create pidfile
- -s Run PROG at DHCP events
- -t Send up to N Solicit packets
- -T Pause between packets (default 3 seconds)
- -A Wait N seconds after failure (default 20)
- -f Run in foreground
- -b Background if lease is not obtained
- -n Exit if lease is not obtained
- -q Exit after obtaining lease
- -R Release IP on exit
- -S Log to syslog too
- -r Request this IP address
- -v Verbose
- Signals:
- USR1 Renew current lease
- USR2 Release current lease
-# toys/pending/dhcpd.c
-config DHCPD
- bool "dhcpd"
- default n
- help
- usage: dhcpd [-46fS] [-i IFACE] [-P N] [CONFFILE]
- -f Run in foreground
- -i Interface to use
- -S Log to syslog too
- -P N Use port N (default ipv4 67, ipv6 547)
- -4, -6 Run as a DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 server
-config DEBUG_DHCP
- bool "debugging messeges ON/OFF"
- default n
- depends on DHCPD
-# toys/pending/diff.c
-config DIFF
- bool "diff"
- default n
- help
- usage: diff [-abBdiNqrTstw] [-L LABEL] [-S FILE] [-U LINES] FILE1 FILE2
- -a Treat all files as text
- -b Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace
- -B Ignore changes whose lines are all blank
- -d Try hard to find a smaller set of changes
- -i Ignore case differences
- -L Use LABEL instead of the filename in the unified header
- -N Treat absent files as empty
- -q Output only whether files differ
- -r Recurse
- -S Start with FILE when comparing directories
- -T Make tabs line up by prefixing a tab when necessary
- -s Report when two files are the same
- -t Expand tabs to spaces in output
- -u Unified diff
- -U Output LINES lines of context
- -w Ignore all whitespace
- --color Colored output
- --strip-trailing-cr Strip trailing '\r's from input lines
-# toys/pending/dumpleases.c
- bool "dumpleases"
- default n
- help
- usage: dumpleases [-r|-a] [-f LEASEFILE]
- Display DHCP leases granted by udhcpd
- -f FILE, Lease file
- -r Show remaining time
- -a Show expiration time
-# toys/pending/expr.c
-config EXPR
- bool "expr"
- default n
- help
- usage: expr ARG1 OPERATOR ARG2...
- Evaluate expression and print result. For example, "expr 1 + 2".
- The supported operators are (grouped from highest to lowest priority):
- ( ) : * / % + - != <= < >= > = & |
- Each constant and operator must be a separate command line argument.
- All operators are infix, meaning they expect a constant (or expression
- that resolves to a constant) on each side of the operator. Operators of
- the same priority (within each group above) are evaluated left to right.
- Parentheses may be used (as separate arguments) to elevate the priority
- of expressions.
- Calling expr from a command shell requires a lot of \( or '*' escaping
- to avoid interpreting shell control characters.
- The & and | operators are logical (not bitwise) and may operate on
- strings (a blank string is "false"). Comparison operators may also
- operate on strings (alphabetical sort).
- Constants may be strings or integers. Comparison, logical, and regex
- operators may operate on strings (a blank string is "false"), other
- operators require integers.
-# toys/pending/fdisk.c
-config FDISK
- bool "fdisk"
- default n
- help
- usage: fdisk [-lu] [-C CYLINDERS] [-H HEADS] [-S SECTORS] [-b SECTSZ] DISK
- Change partition table
- -u Start and End are in sectors (instead of cylinders)
- -l Show partition table for each DISK, then exit
- -b size sector size (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096)
- -C CYLINDERS Set number of cylinders/heads/sectors
-# toys/pending/fold.c
-config FOLD
- bool "fold"
- default n
- help
- usage: fold [-bsu] [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]
- Folds (wraps) or unfolds ascii text by adding or removing newlines.
- Default line width is 80 columns for folding and infinite for unfolding.
- -b Fold based on bytes instead of columns
- -s Fold/unfold at whitespace boundaries if possible
- -u Unfold text (and refold if -w is given)
- -w Set lines to WIDTH columns or bytes
-# toys/pending/fsck.c
-config FSCK
- bool "fsck"
- default n
- help
- usage: fsck [-ANPRTV] [-C FD] [-t FSTYPE] [FS_OPTS] [BLOCKDEV]...
- Check and repair filesystems
- -A Walk /etc/fstab and check all filesystems
- -N Don't execute, just show what would be done
- -P With -A, check filesystems in parallel
- -R With -A, skip the root filesystem
- -T Don't show title on startup
- -V Verbose
- -C n Write status information to specified file descriptor
- -t TYPE List of filesystem types to check
-# toys/pending/getfattr.c
-config GETFATTR
- bool "getfattr"
- default n
- help
- usage: getfattr [-d] [-h] [-n NAME] FILE...
- Read POSIX extended attributes.
- -d Show values as well as names
- -h Do not dereference symbolic links
- -n Show only attributes with the given name
- --only-values Don't show names
-# toys/pending/getty.c
-config GETTY
- bool "getty"
- default n
- help
- -h Enable hardware RTS/CTS flow control
- -L Set CLOCAL (ignore Carrier Detect state)
- -m Get baud rate from modem's CONNECT status message
- -n Don't prompt for login name
- -w Wait for CR or LF before sending /etc/issue
- -i Don't display /etc/issue
- -f ISSUE_FILE Display ISSUE_FILE instead of /etc/issue
- -l LOGIN Invoke LOGIN instead of /bin/login
- -t SEC Terminate after SEC if no login name is read
- -I INITSTR Send INITSTR before anything else
- -H HOST Log HOST into the utmp file as the hostname
-# toys/pending/groupadd.c
-config GROUPADD
- bool "groupadd"
- default n
- help
- usage: groupadd [-S] [-g GID] [USER] GROUP
- Add a group or add a user to a group
- -g GID Group id
- -S Create a system group
-# toys/pending/groupdel.c
-config GROUPDEL
- bool "groupdel"
- default n
- help
- usage: groupdel [USER] GROUP
- Delete a group or remove a user from a group
-# toys/pending/host.c
-config HOST
- bool "host"
- default n
- help
- usage: host [-av] [-t TYPE] NAME [SERVER]
- Perform DNS lookup on NAME, which can be a domain name to lookup,
- or an IPv4 dotted or IPv6 colon-separated address to reverse lookup.
- SERVER (if present) is the DNS server to use.
- -a no idea
- -t not a clue
- -v verbose
-# toys/pending/init.c
-config INIT
- bool "init"
- default n
- help
- usage: init
- System V style init.
- First program to run (as PID 1) when the system comes up, reading
- /etc/inittab to determine actions.
-# toys/pending/ip.c
-config IP
- bool "ip"
- default n
- help
- usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND }
- Show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels.
- where OBJECT := {address | link | route | rule | tunnel}
- OPTIONS := { -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | link } | -o[neline] }
-# toys/pending/ipcrm.c
-config IPCRM
- bool "ipcrm"
- default n
- help
- usage: ipcrm [ [-q msqid] [-m shmid] [-s semid]
- [-Q msgkey] [-M shmkey] [-S semkey] ... ]
- -mM Remove memory segment after last detach
- -qQ Remove message queue
- -sS Remove semaphore
-# toys/pending/ipcs.c
-config IPCS
- bool "ipcs"
- default n
- help
- usage: ipcs [[-smq] -i shmid] | [[-asmq] [-tcplu]]
- -i Show specific resource
- Resource specification:
- -a All (default)
- -m Shared memory segments
- -q Message queues
- -s Semaphore arrays
- Output format:
- -c Creator
- -l Limits
- -p Pid
- -t Time
- -u Summary
-# toys/pending/klogd.c
-config KLOGD
- bool "klogd"
- default n
- help
- usage: klogd [-n] [-c N]
- -c N Print to console messages more urgent than prio N (1-8)"
- -n Run in foreground
- bool "enable kernel ring buffer as log source."
- default n
- depends on KLOGD
-# toys/pending/last.c
-config LAST
- bool "last"
- default n
- help
- usage: last [-W] [-f FILE]
- Show listing of last logged in users.
- -W Display the information without host-column truncation
- -f FILE Read from file FILE instead of /var/log/wtmp
-# toys/pending/lsof.c
-config LSOF
- bool "lsof"
- default n
- help
- usage: lsof [-lt] [-p PID1,PID2,...] [FILE...]
- List all open files belonging to all active processes, or processes using
- listed FILE(s).
- -l list uids numerically
- -p for given comma-separated pids only (default all pids)
- -t terse (pid only) output
-# toys/pending/man.c
-config MAN
- bool "man"
- default n
- help
- usage: man [-k STRING] | [SECTION] COMMAND
- Read manual page for system command.
- -k Search short
- Man pages are divided into 8 sections, each with an info page (man 8 info).
- 1) executables, 2) syscalls, 3) library functions, 4) /dev files,
- 5) file formats (ala /etc/hosts), 6) games, 7) miscelanous, 8) sysadmin
- If you don't specify a section it'll show the lowest numbered one,
- but "man 1 mkdir" and "man 2 mkdir" are different things.
- The shell builtins don't have section 1 man pages, see the "help" command.
-# toys/pending/mdev.c
-config MDEV
- bool "mdev"
- default n
- help
- usage: mdev [-s]
- Create devices in /dev using information from /sys.
- -s Scan all entries in /sys to populate /dev
-config MDEV_CONF
- bool "Configuration file for mdev"
- default y
- depends on MDEV
- help
- The mdev config file (/etc/mdev.conf) contains lines that look like:
- hd[a-z][0-9]* 0:3 660
- (sd[a-z]) root:disk 660 =usb_storage
- Each line must contain three whitespace separated fields. The first
- field is a regular expression matching one or more device names,
- the second and third fields are uid:gid and file permissions for
- matching devices. Fourth field is optional. It could be used to change
- device name (prefix '='), path (prefix '=' and postfix '/') or create a
- symlink (prefix '>').
-# toys/pending/mke2fs.c
-config MKE2FS
- bool "mke2fs"
- default n
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-Fnq] [-b ###] [-N|i ###] [-m ###] device
- Create an ext2 filesystem on a block device or filesystem image.
- -F Force to run on a mounted device
- -n Don't write to device
- -q Quiet (no output)
- -b size Block size (1024, 2048, or 4096)
- -N inodes Allocate this many inodes
- -i bytes Allocate one inode for every XXX bytes of device
- -m percent Reserve this percent of filesystem space for root user
- bool "Journaling support (ext3)"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-j] [-J size=###,device=XXX]
- -j Create journal (ext3)
- -J Journal options
- size: Number of blocks (1024-102400)
- device: Specify an external journal
-config MKE2FS_GEN
- bool "Generate (gene2fs)"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: gene2fs [options] device filename
- The [options] are the same as mke2fs.
-config MKE2FS_LABEL
- bool "Label support"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-L label] [-M path] [-o string]
- -L Volume label
- -M Path to mount point
- -o Created by
- bool "Extended options"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-E stride=###] [-O option[,option]]
- -E stride= Set RAID stripe size (in blocks)
- -O [opts] Specify fewer ext2 option flags (for old kernels)
- All of these are on by default (as appropriate)
- none Clear default options (all but journaling)
- dir_index Use htree indexes for large directories
- filetype Store file type info in directory entry
- has_journal Set by -j
- journal_dev Set by -J device=XXX
- sparse_super Don't allocate huge numbers of redundant superblocks
-# toys/pending/modprobe.c
-config MODPROBE
- bool "modprobe"
- default n
- help
- usage: modprobe [-alrqvsDb] [-d DIR] MODULE [symbol=value][...]
- modprobe utility - inserts modules and dependencies.
- -a Load multiple MODULEs
- -d Load modules from DIR, option may be used multiple times
- -l List (MODULE is a pattern)
- -r Remove MODULE (stacks) or do autoclean
- -q Quiet
- -v Verbose
- -s Log to syslog
- -D Show dependencies
- -b Apply blacklist to module names too
-# toys/pending/more.c
-config MORE
- bool "more"
- default n
- help
- usage: more [FILE...]
- View FILE(s) (or stdin) one screenfull at a time.
-# toys/pending/openvt.c
-config OPENVT
- bool "openvt"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: openvt [-c N] [-sw] [command [command_options]]
- start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT)
- -c N Use VT N
- -s Switch to new VT
- -w Wait for command to exit
- if -sw used together, switch back to originating VT when command completes
- bool "deallocvt"
- default n
- help
- usage: deallocvt [N]
- Deallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN, or all unused consoles.
-# toys/pending/route.c
-config ROUTE
- bool "route"
- default n
- help
- usage: route [-ne] [-A [46]] [add|del TARGET [OPTIONS]]
- Display, add or delete network routes in the "Forwarding Information Base".
- -n Show numerical addresses (no DNS lookups)
- -e display netstat fields
- Routing means sending packets out a network interface to an address.
- The kernel can tell where to send packets one hop away by examining each
- interface's address and netmask, so the most common use of this command
- is to identify a "gateway" that forwards other traffic.
- Assigning an address to an interface automatically creates an appropriate
- network route ("ifconfig eth0" does "route add eth0"
- for you), although some devices (such as loopback) won't show it in the
- table. For machines more than one hop away, you need to specify a gateway
- (ala "route add default gw").
- The address "default" is a wildcard address ( matching all
- packets without a more specific route.
- Available OPTIONS include:
- reject - blocking route (force match failure)
- dev NAME - force packets out this interface (ala "eth0")
- netmask - old way of saying things like ADDR/24
- gw ADDR - forward packets to gateway ADDR
-# toys/pending/sh.c
-config SH
- bool "sh (toysh)"
- default n
- help
- usage: sh [-c command] [script]
- Command shell. Runs a shell script, or reads input interactively
- and responds to it.
- -c command line to execute
- -i interactive mode (default when STDIN is a tty)
-# These are here for the help text, they're not selectable and control nothing
-config CD
- bool
- default n
- depends on SH
- help
- usage: cd [-PL] [path]
- Change current directory. With no arguments, go $HOME.
- -P Physical path: resolve symlinks in path
- -L Local path: .. trims directories off $PWD (default)
-config EXIT
- bool
- default n
- depends on SH
- help
- usage: exit [status]
- Exit shell. If no return value supplied on command line, use value
- of most recent command, or 0 if none.
-# toys/pending/stty.c
-config STTY
- bool "stty"
- default n
- help
- usage: stty [-ag] [-F device] SETTING...
- Get/set terminal configuration.
- -F Open device instead of stdin
- -a Show all current settings (default differences from "sane")
- -g Show all current settings usable as input to stty
- Special characters (syntax ^c or undef): intr quit erase kill eof eol eol2
- swtch start stop susp rprnt werase lnext discard
- Control/input/output/local settings as shown by -a, '-' prefix to disable
- Combo settings: cooked/raw, evenp/oddp/parity, nl, ek, sane
- N set input and output speed (ispeed N or ospeed N for just one)
- cols N set number of columns
- rows N set number of rows
- line N set line discipline
- min N set minimum chars per read
- time N set read timeout
- speed show speed only
- size show size only
-# toys/pending/sulogin.c
-config SULOGIN
- bool "sulogin"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: sulogin [-t time] [tty]
- Single User Login.
- -t Default Time for Single User Login
-# toys/pending/syslogd.c
-config SYSLOGD
- bool "syslogd"
- default n
- help
- usage: syslogd [-a socket] [-O logfile] [-f config file] [-m interval]
- [-p socket] [-s SIZE] [-b N] [-R HOST] [-l N] [-nSLKD]
- System logging utility
- -a Extra unix socket for listen
- -O FILE Default log file <DEFAULT: /var/log/messages>
- -f FILE Config file <DEFAULT: /etc/syslog.conf>
- -p Alternative unix domain socket <DEFAULT : /dev/log>
- -n Avoid auto-backgrounding
- -S Smaller output
- -m MARK interval <DEFAULT: 20 minutes> (RANGE: 0 to 71582787)
- -R HOST Log to IP or hostname on PORT (default PORT=514/UDP)"
- -L Log locally and via network (default is network only if -R)"
- -s SIZE Max size (KB) before rotation (default:200KB, 0=off)
- -b N rotated logs to keep (default:1, max=99, 0=purge)
- -K Log to kernel printk buffer (use dmesg to read it)
- -l N Log only messages more urgent than prio(default:8 max:8 min:1)
- -D Drop duplicates
-# toys/pending/tcpsvd.c
-config TCPSVD
- bool "tcpsvd"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: tcpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-C N[:MSG]] [-b N] [-u User] [-l Name] IP Port Prog
- usage: udpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-u User] [-l Name] IP Port Prog
- Create TCP/UDP socket, bind to IP:PORT and listen for incoming connection.
- Run PROG for each connection.
- IP IP to listen on, 0 = all
- PORT Port to listen on
- PROG ARGS Program to run
- -l NAME Local hostname (else looks up local hostname in DNS)
- -u USER[:GRP] Change to user/group after bind
- -c N Handle up to N (> 0) connections simultaneously
- -b N (TCP Only) Allow a backlog of approximately N TCP SYNs
- -C N[:MSG] (TCP Only) Allow only up to N (> 0) connections from the same IP
- New connections from this IP address are closed
- immediately. MSG is written to the peer before close
- -h Look up peer's hostname
- -E Don't set up environment variables
- -v Verbose
-# toys/pending/telnet.c
-config TELNET
- bool "telnet"
- default n
- help
- usage: telnet HOST [PORT]
- Connect to telnet server
-# toys/pending/telnetd.c
-config TELNETD
- bool "telnetd"
- default n
- help
- Handle incoming telnet connections
- -l LOGIN Exec LOGIN on connect
- -f ISSUE_FILE Display ISSUE_FILE instead of /etc/issue
- -K Close connection as soon as login exits
- -p PORT Port to listen on
- -b ADDR[:PORT] Address to bind to
- -F Run in foreground
- -i Inetd mode
- -w SEC Inetd 'wait' mode, linger time SEC
- -S Log to syslog (implied by -i or without -F and -w)
-# toys/pending/tftp.c
-config TFTP
- bool "tftp"
- default n
- help
- usage: tftp [OPTIONS] HOST [PORT]
- Transfer file from/to tftp server.
- -l FILE Local FILE
- -r FILE Remote FILE
- -g Get file
- -p Put file
- -b SIZE Transfer blocks of SIZE octets(8 <= SIZE <= 65464)
-# toys/pending/tftpd.c
-config TFTPD
- bool "tftpd"
- default n
- help
- usage: tftpd [-cr] [-u USER] [DIR]
- Transfer file from/to tftp server.
- -r read only
- -c Allow file creation via upload
- -u run as USER
- -l Log to syslog (inetd mode requires this)
-# toys/pending/tr.c
-config TR
- bool "tr"
- default n
- help
- usage: tr [-cds] SET1 [SET2]
- Translate, squeeze, or delete characters from stdin, writing to stdout
- -c/-C Take complement of SET1
- -d Delete input characters coded SET1
- -s Squeeze multiple output characters of SET2 into one character
-# toys/pending/traceroute.c
- bool "traceroute"
- default n
- help
- usage: traceroute [-46FUIldnvr] [-f 1ST_TTL] [-m MAXTTL] [-p PORT] [-q PROBES]
- traceroute6 [-dnrv] [-m MAXTTL] [-p PORT] [-q PROBES][-s SRC_IP] [-t TOS] [-w WAIT_SEC]
- Trace the route to HOST
- -4,-6 Force IP or IPv6 name resolution
- -F Set the don't fragment bit (supports IPV4 only)
- -U Use UDP datagrams instead of ICMP ECHO (supports IPV4 only)
- -I Use ICMP ECHO instead of UDP datagrams (supports IPV4 only)
- -l Display the TTL value of the returned packet (supports IPV4 only)
- -d Set SO_DEBUG options to socket
- -n Print numeric addresses
- -v verbose
- -r Bypass routing tables, send directly to HOST
- -m Max time-to-live (max number of hops)(RANGE 1 to 255)
- -p Base UDP port number used in probes(default 33434)(RANGE 1 to 65535)
- -q Number of probes per TTL (default 3)(RANGE 1 to 255)
- -s IP address to use as the source address
- -t Type-of-service in probe packets (default 0)(RANGE 0 to 255)
- -w Time in seconds to wait for a response (default 3)(RANGE 0 to 86400)
- -g Loose source route gateway (8 max) (supports IPV4 only)
- -z Pause Time in ms (default 0)(RANGE 0 to 86400) (supports IPV4 only)
- -f Start from the 1ST_TTL hop (instead from 1)(RANGE 1 to 255) (supports IPV4 only)
- -i Specify a network interface to operate with
-# toys/pending/useradd.c
-config USERADD
- bool "useradd"
- default n
- help
- usage: useradd [-SDH] [-h DIR] [-s SHELL] [-G GRP] [-g NAME] [-u UID] USER [GROUP]
- Create new user, or add USER to GROUP
- -D Don't assign a password
- -g NAME Real name
- -G GRP Add user to existing group
- -h DIR Home directory
- -H Don't create home directory
- -s SHELL Login shell
- -S Create a system user
- -u UID User id
-# toys/pending/userdel.c
-config USERDEL
- bool "userdel"
- default n
- help
- usage: userdel [-r] USER
- usage: deluser [-r] USER
- Delete USER from the SYSTEM
- -r remove home directory
-# toys/pending/vi.c
-config VI
- bool "vi"
- default n
- help
- usage: vi FILE
- Visual text editor. Predates the existence of standardized cursor keys,
- so the controls are weird and historical.
-# toys/pending/wget.c
-config WGET
- bool "wget"
- default n
- help
- usage: wget -f filename URL
- -f filename: specify the filename to be saved
- URL: HTTP uniform resource location and only HTTP, not HTTPS
- examples:
- wget -f index.html http://www.example.com
- wget -f sample.jpg http://www.example.com:8080/sample.jpg
-# toys/pending/xzcat.c
-config XZCAT
- bool "xzcat"
- default n
- help
- usage: xzcat [filename...]
- Decompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no files listed.
-menu "Other commands"
-# toys/other/acpi.c
-config ACPI
- bool "acpi"
- default y
- help
- usage: acpi [-abctV]
- Show status of power sources and thermal devices.
- -a Show power adapters
- -b Show batteries
- -c Show cooling device state
- -t Show temperatures
- -V Show everything
-# toys/other/ascii.c
-config ASCII
- bool "ascii"
- default y
- help
- usage: ascii
- Display ascii character set.
-# toys/other/base64.c
-config BASE64
- bool "base64"
- default y
- help
- usage: base64 [-di] [-w COLUMNS] [FILE...]
- Encode or decode in base64.
- -d Decode
- -i Ignore non-alphabetic characters
- -w Wrap output at COLUMNS (default 76 or 0 for no wrap)
-# toys/other/blkid.c
-config BLKID
- bool "blkid"
- default y
- help
- usage: blkid [-s TAG] [-UL] DEV...
- Print type, label and UUID of filesystem on a block device or image.
- -U Show UUID only (or device with that UUID)
- -L Show LABEL only (or device with that LABEL)
- -s TAG Only show matching tags (default all)
-config FSTYPE
- bool "fstype"
- default y
- help
- usage: fstype DEV...
- Print type of filesystem on a block device or image.
-# toys/other/blockdev.c
-config BLOCKDEV
- bool "blockdev"
- default y
- help
- usage: blockdev --OPTION... BLOCKDEV...
- Call ioctl(s) on each listed block device
- --setro Set read only
- --setrw Set read write
- --getro Get read only
- --getss Get sector size
- --getbsz Get block size
- --setbsz BYTES Set block size
- --getsz Get device size in 512-byte sectors
- --getsize Get device size in sectors (deprecated)
- --getsize64 Get device size in bytes
- --getra Get readahead in 512-byte sectors
- --setra SECTORS Set readahead
- --flushbufs Flush buffers
- --rereadpt Reread partition table
-# toys/other/bzcat.c
-config BUNZIP2
- bool "bunzip2"
- default y
- help
- usage: bunzip2 [-cftkv] [FILE...]
- Decompress listed files (file.bz becomes file) deleting archive file(s).
- Read from stdin if no files listed.
- -c Force output to stdout
- -f Force decompression (if FILE doesn't end in .bz, replace original)
- -k Keep input files (-c and -t imply this)
- -t Test integrity
- -v Verbose
-config BZCAT
- bool "bzcat"
- default y
- help
- usage: bzcat [FILE...]
- Decompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no files listed.
-# toys/other/chcon.c
-config CHCON
- bool "chcon"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: chcon [-hRv] CONTEXT FILE...
- Change the SELinux security context of listed file[s].
- -h Change symlinks instead of what they point to
- -R Recurse into subdirectories
- -v Verbose
-# toys/other/chroot.c
-config CHROOT
- bool "chroot"
- default y
- help
- usage: chroot NEWROOT [COMMAND [ARG...]]
- Run command within a new root directory. If no command, run /bin/sh.
-# toys/other/chrt.c
-config CHRT
- bool "chrt"
- default y
- help
- usage: chrt [-Rmofrbi] {-p PID [PRIORITY] | [PRIORITY COMMAND...]}
- Get/set a process' real-time scheduling policy and priority.
- -p Set/query given pid (instead of running COMMAND)
- -m Show min/max priorities available
- Set policy (default -r):
-# toys/other/chvt.c
-config CHVT
- bool "chvt"
- default y
- help
- usage: chvt N
- Change to virtual terminal number N. (This only works in text mode.)
- Virtual terminals are the Linux VGA text mode displays, ordinarily
- switched between via alt-F1, alt-F2, etc. Use ctrl-alt-F1 to switch
- from X to a virtual terminal, and alt-F6 (or F7, or F8) to get back.
-# toys/other/clear.c
-config CLEAR
- bool "clear"
- default y
- help
- Clear the screen.
-# toys/other/count.c
-config COUNT
- bool "count"
- default y
- help
- usage: count
- Copy stdin to stdout, displaying simple progress indicator to stderr.
-# toys/other/devmem.c
-config DEVMEM
- bool "devmem"
- default y
- help
- usage: devmem ADDR [WIDTH [DATA]]
- Read/write physical address via /dev/mem.
- WIDTH is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (default 4).
-# toys/other/dos2unix.c
-config DOS2UNIX
- bool "dos2unix/unix2dos"
- default y
- help
- usage: dos2unix [FILE...]
- Convert newline format from dos "\r\n" to unix "\n".
- If no files listed copy from stdin, "-" is a synonym for stdin.
-config UNIX2DOS
- bool "unix2dos"
- default y
- help
- usage: unix2dos [FILE...]
- Convert newline format from unix "\n" to dos "\r\n".
- If no files listed copy from stdin, "-" is a synonym for stdin.
-# toys/other/eject.c
-config EJECT
- bool "eject"
- default y
- help
- usage: eject [-stT] [DEVICE]
- Eject DEVICE or default /dev/cdrom
- -s SCSI device
- -t Close tray
- -T Open/close tray (toggle)
-# toys/other/factor.c
-config FACTOR
- bool "factor"
- default y
- help
- usage: factor NUMBER...
- Factor integers.
-# toys/other/fallocate.c
- bool "fallocate"
- default y
- help
- usage: fallocate [-l size] [-o offset] file
- Tell the filesystem to allocate space for a file.
-# toys/other/flock.c
-config FLOCK
- bool "flock"
- default y
- help
- usage: flock [-sxun] fd
- Manage advisory file locks.
- -s Shared lock
- -x Exclusive lock (default)
- -u Unlock
- -n Non-blocking: fail rather than wait for the lock
-# toys/other/fmt.c
-config FMT
- bool "fmt"
- default y
- help
- usage: fmt [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]
- Reformat input to wordwrap at a given line length, preserving existing
- indentation level, writing to stdout.
- -w WIDTH Maximum characters per line (default 75)
-# toys/other/free.c
-config FREE
- bool "free"
- default y
- help
- usage: free [-bkmgt]
- Display the total, free and used amount of physical memory and swap space.
- -bkmgt Output units (default is bytes)
- -h Human readable (K=1024)
-# toys/other/freeramdisk.c
- bool "freeramdisk"
- default y
- help
- usage: freeramdisk [RAM device]
- Free all memory allocated to specified ramdisk
-# toys/other/fsfreeze.c
-config FSFREEZE
- bool "fsfreeze"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_FIFREEZE
- help
- usage: fsfreeze {-f | -u} MOUNTPOINT
- Freeze or unfreeze a filesystem.
- -f Freeze
- -u Unfreeze
-# toys/other/fsync.c
-config FSYNC
- bool "fsync"
- default y
- help
- usage: fsync [-d] [FILE...]
- Synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.
- -d Avoid syncing metadata
-# toys/other/help.c
-config HELP
- bool "help"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_HELP
- help
- usage: help [command]
- Show usage information for toybox commands.
- Run "toybox" with no arguments for a list of available commands.
- bool "help -ah"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX
- depends on HELP
- help
- usage: help [-ah]
- -a All commands
- -h HTML output
-# toys/other/hexedit.c
-config HEXEDIT
- bool "hexedit"
- default y
- help
- usage: hexedit FILENAME
- Hexadecimal file editor. All changes are written to disk immediately.
- -r Read only (display but don't edit)
- Keys:
- Arrows Move left/right/up/down by one line/column
- Pg Up/Pg Dn Move up/down by one page
- 0-9, a-f Change current half-byte to hexadecimal value
- u Undo
- q/^c/^d/<esc> Quit
-# toys/other/hwclock.c
-config HWCLOCK
- bool "hwclock"
- default y
- help
- usage: hwclock [-rswtluf]
- Get/set the hardware clock.
- -f FILE Use specified device file instead of /dev/rtc (--rtc)
- -l Hardware clock uses localtime (--localtime)
- -r Show hardware clock time (--show)
- -s Set system time from hardware clock (--hctosys)
- -t Set the system time based on the current timezone (--systz)
- -u Hardware clock uses UTC (--utc)
- -w Set hardware clock from system time (--systohc)
-# toys/other/i2ctools.c
-config I2CDETECT
- bool "i2cdetect"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cdetect [-ary] BUS [FIRST LAST]
- usage: i2cdetect -F BUS
- usage: i2cdetect -l
- Detect i2c devices.
- -a All addresses (0x00-0x7f rather than 0x03-0x77)
- -F Show functionality
- -l List all buses
- -r Probe with SMBus Read Byte
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-config I2CDUMP
- bool "i2cdump"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cdump [-fy] BUS CHIP
- Dump i2c registers.
- -f Force access to busy devices
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-config I2CGET
- bool "i2cget"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cget [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR
- Read an i2c register.
- -f Force access to busy devices
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-config I2CSET
- bool "i2cset"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cset [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR VALUE... MODE
- Write an i2c register. MODE is b for byte, w for 16-bit word, i for I2C block.
- -f Force access to busy devices
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-# toys/other/inotifyd.c
-config INOTIFYD
- bool "inotifyd"
- default y
- help
- usage: inotifyd PROG FILE[:MASK] ...
- When a filesystem event matching MASK occurs to a FILE, run PROG as:
- If PROG is "-" events are sent to stdout.
- This file is:
- a accessed c modified e metadata change w closed (writable)
- r opened D deleted M moved 0 closed (unwritable)
- u unmounted o overflow x unwatchable
- A file in this directory is:
- m moved in y moved out n created d deleted
- When x event happens for all FILEs, inotifyd exits (after waiting for PROG).
-# toys/other/insmod.c
-config INSMOD
- bool "insmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: insmod MODULE [MODULE_OPTIONS]
- Load the module named MODULE passing options if given.
-# toys/other/ionice.c
-config IONICE
- bool "ionice"
- default y
- help
- usage: ionice [-t] [-c CLASS] [-n LEVEL] [COMMAND...|-p PID]
- Change the I/O scheduling priority of a process. With no arguments
- (or just -p), display process' existing I/O class/priority.
- -c CLASS = 1-3: 1(realtime), 2(best-effort, default), 3(when-idle)
- -n LEVEL = 0-7: (0 is highest priority, default = 5)
- -p Affect existing PID instead of spawning new child
- -t Ignore failure to set I/O priority
- System default iopriority is generally -c 2 -n 4.
-config IORENICE
- bool "iorenice"
- default y
- help
- usage: iorenice PID [CLASS] [PRIORITY]
- Display or change I/O priority of existing process. CLASS can be
- "rt" for realtime, "be" for best effort, "idle" for only when idle, or
- "none" to leave it alone. PRIORITY can be 0-7 (0 is highest, default 4).
-# toys/other/login.c
-config LOGIN
- bool "login"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: login [-p] [-h host] [-f USERNAME] [USERNAME]
- Log in as a user, prompting for username and password if necessary.
- -p Preserve environment
- -h The name of the remote host for this login
- -f login as USERNAME without authentication
-# toys/other/losetup.c
-config LOSETUP
- bool "losetup"
- default y
- help
- usage: losetup [-cdrs] [-o OFFSET] [-S SIZE] {-d DEVICE...|-j FILE|-af|{DEVICE FILE}}
- Associate a loopback device with a file, or show current file (if any)
- associated with a loop device.
- Instead of a device:
- -a Iterate through all loopback devices
- -f Find first unused loop device (may create one)
- -j FILE Iterate through all loopback devices associated with FILE
- existing:
- -c Check capacity (file size changed)
- -d DEV Detach loopback device
- -D Detach all loopback devices
- new:
- -s Show device name (alias --show)
- -o OFF Start association at offset OFF into FILE
- -r Read only
- -S SIZE Limit SIZE of loopback association (alias --sizelimit)
-# toys/other/lsattr.c
-config LSATTR
- bool "lsattr"
- default y
- help
- usage: lsattr [-Radlv] [Files...]
- List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
- (AacDdijsStu defined in chattr --help)
- -R Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents
- -a List all files in directories, including files that start with '.'
- -d List directories like other files, rather than listing their contents
- -l List long flag names
- -v List the file's version/generation number
-config CHATTR
- bool "chattr"
- default y
- help
- usage: chattr [-R] [-+=AacDdijsStTu] [-v version] [File...]
- Change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
- -R Recurse
- -v Set the file's version/generation number
- Operators:
- '-' Remove attributes
- '+' Add attributes
- '=' Set attributes
- Attributes:
- A Don't track atime
- a Append mode only
- c Enable compress
- D Write dir contents synchronously
- d Don't backup with dump
- i Cannot be modified (immutable)
- j Write all data to journal first
- s Zero disk storage when deleted
- S Write file contents synchronously
- t Disable tail-merging of partial blocks with other files
- u Allow file to be undeleted
-# toys/other/lsmod.c
-config LSMOD
- bool "lsmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: lsmod
- Display the currently loaded modules, their sizes and their dependencies.
-# toys/other/lspci.c
-config LSPCI
- bool "lspci"
- default y
- help
- usage: lspci [-ekm]
- List PCI devices.
- -e Print all 6 digits in class
- -k Print kernel driver
- -m Machine parseable format
-config LSPCI_TEXT
- bool "lspci readable output"
- depends on LSPCI
- default y
- help
- usage: lspci [-n] [-i FILE ]
- -n Numeric output (repeat for readable and numeric)
- -i PCI ID database (default /usr/share/misc/pci.ids)
-# toys/other/lsusb.c
-config LSUSB
- bool "lsusb"
- default y
- help
- usage: lsusb
- List USB hosts/devices.
-# toys/other/makedevs.c
-config MAKEDEVS
- bool "makedevs"
- default y
- help
- usage: makedevs [-d device_table] rootdir
- Create a range of special files as specified in a device table.
- -d File containing device table (default reads from stdin)
- Each line of of the device table has the fields:
- <name> <type> <mode> <uid> <gid> <major> <minor> <start> <increment> <count>
- Where name is the file name, and type is one of the following:
- b Block device
- c Character device
- d Directory
- f Regular file
- p Named pipe (fifo)
- Other fields specify permissions, user and group id owning the file,
- and additional fields for device special files. Use '-' for blank entries,
- unspecified fields are treated as '-'.
-# toys/other/mcookie.c
-config MCOOKIE
- bool "mcookie"
- default y
- help
- usage: mcookie [-vV]
- Generate a 128-bit strong random number.
- -v show entropy source (verbose)
- -V show version
-# toys/other/mix.c
-config MIX
- bool "mix"
- default y
- help
- usage: mix [-d DEV] [-c CHANNEL] [-l VOL] [-r RIGHT]
- List OSS sound channels (module snd-mixer-oss), or set volume(s).
- -c CHANNEL Set/show volume of CHANNEL (default first channel found)
- -d DEV Device node (default /dev/mixer)
- -l VOL Volume level
- -r RIGHT Volume of right stereo channel (with -r, -l sets left volume)
-# toys/other/mkpasswd.c
-config MKPASSWD
- bool "mkpasswd"
- default y
- depends on !TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID
- help
- usage: mkpasswd [-P FD] [-m TYPE] [-S SALT] [PASSWORD] [SALT]
- Crypt PASSWORD using crypt(3)
- -P FD Read password from file descriptor FD
- -m TYPE Encryption method (des, md5, sha256, or sha512; default is des)
-# toys/other/mkswap.c
-config MKSWAP
- bool "mkswap"
- default y
- help
- usage: mkswap [-L LABEL] DEVICE
- Set up a Linux swap area on a device or file.
-# toys/other/modinfo.c
-config MODINFO
- bool "modinfo"
- default y
- help
- usage: modinfo [-0] [-b basedir] [-k kernel] [-F field] [module|file...]
- Display module fields for modules specified by name or .ko path.
- -F Only show the given field
- -0 Separate fields with NUL rather than newline
- -b Use <basedir> as root for /lib/modules/
- -k Look in given directory under /lib/modules/
-# toys/other/mountpoint.c
- bool "mountpoint"
- default y
- help
- usage: mountpoint [-qd] DIR
- mountpoint [-qx] DEVICE
- Check whether the directory or device is a mountpoint.
- -q Be quiet, return zero if directory is a mountpoint
- -d Print major/minor device number of the directory
- -x Print major/minor device number of the block device
-# toys/other/nbd_client.c
-config NBD_CLIENT
- bool "nbd-client"
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- default y
- help
- usage: nbd-client [-ns] HOST PORT DEVICE
- -n Do not fork into background
- -s nbd swap support (lock server into memory)
-# toys/other/nsenter.c
-config UNSHARE
- bool "unshare"
- default y
- help
- usage: unshare [-imnpuUr] COMMAND...
- Create new container namespace(s) for this process and its children, so
- some attribute is not shared with the parent process.
- -f Fork command in the background (--fork)
- -i SysV IPC (message queues, semaphores, shared memory) (--ipc)
- -m Mount/unmount tree (--mount)
- -n Network address, sockets, routing, iptables (--net)
- -p Process IDs and init (--pid)
- -r Become root (map current euid/egid to 0/0, implies -U) (--map-root-user)
- -u Host and domain names (--uts)
- -U UIDs, GIDs, capabilities (--user)
- A namespace allows a set of processes to have a different view of the
- system than other sets of processes.
-config NSENTER
- bool "nsenter"
- default y
- help
- usage: nsenter [-t pid] [-F] [-i] [-m] [-n] [-p] [-u] [-U] COMMAND...
- Run COMMAND in an existing (set of) namespace(s).
- -t PID to take namespaces from (--target)
- -F don't fork, even if -p is used (--no-fork)
- The namespaces to switch are:
- -i SysV IPC: message queues, semaphores, shared memory (--ipc)
- -m Mount/unmount tree (--mount)
- -n Network address, sockets, routing, iptables (--net)
- -p Process IDs and init, will fork unless -F is used (--pid)
- -u Host and domain names (--uts)
- -U UIDs, GIDs, capabilities (--user)
- If -t isn't specified, each namespace argument must provide a path
- to a namespace file, ala "-i=/proc/$PID/ns/ipc"
-# toys/other/oneit.c
-config ONEIT
- bool "oneit"
- default y
- help
- usage: oneit [-p] [-c /dev/tty0] command [...]
- Simple init program that runs a single supplied command line with a
- controlling tty (so CTRL-C can kill it).
- -c Which console device to use (/dev/console doesn't do CTRL-C, etc)
- -p Power off instead of rebooting when command exits
- -r Restart child when it exits
- -3 Write 32 bit PID of each exiting reparented process to fd 3 of child
- (Blocking writes, child must read to avoid eventual deadlock.)
- Spawns a single child process (because PID 1 has signals blocked)
- in its own session, reaps zombies until the child exits, then
- reboots the system (or powers off with -p, or restarts the child with -r).
- Responds to SIGUSR1 by halting the system, SIGUSR2 by powering off,
- and SIGTERM or SIGINT reboot.
-# toys/other/partprobe.c
- bool "partprobe"
- default y
- help
- usage: partprobe DEVICE...
- Tell the kernel about partition table changes
- Ask the kernel to re-read the partition table on the specified devices.
-# toys/other/pivot_root.c
-config PIVOT_ROOT
- bool "pivot_root"
- default y
- help
- usage: pivot_root OLD NEW
- Swap OLD and NEW filesystems (as if by simultaneous mount --move), and
- move all processes with chdir or chroot under OLD into NEW (including
- kernel threads) so OLD may be unmounted.
- The directory NEW must exist under OLD. This doesn't work on initramfs,
- which can't be moved (about the same way PID 1 can't be killed; see
- switch_root instead).
-# toys/other/pmap.c
-config PMAP
- bool "pmap"
- default y
- help
- usage: pmap [-xq] [pids...]
- Report the memory map of a process or processes.
- -x Show the extended format
- -q Do not display some header/footer lines
-# toys/other/printenv.c
-config PRINTENV
- bool "printenv"
- default y
- help
- usage: printenv [-0] [env_var...]
- Print environment variables.
- -0 Use \0 as delimiter instead of \n
-# toys/other/pwdx.c
-config PWDX
- bool "pwdx"
- default y
- help
- usage: pwdx PID...
- Print working directory of processes listed on command line.
-# toys/other/readahead.c
- bool "readahead"
- default y
- help
- usage: readahead FILE...
- Preload files into disk cache.
-# toys/other/readlink.c
-config READLINK
- bool "readlink"
- default y
- help
- usage: readlink FILE
- With no options, show what symlink points to, return error if not symlink.
- Options for producing canonical paths (all symlinks/./.. resolved):
- -e Canonical path to existing entry (fail if missing)
- -f Full path (fail if directory missing)
- -m Ignore missing entries, show where it would be
- -n No trailing newline
- -q Quiet (no output, just error code)
-# toys/other/realpath.c
-config REALPATH
- bool "realpath"
- default y
- help
- usage: realpath FILE...
- Display the canonical absolute pathname
-# toys/other/reboot.c
-config REBOOT
- bool "reboot"
- default y
- help
- usage: reboot/halt/poweroff [-fn]
- Restart, halt or powerdown the system.
- -f Don't signal init
- -n Don't sync before stopping the system
-# toys/other/reset.c
-config RESET
- bool "reset"
- default y
- help
- usage: reset
- Reset the terminal.
-# toys/other/rev.c
-config REV
- bool "rev"
- default y
- help
- usage: rev [FILE...]
- Output each line reversed, when no files are given stdin is used.
-# toys/other/rmmod.c
-config RMMOD
- bool "rmmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: rmmod [-wf] [MODULE]
- Unload the module named MODULE from the Linux kernel.
- -f Force unload of a module
- -w Wait until the module is no longer used
-# toys/other/setfattr.c
-config SETFATTR
- bool "setfattr"
- default y
- help
- usage: setfattr [-h] [-x|-n NAME] [-v VALUE] FILE...
- Write POSIX extended attributes.
- -h Do not dereference symlink
- -n Set given attribute
- -x Remove given attribute
- -v Set value for attribute -n (default is empty)
-# toys/other/setsid.c
-config SETSID
- bool "setsid"
- default y
- help
- usage: setsid [-t] command [args...]
- Run process in a new session.
- -t Grab tty (become foreground process, receiving keyboard signals)
-# toys/other/shred.c
-config SHRED
- bool "shred"
- default y
- help
- usage: shred [-fuz] [-n COUNT] [-s SIZE] FILE...
- Securely delete a file by overwriting its contents with random data.
- -f Force (chmod if necessary)
- -n COUNT Random overwrite iterations (default 1)
- -o OFFSET Start at OFFSET
- -s SIZE Use SIZE instead of detecting file size
- -u Unlink (actually delete file when done)
- -x Use exact size (default without -s rounds up to next 4k)
- -z Zero at end
- Note: data journaling filesystems render this command useless, you must
- overwrite all free space (fill up disk) to erase old data on those.
-# toys/other/stat.c
-config STAT
- bool stat
- default y
- help
- usage: stat [-tfL] [-c FORMAT] FILE...
- Display status of files or filesystems.
- -c Output specified FORMAT string instead of default
- -f Display filesystem status instead of file status
- -L Follow symlinks
- -t terse (-c "%n %s %b %f %u %g %D %i %h %t %T %X %Y %Z %o")
- (with -f = -c "%n %i %l %t %s %S %b %f %a %c %d")
- The valid format escape sequences for files:
- %a Access bits (octal) |%A Access bits (flags)|%b Size/512
- %B Bytes per %b (512) |%C Security context |%d Device ID (dec)
- %D Device ID (hex) |%f All mode bits (hex)|%F File type
- %g Group ID |%G Group name |%h Hard links
- %i Inode |%m Mount point |%n Filename
- %N Long filename |%o I/O block size |%s Size (bytes)
- %t Devtype major (hex) |%T Devtype minor (hex)|%u User ID
- %U User name |%x Access time |%X Access unix time
- %y Modification time |%Y Mod unix time |%z Creation time
- %Z Creation unix time
- The valid format escape sequences for filesystems:
- %a Available blocks |%b Total blocks |%c Total inodes
- %d Free inodes |%f Free blocks |%i File system ID
- %l Max filename length |%n File name |%s Fragment size
- %S Best transfer size |%t FS type (hex) |%T FS type (driver name)
-# toys/other/swapoff.c
-config SWAPOFF
- bool "swapoff"
- default y
- help
- usage: swapoff swapregion
- Disable swapping on a given swapregion.
-# toys/other/swapon.c
-config SWAPON
- bool "swapon"
- default y
- help
- usage: swapon [-d] [-p priority] filename
- Enable swapping on a given device/file.
- -d Discard freed SSD pages
- -p Priority (highest priority areas allocated first)
-# toys/other/switch_root.c
- bool "switch_root"
- default y
- help
- usage: switch_root [-c /dev/console] NEW_ROOT NEW_INIT...
- Use from PID 1 under initramfs to free initramfs, chroot to NEW_ROOT,
- and exec NEW_INIT.
- -c Redirect console to device in NEW_ROOT
- -h Hang instead of exiting on failure (avoids kernel panic)
-# toys/other/sysctl.c
-config SYSCTL
- bool "sysctl"
- default y
- help
- usage: sysctl [-aAeNnqw] [-p [FILE] | KEY[=VALUE]...]
- Read/write system control data (under /proc/sys).
- -a,A Show all values
- -e Don't warn about unknown keys
- -N Don't print key values
- -n Don't print key names
- -p Read values from FILE (default /etc/sysctl.conf)
- -q Don't show value after write
- -w Only write values (object to reading)
-# toys/other/tac.c
-config TAC
- bool "tac"
- default y
- help
- usage: tac [FILE...]
- Output lines in reverse order.
-# toys/other/taskset.c
-config NPROC
- bool "nproc"
- default y
- help
- usage: nproc [--all]
- Print number of processors.
- --all Show all processors, not just ones this task can run on
-config TASKSET
- bool "taskset"
- default y
- help
- usage: taskset [-ap] [mask] [PID | cmd [args...]]
- Launch a new task which may only run on certain processors, or change
- the processor affinity of an existing PID.
- Mask is a hex string where each bit represents a processor the process
- is allowed to run on. PID without a mask displays existing affinity.
- -p Set/get the affinity of given PID instead of a new command
- -a Set/get the affinity of all threads of the PID
-# toys/other/timeout.c
-config TIMEOUT
- bool "timeout"
- default y
- help
- usage: timeout [-k DURATION] [-s SIGNAL] DURATION COMMAND...
- Run command line as a child process, sending child a signal if the
- command doesn't exit soon enough.
- DURATION can be a decimal fraction. An optional suffix can be "m"
- (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days), or "s" (seconds, the default).
- -s Send specified signal (default TERM)
- -k Send KILL signal if child still running this long after first signal
- -v Verbose
- --foreground Don't create new process group
- --preserve-status Exit with the child's exit status
-# toys/other/truncate.c
-config TRUNCATE
- bool "truncate"
- default y
- help
- usage: truncate [-c] -s SIZE file...
- Set length of file(s), extending sparsely if necessary.
- -c Don't create file if it doesn't exist
- -s New size (with optional prefix and suffix)
- SIZE prefix: + add, - subtract, < shrink to, > expand to,
- / multiple rounding down, % multiple rounding up
- SIZE suffix: k=1024, m=1024^2, g=1024^3, t=1024^4, p=1024^5, e=1024^6
-# toys/other/uptime.c
-config UPTIME
- bool "uptime"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_UTMPX
- help
- usage: uptime [-ps]
- Tell the current time, how long the system has been running, the number
- of users, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
- -p Pretty (human readable) uptime
- -s Since when has the system been up?
-# toys/other/usleep.c
-config USLEEP
- bool "usleep"
- default y
- help
- usage: usleep MICROSECONDS
- Pause for MICROSECONDS microseconds.
-# toys/other/uuidgen.c
-config UUIDGEN
- bool "uuidgen"
- default y
- help
- usage: uuidgen
- Create and print a new RFC4122 random UUID.
-# toys/other/vconfig.c
-config VCONFIG
- bool "vconfig"
- default y
- help
- usage: vconfig COMMAND [OPTIONS]
- Create and remove virtual ethernet devices
- add [interface-name] [vlan_id]
- rem [vlan-name]
- set_flag [interface-name] [flag-num] [0 | 1]
- set_egress_map [vlan-name] [skb_priority] [vlan_qos]
- set_ingress_map [vlan-name] [skb_priority] [vlan_qos]
- set_name_type [name-type]
-# toys/other/vmstat.c
-config VMSTAT
- bool "vmstat"
- default y
- help
- usage: vmstat [-n] [DELAY [COUNT]]
- Print virtual memory statistics, repeating each DELAY seconds, COUNT times.
- (With no DELAY, prints one line. With no COUNT, repeats until killed.)
- Show processes running and blocked, kilobytes swapped, free, buffered, and
- cached, kilobytes swapped in and out per second, file disk blocks input and
- output per second, interrupts and context switches per second, percent
- of CPU time spent running user code, system code, idle, and awaiting I/O.
- First line is since system started, later lines are since last line.
- -n Display the header only once
-# toys/other/w.c
-config W
- bool "w"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_UTMPX
- help
- usage: w
- Show who is logged on and since how long they logged in.
-# toys/other/watch.c
-config WATCH
- bool "watch"
- default y
- help
- usage: watch [-teb] [-n SEC] PROG ARGS
- Run PROG every -n seconds, showing output. Hit q to quit.
- -n Loop period in seconds (default 2)
- -t Don't print header
- -e Exit on error
- -b Beep on command error
- -x Exec command directly (vs "sh -c")
-# toys/other/which.c
-config WHICH
- bool "which"
- default y
- help
- usage: which [-a] filename ...
- Search $PATH for executable files matching filename(s).
- -a Show all matches
-# toys/other/xxd.c
-config XXD
- bool "xxd"
- default y
- help
- usage: xxd [-c n] [-g n] [-i] [-l n] [-o n] [-p] [-r] [-s n] [file]
- Hexdump a file to stdout. If no file is listed, copy from stdin.
- Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -c n Show n bytes per line (default 16)
- -g n Group bytes by adding a ' ' every n bytes (default 2)
- -i Include file output format (comma-separated hex byte literals)
- -l n Limit of n bytes before stopping (default is no limit)
- -o n Add n to display offset
- -p Plain hexdump (30 bytes/line, no grouping)
- -r Reverse operation: turn a hexdump into a binary file
- -s n Skip to offset n
-# toys/other/yes.c
-config YES
- bool "yes"
- default y
- help
- usage: yes [args...]
- Repeatedly output line until killed. If no args, output 'y'.
-menu "Networking"
-# toys/net/ftpget.c
-config FTPGET
- bool "ftpget"
- default y
- help
- usage: ftpget [-cvgslLmMdD] [-P PORT] [-p PASSWORD] [-u USER] HOST [LOCAL] REMOTE
- Talk to ftp server. By default get REMOTE file via passive anonymous
- transfer, optionally saving under a LOCAL name. Can also send, list, etc.
- -c Continue partial transfer
- -p Use PORT instead of "21"
- -P Use PASSWORD instead of "ftpget@"
- -u Use USER instead of "anonymous"
- -v Verbose
- Ways to interact with FTP server:
- -d Delete file
- -D Remove directory
- -g Get file (default)
- -l List directory
- -L List (filenames only)
- -m Move file on server from LOCAL to REMOTE
- -M mkdir
- -s Send file
-config FTPPUT
- bool "ftpput"
- default y
- help
- An ftpget that defaults to -s instead of -g
-# toys/net/ifconfig.c
-config IFCONFIG
- bool "ifconfig"
- default y
- help
- usage: ifconfig [-aS] [INTERFACE [ACTION...]]
- Display or configure network interface.
- With no arguments, display active interfaces. First argument is interface
- to operate on, one argument by itself displays that interface.
- -a All interfaces displayed, not just active ones
- -S Short view, one line per interface
- Standard ACTIONs to perform on an INTERFACE:
- ADDR[/MASK] - set IPv4 address ( and activate interface
- add|del ADDR[/LEN] - add/remove IPv6 address (1111::8888/128)
- up|down - activate or deactivate interface
- Advanced ACTIONs (default values usually suffice):
- default - remove IPv4 address
- netmask ADDR - set IPv4 netmask via instead of /24
- txqueuelen LEN - number of buffered packets before output blocks
- mtu LEN - size of outgoing packets (Maximum Transmission Unit)
- broadcast ADDR - Set broadcast address
- pointopoint ADDR - PPP and PPPOE use this instead of "route add default gw"
- hw TYPE ADDR - set hardware (mac) address (type = ether|infiniband)
- Flags you can set on an interface (or -remove by prefixing with -):
- arp - don't use Address Resolution Protocol to map LAN routes
- promisc - don't discard packets that aren't to this LAN hardware address
- multicast - force interface into multicast mode if the driver doesn't
- allmulti - promisc for multicast packets
-# toys/net/microcom.c
-config MICROCOM
- bool "microcom"
- default y
- help
- usage: microcom [-s SPEED] [-X] DEVICE
- Simple serial console.
- -s Set baud rate to SPEED
- -X Ignore ^@ (send break) and ^] (exit)
-# toys/net/netcat.c
-config NETCAT
- bool "netcat"
- default y
- help
- usage: netcat [-46U] [-u] [-wpq #] [-s addr] {IPADDR PORTNUM|-f FILENAME}
- Forward stdin/stdout to a file or network connection.
- -4 Force IPv4
- -6 Force IPv6
- -f Use FILENAME (ala /dev/ttyS0) instead of network
- -p Local port number
- -q Quit SECONDS after EOF on stdin, even if stdout hasn't closed yet
- -s Local source address
- -u Use UDP
- -U Use a UNIX domain socket
- -w SECONDS timeout to establish connection
- -W SECONDS timeout for more data on an idle connection
- Use "stty 115200 -F /dev/ttyS0 && stty raw -echo -ctlecho" with
- netcat -f to connect to a serial port.
- bool "netcat server options (-let)"
- default y
- depends on NETCAT
- help
- usage: netcat [-t] [-lL COMMAND...]
- -l Listen for one incoming connection
- -L Listen for multiple incoming connections (server mode)
- -t Allocate tty (must come before -l or -L)
- The command line after -l or -L is executed (as a child process) to handle
- each incoming connection. If blank -l waits for a connection and forwards
- it to stdin/stdout. If no -p specified, -l prints port it bound to and
- backgrounds itself (returning immediately).
- For a quick-and-dirty server, try something like:
- netcat -s -p 1234 -tL /bin/bash -l
-# toys/net/netstat.c
-config NETSTAT
- bool "netstat"
- default y
- help
- usage: netstat [-pWrxwutneal]
- Display networking information. Default is netstat -tuwx
- -r Routing table
- -a All sockets (not just connected)
- -l Listening server sockets
- -t TCP sockets
- -u UDP sockets
- -w Raw sockets
- -x Unix sockets
- -e Extended info
- -n Don't resolve names
- -W Wide display
- -p Show PID/program name of sockets
-# toys/net/ping.c
-config PING
- bool "ping"
- default y
- help
- usage: ping [OPTIONS] HOST
- Check network connectivity by sending packets to a host and reporting
- its response.
- Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to ipv4 or ipv6 addresses and prints each
- echo it receives back, with round trip time. Returns true if host alive.
- Options:
- -4, -6 Force IPv4 or IPv6
- -c CNT Send CNT many packets (default 3, 0 = infinite)
- -f Flood (print . and \b to show drops, default -c 15 -i 0.2)
- -i TIME Interval between packets (default 1, need root for < .2)
- -I IFACE/IP Source interface or address
- -m MARK Tag outgoing packets using SO_MARK
- -q Quiet (stops after one returns true if host is alive)
- -s SIZE Data SIZE in bytes (default 56)
- -t TTL Set Time To Live (number of hops)
- -W SEC Seconds to wait for response after last -c packet (default 3)
- -w SEC Exit after this many seconds
-# toys/net/rfkill.c
-config RFKILL
- bool "rfkill"
- default y
- help
- usage: rfkill COMMAND [DEVICE]
- Enable/disable wireless devices.
- Commands:
- list [DEVICE] List current state
- block DEVICE Disable device
- unblock DEVICE Enable device
- DEVICE is an index number, or one of:
- all, wlan(wifi), bluetooth, uwb(ultrawideband), wimax, wwan, gps, fm.
-# toys/net/sntp.c
-config SNTP
- bool "sntp"
- default y
- help
- usage: sntp [-saSdDqm] [-r SHIFT] [-m ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [SERVER]
- Simple Network Time Protocol client. Query SERVER and display time.
- -p Use PORT (default 123)
- -s Set system clock suddenly
- -a Adjust system clock gradually
- -S Serve time instead of querying (bind to SERVER address if specified)
- -m Wait for updates from multicast ADDRESS (RFC 4330 says use
- -M Multicast server on ADDRESS
- -d Daemonize (run in background re-querying )
- -D Daemonize but stay in foreground: re-query time every 1000 seconds
- -r Retry shift (every 1<<SHIFT seconds)
- -q Quiet (don't display time)
-# toys/net/tunctl.c
-config TUNCTL
- bool "tunctl"
- default y
- help
- usage: tunctl [-dtT] [-u USER] NAME
- Create and delete tun/tap virtual ethernet devices.
- -T Use tap (ethernet frames) instead of tun (ip packets)
- -d Delete tun/tap device
- -t Create tun/tap device
- -u Set owner (user who can read/write device without root access)
-menu "Linux Standard Base commands"
-# toys/lsb/dmesg.c
-config DMESG
- bool "dmesg"
- default y
- help
- usage: dmesg [-Cc] [-r|-t|-T] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] [-w]
- Print or control the kernel ring buffer.
- -C Clear ring buffer without printing
- -c Clear ring buffer after printing
- -n Set kernel logging LEVEL (1-9)
- -r Raw output (with <level markers>)
- -S Use syslog(2) rather than /dev/kmsg
- -s Show the last SIZE many bytes
- -T Human readable timestamps
- -t Don't print timestamps
- -w Keep waiting for more output (aka --follow)
-# toys/lsb/gzip.c
-config GZIP
- bool "gzip"
- default n
- help
- usage: gzip [-19cdfk] [FILE...]
- Compress files. With no files, compresses stdin to stdout.
- On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
- files with the .gz suffix.
- -c Output to stdout
- -d Decompress (act as gunzip)
- -f Force: allow overwrite of output file
- -k Keep input files (default is to remove)
- -# Compression level 1-9 (1:fastest, 6:default, 9:best)
-config GUNZIP
- bool "gunzip"
- default y
- help
- usage: gunzip [-cfk] [FILE...]
- Decompress files. With no files, decompresses stdin to stdout.
- On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
- files without the .gz suffix.
- -c Output to stdout (act as zcat)
- -f Force: allow read from tty
- -k Keep input files (default is to remove)
-config ZCAT
- bool "zcat"
- default y
- help
- usage: zcat [FILE...]
- Decompress files to stdout. Like `gzip -dc`.
- -f Force: allow read from tty
-# toys/lsb/hostname.c
-config HOSTNAME
- bool "hostname"
- default y
- help
- usage: hostname [-bdsf] [-F FILENAME] [newname]
- Get/set the current hostname.
- -b Set hostname to 'localhost' if otherwise unset
- -d Show DNS domain name (no host)
- -f Show fully-qualified name (host+domain, FQDN)
- -F Set hostname to contents of FILENAME
- -s Show short host name (no domain)
-# toys/lsb/killall.c
-config KILLALL
- bool "killall"
- default y
- help
- usage: killall [-l] [-iqv] [-SIGNAL|-s SIGNAL] PROCESS_NAME...
- Send a signal (default: TERM) to all processes with the given names.
- -i Ask for confirmation before killing
- -l Print list of all available signals
- -q Don't print any warnings or error messages
- -s Send SIGNAL instead of SIGTERM
- -v Report if the signal was successfully sent
- -w Wait until all signaled processes are dead
-# toys/lsb/md5sum.c
-config MD5SUM
- bool "md5sum"
- default y
- help
- usage: md5sum [-bcs] [FILE]...
- Calculate md5 hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none.
- Output one hash (32 hex digits) for each input file, followed by filename.
- -b Brief (hash only, no filename)
- -c Check each line of each FILE is the same hash+filename we'd output
- -s No output, exit status 0 if all hashes match, 1 otherwise
-config SHA1SUM
- bool "sha1sum"
- default y
- help
- usage: sha?sum [-bcs] [FILE]...
- Calculate sha hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none. Output
- one hash (40 hex digits for sha1, 56 for sha224, 64 for sha256, 96 for sha384,
- and 128 for sha512) for each input file, followed by filename.
- -b Brief (hash only, no filename)
- -c Check each line of each FILE is the same hash+filename we'd output
- -s No output, exit status 0 if all hashes match, 1 otherwise
-config SHA224SUM
- bool "sha224sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-config SHA256SUM
- bool "sha256sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-config SHA384SUM
- bool "sha384sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-config SHA512SUM
- bool "sha512sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-# toys/lsb/mknod.c
-config MKNOD
- bool "mknod"
- default y
- help
- usage: mknod [-m MODE] NAME TYPE [MAJOR MINOR]
- Create a special file NAME with a given type. TYPE is b for block device,
- c or u for character device, p for named pipe (which ignores MAJOR/MINOR).
- -m Mode (file permissions) of new device, in octal or u+x format
-config MKNOD_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on MKNOD && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: mknod [-Z CONTEXT] ...
- -Z Set security context to created file
-# toys/lsb/mktemp.c
-config MKTEMP
- bool "mktemp"
- default y
- help
- usage: mktemp [-dqu] [-p DIR] [TEMPLATE]
- Safely create a new file "DIR/TEMPLATE" and print its name.
- -d Create directory instead of file (--directory)
- -p Put new file in DIR (--tmpdir)
- -q Quiet, no error messages
- -t Prefer $TMPDIR > DIR > /tmp (default DIR > $TMPDIR > /tmp)
- -u Don't create anything, just print what would be created
- Each X in TEMPLATE is replaced with a random printable character. The
- default TEMPLATE is tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.
-# toys/lsb/mount.c
-config MOUNT
- bool "mount"
- default y
- help
- usage: mount [-afFrsvw] [-t TYPE] [-o OPTION,] [[DEVICE] DIR]
- Mount new filesystem(s) on directories. With no arguments, display existing
- mounts.
- -a Mount all entries in /etc/fstab (with -t, only entries of that TYPE)
- -O Only mount -a entries that have this option
- -f Fake it (don't actually mount)
- -r Read only (same as -o ro)
- -w Read/write (default, same as -o rw)
- -t Specify filesystem type
- -v Verbose
- OPTIONS is a comma separated list of options, which can also be supplied
- as --longopts.
- Autodetects loopback mounts (a file on a directory) and bind mounts (file
- on file, directory on directory), so you don't need to say --bind or --loop.
- You can also "mount -a /path" to mount everything in /etc/fstab under /path,
- even if it's noauto. DEVICE starting with UUID= is identified by blkid -U.
-#config SMBMOUNT
-# bool "smbmount"
-# deault n
-# helo
-# usage: smbmount SHARE DIR
-# Mount smb share with user/pasword prompt as necessary.
-#config NFSMOUNT
-# bool "nfsmount"
-# default n
-# help
-# usage: nfsmount SHARE DIR
-# Invoke an eldrich horror from the dawn of time.
-# toys/lsb/passwd.c
-config PASSWD
- bool "passwd"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: passwd [-a ALGO] [-dlu] [USER]
- Update user's authentication tokens. Defaults to current user.
- -a ALGO Encryption method (des, md5, sha256, sha512) default: des
- -d Set password to ''
- -l Lock (disable) account
- -u Unlock (enable) account
-config PASSWD_SAD
- bool "Add sad password checking heuristics"
- default n
- depends on PASSWD
- help
- Password changes are checked to make sure they're at least 6 chars long,
- don't include the entire username (but not a subset of it), or the entire
- previous password (but changing password1, password2, password3 is fine).
- This heuristic accepts "aaaaaa" and "123456".
-# toys/lsb/pidof.c
-config PIDOF
- bool "pidof"
- default y
- help
- usage: pidof [-s] [-o omitpid[,omitpid...]] [NAME]...
- Print the PIDs of all processes with the given names.
- -s Single shot, only return one pid
- -o Omit PID(s)
- -x Match shell scripts too
-# toys/lsb/seq.c
-config SEQ
- bool "seq"
- depends on TOYBOX_FLOAT
- default y
- help
- usage: seq [-w|-f fmt_str] [-s sep_str] [first] [increment] last
- Count from first to last, by increment. Omitted arguments default
- to 1. Two arguments are used as first and last. Arguments can be
- negative or floating point.
- -f Use fmt_str as a printf-style floating point format string
- -s Use sep_str as separator, default is a newline character
- -w Pad to equal width with leading zeroes
-# toys/lsb/su.c
-config SU
- bool "su"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: su [-lp] [-u UID] [-g GID,...] [-s SHELL] [-c CMD] [USER [COMMAND...]]
- Switch user, prompting for password of new user when not run as root.
- With one argument, switch to USER and run user's shell from /etc/passwd.
- With no arguments, USER is root. If COMMAND line provided after USER,
- exec() it as new USER (bypasing shell). If -u or -g specified, first
- argument (if any) isn't USER (it's COMMAND).
- first argument is USER name to switch to (which must exist).
- Non-root users are prompted for new user's password.
- -s Shell to use (default is user's shell from /etc/passwd)
- -c Command line to pass to -s shell (ala sh -c "CMD")
- -l Reset environment as if new login.
- -u Switch to UID instead of USER
- -g Switch to GID (only root allowed, can be comma separated list)
- -p Preserve environment (except for $PATH and $IFS)
-# toys/lsb/sync.c
-config SYNC
- bool "sync"
- default y
- help
- usage: sync
- Write pending cached data to disk (synchronize), blocking until done.
-# toys/lsb/umount.c
-config UMOUNT
- bool "umount"
- default y
- help
- usage: umount [-a [-t TYPE[,TYPE...]]] [-vrfD] [DIR...]
- Unmount the listed filesystems.
- -a Unmount all mounts in /proc/mounts instead of command line list
- -D Don't free loopback device(s)
- -f Force unmount
- -l Lazy unmount (detach from filesystem now, close when last user does)
- -n Don't use /proc/mounts
- -r Remount read only if unmounting fails
- -t Restrict "all" to mounts of TYPE (or use "noTYPE" to skip)
- -v Verbose
-menu "Example commands"
-# toys/example/demo_many_options.c
- bool "demo_many_options"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_many_options -[a-zA-Z]
- Print the optflags value of the command arguments, in hex.
-# toys/example/demo_number.c
- bool "demo_number"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_number [-hsbi] NUMBER...
- -b Use "B" for single byte units (HR_B)
- -d Decimal units
- -h Human readable
- -s Space between number and units (HR_SPACE)
-# toys/example/demo_scankey.c
- bool "demo_scankey"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_scankey
- Move a letter around the screen. Hit ESC to exit.
-# toys/example/demo_utf8towc.c
- bool "demo_utf8towc"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_utf8towc
- Print differences between toybox's utf8 conversion routines vs libc du jour.
-# toys/example/hello.c
-config HELLO
- bool "hello"
- default n
- help
- usage: hello
- A hello world program.
- Mostly used as a simple template for adding new commands.
- Occasionally nice to smoketest kernel booting via "init=/usr/bin/hello".
-# toys/example/hostid.c
-config HOSTID
- bool "hostid"
- default n
- help
- usage: hostid
- Print the numeric identifier for the current host.
-# toys/example/logwrapper.c
- bool "logwrapper"
- default n
- help
- usage: logwrapper ...
- Append command line to $WRAPLOG, then call second instance
- of command in $PATH.
-# toys/example/skeleton.c
-config SKELETON
- bool "skeleton"
- default n
- help
- usage: skeleton [-a] [-b STRING] [-c NUMBER] [-d LIST] [-e COUNT] [...]
- Template for new commands. You don't need this.
- When creating a new command, copy this file and delete the parts you
- don't need. Be sure to replace all instances of "skeleton" (upper and lower
- case) with your new command name.
- For simple commands, "hello.c" is probably a better starting point.
- bool "skeleton_alias"
- default n
- help
- usage: skeleton_alias [-dq] [-b NUMBER]
- Example of a second command with different arguments in the same source
- file as the first. This allows shared infrastructure not added to lib/.
-menu "Android"
-# toys/android/getenforce.c
- bool "getenforce"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- help
- usage: getenforce
- Shows whether SELinux is disabled, enforcing, or permissive.
-# toys/android/load_policy.c
- bool "load_policy"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: load_policy FILE
- Load the specified SELinux policy file.
-# toys/android/log.c
-config LOG
- bool "log"
- depends on TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID
- default y
- help
- usage: log [-p PRI] [-t TAG] MESSAGE...
- Logs message to logcat.
- -p Use the given priority instead of INFO:
- -t Use the given tag instead of "log"
-# toys/android/restorecon.c
- bool "restorecon"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: restorecon [-D] [-F] [-R] [-n] [-v] FILE...
- Restores the default security contexts for the given files.
- -D Apply to /data/data too
- -F Force reset
- -R Recurse into directories
- -n Don't make any changes; useful with -v to see what would change
- -v Verbose
-# toys/android/runcon.c
-config RUNCON
- bool "runcon"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: runcon CONTEXT COMMAND [ARGS...]
- Run a command in a specified security context.
-# toys/android/sendevent.c
- bool "sendevent"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID
- help
- usage: sendevent DEVICE TYPE CODE VALUE
- Sends a Linux input event.
-# toys/android/setenforce.c
- bool "setenforce"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- help
- usage: setenforce [enforcing|permissive|1|0]
- Sets whether SELinux is enforcing (1) or permissive (0).
diff --git a/android/device/generated/Config.probed b/android/device/generated/Config.probed
deleted file mode 100644
index 413d2896..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/Config.probed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- bool
- default n
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default n
- bool
- default n
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
diff --git a/android/device/generated/build.sh b/android/device/generated/build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 54baa3d8..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-BUILD='cc -Wall -Wundef -Wno-char-subscripts -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -funsigned-char -I . -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -DTOYBOX_VERSION="android-o-mr1-iot-release-1.0.14-80-g88dfc8df55f2"'
-LINK='-Wl,--gc-sections -o generated/unstripped/toybox -Wl,--as-needed -lutil -lcrypt -lm -lresolv -lselinux -lcrypto -lz'
-lib/xwrap.c lib/help.c main.c toys/android/getenforce.c
diff --git a/android/device/generated/cflags b/android/device/generated/cflags
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/cflags
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/android/device/generated/config2help b/android/device/generated/config2help
deleted file mode 100755
index 98114185..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/config2help
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/android/device/generated/flags.raw b/android/device/generated/flags.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index ae0e429e..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/flags.raw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-acpi "abctV" "abctV"
-arp " " "vi:nDsdap:A:H:[+Ap][!sd]"
-arping " " "<1>1s:I:w#<0c#<0AUDbqf[+AU][+Df]"
-ascii " " " "
-base64 "diw#<0=76[!dw]" "diw#<0=76[!dw]"
-basename "<1as:" "<1as:"
-bc "i(interactive)l(mathlib)q(quiet)s(standard)w(warn)" "i(interactive)l(mathlib)q(quiet)s(standard)w(warn)"
-blkid "ULs*[!LU]" "ULs*[!LU]"
-blockdev "<1>1(setro)(setrw)(getro)(getss)(getbsz)(setbsz)#<0(getsz)(getsize)(getsize64)(getra)(setra)#<0(flushbufs)(rereadpt)" "<1>1(setro)(setrw)(getro)(getss)(getbsz)(setbsz)#<0(getsz)(getsize)(getsize64)(getra)(setra)#<0(flushbufs)(rereadpt)"
-bootchartd " " " "
-brctl " " "<1"
-bunzip2 " " "cftkv"
-bzcat " " " "
-cal ">2" ">2"
-cat "uvte" "uvte"
-catv " " "vte"
-cd " " " "
-chattr " " " "
-chcon "<2hvR" "<2hvR"
-chgrp "<2hPLHRfv[-HLP]" "<2hPLHRfv[-HLP]"
-chmod "<2?vRf[-vf]" "<2?vRf[-vf]"
-chroot "^<1" "^<1"
-chrt "^mp#<0iRbrfo[!ibrfo]" "^mp#<0iRbrfo[!ibrfo]"
-chvt " " "<1"
-cksum "HIPLN" "HIPLN"
-clear " " " "
-cmp "<2>2ls(silent)(quiet)[!ls]" "<2>2ls(silent)(quiet)[!ls]"
-comm "<2>2321" "<2>2321"
-count " " " "
-cp "<2(preserve):;D(parents)RHLPprdaslvnF(remove-destination)fi[-HLPd][-ni]" "<2(preserve):;D(parents)RHLPprdaslvnF(remove-destination)fi[-HLPd][-ni]"
-cpio "(no-preserve-owner)(trailer)mduH:p:|i|t|F:v(verbose)o|[!pio][!pot][!pF]" "(no-preserve-owner)(trailer)mduH:p:|i|t|F:v(verbose)o|[!pio][!pot][!pF]"
-crc32 " " " "
-crond " " "fbSl#<0=8d#<0L:c:[-bf][-LS][-ld]"
-crontab " " "c:u:elr[!elr]"
-cut "b*|c*|f*|F*|C*|O(output-delimiter):d:sDn[!cbf]" "b*|c*|f*|F*|C*|O(output-delimiter):d:sDn[!cbf]"
-date "d:D:r:u[!dr]" "d:D:r:u[!dr]"
-dd " " " "
-deallocvt " " ">1"
-demo_many_options " " "ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
-demo_number " " "D#=3<3hdbs"
-demo_scankey " " " "
-demo_utf8towc " " " "
-devmem "<1>3" "<1>3"
-df "HPkhit*a[-HPkh]" "HPkhit*a[-HPkh]"
-dhcp " " "V:H:F:x*r:O*A#<0=20T#<0=3t#<0=3s:p:i:SBRCaovqnbf"
-dhcp6 " " "r:A#<0T#<0t#<0s:p:i:SRvqnbf"
-dhcpd " " ">1P#<0>65535fi:S46[!46]"
-diff "<2>2(color)(strip-trailing-cr)B(ignore-blank-lines)d(minimal)b(ignore-space-change)ut(expand-tabs)w(ignore-all-space)i(ignore-case)T(initial-tab)s(report-identical-files)q(brief)a(text)L(label)*S(starting-file):N(new-file)r(recursive)U(unified)#<0=3" "<2>2(color)(strip-trailing-cr)B(ignore-blank-lines)d(minimal)b(ignore-space-change)ut(expand-tabs)w(ignore-all-space)i(ignore-case)T(initial-tab)s(report-identical-files)q(brief)a(text)L(label)*S(starting-file):N(new-file)r(recursive)U(unified)#<0=3"
-dirname "<1" "<1"
-dmesg "w(follow)CSTtrs#<1n#c[!Ttr][!Cc][!Sw]" "w(follow)CSTtrs#<1n#c[!Ttr][!Cc][!Sw]"
-dos2unix " " " "
-du "d#<0=-1hmlcaHkKLsx[-HL][-kKmh]" "d#<0=-1hmlcaHkKLsx[-HL][-kKmh]"
-dumpleases " " ">0arf:[!ar]"
-echo "^?Een[-eE]" "^?Een[-eE]"
-eject " " ">1stT[!tT]"
-env "^0iu*" "^0iu*"
-exit " " " "
-expand "t*" "t*"
-expr " " " "
-factor " " " "
-fallocate ">1l#|o#" ">1l#|o#"
-false " " " "
-fdisk " " "C#<0H#<0S#<0b#<512ul"
-file "<1hL[!hL]" "<1hL[!hL]"
-find "?^HL[-HL]" "?^HL[-HL]"
-flock "<1>1nsux[-sux]" "<1>1nsux[-sux]"
-fmt "w#<0=75" "w#<0=75"
-fold " " "bsuw#<1"
-free "htgmkb[!htgmkb]" "htgmkb[!htgmkb]"
-freeramdisk "<1>1" "<1>1"
-fsck " " "?t:ANPRTVsC#"
-fsfreeze "<1>1f|u|[!fu]" "<1>1f|u|[!fu]"
-fstype " " "<1"
-fsync "<1d" "<1d"
-ftpget " " "<2>3P:cp:u:vgslLmMdD[-gs][!gslLmMdD][!clL]"
-getconf ">2al" ">2al"
-getenforce ">0" ">0"
-getfattr "(only-values)dhn:" "(only-values)dhn:"
-getty " " "<2t#<0H:I:l:f:iwnmLh"
-grep "(line-buffered)(color):;(exclude-dir)*S(exclude)*M(include)*ZzEFHIab(byte-offset)h(no-filename)ino(only-matching)rRsvwcl(files-with-matches)q(quiet)(silent)e*f*C#B#A#m#x[!wx][!EFw]" "(line-buffered)(color):;(exclude-dir)*S(exclude)*M(include)*ZzEFHIab(byte-offset)h(no-filename)ino(only-matching)rRsvwcl(files-with-matches)q(quiet)(silent)e*f*C#B#A#m#x[!wx][!EFw]"
-groupadd " " "<1>2g#<0S"
-groupdel " " "<1>2"
-groups " " " "
-gunzip "cdfk123456789[-123456789]" "cdfk123456789[-123456789]"
-gzip "cdfk123456789[-123456789]" "cdfk123456789[-123456789]"
-head "?n(lines)#<0=10c(bytes)#<0qv[-nc]" "?n(lines)#<0=10c(bytes)#<0qv[-nc]"
-hello " " " "
-help "ah" "ah"
-hexedit " " "<1>1r"
-host " " "<1>2avt:"
-hostid " " ">0"
-hostname ">1bdsfF:[!bdsf]" ">1bdsfF:[!bdsf]"
-hwclock ">0(fast)f(rtc):u(utc)l(localtime)t(systz)s(hctosys)r(show)w(systohc)[-ul][!rtsw]" ">0(fast)f(rtc):u(utc)l(localtime)t(systz)s(hctosys)r(show)w(systohc)[-ul][!rtsw]"
-i2cdetect ">3aFly" ">3aFly"
-i2cdump "<2>2fy" "<2>2fy"
-i2cget "<3>3fy" "<3>3fy"
-i2cset "<4fy" "<4fy"
-iconv "cst:f:" "cst:f:"
-id ">1ZnGgru[!ZGgu]" ">1ZnGgru[!ZGgu]"
-ifconfig "^?aS" "^?aS"
-init " " " "
-inotifyd "<2" "<2"
-insmod "<1" "<1"
-install "<1cdDpsvm:o:g:" "<1cdDpsvm:o:g:"
-ionice "^tc#<0>3=2n#<0>7=5p#" "^tc#<0>3=2n#<0>7=5p#"
-iorenice "?<1>3" "?<1>3"
-iotop ">0AaKOHk*o*p*u*s#<1=7d%<100=3000m#n#<1bq" ">0AaKOHk*o*p*u*s#<1=7d%<100=3000m#n#<1bq"
-ip " " " "
-ipcrm " " "m*M*s*S*q*Q*"
-ipcs " " "acptulsqmi#"
-kill "?ls: " "?ls: "
-killall "?s:ilqvw" "?s:ilqvw"
-killall5 " " "?o*ls: [!lo][!ls]"
-klogd " " "c#<1>8n"
-last " " "f:W"
-link " " "<2>2"
-ln "<1vnfs" "<1vnfs"
-load_policy "<1>1" "<1>1"
-log "<1p:t:" "<1p:t:"
-logger " " "st:p:"
-login " " ">1f:ph:"
-logname ">0" ">0"
-logwrapper " " " "
-losetup ">2S(sizelimit)#s(show)ro#j:fdcaD[!afj]" ">2S(sizelimit)#s(show)ro#j:fdcaD[!afj]"
-ls "(color):;(full-time)(show-control-chars)ZgoACFHLRSabcdfhikl@mnpqrstux1[-Cxm1][-Cxml][-Cxmo][-Cxmg][-cu][-ftS][-HL][!qb]" "(color):;(full-time)(show-control-chars)ZgoACFHLRSabcdfhikl@mnpqrstux1[-Cxm1][-Cxml][-Cxmo][-Cxmg][-cu][-ftS][-HL][!qb]"
-lsattr "vldaR" "vldaR"
-lsmod " " " "
-lsof "lp*t" "lp*t"
-lspci "emkn" "emkn@i:"
-lsusb " " " "
-makedevs "<1>1d:" "<1>1d:"
-man " " "k:M:"
-mcookie " " "v(verbose)V(version)"
-md5sum "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]" "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]"
-mdev " " "s"
-microcom "<1>1s:X" "<1>1s:X"
-mix " " "c:d:l#r#"
-mkdir "<1Z:vp(parent)(parents)m:" "<1Z:vp(parent)(parents)m:"
-mke2fs " " "<1>2g:Fnqm#N#i#b#"
-mkfifo "<1Z:m:" "<1Z:m:"
-mknod "<2>4m(mode):Z:" "<2>4m(mode):Z:"
-mkpasswd " " ">2S:m:P#=0<0"
-mkswap "<1>1L:" "<1>1L:"
-mktemp ">1uqd(directory)p(tmpdir):t" ">1uqd(directory)p(tmpdir):t"
-modinfo "<1b:k:F:0" "<1b:k:F:0"
-modprobe "alrqvsDbd*" "alrqvsDbd*"
-more " " " "
-mount "?O:afnrvwt:o*[-rw]" "?O:afnrvwt:o*[-rw]"
-mountpoint "<1qdx[-dx]" "<1qdx[-dx]"
-mv "<2vnF(remove-destination)fi[-ni]" "<2vnF(remove-destination)fi[-ni]"
-nbd_client "<3>3ns" "<3>3ns"
-netcat "^tlLw#<1W#<1p#<1>65535q#<1s:f:46uU[!tlL][!Lw][!46U]" "^tlLw#<1W#<1p#<1>65535q#<1s:f:46uU[!tlL][!Lw][!46U]"
-netstat "pWrxwutneal" "pWrxwutneal"
-nice "^<1n#" "^<1n#"
-nl "v#=1l#w#<0=6Eb:n:s:" "v#=1l#w#<0=6Eb:n:s:"
-nohup "<1^" "<1^"
-nproc "(all)" "(all)"
-nsenter "<1F(no-fork)t#<1(target)i:(ipc);m:(mount);n:(net);p:(pid);u:(uts);U:(user);" "<1F(no-fork)t#<1(target)i:(ipc);m:(mount);n:(net);p:(pid);u:(uts);U:(user);"
-od "j#vw#<1=16N#xsodcbA:t*" "j#vw#<1=16N#xsodcbA:t*"
-oneit " " "^<1nc:p3[!pn]"
-openvt " " "c#<1>63sw"
-partprobe "<1" "<1"
-passwd " " ">1a:dlu"
-paste "d:s" "d:s"
-patch "(dry-run)ulp#d:i:Rs(quiet)" "(dry-run)xulp#d:i:Rs(quiet)"
-pgrep "?cld:u*U*t*s*P*g*G*fnovxL:[-no]" "?cld:u*U*t*s*P*g*G*fnovxL:[-no]"
-pidof "<1so:x" "<1so:x"
-ping "<1>1m#t#<0>255=64c#<0=3s#<0>4088=56i%W#<0=3w#<0qf46I:[-46]" "<1>1m#t#<0>255=64c#<0=3s#<0>4088=56i%W#<0=3w#<0qf46I:[-46]"
-pivot_root "<2>2" "<2>2"
-pkill "?Vu*U*t*s*P*g*G*fnovxl:[-no]" "?Vu*U*t*s*P*g*G*fnovxl:[-no]"
-pmap "<1xq" "<1xq"
-printenv "0(null)" "0(null)"
-printf "<1?^" "<1?^"
-ps "k(sort)*P(ppid)*aAdeflMno*O*p(pid)*s*t*Tu*U*g*G*wZ[!ol][+Ae][!oO]" "k(sort)*P(ppid)*aAdeflMno*O*p(pid)*s*t*Tu*U*g*G*wZ[!ol][+Ae][!oO]"
-pwd ">0LP[-LP]" ">0LP[-LP]"
-pwdx "<1a" "<1a"
-readahead " " " "
-readlink "<1>1nqmef(canonicalize)[-mef]" "<1>1nqmef(canonicalize)[-mef]"
-realpath "<1" "<1"
-reboot " " "fn"
-renice "<1gpun#|" "<1gpun#|"
-reset " " " "
-restorecon "<1DFnRrv" "<1DFnRrv"
-rev " " " "
-rfkill "<1>2" "<1>2"
-rm "fiRrv[-fi]" "fiRrv[-fi]"
-rmdir "<1p" "<1p"
-rmmod "<1wf" "<1wf"
-route " " "?neA:"
-runcon "<2" "<2"
-sed "(help)(version)e*f*i:;nErz(null-data)[+Er]" "(help)(version)e*f*i:;nErz(null-data)[+Er]"
-sendevent "<4>4" "<4>4"
-seq "<1>3?f:s:w[!fw]" "<1>3?f:s:w[!fw]"
-setenforce "<1>1" "<1>1"
-setfattr "hn:|v:x:|[!xv]" "hn:|v:x:|[!xv]"
-setsid "^<1t" "^<1t"
-sh " " "c:i"
-sha1sum "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]" "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]"
-shred " " "<1zxus#<1n#<1o#<0f"
-skeleton " " "(walrus)(blubber):;(also):e@d*c#b:a"
-skeleton_alias " " "b#dq"
-sleep "<1" "<1"
-sntp " " "M:m:Sp:asdDqr#<4>17=10[!as]"
-sort "gS:T:mo:k*t:xVbMcszdfirun" "gS:T:mo:k*t:xVbMcszdfirun"
-split ">2a#<1=2>9b#<1l#<1[!bl]" ">2a#<1=2>9b#<1l#<1[!bl]"
-stat "<1c:(format)fLt" "<1c:(format)fLt"
-strings "t:an#=4<1fo" "t:an#=4<1fo"
-stty "?aF:g[!ag]" "?aF:g[!ag]"
-su " " "^lmpu:g:c:s:[!lmp]"
-sulogin " " "t#<0=0"
-swapoff "<1>1" "<1>1"
-swapon "<1>1p#<0>32767d" "<1>1p#<0>32767d"
-switch_root " " "<2c:h"
-sync " " " "
-sysctl "^neNqwpaA[!ap][!aq][!aw][+aA]" "^neNqwpaA[!ap][!aq][!aw][+aA]"
-syslogd " " ">0l#<1>8=8R:b#<0>99=1s#<0=200m#<0>71582787=20O:p:f:a:nSKLD"
-tac " " " "
-tail "?fc-n-[-cn]" "?fc-n-[-cn]"
-tar "&(restrict)(full-time)(no-recursion)(numeric-owner)(no-same-permissions)(overwrite)(exclude)*(mode):(mtime):(group):(owner):(to-command):o(no-same-owner)p(same-permissions)k(keep-old)c(create)|h(dereference)x(extract)|t(list)|v(verbose)J(xz)j(bzip2)z(gzip)S(sparse)O(to-stdout)m(touch)X(exclude-from)*T(files-from)*C(directory):f(file):a[!txc][!jzJa]" "&(restrict)(full-time)(no-recursion)(numeric-owner)(no-same-permissions)(overwrite)(exclude)*(mode):(mtime):(group):(owner):(to-command):o(no-same-owner)p(same-permissions)k(keep-old)c(create)|h(dereference)x(extract)|t(list)|v(verbose)J(xz)j(bzip2)z(gzip)S(sparse)O(to-stdout)m(touch)X(exclude-from)*T(files-from)*C(directory):f(file):a[!txc][!jzJa]"
-taskset "<1^pa" "<1^pa"
-tcpsvd " " "^<3c#=30<1C:b#=20<0u:l:hEv"
-tee "ia" "ia"
-telnet " " "<1>2"
-telnetd " " "w#<0b:p#<0>65535=23f:l:FSKi[!wi]"
-test " " " "
-tftp " " "<1b#<8>65464r:l:g|p|[!gp]"
-tftpd " " "rcu:l"
-time "<1^pv" "<1^pv"
-timeout "<2^(foreground)(preserve-status)vk:s(signal):" "<2^(foreground)(preserve-status)vk:s(signal):"
-top ">0O*Hk*o*p*u*s#<1d%<100=3000m#n#<1bq[!oO]" ">0O*Hk*o*p*u*s#<1d%<100=3000m#n#<1bq[!oO]"
-touch "<1acd:fmr:t:h[!dtr]" "<1acd:fmr:t:h[!dtr]"
-toybox " " " "
-tr "^>2<1Ccsd[+cC]" "^>2<1Ccsd[+cC]"
-traceroute "<1>2i:f#<1>255=1z#<0>86400=0g*w#<0>86400=5t#<0>255=0s:q#<1>255=3p#<1>65535=33434m#<1>255=30rvndlIUF64" "<1>2i:f#<1>255=1z#<0>86400=0g*w#<0>86400=5t#<0>255=0s:q#<1>255=3p#<1>65535=33434m#<1>255=30rvndlIUF64"
-true " " " "
-truncate "<1s:|c" "<1s:|c"
-tty "s" "s"
-tunctl "<1>1t|d|u:T[!td]" "<1>1t|d|u:T[!td]"
-ulimit ">1P#<1SHavutsrRqpnmlifedc[-SH][!apvutsrRqnmlifedc]" ">1P#<1SHavutsrRqpnmlifedc[-SH][!apvutsrRqnmlifedc]"
-umount "cndDflrat*v[!na]" "cndDflrat*v[!na]"
-uname "oamvrns[+os]" "oamvrns[+os]"
-uniq "f#s#w#zicdu" "f#s#w#zicdu"
-unix2dos " " " "
-unlink "<1>1" "<1>1"
-unshare "<1^f(fork);r(map-root-user);i:(ipc);m:(mount);n:(net);p:(pid);u:(uts);U:(user);" "<1^f(fork);r(map-root-user);i:(ipc);m:(mount);n:(net);p:(pid);u:(uts);U:(user);"
-uptime ">0ps" ">0ps"
-useradd " " "<1>2u#<0G:s:g:h:SDH"
-userdel " " "<1>1r"
-usleep "<1" "<1"
-uudecode ">1o:" ">1o:"
-uuencode "<1>2m" "<1>2m"
-uuidgen ">0r(random)" ">0r(random)"
-vconfig "<2>4" "<2>4"
-vi " " "<1>1"
-vmstat ">2n" ">2n"
-w " " " "
-watch "^<1n%<100=2000tebx" "^<1n%<100=2000tebx"
-wc "mcwl" "mcwl"
-wget " " "f:"
-which "<1a" "<1a"
-who " " "a"
-xargs "^E:ptrn#<1s#0[!0E]" "^E:ptrn#<1s#0[!0E]"
-xxd ">1c#l#o#g#<1=2iprs#[!rs]" ">1c#l#o#g#<1=2iprs#[!rs]"
-xzcat " " " "
-yes " " " "
-zcat "cdfk123456789[-123456789]" "cdfk123456789[-123456789]"
diff --git a/android/device/generated/mkflags b/android/device/generated/mkflags
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c9541d4..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/mkflags
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/android/device/generated/mktags b/android/device/generated/mktags
deleted file mode 100755
index 14fc05bf..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/mktags
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/android/device/generated/optlibs.dat b/android/device/generated/optlibs.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb3176f..00000000
--- a/android/device/generated/optlibs.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/android/host/generated/Config.in b/android/host/generated/Config.in
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8cc14b..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/Config.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4611 +0,0 @@
-menu "Posix commands"
-# toys/posix/basename.c
-config BASENAME
- bool "basename"
- default y
- help
- usage: basename [-a] [-s SUFFIX] NAME... | NAME [SUFFIX]
- Return non-directory portion of a pathname removing suffix.
- -a All arguments are names
- -s SUFFIX Remove suffix (implies -a)
-# toys/posix/cal.c
-config CAL
- bool "cal"
- default y
- help
- usage: cal [[month] year]
- Print a calendar.
- With one argument, prints all months of the specified year.
- With two arguments, prints calendar for month and year.
-# toys/posix/cat.c
-config CAT
- bool "cat"
- default y
- help
- usage: cat [-u] [file...]
- Copy (concatenate) files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from stdin.
- Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -u Copy one byte at a time (slow)
-config CAT_V
- bool "cat -etv"
- default n
- depends on CAT
- help
- usage: cat [-evt]
- -e Mark each newline with $
- -t Show tabs as ^I
- -v Display nonprinting characters as escape sequences with M-x for
- high ascii characters (>127), and ^x for other nonprinting chars
-config CATV
- bool "catv"
- default y
- help
- usage: catv [-evt] [filename...]
- Display nonprinting characters as escape sequences. Use M-x for
- high ascii characters (>127), and ^x for other nonprinting chars.
- -e Mark each newline with $
- -t Show tabs as ^I
- -v Don't use ^x or M-x escapes
-# toys/posix/chgrp.c
-config CHGRP
- bool "chgrp"
- default y
- help
- usage: chgrp/chown [-RHLP] [-fvh] group file...
- Change group of one or more files.
- -f Suppress most error messages
- -h Change symlinks instead of what they point to
- -R Recurse into subdirectories (implies -h)
- -H With -R change target of symlink, follow command line symlinks
- -L With -R change target of symlink, follow all symlinks
- -P With -R change symlink, do not follow symlinks (default)
- -v Verbose
-config CHOWN
- bool "chown"
- default y
- help
- see: chgrp
-# toys/posix/chmod.c
-config CHMOD
- bool "chmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: chmod [-R] MODE FILE...
- Change mode of listed file[s] (recursively with -R).
- MODE can be (comma-separated) stanzas: [ugoa][+-=][rwxstXugo]
- Stanzas are applied in order: For each category (u = user,
- g = group, o = other, a = all three, if none specified default is a),
- set (+), clear (-), or copy (=), r = read, w = write, x = execute.
- s = u+s = suid, g+s = sgid, o+s = sticky. (+t is an alias for o+s).
- suid/sgid: execute as the user/group who owns the file.
- sticky: can't delete files you don't own out of this directory
- X = x for directories or if any category already has x set.
- Or MODE can be an octal value up to 7777 ug uuugggooo top +
- bit 1 = o+x, bit 1<<8 = u+w, 1<<11 = g+1 sstrwxrwxrwx bottom
- Examples:
- chmod u+w file - allow owner of "file" to write to it.
- chmod 744 file - user can read/write/execute, everyone else read only
-# toys/posix/cksum.c
-config CKSUM
- bool "cksum"
- default y
- help
- usage: cksum [-IPLN] [file...]
- For each file, output crc32 checksum value, length and name of file.
- If no files listed, copy from stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -H Hexadecimal checksum (defaults to decimal)
- -L Little endian (defaults to big endian)
- -P Pre-inversion
- -I Skip post-inversion
- -N Do not include length in CRC calculation (or output)
-config CRC32
- bool "crc32"
- default y
- help
- usage: crc32 [file...]
- Output crc32 checksum for each file.
-# toys/posix/cmp.c
-config CMP
- bool "cmp"
- default y
- help
- usage: cmp [-l] [-s] FILE1 FILE2
- Compare the contents of two files.
- -l Show all differing bytes
- -s Silent
-# toys/posix/comm.c
-config COMM
- bool "comm"
- default y
- help
- usage: comm [-123] FILE1 FILE2
- Read FILE1 and FILE2, which should be ordered, and produce three text
- columns as output: lines only in FILE1; lines only in FILE2; and lines
- in both files. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -1 Suppress the output column of lines unique to FILE1
- -2 Suppress the output column of lines unique to FILE2
- -3 Suppress the output column of lines duplicated in FILE1 and FILE2
-# toys/posix/cp.c
-config CP
- bool "cp"
- default y
- help
- usage: cp [-adlnrsvfipRHLP] SOURCE... DEST
- Copy files from SOURCE to DEST. If more than one SOURCE, DEST must
- be a directory.
- -D Create leading dirs under DEST (--parents)
- -f Delete destination files we can't write to
- -F Delete any existing destination file first (--remove-destination)
- -i Interactive, prompt before overwriting existing DEST
- -p Preserve timestamps, ownership, and mode
- -R Recurse into subdirectories (DEST must be a directory)
- -H Follow symlinks listed on command line
- -L Follow all symlinks
- -P Do not follow symlinks [default]
- -a Same as -dpr
- -d Don't dereference symlinks
- -l Hard link instead of copy
- -n No clobber (don't overwrite DEST)
- -r Synonym for -R
- -s Symlink instead of copy
- -v Verbose
- bool "cp --preserve support"
- default y
- depends on CP
- help
- usage: cp [--preserve=motcxa]
- --preserve takes either a comma separated list of attributes, or the first
- letter(s) of:
- mode - permissions (ignore umask for rwx, copy suid and sticky bit)
- ownership - user and group
- timestamps - file creation, modification, and access times.
- context - security context
- xattr - extended attributes
- all - all of the above
-config MV
- bool "mv"
- default y
- help
- usage: mv [-fivn] SOURCE... DEST
- -f Force copy by deleting destination file
- -i Interactive, prompt before overwriting existing DEST
- -v Verbose
- -n No clobber (don't overwrite DEST)
-config INSTALL
- bool "install"
- default y
- help
- usage: install [-dDpsv] [-o USER] [-g GROUP] [-m MODE] [SOURCE...] DEST
- Copy files and set attributes.
- -d Act like mkdir -p
- -D Create leading directories for DEST
- -g Make copy belong to GROUP
- -m Set permissions to MODE
- -o Make copy belong to USER
- -p Preserve timestamps
- -s Call "strip -p"
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/cpio.c
-config CPIO
- bool "cpio"
- default y
- help
- usage: cpio -{o|t|i|p DEST} [-v] [--verbose] [-F FILE] [--no-preserve-owner]
- [ignored: -mdu -H newc]
- Copy files into and out of a "newc" format cpio archive.
- -F FILE Use archive FILE instead of stdin/stdout
- -p DEST Copy-pass mode, copy stdin file list to directory DEST
- -i Extract from archive into file system (stdin=archive)
- -o Create archive (stdin=list of files, stdout=archive)
- -t Test files (list only, stdin=archive, stdout=list of files)
- -v Verbose
- --no-preserve-owner (don't set ownership during extract)
- --trailer Add legacy trailer (prevents concatenation)
-# toys/posix/cut.c
-config CUT
- bool "cut"
- default y
- help
- usage: cut [-Ds] [-bcfF LIST] [-dO DELIM] [FILE...]
- Print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.
- Each selection LIST is comma separated, either numbers (counting from 1)
- or dash separated ranges (inclusive, with X- meaning to end of line and -X
- from start). By default selection ranges are sorted and collated, use -D
- to prevent that.
- -b Select bytes
- -c Select UTF-8 characters
- -C Select unicode columns
- -d Use DELIM (default is TAB for -f, run of whitespace for -F)
- -D Don't sort/collate selections or match -fF lines without delimiter
- -f Select fields (words) separated by single DELIM character
- -F Select fields separated by DELIM regex
- -O Output delimiter (default one space for -F, input delim for -f)
- -s Skip lines without delimiters
-# toys/posix/date.c
-config DATE
- bool "date"
- default y
- help
- usage: date [-u] [-r FILE] [-d DATE] [+DISPLAY_FORMAT] [-D SET_FORMAT] [SET]
- Set/get the current date/time. With no SET shows the current date.
- -d Show DATE instead of current time (convert date format)
- -D +FORMAT for SET or -d (instead of MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss])
- -r Use modification time of FILE instead of current date
- -u Use UTC instead of current timezone
- Supported input formats:
- MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss] POSIX
- @UNIXTIME[.FRACTION] seconds since midnight 1970-01-01
- YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm[:ss]] ISO 8601
- hh:mm[:ss] 24-hour time today
- All input formats can be preceded by TZ="id" to set the input time zone
- separately from the output time zone. Otherwise $TZ sets both.
- +FORMAT specifies display format string using strftime(3) syntax:
- %% literal % %n newline %t tab
- %S seconds (00-60) %M minute (00-59) %m month (01-12)
- %H hour (0-23) %I hour (01-12) %p AM/PM
- %y short year (00-99) %Y year %C century
- %a short weekday name %A weekday name %u day of week (1-7, 1=mon)
- %b short month name %B month name %Z timezone name
- %j day of year (001-366) %d day of month (01-31) %e day of month ( 1-31)
- %N nanosec (output only)
- %U Week of year (0-53 start sunday) %W Week of year (0-53 start monday)
- %V Week of year (1-53 start monday, week < 4 days not part of this year)
- %D = "%m/%d/%y" %r = "%I : %M : %S %p" %T = "%H:%M:%S" %h = "%b"
- %x locale date %X locale time %c locale date/time
-# toys/posix/df.c
-config DF
- bool "df"
- default y
- help
- usage: df [-HPkhi] [-t type] [FILESYSTEM ...]
- The "disk free" command shows total/used/available disk space for
- each filesystem listed on the command line, or all currently mounted
- filesystems.
- -a Show all (including /proc and friends)
- -P The SUSv3 "Pedantic" option
- -k Sets units back to 1024 bytes (the default without -P)
- -h Human readable (K=1024)
- -H Human readable (k=1000)
- -i Show inodes instead of blocks
- -t type Display only filesystems of this type
- Pedantic provides a slightly less useful output format dictated by Posix,
- and sets the units to 512 bytes instead of the default 1024 bytes.
-# toys/posix/dirname.c
-config DIRNAME
- bool "dirname"
- default y
- help
- usage: dirname PATH...
- Show directory portion of path.
-# toys/posix/du.c
-config DU
- bool "du"
- default y
- help
- usage: du [-d N] [-askxHLlmc] [file...]
- Show disk usage, space consumed by files and directories.
- Size in:
- -k 1024 byte blocks (default)
- -K 512 byte blocks (posix)
- -m Megabytes
- -h Human readable (e.g., 1K 243M 2G)
- What to show:
- -a All files, not just directories
- -H Follow symlinks on cmdline
- -L Follow all symlinks
- -s Only total size of each argument
- -x Don't leave this filesystem
- -c Cumulative total
- -d N Only depth < N
- -l Disable hardlink filter
-# toys/posix/echo.c
-config ECHO
- bool "echo"
- default y
- help
- usage: echo [-neE] [args...]
- Write each argument to stdout, with one space between each, followed
- by a newline.
- -n No trailing newline
- -E Print escape sequences literally (default)
- -e Process the following escape sequences:
- \\ Backslash
- \0NNN Octal values (1 to 3 digits)
- \a Alert (beep/flash)
- \b Backspace
- \c Stop output here (avoids trailing newline)
- \f Form feed
- \n Newline
- \r Carriage return
- \t Horizontal tab
- \v Vertical tab
- \xHH Hexadecimal values (1 to 2 digits)
-# toys/posix/env.c
-config ENV
- bool "env"
- default y
- help
- usage: env [-i] [-u NAME] [NAME=VALUE...] [COMMAND [ARG...]]
- Set the environment for command invocation, or list environment variables.
- -i Clear existing environment
- -u NAME Remove NAME from the environment
- -0 Use null instead of newline in output
-# toys/posix/expand.c
-config EXPAND
- bool "expand"
- default y
- help
- usage: expand [-t TABLIST] [FILE...]
- Expand tabs to spaces according to tabstops.
- Specify tab stops, either a single number instead of the default 8,
- or a comma separated list of increasing numbers representing tabstop
- positions (absolute, not increments) with each additional tab beyond
- that becoming one space.
-# toys/posix/false.c
-config FALSE
- bool "false"
- default y
- help
- Return nonzero.
-# toys/posix/file.c
-config FILE
- bool "file"
- default y
- help
- usage: file [-hL] [file...]
- Examine the given files and describe their content types.
- -h Don't follow symlinks (default)
- -L Follow symlinks
-# toys/posix/find.c
-config FIND
- bool "find"
- default y
- help
- usage: find [-HL] [DIR...] [<options>]
- Search directories for matching files.
- Default: search ".", match all, -print matches.
- -H Follow command line symlinks -L Follow all symlinks
- Match filters:
- -name PATTERN filename with wildcards (-iname case insensitive)
- -path PATTERN path name with wildcards (-ipath case insensitive)
- -user UNAME belongs to user UNAME -nouser user ID not known
- -group GROUP belongs to group GROUP -nogroup group ID not known
- -perm [-/]MODE permissions (-=min /=any) -prune ignore dir contents
- -size N[c] 512 byte blocks (c=bytes) -xdev only this filesystem
- -links N hardlink count -atime N[u] accessed N units ago
- -ctime N[u] created N units ago -mtime N[u] modified N units ago
- -newer FILE newer mtime than FILE -mindepth N at least N dirs down
- -depth ignore contents of dir -maxdepth N at most N dirs down
- -inum N inode number N -empty empty files and dirs
- -type [bcdflps] type is (block, char, dir, file, symlink, pipe, socket)
- -true always true -false always false
- -context PATTERN security context
- Numbers N may be prefixed by a - (less than) or + (greater than). Units for
- -Xtime are d (days, default), h (hours), m (minutes), or s (seconds).
- Combine matches with:
- !, -a, -o, ( ) not, and, or, group expressions
- Actions:
- -print Print match with newline -print0 Print match with null
- -exec Run command with path -execdir Run command in file's dir
- -ok Ask before exec -okdir Ask before execdir
- -delete Remove matching file/dir -printf FORMAT Print using format string
- Commands substitute "{}" with matched file. End with ";" to run each file,
- or "+" (next argument after "{}") to collect and run with multiple files.
- -printf FORMAT characters are \ escapes and:
- %b 512 byte blocks used
- %f basename %g textual gid %G numeric gid
- %i decimal inode %l target of symlink %m octal mode
- %M ls format type/mode %p path to file %P path to file minus DIR
- %s size in bytes %T@ mod time as unixtime
- %u username %U numeric uid %Z security context
-# toys/posix/getconf.c
-config GETCONF
- bool "getconf"
- default y
- help
- usage: getconf -a [PATH] | -l | NAME [PATH]
- Get system configuration values. Values from pathconf(3) require a path.
- -a Show all (defaults to "/" if no path given)
- -l List available value names (grouped by source)
-# toys/posix/grep.c
-config GREP
- bool "grep"
- default y
- help
- usage: grep [-EFrivwcloqsHbhn] [-ABC NUM] [-m MAX] [-e REGEX]... [-MS PATTERN]... [-f REGFILE] [FILE]...
- Show lines matching regular expressions. If no -e, first argument is
- regular expression to match. With no files (or "-" filename) read stdin.
- Returns 0 if matched, 1 if no match found, 2 for command errors.
- -e Regex to match. (May be repeated.)
- -f File listing regular expressions to match.
- file search:
- -r Recurse into subdirectories (defaults FILE to ".")
- -R Recurse into subdirectories and symlinks to directories
- -M Match filename pattern (--include)
- -S Skip filename pattern (--exclude)
- --exclude-dir=PATTERN Skip directory pattern
- -I Ignore binary files
- match type:
- -A Show NUM lines after -B Show NUM lines before match
- -C NUM lines context (A+B) -E extended regex syntax
- -F fixed (literal match) -a always text (not binary)
- -i case insensitive -m match MAX many lines
- -v invert match -w whole word (implies -E)
- -x whole line -z input NUL terminated
- display modes: (default: matched line)
- -c count of matching lines -l show only matching filenames
- -o only matching part -q quiet (errors only)
- -s silent (no error msg) -Z output NUL terminated
- output prefix (default: filename if checking more than 1 file)
- -H force filename -b byte offset of match
- -h hide filename -n line number of match
-config EGREP
- bool
- default y
- depends on GREP
-config FGREP
- bool
- default y
- depends on GREP
-# toys/posix/head.c
-config HEAD
- bool "head"
- default y
- help
- usage: head [-n number] [file...]
- Copy first lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from
- stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -n Number of lines to copy
- -c Number of bytes to copy
- -q Never print headers
- -v Always print headers
-# toys/posix/iconv.c
-config ICONV
- bool "iconv"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_ICONV
- help
- usage: iconv [-f FROM] [-t TO] [FILE...]
- Convert character encoding of files.
- -c Omit invalid chars
- -f Convert from (default utf8)
- -t Convert to (default utf8)
-# toys/posix/id.c
-config ID
- bool "id"
- default y
- help
- usage: id [-nGgru] [USER...]
- Print user and group ID.
- -n Print names instead of numeric IDs (to be used with -Ggu)
- -G Show only the group IDs
- -g Show only the effective group ID
- -r Show real ID instead of effective ID
- -u Show only the effective user ID
-config ID_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on ID && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: id [-Z]
- -Z Show only security context
-config GROUPS
- bool "groups"
- default y
- help
- usage: groups [user]
- Print the groups a user is in.
-config LOGNAME
- bool "logname"
- default y
- help
- usage: logname
- Print the current user name.
-config WHOAMI
- bool "whoami"
- default y
- help
- usage: whoami
- Print the current user name.
-# toys/posix/kill.c
-config KILL
- bool "kill"
- default y
- help
- usage: kill [-l [SIGNAL] | -s SIGNAL | -SIGNAL] pid...
- Send signal to process(es).
- -l List signal name(s) and number(s)
- -s Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
-config KILLALL5
- bool "killall5"
- default y
- depends on KILL
- help
- usage: killall5 [-l [SIGNAL]] [-SIGNAL|-s SIGNAL] [-o PID]...
- Send a signal to all processes outside current session.
- -l List signal name(s) and number(s)
- -o PID Omit PID
- -s Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
-# toys/posix/link.c
-config LINK
- bool "link"
- default y
- help
- usage: link FILE NEWLINK
- Create hardlink to a file.
-# toys/posix/ln.c
-config LN
- bool "ln"
- default y
- help
- usage: ln [-sfnv] [FROM...] TO
- Create a link between FROM and TO.
- With only one argument, create link in current directory.
- -s Create a symbolic link
- -f Force the creation of the link, even if TO already exists
- -n Symlink at destination treated as file
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/logger.c
-config LOGGER
- bool "logger"
- default y
- help
- usage: logger [-s] [-t TAG] [-p [FACILITY.]PRIORITY] [message...]
- Log message (or stdin) to syslog.
- -s Also write message to stderr
- -t Use TAG instead of username to identify message source
- -p Specify PRIORITY with optional FACILITY. Default is "user.notice"
-# toys/posix/ls.c
-config LS
- bool "ls"
- default y
- help
- usage: ls [-ACFHLRSZacdfhiklmnpqrstux1] [--color[=auto]] [directory...]
- List files.
- what to show:
- -a all files including .hidden -b escape nongraphic chars
- -c use ctime for timestamps -d directory, not contents
- -i inode number -p put a '/' after dir names
- -q unprintable chars as '?' -s storage used (1024 byte units)
- -u use access time for timestamps -A list all files but . and ..
- -H follow command line symlinks -L follow symlinks
- -R recursively list in subdirs -F append /dir *exe @sym |FIFO
- -Z security context
- output formats:
- -1 list one file per line -C columns (sorted vertically)
- -g like -l but no owner -h human readable sizes
- -l long (show full details) -m comma separated
- -n like -l but numeric uid/gid -o like -l but no group
- -x columns (horizontal sort) -ll long with nanoseconds (--full-time)
- --color device=yellow symlink=turquoise/red dir=blue socket=purple
- files: exe=green suid=red suidfile=redback stickydir=greenback
- =auto means detect if output is a tty.
- sorting (default is alphabetical):
- -f unsorted -r reverse -t timestamp -S size
-# toys/posix/mkdir.c
-config MKDIR
- bool "mkdir"
- default y
- help
- usage: mkdir [-vp] [-m mode] [dirname...]
- Create one or more directories.
- -m Set permissions of directory to mode
- -p Make parent directories as needed
- -v Verbose
-config MKDIR_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on MKDIR && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: [-Z context]
- -Z Set security context
-# toys/posix/mkfifo.c
-config MKFIFO
- bool "mkfifo"
- default y
- help
- usage: mkfifo [NAME...]
- Create FIFOs (named pipes).
-config MKFIFO_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on MKFIFO && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: mkfifo [-Z CONTEXT]
- -Z Security context
-# toys/posix/nice.c
-config NICE
- bool "nice"
- default y
- help
- usage: nice [-n PRIORITY] COMMAND [ARG...]
- Run a command line at an increased or decreased scheduling priority.
- Higher numbers make a program yield more CPU time, from -20 (highest
- priority) to 19 (lowest). By default processes inherit their parent's
- niceness (usually 0). By default this command adds 10 to the parent's
- priority. Only root can set a negative niceness level.
-# toys/posix/nl.c
-config NL
- bool "nl"
- default y
- help
- usage: nl [-E] [-l #] [-b MODE] [-n STYLE] [-s SEPARATOR] [-v #] [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]
- Number lines of input.
- -E Use extended regex syntax (when doing -b pREGEX)
- -b Which lines to number: a (all) t (non-empty, default) pREGEX (pattern)
- -l Only count last of this many consecutive blank lines
- -n Number STYLE: ln (left justified) rn (right justified) rz (zero pad)
- -s Separator to use between number and line (instead of TAB)
- -v Starting line number for each section (default 1)
- -w Width of line numbers (default 6)
-# toys/posix/nohup.c
-config NOHUP
- bool "nohup"
- default y
- help
- usage: nohup COMMAND [ARG...]
- Run a command that survives the end of its terminal.
- Redirect tty on stdin to /dev/null, tty on stdout to "nohup.out".
-# toys/posix/od.c
-config OD
- bool "od"
- default y
- help
- usage: od [-bcdosxv] [-j #] [-N #] [-w #] [-A doxn] [-t acdfoux[#]]
- Dump data in octal/hex.
- -A Address base (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, none)
- -j Skip this many bytes of input
- -N Stop dumping after this many bytes
- -t Output type a(scii) c(har) d(ecimal) f(loat) o(ctal) u(nsigned) (he)x
- plus optional size in bytes
- aliases: -b=-t o1, -c=-t c, -d=-t u2, -o=-t o2, -s=-t d2, -x=-t x2
- -v Don't collapse repeated lines together
- -w Total line width in bytes (default 16)
-# toys/posix/paste.c
-config PASTE
- bool "paste"
- default y
- help
- usage: paste [-s] [-d DELIMITERS] [FILE...]
- Merge corresponding lines from each input file.
- -d List of delimiter characters to separate fields with (default is \t)
- -s Sequential mode: turn each input file into one line of output
-# toys/posix/patch.c
-config PATCH
- bool "patch"
- default y
- help
- usage: patch [-d DIR] [-i file] [-p depth] [-Rlsu] [--dry-run]
- Apply a unified diff to one or more files.
- -d Modify files in DIR
- -i Input file (default=stdin)
- -l Loose match (ignore whitespace)
- -p Number of '/' to strip from start of file paths (default=all)
- -R Reverse patch
- -s Silent except for errors
- -u Ignored (only handles "unified" diffs)
- --dry-run Don't change files, just confirm patch applies
- This version of patch only handles unified diffs, and only modifies
- a file when all hunks to that file apply. Patch prints failed hunks
- to stderr, and exits with nonzero status if any hunks fail.
- A file compared against /dev/null (or with a date <= the epoch) is
- created/deleted as appropriate.
-# toys/posix/printf.c
-config PRINTF
- bool "printf"
- default y
- help
- usage: printf FORMAT [ARGUMENT...]
- Format and print ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, using C printf syntax
- (% escapes for cdeEfgGiosuxX, \ escapes for abefnrtv0 or \OCTAL or \xHEX).
-# toys/posix/ps.c
-config PS
- bool "ps"
- default y
- help
- usage: ps [-AadefLlnwZ] [-gG GROUP,] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-p PID,] [-t TTY,] [-uU USER,]
- List processes.
- Which processes to show (-gGuUpPt selections may be comma separated lists):
- -A All -a Has terminal not session leader
- -d All but session leaders -e Synonym for -A
- -g In GROUPs -G In real GROUPs (before sgid)
- -p PIDs (--pid) -P Parent PIDs (--ppid)
- -s In session IDs -t Attached to selected TTYs
- -T Show threads also -u Owned by selected USERs
- -U Real USERs (before suid)
- Output modifiers:
- -k Sort FIELDs (-FIELD to reverse) -M Measure/pad future field widths
- -n Show numeric USER and GROUP -w Wide output (don't truncate fields)
- Which FIELDs to show. (-o HELP for list, default = -o PID,TTY,TIME,CMD)
- -o Output FIELDs instead of defaults, each with optional :size and =title
- -O Add FIELDS to defaults
- -Z Include LABEL
-config TOP
- bool "top"
- default y
- help
- usage: top [-Hbq] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-s SORT] [-n NUMBER] [-m LINES] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]
- Show process activity in real time.
- -H Show threads
- -k Fallback sort FIELDS (default -S,-%CPU,-ETIME,-PID)
- -O Add FIELDS (replacing PR,NI,VIRT,RES,SHR,S from default)
- -s Sort by field number (1-X, default 9)
- -b Batch mode (no tty)
- -d Delay SECONDS between each cycle (default 3)
- -m Maximum number of tasks to show
- -n Exit after NUMBER iterations
- -p Show these PIDs
- -u Show these USERs
- -q Quiet (no header lines)
- Cursor LEFT/RIGHT to change sort, UP/DOWN move list, space to force
- update, R to reverse sort, Q to exit.
-# Requires CONFIG_IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING in the kernel for /proc/$$/io
-config IOTOP
- bool "iotop"
- default y
- help
- usage: iotop [-AaKObq] [-n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]
- Rank processes by I/O.
- -A All I/O, not just disk
- -a Accumulated I/O (not percentage)
- -H Show threads
- -K Kilobytes
- -k Fallback sort FIELDS (default -[D]IO,-ETIME,-PID)
- -m Maximum number of tasks to show
- -O Only show processes doing I/O
- -s Sort by field number (0-X, default 6)
- -b Batch mode (no tty)
- -d Delay SECONDS between each cycle (default 3)
- -n Exit after NUMBER iterations
- -p Show these PIDs
- -u Show these USERs
- -q Quiet (no header lines)
- Cursor LEFT/RIGHT to change sort, UP/DOWN move list, space to force
- update, R to reverse sort, Q to exit.
-config PGREP
- bool "pgrep"
- default y
- help
- usage: pgrep [-clfnovx] [-d DELIM] [-L SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]
- Search for process(es). PATTERN is an extended regular expression checked
- against command names.
- -c Show only count of matches
- -d Use DELIM instead of newline
- -L Send SIGNAL instead of printing name
- -l Show command name
- -f Check full command line for PATTERN
- -G Match real Group ID(s)
- -g Match Process Group(s) (0 is current user)
- -n Newest match only
- -o Oldest match only
- -P Match Parent Process ID(s)
- -s Match Session ID(s) (0 for current)
- -t Match Terminal(s)
- -U Match real User ID(s)
- -u Match effective User ID(s)
- -v Negate the match
- -x Match whole command (not substring)
-config PKILL
- bool "pkill"
- default y
- help
- usage: pkill [-fnovx] [-SIGNAL|-l SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]
- -l Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
- -V Verbose
- -f Check full command line for PATTERN
- -G Match real Group ID(s)
- -g Match Process Group(s) (0 is current user)
- -n Newest match only
- -o Oldest match only
- -P Match Parent Process ID(s)
- -s Match Session ID(s) (0 for current)
- -t Match Terminal(s)
- -U Match real User ID(s)
- -u Match effective User ID(s)
- -v Negate the match
- -x Match whole command (not substring)
-# toys/posix/pwd.c
-config PWD
- bool "pwd"
- default y
- help
- usage: pwd [-L|-P]
- Print working (current) directory.
- -L Use shell's path from $PWD (when applicable)
- -P Print canonical absolute path
-# toys/posix/renice.c
-config RENICE
- bool "renice"
- default y
- help
- usage: renice [-gpu] -n increment ID ...
-# toys/posix/rm.c
-config RM
- bool "rm"
- default y
- help
- usage: rm [-fiRrv] FILE...
- Remove each argument from the filesystem.
- -f Force: remove without confirmation, no error if it doesn't exist
- -i Interactive: prompt for confirmation
- -rR Recursive: remove directory contents
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/rmdir.c
-config RMDIR
- bool "rmdir"
- default y
- help
- usage: rmdir [-p] [dirname...]
- Remove one or more directories.
- -p Remove path
-# toys/posix/sed.c
-config SED
- bool "sed"
- default y
- help
- usage: sed [-inrzE] [-e SCRIPT]...|SCRIPT [-f SCRIPT_FILE]... [FILE...]
- Stream editor. Apply one or more editing SCRIPTs to each line of input
- (from FILE or stdin) producing output (by default to stdout).
- -e Add SCRIPT to list
- -f Add contents of SCRIPT_FILE to list
- -i Edit each file in place (-iEXT keeps backup file with extension EXT)
- -n No default output (use the p command to output matched lines)
- -r Use extended regular expression syntax
- -E POSIX alias for -r
- -s Treat input files separately (implied by -i)
- -z Use \0 rather than \n as the input line separator
- A SCRIPT is a series of one or more COMMANDs separated by newlines or
- semicolons. All -e SCRIPTs are concatenated together as if separated
- by newlines, followed by all lines from -f SCRIPT_FILEs, in order.
- If no -e or -f SCRIPTs are specified, the first argument is the SCRIPT.
- Each COMMAND may be preceded by an address which limits the command to
- apply only to the specified line(s). Commands without an address apply to
- every line. Addresses are of the form:
- The ADDRESS may be a decimal line number (starting at 1), a /regular
- expression/ within a pair of forward slashes, or the character "$" which
- matches the last line of input. (In -s or -i mode this matches the last
- line of each file, otherwise just the last line of the last file.) A single
- address matches one line, a pair of comma separated addresses match
- everything from the first address to the second address (inclusive). If
- both addresses are regular expressions, more than one range of lines in
- each file can match. The second address can be +N to end N lines later.
- REGULAR EXPRESSIONS in sed are started and ended by the same character
- (traditionally / but anything except a backslash or a newline works).
- Backslashes may be used to escape the delimiter if it occurs in the
- regex, and for the usual printf escapes (\abcefnrtv and octal, hex,
- and unicode). An empty regex repeats the previous one. ADDRESS regexes
- (above) require the first delimiter to be escaped with a backslash when
- it isn't a forward slash (to distinguish it from the COMMANDs below).
- Sed mostly operates on individual lines one at a time. It reads each line,
- processes it, and either writes it to the output or discards it before
- reading the next line. Sed can remember one additional line in a separate
- buffer (using the h, H, g, G, and x commands), and can read the next line
- of input early (using the n and N command), but other than that command
- scripts operate on individual lines of text.
- Each COMMAND starts with a single character. The following commands take
- no arguments:
- { Start a new command block, continuing until a corresponding "}".
- Command blocks may nest. If the block has an address, commands within
- the block are only run for lines within the block's address range.
- } End command block (this command cannot have an address)
- d Delete this line and move on to the next one
- (ignores remaining COMMANDs)
- D Delete one line of input and restart command SCRIPT (same as "d"
- unless you've glued lines together with "N" or similar)
- g Get remembered line (overwriting current line)
- G Get remembered line (appending to current line)
- h Remember this line (overwriting remembered line)
- H Remember this line (appending to remembered line, if any)
- l Print line, escaping \abfrtv (but not newline), octal escaping other
- nonprintable characters, wrapping lines to terminal width with a
- backslash, and appending $ to actual end of line.
- n Print default output and read next line, replacing current line
- (If no next line available, quit processing script)
- N Append next line of input to this line, separated by a newline
- (This advances the line counter for address matching and "=", if no
- next line available quit processing script without default output)
- p Print this line
- P Print this line up to first newline (from "N")
- q Quit (print default output, no more commands processed or lines read)
- x Exchange this line with remembered line (overwrite in both directions)
- = Print the current line number (followed by a newline)
- The following commands (may) take an argument. The "text" arguments (to
- the "a", "b", and "c" commands) may end with an unescaped "\" to append
- the next line (for which leading whitespace is not skipped), and also
- treat ";" as a literal character (use "\;" instead).
- a [text] Append text to output before attempting to read next line
- b [label] Branch, jumps to :label (or with no label, to end of SCRIPT)
- c [text] Delete line, output text at end of matching address range
- (ignores remaining COMMANDs)
- i [text] Print text
- r [file] Append contents of file to output before attempting to read
- next line.
- s/S/R/F Search for regex S, replace matched text with R using flags F.
- The first character after the "s" (anything but newline or
- backslash) is the delimiter, escape with \ to use normally.
- The replacement text may contain "&" to substitute the matched
- text (escape it with backslash for a literal &), or \1 through
- \9 to substitute a parenthetical subexpression in the regex.
- You can also use the normal backslash escapes such as \n and
- a backslash at the end of the line appends the next line.
- The flags are:
- [0-9] A number, substitute only that occurrence of pattern
- g Global, substitute all occurrences of pattern
- i Ignore case when matching
- p Print the line if match was found and replaced
- w [file] Write (append) line to file if match replaced
- t [label] Test, jump to :label only if an "s" command found a match in
- this line since last test (replacing with same text counts)
- T [label] Test false, jump only if "s" hasn't found a match.
- w [file] Write (append) line to file
- y/old/new/ Change each character in 'old' to corresponding character
- in 'new' (with standard backslash escapes, delimiter can be
- any repeated character except \ or \n)
- : [label] Labeled target for jump commands
- # Comment, ignore rest of this line of SCRIPT
- Deviations from POSIX: allow extended regular expressions with -r,
- editing in place with -i, separate with -s, NUL-separated input with -z,
- printf escapes in text, line continuations, semicolons after all commands,
- 2-address anywhere an address is allowed, "T" command, multiline
- continuations for [abc], \; to end [abc] argument before end of line.
-# toys/posix/sleep.c
-config SLEEP
- bool "sleep"
- default y
- help
- usage: sleep DURATION
- Wait before exiting.
- DURATION can be a decimal fraction. An optional suffix can be "m"
- (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days), or "s" (seconds, the default).
-# toys/posix/sort.c
-config SORT
- bool "sort"
- default y
- help
- usage: sort [-runbcdfiMsz] [FILE...] [-k#[,#[x]] [-t X]] [-o FILE]
- Sort all lines of text from input files (or stdin) to stdout.
- -r Reverse
- -u Unique lines only
- -n Numeric order (instead of alphabetical)
- -b Ignore leading blanks (or trailing blanks in second part of key)
- -c Check whether input is sorted
- -d Dictionary order (use alphanumeric and whitespace chars only)
- -f Force uppercase (case insensitive sort)
- -i Ignore nonprinting characters
- -M Month sort (jan, feb, etc)
- -x Hexadecimal numerical sort
- -s Skip fallback sort (only sort with keys)
- -z Zero (null) terminated lines
- -k Sort by "key" (see below)
- -t Use a key separator other than whitespace
- -o Output to FILE instead of stdout
- -V Version numbers (name-1.234-rc6.5b.tgz)
- Sorting by key looks at a subset of the words on each line. -k2 uses the
- second word to the end of the line, -k2,2 looks at only the second word,
- -k2,4 looks from the start of the second to the end of the fourth word.
- -k2.4,5 starts from the fourth character of the second word, to the end
- of the fifth word. Specifying multiple keys uses the later keys as tie
- breakers, in order. A type specifier appended to a sort key (such as -2,2n)
- applies only to sorting that key.
-config SORT_FLOAT
- bool
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_FLOAT
- help
- usage: sort [-g]
- -g General numeric sort (double precision with nan and inf)
-# toys/posix/split.c
-config SPLIT
- bool "split"
- default y
- help
- usage: split [-a SUFFIX_LEN] [-b BYTES] [-l LINES] [INPUT [OUTPUT]]
- Copy INPUT (or stdin) data to a series of OUTPUT (or "x") files with
- alphabetically increasing suffix (aa, ab, ac... az, ba, bb...).
- -a Suffix length (default 2)
- -b BYTES/file (10, 10k, 10m, 10g...)
- -l LINES/file (default 1000)
-# toys/posix/strings.c
-config STRINGS
- bool "strings"
- default y
- help
- usage: strings [-fo] [-t oxd] [-n LEN] [FILE...]
- Display printable strings in a binary file
- -f Show filename
- -n At least LEN characters form a string (default 4)
- -o Show offset (ala -t d)
- -t Show offset type (o=octal, d=decimal, x=hexadecimal)
-# toys/posix/tail.c
-config TAIL
- bool "tail"
- default y
- help
- usage: tail [-n|c NUMBER] [-f] [FILE...]
- Copy last lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from
- stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -n Output the last NUMBER lines (default 10), +X counts from start
- -c Output the last NUMBER bytes, +NUMBER counts from start
- -f Follow FILE(s), waiting for more data to be appended
-# toys/posix/tar.c
-config TAR
- bool "tar"
- default y
- help
- usage: tar [-cxt] [-fvohmjkOS] [-XTCf NAME] [FILES]
- Create, extract, or list files in a .tar (or compressed t?z) file.
- Options:
- c Create x Extract t Test (list)
- f tar FILE (default -) C Change to DIR first v Verbose display
- o Ignore owner h Follow symlinks m Ignore mtime
- J xz compression j bzip2 compression z gzip compression
- O Extract to stdout X exclude names in FILE T include names in FILE
- --exclude FILENAME to exclude --full-time Show seconds with -tv
- --mode MODE Adjust modes --mtime TIME Override timestamps
- --owner NAME Set file owner to NAME --group NAME Set file group to NAME
- --sparse Record sparse files
- --restrict All archive contents must extract under one subdirctory
- --numeric-owner Save/use/display uid and gid, not user/group name
- --no-recursion Don't store directory contents
-# toys/posix/tee.c
-config TEE
- bool "tee"
- default y
- help
- usage: tee [-ai] [file...]
- Copy stdin to each listed file, and also to stdout.
- Filename "-" is a synonym for stdout.
- -a Append to files
- -i Ignore SIGINT
-# toys/posix/test.c
-config TEST
- bool "test"
- default y
- help
- usage: test [-bcdefghLPrSsuwx PATH] [-nz STRING] [-t FD] [X ?? Y]
- Return true or false by performing tests. (With no arguments return false.)
- --- Tests with a single argument (after the option):
- PATH is/has:
- -b block device -f regular file -p fifo -u setuid bit
- -c char device -g setgid -r read bit -w write bit
- -d directory -h symlink -S socket -x execute bit
- -e exists -L symlink -s nonzero size
- STRING is:
- -n nonzero size -z zero size (STRING by itself implies -n)
- FD (integer file descriptor) is:
- -t a TTY
- --- Tests with one argument on each side of an operator:
- Two strings:
- = are identical != differ
- Two integers:
- -eq equal -gt first > second -lt first < second
- -ne not equal -ge first >= second -le first <= second
- --- Modify or combine tests:
- ! EXPR not (swap true/false) EXPR -a EXPR and (are both true)
- ( EXPR ) evaluate this first EXPR -o EXPR or (is either true)
-# toys/posix/time.c
-config TIME
- bool "time"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_FLOAT
- help
- usage: time [-pv] COMMAND [ARGS...]
- Run command line and report real, user, and system time elapsed in seconds.
- (real = clock on the wall, user = cpu used by command's code,
- system = cpu used by OS on behalf of command.)
- -p POSIX format output (default)
- -v Verbose
-# toys/posix/touch.c
-config TOUCH
- bool "touch"
- default y
- help
- usage: touch [-amch] [-d DATE] [-t TIME] [-r FILE] FILE...
- Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time.
- -a Change access time
- -m Change modification time
- -c Don't create file
- -h Change symlink
- -d Set time to DATE (in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:SS[.frac][tz] format)
- -t Set time to TIME (in [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss][frac] format)
- -r Set time same as reference FILE
-# toys/posix/true.c
-config TRUE
- bool "true"
- default y
- help
- Return zero.
-# toys/posix/tty.c
-config TTY
- bool "tty"
- default y
- help
- usage: tty [-s]
- Show filename of terminal connected to stdin.
- Prints "not a tty" and exits with nonzero status if no terminal
- is connected to stdin.
- -s Silent, exit code only
-# toys/posix/ulimit.c
-config ULIMIT
- bool "ulimit"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_PRLIMIT
- help
- usage: ulimit [-P PID] [-SHRacdefilmnpqrstuv] [LIMIT]
- Print or set resource limits for process number PID. If no LIMIT specified
- (or read-only -ap selected) display current value (sizes in bytes).
- Default is ulimit -P $PPID -Sf" (show soft filesize of your shell).
- -S Set/show soft limit -H Set/show hard (maximum) limit
- -a Show all limits -c Core file size
- -d Process data segment -e Max scheduling priority
- -f Output file size -i Pending signal count
- -l Locked memory -m Resident Set Size
- -n Number of open files -p Pipe buffer
- -q Posix message queue -r Max Real-time priority
- -R Realtime latency (usec) -s Stack size
- -t Total CPU time (in seconds) -u Maximum processes (under this UID)
- -v Virtual memory size -P PID to affect (default $PPID)
-# toys/posix/uname.c
-config UNAME
- bool "uname"
- default y
- help
- usage: uname [-asnrvm]
- Print system information.
- -s System name
- -n Network (domain) name
- -r Kernel Release number
- -v Kernel Version
- -m Machine (hardware) name
- -a All of the above
-# toys/posix/uniq.c
-config UNIQ
- bool "uniq"
- default y
- help
- usage: uniq [-cduiz] [-w maxchars] [-f fields] [-s char] [input_file [output_file]]
- Report or filter out repeated lines in a file
- -c Show counts before each line
- -d Show only lines that are repeated
- -u Show only lines that are unique
- -i Ignore case when comparing lines
- -z Lines end with \0 not \n
- -w Compare maximum X chars per line
- -f Ignore first X fields
- -s Ignore first X chars
-# toys/posix/unlink.c
-config UNLINK
- bool "unlink"
- default y
- help
- usage: unlink FILE
- Delete one file.
-# toys/posix/uudecode.c
-config UUDECODE
- bool "uudecode"
- default y
- help
- usage: uudecode [-o OUTFILE] [INFILE]
- Decode file from stdin (or INFILE).
- -o Write to OUTFILE instead of filename in header
-# toys/posix/uuencode.c
-config UUENCODE
- bool "uuencode"
- default y
- help
- usage: uuencode [-m] [file] encode-filename
- Uuencode stdin (or file) to stdout, with encode-filename in the output.
- -m Base64
-# toys/posix/wc.c
-config WC
- bool "wc"
- default y
- help
- usage: wc -lwcm [FILE...]
- Count lines, words, and characters in input.
- -l Show lines
- -w Show words
- -c Show bytes
- -m Show characters
- By default outputs lines, words, bytes, and filename for each
- argument (or from stdin if none). Displays only either bytes
- or characters.
-# toys/posix/who.c
-config WHO
- bool "who"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_UTMPX
- help
- usage: who
- Print information about logged in users.
-# toys/posix/xargs.c
-config XARGS
- bool "xargs"
- default y
- help
- usage: xargs [-0prt] [-s NUM] [-n NUM] [-E STR] COMMAND...
- Run command line one or more times, appending arguments from stdin.
- If command exits with 255, don't launch another even if arguments remain.
- -0 Each argument is NULL terminated, no whitespace or quote processing
- -E Stop at line matching string
- -n Max number of arguments per command
- -p Prompt for y/n from tty before running each command
- -r Don't run command with empty input
- -s Size in bytes per command line
- -t Trace, print command line to stderr
- bool "TODO xargs pedantic posix compatability"
- default n
- depends on XARGS
- help
- This version supports insane posix whitespace handling rendered obsolete
- by -0 mode.
-menu "pending (see toys/pending/README)"
-# toys/pending/arp.c
-config ARP
- bool "arp"
- default n
- help
- usage: arp
- [-vn] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -a [HOSTNAME]
- [-v] [-i IF] -d HOSTNAME [pub]
- [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -s HOSTNAME HWADDR [temp]
- [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -s HOSTNAME HWADDR [netmask MASK] pub
- [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -Ds HOSTNAME IFACE [netmask MASK] pub
- Manipulate ARP cache
- -a Display (all) hosts
- -s Set new ARP entry
- -d Delete a specified entry
- -v Verbose
- -n Don't resolve names
- -i IF Network interface
- -D Read <hwaddr> from given device
- -A,-p AF Protocol family
- -H HWTYPE Hardware address type
-# toys/pending/arping.c
-config ARPING
- bool "arping"
- default n
- help
- usage: arping [-fqbDUA] [-c CNT] [-w TIMEOUT] [-I IFACE] [-s SRC_IP] DST_IP
- Send ARP requests/replies
- -f Quit on first ARP reply
- -q Quiet
- -b Keep broadcasting, don't go unicast
- -D Duplicated address detection mode
- -U Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbors
- -A ARP answer mode, update your neighbors
- -c N Stop after sending N ARP requests
- -w TIMEOUT Time to wait for ARP reply, seconds
- -I IFACE Interface to use (default eth0)
- -s SRC_IP Sender IP address
- DST_IP Target IP address
-# toys/pending/bc.c
-config BC
- bool "bc"
- default n
- help
- usage: bc [-ilqsw] [file ...]
- bc is a command-line calculator with a Turing-complete language.
- options:
- -i --interactive force interactive mode
- -l --mathlib use predefined math routines:
- s(expr) = sine of expr in radians
- c(expr) = cosine of expr in radians
- a(expr) = arctangent of expr, returning radians
- l(expr) = natural log of expr
- e(expr) = raises e to the power of expr
- j(n, x) = Bessel function of integer order n of x
- -q --quiet don't print version and copyright
- -s --standard error if any non-POSIX extensions are used
- -w --warn warn if any non-POSIX extensions are used
-# toys/pending/bootchartd.c
- bool "bootchartd"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: bootchartd {start [PROG ARGS]}|stop|init
- Create /var/log/bootlog.tgz with boot chart data
- start: start background logging; with PROG, run PROG,
- then kill logging with USR1
- stop: send USR1 to all bootchartd processes
- init: start background logging; stop when getty/xdm is seen
- (for init scripts)
- Under PID 1: as init, then exec $bootchart_init, /init, /sbin/init
-# toys/pending/brctl.c
-config BRCTL
- bool "brctl"
- default n
- help
- Manage ethernet bridges
- Commands:
- show Show a list of bridges
- addbr BRIDGE Create BRIDGE
- delbr BRIDGE Delete BRIDGE
- setageing BRIDGE TIME Set ageing time
- setfd BRIDGE TIME Set bridge forward delay
- sethello BRIDGE TIME Set hello time
- setmaxage BRIDGE TIME Set max message age
- setpathcost BRIDGE PORT COST Set path cost
- setportprio BRIDGE PORT PRIO Set port priority
- setbridgeprio BRIDGE PRIO Set bridge priority
- stp BRIDGE [1/yes/on|0/no/off] STP on/off
-# toys/pending/crond.c
-config CROND
- bool "crond"
- default n
- help
- usage: crond [-fbS] [-l N] [-d N] [-L LOGFILE] [-c DIR]
- A daemon to execute scheduled commands.
- -b Background (default)
- -c crontab dir
- -d Set log level, log to stderr
- -f Foreground
- -l Set log level. 0 is the most verbose, default 8
- -S Log to syslog (default)
- -L Log to file
-# toys/pending/crontab.c
-config CRONTAB
- bool "crontab"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: crontab [-u user] FILE
- [-u user] [-e | -l | -r]
- [-c dir]
- Files used to schedule the execution of programs.
- -c crontab dir
- -e edit user's crontab
- -l list user's crontab
- -r delete user's crontab
- -u user
- FILE Replace crontab by FILE ('-': stdin)
-# toys/pending/dd.c
-config DD
- bool "dd"
- default n
- help
- usage: dd [if=FILE] [of=FILE] [ibs=N] [obs=N] [iflag=FLAGS] [oflag=FLAGS]
- [bs=N] [count=N] [seek=N] [skip=N]
- [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync|fsync] [status=noxfer|none]
- Copy/convert files.
- if=FILE Read from FILE instead of stdin
- of=FILE Write to FILE instead of stdout
- bs=N Read and write N bytes at a time
- ibs=N Input block size
- obs=N Output block size
- count=N Copy only N input blocks
- skip=N Skip N input blocks
- seek=N Skip N output blocks
- iflag=FLAGS Set input flags
- oflag=FLAGS Set output flags
- conv=notrunc Don't truncate output file
- conv=noerror Continue after read errors
- conv=sync Pad blocks with zeros
- conv=fsync Physically write data out before finishing
- status=noxfer Don't show transfer rate
- status=none Don't show transfer rate or records in/out
- FLAGS is a comma-separated list of:
- count_bytes (iflag) interpret count=N in bytes, not blocks
- seek_bytes (oflag) interpret seek=N in bytes, not blocks
- skip_bytes (iflag) interpret skip=N in bytes, not blocks
- Numbers may be suffixed by c (*1), w (*2), b (*512), kD (*1000), k (*1024),
- MD (*1000*1000), M (*1024*1024), GD (*1000*1000*1000) or G (*1024*1024*1024).
-# toys/pending/dhcp.c
-config DHCP
- bool "dhcp"
- default n
- help
- usage: dhcp [-fbnqvoCRB] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE]
- Configure network dynamically using DHCP.
- -i Interface to use (default eth0)
- -p Create pidfile
- -s Run PROG at DHCP events (default /usr/share/dhcp/default.script)
- -B Request broadcast replies
- -t Send up to N discover packets
- -T Pause between packets (default 3 seconds)
- -A Wait N seconds after failure (default 20)
- -f Run in foreground
- -b Background if lease is not obtained
- -n Exit if lease is not obtained
- -q Exit after obtaining lease
- -R Release IP on exit
- -S Log to syslog too
- -a Use arping to validate offered address
- -O Request option OPT from server (cumulative)
- -o Don't request any options (unless -O is given)
- -r Request this IP address
- -x OPT:VAL Include option OPT in sent packets (cumulative)
- -F Ask server to update DNS mapping for NAME
- -H Send NAME as client hostname (default none)
- -V VENDOR Vendor identifier (default 'toybox VERSION')
- -C Don't send MAC as client identifier
- -v Verbose
- Signals:
- USR1 Renew current lease
- USR2 Release current lease
-# toys/pending/dhcp6.c
-config DHCP6
- bool "dhcp6"
- default n
- help
- usage: dhcp6 [-fbnqvR] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE]
- Configure network dynamically using DHCP.
- -i Interface to use (default eth0)
- -p Create pidfile
- -s Run PROG at DHCP events
- -t Send up to N Solicit packets
- -T Pause between packets (default 3 seconds)
- -A Wait N seconds after failure (default 20)
- -f Run in foreground
- -b Background if lease is not obtained
- -n Exit if lease is not obtained
- -q Exit after obtaining lease
- -R Release IP on exit
- -S Log to syslog too
- -r Request this IP address
- -v Verbose
- Signals:
- USR1 Renew current lease
- USR2 Release current lease
-# toys/pending/dhcpd.c
-config DHCPD
- bool "dhcpd"
- default n
- help
- usage: dhcpd [-46fS] [-i IFACE] [-P N] [CONFFILE]
- -f Run in foreground
- -i Interface to use
- -S Log to syslog too
- -P N Use port N (default ipv4 67, ipv6 547)
- -4, -6 Run as a DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 server
-config DEBUG_DHCP
- bool "debugging messeges ON/OFF"
- default n
- depends on DHCPD
-# toys/pending/diff.c
-config DIFF
- bool "diff"
- default n
- help
- usage: diff [-abBdiNqrTstw] [-L LABEL] [-S FILE] [-U LINES] FILE1 FILE2
- -a Treat all files as text
- -b Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace
- -B Ignore changes whose lines are all blank
- -d Try hard to find a smaller set of changes
- -i Ignore case differences
- -L Use LABEL instead of the filename in the unified header
- -N Treat absent files as empty
- -q Output only whether files differ
- -r Recurse
- -S Start with FILE when comparing directories
- -T Make tabs line up by prefixing a tab when necessary
- -s Report when two files are the same
- -t Expand tabs to spaces in output
- -u Unified diff
- -U Output LINES lines of context
- -w Ignore all whitespace
- --color Colored output
- --strip-trailing-cr Strip trailing '\r's from input lines
-# toys/pending/dumpleases.c
- bool "dumpleases"
- default n
- help
- usage: dumpleases [-r|-a] [-f LEASEFILE]
- Display DHCP leases granted by udhcpd
- -f FILE, Lease file
- -r Show remaining time
- -a Show expiration time
-# toys/pending/expr.c
-config EXPR
- bool "expr"
- default n
- help
- usage: expr ARG1 OPERATOR ARG2...
- Evaluate expression and print result. For example, "expr 1 + 2".
- The supported operators are (grouped from highest to lowest priority):
- ( ) : * / % + - != <= < >= > = & |
- Each constant and operator must be a separate command line argument.
- All operators are infix, meaning they expect a constant (or expression
- that resolves to a constant) on each side of the operator. Operators of
- the same priority (within each group above) are evaluated left to right.
- Parentheses may be used (as separate arguments) to elevate the priority
- of expressions.
- Calling expr from a command shell requires a lot of \( or '*' escaping
- to avoid interpreting shell control characters.
- The & and | operators are logical (not bitwise) and may operate on
- strings (a blank string is "false"). Comparison operators may also
- operate on strings (alphabetical sort).
- Constants may be strings or integers. Comparison, logical, and regex
- operators may operate on strings (a blank string is "false"), other
- operators require integers.
-# toys/pending/fdisk.c
-config FDISK
- bool "fdisk"
- default n
- help
- usage: fdisk [-lu] [-C CYLINDERS] [-H HEADS] [-S SECTORS] [-b SECTSZ] DISK
- Change partition table
- -u Start and End are in sectors (instead of cylinders)
- -l Show partition table for each DISK, then exit
- -b size sector size (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096)
- -C CYLINDERS Set number of cylinders/heads/sectors
-# toys/pending/fold.c
-config FOLD
- bool "fold"
- default n
- help
- usage: fold [-bsu] [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]
- Folds (wraps) or unfolds ascii text by adding or removing newlines.
- Default line width is 80 columns for folding and infinite for unfolding.
- -b Fold based on bytes instead of columns
- -s Fold/unfold at whitespace boundaries if possible
- -u Unfold text (and refold if -w is given)
- -w Set lines to WIDTH columns or bytes
-# toys/pending/fsck.c
-config FSCK
- bool "fsck"
- default n
- help
- usage: fsck [-ANPRTV] [-C FD] [-t FSTYPE] [FS_OPTS] [BLOCKDEV]...
- Check and repair filesystems
- -A Walk /etc/fstab and check all filesystems
- -N Don't execute, just show what would be done
- -P With -A, check filesystems in parallel
- -R With -A, skip the root filesystem
- -T Don't show title on startup
- -V Verbose
- -C n Write status information to specified file descriptor
- -t TYPE List of filesystem types to check
-# toys/pending/getfattr.c
-config GETFATTR
- bool "getfattr"
- default n
- help
- usage: getfattr [-d] [-h] [-n NAME] FILE...
- Read POSIX extended attributes.
- -d Show values as well as names
- -h Do not dereference symbolic links
- -n Show only attributes with the given name
- --only-values Don't show names
-# toys/pending/getty.c
-config GETTY
- bool "getty"
- default n
- help
- -h Enable hardware RTS/CTS flow control
- -L Set CLOCAL (ignore Carrier Detect state)
- -m Get baud rate from modem's CONNECT status message
- -n Don't prompt for login name
- -w Wait for CR or LF before sending /etc/issue
- -i Don't display /etc/issue
- -f ISSUE_FILE Display ISSUE_FILE instead of /etc/issue
- -l LOGIN Invoke LOGIN instead of /bin/login
- -t SEC Terminate after SEC if no login name is read
- -I INITSTR Send INITSTR before anything else
- -H HOST Log HOST into the utmp file as the hostname
-# toys/pending/groupadd.c
-config GROUPADD
- bool "groupadd"
- default n
- help
- usage: groupadd [-S] [-g GID] [USER] GROUP
- Add a group or add a user to a group
- -g GID Group id
- -S Create a system group
-# toys/pending/groupdel.c
-config GROUPDEL
- bool "groupdel"
- default n
- help
- usage: groupdel [USER] GROUP
- Delete a group or remove a user from a group
-# toys/pending/host.c
-config HOST
- bool "host"
- default n
- help
- usage: host [-av] [-t TYPE] NAME [SERVER]
- Perform DNS lookup on NAME, which can be a domain name to lookup,
- or an IPv4 dotted or IPv6 colon-separated address to reverse lookup.
- SERVER (if present) is the DNS server to use.
- -a no idea
- -t not a clue
- -v verbose
-# toys/pending/init.c
-config INIT
- bool "init"
- default n
- help
- usage: init
- System V style init.
- First program to run (as PID 1) when the system comes up, reading
- /etc/inittab to determine actions.
-# toys/pending/ip.c
-config IP
- bool "ip"
- default n
- help
- usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND }
- Show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels.
- where OBJECT := {address | link | route | rule | tunnel}
- OPTIONS := { -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | link } | -o[neline] }
-# toys/pending/ipcrm.c
-config IPCRM
- bool "ipcrm"
- default n
- help
- usage: ipcrm [ [-q msqid] [-m shmid] [-s semid]
- [-Q msgkey] [-M shmkey] [-S semkey] ... ]
- -mM Remove memory segment after last detach
- -qQ Remove message queue
- -sS Remove semaphore
-# toys/pending/ipcs.c
-config IPCS
- bool "ipcs"
- default n
- help
- usage: ipcs [[-smq] -i shmid] | [[-asmq] [-tcplu]]
- -i Show specific resource
- Resource specification:
- -a All (default)
- -m Shared memory segments
- -q Message queues
- -s Semaphore arrays
- Output format:
- -c Creator
- -l Limits
- -p Pid
- -t Time
- -u Summary
-# toys/pending/klogd.c
-config KLOGD
- bool "klogd"
- default n
- help
- usage: klogd [-n] [-c N]
- -c N Print to console messages more urgent than prio N (1-8)"
- -n Run in foreground
- bool "enable kernel ring buffer as log source."
- default n
- depends on KLOGD
-# toys/pending/last.c
-config LAST
- bool "last"
- default n
- help
- usage: last [-W] [-f FILE]
- Show listing of last logged in users.
- -W Display the information without host-column truncation
- -f FILE Read from file FILE instead of /var/log/wtmp
-# toys/pending/lsof.c
-config LSOF
- bool "lsof"
- default n
- help
- usage: lsof [-lt] [-p PID1,PID2,...] [FILE...]
- List all open files belonging to all active processes, or processes using
- listed FILE(s).
- -l list uids numerically
- -p for given comma-separated pids only (default all pids)
- -t terse (pid only) output
-# toys/pending/man.c
-config MAN
- bool "man"
- default n
- help
- usage: man [-k STRING] | [SECTION] COMMAND
- Read manual page for system command.
- -k Search short
- Man pages are divided into 8 sections, each with an info page (man 8 info).
- 1) executables, 2) syscalls, 3) library functions, 4) /dev files,
- 5) file formats (ala /etc/hosts), 6) games, 7) miscelanous, 8) sysadmin
- If you don't specify a section it'll show the lowest numbered one,
- but "man 1 mkdir" and "man 2 mkdir" are different things.
- The shell builtins don't have section 1 man pages, see the "help" command.
-# toys/pending/mdev.c
-config MDEV
- bool "mdev"
- default n
- help
- usage: mdev [-s]
- Create devices in /dev using information from /sys.
- -s Scan all entries in /sys to populate /dev
-config MDEV_CONF
- bool "Configuration file for mdev"
- default y
- depends on MDEV
- help
- The mdev config file (/etc/mdev.conf) contains lines that look like:
- hd[a-z][0-9]* 0:3 660
- (sd[a-z]) root:disk 660 =usb_storage
- Each line must contain three whitespace separated fields. The first
- field is a regular expression matching one or more device names,
- the second and third fields are uid:gid and file permissions for
- matching devices. Fourth field is optional. It could be used to change
- device name (prefix '='), path (prefix '=' and postfix '/') or create a
- symlink (prefix '>').
-# toys/pending/mke2fs.c
-config MKE2FS
- bool "mke2fs"
- default n
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-Fnq] [-b ###] [-N|i ###] [-m ###] device
- Create an ext2 filesystem on a block device or filesystem image.
- -F Force to run on a mounted device
- -n Don't write to device
- -q Quiet (no output)
- -b size Block size (1024, 2048, or 4096)
- -N inodes Allocate this many inodes
- -i bytes Allocate one inode for every XXX bytes of device
- -m percent Reserve this percent of filesystem space for root user
- bool "Journaling support (ext3)"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-j] [-J size=###,device=XXX]
- -j Create journal (ext3)
- -J Journal options
- size: Number of blocks (1024-102400)
- device: Specify an external journal
-config MKE2FS_GEN
- bool "Generate (gene2fs)"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: gene2fs [options] device filename
- The [options] are the same as mke2fs.
-config MKE2FS_LABEL
- bool "Label support"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-L label] [-M path] [-o string]
- -L Volume label
- -M Path to mount point
- -o Created by
- bool "Extended options"
- default n
- depends on MKE2FS
- help
- usage: mke2fs [-E stride=###] [-O option[,option]]
- -E stride= Set RAID stripe size (in blocks)
- -O [opts] Specify fewer ext2 option flags (for old kernels)
- All of these are on by default (as appropriate)
- none Clear default options (all but journaling)
- dir_index Use htree indexes for large directories
- filetype Store file type info in directory entry
- has_journal Set by -j
- journal_dev Set by -J device=XXX
- sparse_super Don't allocate huge numbers of redundant superblocks
-# toys/pending/modprobe.c
-config MODPROBE
- bool "modprobe"
- default n
- help
- usage: modprobe [-alrqvsDb] [-d DIR] MODULE [symbol=value][...]
- modprobe utility - inserts modules and dependencies.
- -a Load multiple MODULEs
- -d Load modules from DIR, option may be used multiple times
- -l List (MODULE is a pattern)
- -r Remove MODULE (stacks) or do autoclean
- -q Quiet
- -v Verbose
- -s Log to syslog
- -D Show dependencies
- -b Apply blacklist to module names too
-# toys/pending/more.c
-config MORE
- bool "more"
- default n
- help
- usage: more [FILE...]
- View FILE(s) (or stdin) one screenfull at a time.
-# toys/pending/openvt.c
-config OPENVT
- bool "openvt"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: openvt [-c N] [-sw] [command [command_options]]
- start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT)
- -c N Use VT N
- -s Switch to new VT
- -w Wait for command to exit
- if -sw used together, switch back to originating VT when command completes
- bool "deallocvt"
- default n
- help
- usage: deallocvt [N]
- Deallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN, or all unused consoles.
-# toys/pending/route.c
-config ROUTE
- bool "route"
- default n
- help
- usage: route [-ne] [-A [46]] [add|del TARGET [OPTIONS]]
- Display, add or delete network routes in the "Forwarding Information Base".
- -n Show numerical addresses (no DNS lookups)
- -e display netstat fields
- Routing means sending packets out a network interface to an address.
- The kernel can tell where to send packets one hop away by examining each
- interface's address and netmask, so the most common use of this command
- is to identify a "gateway" that forwards other traffic.
- Assigning an address to an interface automatically creates an appropriate
- network route ("ifconfig eth0" does "route add eth0"
- for you), although some devices (such as loopback) won't show it in the
- table. For machines more than one hop away, you need to specify a gateway
- (ala "route add default gw").
- The address "default" is a wildcard address ( matching all
- packets without a more specific route.
- Available OPTIONS include:
- reject - blocking route (force match failure)
- dev NAME - force packets out this interface (ala "eth0")
- netmask - old way of saying things like ADDR/24
- gw ADDR - forward packets to gateway ADDR
-# toys/pending/sh.c
-config SH
- bool "sh (toysh)"
- default n
- help
- usage: sh [-c command] [script]
- Command shell. Runs a shell script, or reads input interactively
- and responds to it.
- -c command line to execute
- -i interactive mode (default when STDIN is a tty)
-# These are here for the help text, they're not selectable and control nothing
-config CD
- bool
- default n
- depends on SH
- help
- usage: cd [-PL] [path]
- Change current directory. With no arguments, go $HOME.
- -P Physical path: resolve symlinks in path
- -L Local path: .. trims directories off $PWD (default)
-config EXIT
- bool
- default n
- depends on SH
- help
- usage: exit [status]
- Exit shell. If no return value supplied on command line, use value
- of most recent command, or 0 if none.
-# toys/pending/stty.c
-config STTY
- bool "stty"
- default n
- help
- usage: stty [-ag] [-F device] SETTING...
- Get/set terminal configuration.
- -F Open device instead of stdin
- -a Show all current settings (default differences from "sane")
- -g Show all current settings usable as input to stty
- Special characters (syntax ^c or undef): intr quit erase kill eof eol eol2
- swtch start stop susp rprnt werase lnext discard
- Control/input/output/local settings as shown by -a, '-' prefix to disable
- Combo settings: cooked/raw, evenp/oddp/parity, nl, ek, sane
- N set input and output speed (ispeed N or ospeed N for just one)
- cols N set number of columns
- rows N set number of rows
- line N set line discipline
- min N set minimum chars per read
- time N set read timeout
- speed show speed only
- size show size only
-# toys/pending/sulogin.c
-config SULOGIN
- bool "sulogin"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: sulogin [-t time] [tty]
- Single User Login.
- -t Default Time for Single User Login
-# toys/pending/syslogd.c
-config SYSLOGD
- bool "syslogd"
- default n
- help
- usage: syslogd [-a socket] [-O logfile] [-f config file] [-m interval]
- [-p socket] [-s SIZE] [-b N] [-R HOST] [-l N] [-nSLKD]
- System logging utility
- -a Extra unix socket for listen
- -O FILE Default log file <DEFAULT: /var/log/messages>
- -f FILE Config file <DEFAULT: /etc/syslog.conf>
- -p Alternative unix domain socket <DEFAULT : /dev/log>
- -n Avoid auto-backgrounding
- -S Smaller output
- -m MARK interval <DEFAULT: 20 minutes> (RANGE: 0 to 71582787)
- -R HOST Log to IP or hostname on PORT (default PORT=514/UDP)"
- -L Log locally and via network (default is network only if -R)"
- -s SIZE Max size (KB) before rotation (default:200KB, 0=off)
- -b N rotated logs to keep (default:1, max=99, 0=purge)
- -K Log to kernel printk buffer (use dmesg to read it)
- -l N Log only messages more urgent than prio(default:8 max:8 min:1)
- -D Drop duplicates
-# toys/pending/tcpsvd.c
-config TCPSVD
- bool "tcpsvd"
- default n
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- help
- usage: tcpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-C N[:MSG]] [-b N] [-u User] [-l Name] IP Port Prog
- usage: udpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-u User] [-l Name] IP Port Prog
- Create TCP/UDP socket, bind to IP:PORT and listen for incoming connection.
- Run PROG for each connection.
- IP IP to listen on, 0 = all
- PORT Port to listen on
- PROG ARGS Program to run
- -l NAME Local hostname (else looks up local hostname in DNS)
- -u USER[:GRP] Change to user/group after bind
- -c N Handle up to N (> 0) connections simultaneously
- -b N (TCP Only) Allow a backlog of approximately N TCP SYNs
- -C N[:MSG] (TCP Only) Allow only up to N (> 0) connections from the same IP
- New connections from this IP address are closed
- immediately. MSG is written to the peer before close
- -h Look up peer's hostname
- -E Don't set up environment variables
- -v Verbose
-# toys/pending/telnet.c
-config TELNET
- bool "telnet"
- default n
- help
- usage: telnet HOST [PORT]
- Connect to telnet server
-# toys/pending/telnetd.c
-config TELNETD
- bool "telnetd"
- default n
- help
- Handle incoming telnet connections
- -l LOGIN Exec LOGIN on connect
- -f ISSUE_FILE Display ISSUE_FILE instead of /etc/issue
- -K Close connection as soon as login exits
- -p PORT Port to listen on
- -b ADDR[:PORT] Address to bind to
- -F Run in foreground
- -i Inetd mode
- -w SEC Inetd 'wait' mode, linger time SEC
- -S Log to syslog (implied by -i or without -F and -w)
-# toys/pending/tftp.c
-config TFTP
- bool "tftp"
- default n
- help
- usage: tftp [OPTIONS] HOST [PORT]
- Transfer file from/to tftp server.
- -l FILE Local FILE
- -r FILE Remote FILE
- -g Get file
- -p Put file
- -b SIZE Transfer blocks of SIZE octets(8 <= SIZE <= 65464)
-# toys/pending/tftpd.c
-config TFTPD
- bool "tftpd"
- default n
- help
- usage: tftpd [-cr] [-u USER] [DIR]
- Transfer file from/to tftp server.
- -r read only
- -c Allow file creation via upload
- -u run as USER
- -l Log to syslog (inetd mode requires this)
-# toys/pending/tr.c
-config TR
- bool "tr"
- default n
- help
- usage: tr [-cds] SET1 [SET2]
- Translate, squeeze, or delete characters from stdin, writing to stdout
- -c/-C Take complement of SET1
- -d Delete input characters coded SET1
- -s Squeeze multiple output characters of SET2 into one character
-# toys/pending/traceroute.c
- bool "traceroute"
- default n
- help
- usage: traceroute [-46FUIldnvr] [-f 1ST_TTL] [-m MAXTTL] [-p PORT] [-q PROBES]
- traceroute6 [-dnrv] [-m MAXTTL] [-p PORT] [-q PROBES][-s SRC_IP] [-t TOS] [-w WAIT_SEC]
- Trace the route to HOST
- -4,-6 Force IP or IPv6 name resolution
- -F Set the don't fragment bit (supports IPV4 only)
- -U Use UDP datagrams instead of ICMP ECHO (supports IPV4 only)
- -I Use ICMP ECHO instead of UDP datagrams (supports IPV4 only)
- -l Display the TTL value of the returned packet (supports IPV4 only)
- -d Set SO_DEBUG options to socket
- -n Print numeric addresses
- -v verbose
- -r Bypass routing tables, send directly to HOST
- -m Max time-to-live (max number of hops)(RANGE 1 to 255)
- -p Base UDP port number used in probes(default 33434)(RANGE 1 to 65535)
- -q Number of probes per TTL (default 3)(RANGE 1 to 255)
- -s IP address to use as the source address
- -t Type-of-service in probe packets (default 0)(RANGE 0 to 255)
- -w Time in seconds to wait for a response (default 3)(RANGE 0 to 86400)
- -g Loose source route gateway (8 max) (supports IPV4 only)
- -z Pause Time in ms (default 0)(RANGE 0 to 86400) (supports IPV4 only)
- -f Start from the 1ST_TTL hop (instead from 1)(RANGE 1 to 255) (supports IPV4 only)
- -i Specify a network interface to operate with
-# toys/pending/useradd.c
-config USERADD
- bool "useradd"
- default n
- help
- usage: useradd [-SDH] [-h DIR] [-s SHELL] [-G GRP] [-g NAME] [-u UID] USER [GROUP]
- Create new user, or add USER to GROUP
- -D Don't assign a password
- -g NAME Real name
- -G GRP Add user to existing group
- -h DIR Home directory
- -H Don't create home directory
- -s SHELL Login shell
- -S Create a system user
- -u UID User id
-# toys/pending/userdel.c
-config USERDEL
- bool "userdel"
- default n
- help
- usage: userdel [-r] USER
- usage: deluser [-r] USER
- Delete USER from the SYSTEM
- -r remove home directory
-# toys/pending/vi.c
-config VI
- bool "vi"
- default n
- help
- usage: vi FILE
- Visual text editor. Predates the existence of standardized cursor keys,
- so the controls are weird and historical.
-# toys/pending/wget.c
-config WGET
- bool "wget"
- default n
- help
- usage: wget -f filename URL
- -f filename: specify the filename to be saved
- URL: HTTP uniform resource location and only HTTP, not HTTPS
- examples:
- wget -f index.html http://www.example.com
- wget -f sample.jpg http://www.example.com:8080/sample.jpg
-# toys/pending/xzcat.c
-config XZCAT
- bool "xzcat"
- default n
- help
- usage: xzcat [filename...]
- Decompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no files listed.
-menu "Other commands"
-# toys/other/acpi.c
-config ACPI
- bool "acpi"
- default y
- help
- usage: acpi [-abctV]
- Show status of power sources and thermal devices.
- -a Show power adapters
- -b Show batteries
- -c Show cooling device state
- -t Show temperatures
- -V Show everything
-# toys/other/ascii.c
-config ASCII
- bool "ascii"
- default y
- help
- usage: ascii
- Display ascii character set.
-# toys/other/base64.c
-config BASE64
- bool "base64"
- default y
- help
- usage: base64 [-di] [-w COLUMNS] [FILE...]
- Encode or decode in base64.
- -d Decode
- -i Ignore non-alphabetic characters
- -w Wrap output at COLUMNS (default 76 or 0 for no wrap)
-# toys/other/blkid.c
-config BLKID
- bool "blkid"
- default y
- help
- usage: blkid [-s TAG] [-UL] DEV...
- Print type, label and UUID of filesystem on a block device or image.
- -U Show UUID only (or device with that UUID)
- -L Show LABEL only (or device with that LABEL)
- -s TAG Only show matching tags (default all)
-config FSTYPE
- bool "fstype"
- default y
- help
- usage: fstype DEV...
- Print type of filesystem on a block device or image.
-# toys/other/blockdev.c
-config BLOCKDEV
- bool "blockdev"
- default y
- help
- usage: blockdev --OPTION... BLOCKDEV...
- Call ioctl(s) on each listed block device
- --setro Set read only
- --setrw Set read write
- --getro Get read only
- --getss Get sector size
- --getbsz Get block size
- --setbsz BYTES Set block size
- --getsz Get device size in 512-byte sectors
- --getsize Get device size in sectors (deprecated)
- --getsize64 Get device size in bytes
- --getra Get readahead in 512-byte sectors
- --setra SECTORS Set readahead
- --flushbufs Flush buffers
- --rereadpt Reread partition table
-# toys/other/bzcat.c
-config BUNZIP2
- bool "bunzip2"
- default y
- help
- usage: bunzip2 [-cftkv] [FILE...]
- Decompress listed files (file.bz becomes file) deleting archive file(s).
- Read from stdin if no files listed.
- -c Force output to stdout
- -f Force decompression (if FILE doesn't end in .bz, replace original)
- -k Keep input files (-c and -t imply this)
- -t Test integrity
- -v Verbose
-config BZCAT
- bool "bzcat"
- default y
- help
- usage: bzcat [FILE...]
- Decompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no files listed.
-# toys/other/chcon.c
-config CHCON
- bool "chcon"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: chcon [-hRv] CONTEXT FILE...
- Change the SELinux security context of listed file[s].
- -h Change symlinks instead of what they point to
- -R Recurse into subdirectories
- -v Verbose
-# toys/other/chroot.c
-config CHROOT
- bool "chroot"
- default y
- help
- usage: chroot NEWROOT [COMMAND [ARG...]]
- Run command within a new root directory. If no command, run /bin/sh.
-# toys/other/chrt.c
-config CHRT
- bool "chrt"
- default y
- help
- usage: chrt [-Rmofrbi] {-p PID [PRIORITY] | [PRIORITY COMMAND...]}
- Get/set a process' real-time scheduling policy and priority.
- -p Set/query given pid (instead of running COMMAND)
- -m Show min/max priorities available
- Set policy (default -r):
-# toys/other/chvt.c
-config CHVT
- bool "chvt"
- default y
- help
- usage: chvt N
- Change to virtual terminal number N. (This only works in text mode.)
- Virtual terminals are the Linux VGA text mode displays, ordinarily
- switched between via alt-F1, alt-F2, etc. Use ctrl-alt-F1 to switch
- from X to a virtual terminal, and alt-F6 (or F7, or F8) to get back.
-# toys/other/clear.c
-config CLEAR
- bool "clear"
- default y
- help
- Clear the screen.
-# toys/other/count.c
-config COUNT
- bool "count"
- default y
- help
- usage: count
- Copy stdin to stdout, displaying simple progress indicator to stderr.
-# toys/other/devmem.c
-config DEVMEM
- bool "devmem"
- default y
- help
- usage: devmem ADDR [WIDTH [DATA]]
- Read/write physical address via /dev/mem.
- WIDTH is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (default 4).
-# toys/other/dos2unix.c
-config DOS2UNIX
- bool "dos2unix/unix2dos"
- default y
- help
- usage: dos2unix [FILE...]
- Convert newline format from dos "\r\n" to unix "\n".
- If no files listed copy from stdin, "-" is a synonym for stdin.
-config UNIX2DOS
- bool "unix2dos"
- default y
- help
- usage: unix2dos [FILE...]
- Convert newline format from unix "\n" to dos "\r\n".
- If no files listed copy from stdin, "-" is a synonym for stdin.
-# toys/other/eject.c
-config EJECT
- bool "eject"
- default y
- help
- usage: eject [-stT] [DEVICE]
- Eject DEVICE or default /dev/cdrom
- -s SCSI device
- -t Close tray
- -T Open/close tray (toggle)
-# toys/other/factor.c
-config FACTOR
- bool "factor"
- default y
- help
- usage: factor NUMBER...
- Factor integers.
-# toys/other/fallocate.c
- bool "fallocate"
- default y
- help
- usage: fallocate [-l size] [-o offset] file
- Tell the filesystem to allocate space for a file.
-# toys/other/flock.c
-config FLOCK
- bool "flock"
- default y
- help
- usage: flock [-sxun] fd
- Manage advisory file locks.
- -s Shared lock
- -x Exclusive lock (default)
- -u Unlock
- -n Non-blocking: fail rather than wait for the lock
-# toys/other/fmt.c
-config FMT
- bool "fmt"
- default y
- help
- usage: fmt [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]
- Reformat input to wordwrap at a given line length, preserving existing
- indentation level, writing to stdout.
- -w WIDTH Maximum characters per line (default 75)
-# toys/other/free.c
-config FREE
- bool "free"
- default y
- help
- usage: free [-bkmgt]
- Display the total, free and used amount of physical memory and swap space.
- -bkmgt Output units (default is bytes)
- -h Human readable (K=1024)
-# toys/other/freeramdisk.c
- bool "freeramdisk"
- default y
- help
- usage: freeramdisk [RAM device]
- Free all memory allocated to specified ramdisk
-# toys/other/fsfreeze.c
-config FSFREEZE
- bool "fsfreeze"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_FIFREEZE
- help
- usage: fsfreeze {-f | -u} MOUNTPOINT
- Freeze or unfreeze a filesystem.
- -f Freeze
- -u Unfreeze
-# toys/other/fsync.c
-config FSYNC
- bool "fsync"
- default y
- help
- usage: fsync [-d] [FILE...]
- Synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.
- -d Avoid syncing metadata
-# toys/other/help.c
-config HELP
- bool "help"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_HELP
- help
- usage: help [command]
- Show usage information for toybox commands.
- Run "toybox" with no arguments for a list of available commands.
- bool "help -ah"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX
- depends on HELP
- help
- usage: help [-ah]
- -a All commands
- -h HTML output
-# toys/other/hexedit.c
-config HEXEDIT
- bool "hexedit"
- default y
- help
- usage: hexedit FILENAME
- Hexadecimal file editor. All changes are written to disk immediately.
- -r Read only (display but don't edit)
- Keys:
- Arrows Move left/right/up/down by one line/column
- Pg Up/Pg Dn Move up/down by one page
- 0-9, a-f Change current half-byte to hexadecimal value
- u Undo
- q/^c/^d/<esc> Quit
-# toys/other/hwclock.c
-config HWCLOCK
- bool "hwclock"
- default y
- help
- usage: hwclock [-rswtluf]
- Get/set the hardware clock.
- -f FILE Use specified device file instead of /dev/rtc (--rtc)
- -l Hardware clock uses localtime (--localtime)
- -r Show hardware clock time (--show)
- -s Set system time from hardware clock (--hctosys)
- -t Set the system time based on the current timezone (--systz)
- -u Hardware clock uses UTC (--utc)
- -w Set hardware clock from system time (--systohc)
-# toys/other/i2ctools.c
-config I2CDETECT
- bool "i2cdetect"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cdetect [-ary] BUS [FIRST LAST]
- usage: i2cdetect -F BUS
- usage: i2cdetect -l
- Detect i2c devices.
- -a All addresses (0x00-0x7f rather than 0x03-0x77)
- -F Show functionality
- -l List all buses
- -r Probe with SMBus Read Byte
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-config I2CDUMP
- bool "i2cdump"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cdump [-fy] BUS CHIP
- Dump i2c registers.
- -f Force access to busy devices
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-config I2CGET
- bool "i2cget"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cget [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR
- Read an i2c register.
- -f Force access to busy devices
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-config I2CSET
- bool "i2cset"
- default y
- help
- usage: i2cset [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR VALUE... MODE
- Write an i2c register. MODE is b for byte, w for 16-bit word, i for I2C block.
- -f Force access to busy devices
- -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use)
-# toys/other/inotifyd.c
-config INOTIFYD
- bool "inotifyd"
- default y
- help
- usage: inotifyd PROG FILE[:MASK] ...
- When a filesystem event matching MASK occurs to a FILE, run PROG as:
- If PROG is "-" events are sent to stdout.
- This file is:
- a accessed c modified e metadata change w closed (writable)
- r opened D deleted M moved 0 closed (unwritable)
- u unmounted o overflow x unwatchable
- A file in this directory is:
- m moved in y moved out n created d deleted
- When x event happens for all FILEs, inotifyd exits (after waiting for PROG).
-# toys/other/insmod.c
-config INSMOD
- bool "insmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: insmod MODULE [MODULE_OPTIONS]
- Load the module named MODULE passing options if given.
-# toys/other/ionice.c
-config IONICE
- bool "ionice"
- default y
- help
- usage: ionice [-t] [-c CLASS] [-n LEVEL] [COMMAND...|-p PID]
- Change the I/O scheduling priority of a process. With no arguments
- (or just -p), display process' existing I/O class/priority.
- -c CLASS = 1-3: 1(realtime), 2(best-effort, default), 3(when-idle)
- -n LEVEL = 0-7: (0 is highest priority, default = 5)
- -p Affect existing PID instead of spawning new child
- -t Ignore failure to set I/O priority
- System default iopriority is generally -c 2 -n 4.
-config IORENICE
- bool "iorenice"
- default y
- help
- usage: iorenice PID [CLASS] [PRIORITY]
- Display or change I/O priority of existing process. CLASS can be
- "rt" for realtime, "be" for best effort, "idle" for only when idle, or
- "none" to leave it alone. PRIORITY can be 0-7 (0 is highest, default 4).
-# toys/other/login.c
-config LOGIN
- bool "login"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: login [-p] [-h host] [-f USERNAME] [USERNAME]
- Log in as a user, prompting for username and password if necessary.
- -p Preserve environment
- -h The name of the remote host for this login
- -f login as USERNAME without authentication
-# toys/other/losetup.c
-config LOSETUP
- bool "losetup"
- default y
- help
- usage: losetup [-cdrs] [-o OFFSET] [-S SIZE] {-d DEVICE...|-j FILE|-af|{DEVICE FILE}}
- Associate a loopback device with a file, or show current file (if any)
- associated with a loop device.
- Instead of a device:
- -a Iterate through all loopback devices
- -f Find first unused loop device (may create one)
- -j FILE Iterate through all loopback devices associated with FILE
- existing:
- -c Check capacity (file size changed)
- -d DEV Detach loopback device
- -D Detach all loopback devices
- new:
- -s Show device name (alias --show)
- -o OFF Start association at offset OFF into FILE
- -r Read only
- -S SIZE Limit SIZE of loopback association (alias --sizelimit)
-# toys/other/lsattr.c
-config LSATTR
- bool "lsattr"
- default y
- help
- usage: lsattr [-Radlv] [Files...]
- List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
- (AacDdijsStu defined in chattr --help)
- -R Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents
- -a List all files in directories, including files that start with '.'
- -d List directories like other files, rather than listing their contents
- -l List long flag names
- -v List the file's version/generation number
-config CHATTR
- bool "chattr"
- default y
- help
- usage: chattr [-R] [-+=AacDdijsStTu] [-v version] [File...]
- Change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
- -R Recurse
- -v Set the file's version/generation number
- Operators:
- '-' Remove attributes
- '+' Add attributes
- '=' Set attributes
- Attributes:
- A Don't track atime
- a Append mode only
- c Enable compress
- D Write dir contents synchronously
- d Don't backup with dump
- i Cannot be modified (immutable)
- j Write all data to journal first
- s Zero disk storage when deleted
- S Write file contents synchronously
- t Disable tail-merging of partial blocks with other files
- u Allow file to be undeleted
-# toys/other/lsmod.c
-config LSMOD
- bool "lsmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: lsmod
- Display the currently loaded modules, their sizes and their dependencies.
-# toys/other/lspci.c
-config LSPCI
- bool "lspci"
- default y
- help
- usage: lspci [-ekm]
- List PCI devices.
- -e Print all 6 digits in class
- -k Print kernel driver
- -m Machine parseable format
-config LSPCI_TEXT
- bool "lspci readable output"
- depends on LSPCI
- default y
- help
- usage: lspci [-n] [-i FILE ]
- -n Numeric output (repeat for readable and numeric)
- -i PCI ID database (default /usr/share/misc/pci.ids)
-# toys/other/lsusb.c
-config LSUSB
- bool "lsusb"
- default y
- help
- usage: lsusb
- List USB hosts/devices.
-# toys/other/makedevs.c
-config MAKEDEVS
- bool "makedevs"
- default y
- help
- usage: makedevs [-d device_table] rootdir
- Create a range of special files as specified in a device table.
- -d File containing device table (default reads from stdin)
- Each line of of the device table has the fields:
- <name> <type> <mode> <uid> <gid> <major> <minor> <start> <increment> <count>
- Where name is the file name, and type is one of the following:
- b Block device
- c Character device
- d Directory
- f Regular file
- p Named pipe (fifo)
- Other fields specify permissions, user and group id owning the file,
- and additional fields for device special files. Use '-' for blank entries,
- unspecified fields are treated as '-'.
-# toys/other/mcookie.c
-config MCOOKIE
- bool "mcookie"
- default y
- help
- usage: mcookie [-vV]
- Generate a 128-bit strong random number.
- -v show entropy source (verbose)
- -V show version
-# toys/other/mix.c
-config MIX
- bool "mix"
- default y
- help
- usage: mix [-d DEV] [-c CHANNEL] [-l VOL] [-r RIGHT]
- List OSS sound channels (module snd-mixer-oss), or set volume(s).
- -c CHANNEL Set/show volume of CHANNEL (default first channel found)
- -d DEV Device node (default /dev/mixer)
- -l VOL Volume level
- -r RIGHT Volume of right stereo channel (with -r, -l sets left volume)
-# toys/other/mkpasswd.c
-config MKPASSWD
- bool "mkpasswd"
- default y
- depends on !TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID
- help
- usage: mkpasswd [-P FD] [-m TYPE] [-S SALT] [PASSWORD] [SALT]
- Crypt PASSWORD using crypt(3)
- -P FD Read password from file descriptor FD
- -m TYPE Encryption method (des, md5, sha256, or sha512; default is des)
-# toys/other/mkswap.c
-config MKSWAP
- bool "mkswap"
- default y
- help
- usage: mkswap [-L LABEL] DEVICE
- Set up a Linux swap area on a device or file.
-# toys/other/modinfo.c
-config MODINFO
- bool "modinfo"
- default y
- help
- usage: modinfo [-0] [-b basedir] [-k kernel] [-F field] [module|file...]
- Display module fields for modules specified by name or .ko path.
- -F Only show the given field
- -0 Separate fields with NUL rather than newline
- -b Use <basedir> as root for /lib/modules/
- -k Look in given directory under /lib/modules/
-# toys/other/mountpoint.c
- bool "mountpoint"
- default y
- help
- usage: mountpoint [-qd] DIR
- mountpoint [-qx] DEVICE
- Check whether the directory or device is a mountpoint.
- -q Be quiet, return zero if directory is a mountpoint
- -d Print major/minor device number of the directory
- -x Print major/minor device number of the block device
-# toys/other/nbd_client.c
-config NBD_CLIENT
- bool "nbd-client"
- depends on TOYBOX_FORK
- default y
- help
- usage: nbd-client [-ns] HOST PORT DEVICE
- -n Do not fork into background
- -s nbd swap support (lock server into memory)
-# toys/other/nsenter.c
-config UNSHARE
- bool "unshare"
- default y
- help
- usage: unshare [-imnpuUr] COMMAND...
- Create new container namespace(s) for this process and its children, so
- some attribute is not shared with the parent process.
- -f Fork command in the background (--fork)
- -i SysV IPC (message queues, semaphores, shared memory) (--ipc)
- -m Mount/unmount tree (--mount)
- -n Network address, sockets, routing, iptables (--net)
- -p Process IDs and init (--pid)
- -r Become root (map current euid/egid to 0/0, implies -U) (--map-root-user)
- -u Host and domain names (--uts)
- -U UIDs, GIDs, capabilities (--user)
- A namespace allows a set of processes to have a different view of the
- system than other sets of processes.
-config NSENTER
- bool "nsenter"
- default y
- help
- usage: nsenter [-t pid] [-F] [-i] [-m] [-n] [-p] [-u] [-U] COMMAND...
- Run COMMAND in an existing (set of) namespace(s).
- -t PID to take namespaces from (--target)
- -F don't fork, even if -p is used (--no-fork)
- The namespaces to switch are:
- -i SysV IPC: message queues, semaphores, shared memory (--ipc)
- -m Mount/unmount tree (--mount)
- -n Network address, sockets, routing, iptables (--net)
- -p Process IDs and init, will fork unless -F is used (--pid)
- -u Host and domain names (--uts)
- -U UIDs, GIDs, capabilities (--user)
- If -t isn't specified, each namespace argument must provide a path
- to a namespace file, ala "-i=/proc/$PID/ns/ipc"
-# toys/other/oneit.c
-config ONEIT
- bool "oneit"
- default y
- help
- usage: oneit [-p] [-c /dev/tty0] command [...]
- Simple init program that runs a single supplied command line with a
- controlling tty (so CTRL-C can kill it).
- -c Which console device to use (/dev/console doesn't do CTRL-C, etc)
- -p Power off instead of rebooting when command exits
- -r Restart child when it exits
- -3 Write 32 bit PID of each exiting reparented process to fd 3 of child
- (Blocking writes, child must read to avoid eventual deadlock.)
- Spawns a single child process (because PID 1 has signals blocked)
- in its own session, reaps zombies until the child exits, then
- reboots the system (or powers off with -p, or restarts the child with -r).
- Responds to SIGUSR1 by halting the system, SIGUSR2 by powering off,
- and SIGTERM or SIGINT reboot.
-# toys/other/partprobe.c
- bool "partprobe"
- default y
- help
- usage: partprobe DEVICE...
- Tell the kernel about partition table changes
- Ask the kernel to re-read the partition table on the specified devices.
-# toys/other/pivot_root.c
-config PIVOT_ROOT
- bool "pivot_root"
- default y
- help
- usage: pivot_root OLD NEW
- Swap OLD and NEW filesystems (as if by simultaneous mount --move), and
- move all processes with chdir or chroot under OLD into NEW (including
- kernel threads) so OLD may be unmounted.
- The directory NEW must exist under OLD. This doesn't work on initramfs,
- which can't be moved (about the same way PID 1 can't be killed; see
- switch_root instead).
-# toys/other/pmap.c
-config PMAP
- bool "pmap"
- default y
- help
- usage: pmap [-xq] [pids...]
- Report the memory map of a process or processes.
- -x Show the extended format
- -q Do not display some header/footer lines
-# toys/other/printenv.c
-config PRINTENV
- bool "printenv"
- default y
- help
- usage: printenv [-0] [env_var...]
- Print environment variables.
- -0 Use \0 as delimiter instead of \n
-# toys/other/pwdx.c
-config PWDX
- bool "pwdx"
- default y
- help
- usage: pwdx PID...
- Print working directory of processes listed on command line.
-# toys/other/readahead.c
- bool "readahead"
- default y
- help
- usage: readahead FILE...
- Preload files into disk cache.
-# toys/other/readlink.c
-config READLINK
- bool "readlink"
- default y
- help
- usage: readlink FILE
- With no options, show what symlink points to, return error if not symlink.
- Options for producing canonical paths (all symlinks/./.. resolved):
- -e Canonical path to existing entry (fail if missing)
- -f Full path (fail if directory missing)
- -m Ignore missing entries, show where it would be
- -n No trailing newline
- -q Quiet (no output, just error code)
-# toys/other/realpath.c
-config REALPATH
- bool "realpath"
- default y
- help
- usage: realpath FILE...
- Display the canonical absolute pathname
-# toys/other/reboot.c
-config REBOOT
- bool "reboot"
- default y
- help
- usage: reboot/halt/poweroff [-fn]
- Restart, halt or powerdown the system.
- -f Don't signal init
- -n Don't sync before stopping the system
-# toys/other/reset.c
-config RESET
- bool "reset"
- default y
- help
- usage: reset
- Reset the terminal.
-# toys/other/rev.c
-config REV
- bool "rev"
- default y
- help
- usage: rev [FILE...]
- Output each line reversed, when no files are given stdin is used.
-# toys/other/rmmod.c
-config RMMOD
- bool "rmmod"
- default y
- help
- usage: rmmod [-wf] [MODULE]
- Unload the module named MODULE from the Linux kernel.
- -f Force unload of a module
- -w Wait until the module is no longer used
-# toys/other/setfattr.c
-config SETFATTR
- bool "setfattr"
- default y
- help
- usage: setfattr [-h] [-x|-n NAME] [-v VALUE] FILE...
- Write POSIX extended attributes.
- -h Do not dereference symlink
- -n Set given attribute
- -x Remove given attribute
- -v Set value for attribute -n (default is empty)
-# toys/other/setsid.c
-config SETSID
- bool "setsid"
- default y
- help
- usage: setsid [-t] command [args...]
- Run process in a new session.
- -t Grab tty (become foreground process, receiving keyboard signals)
-# toys/other/shred.c
-config SHRED
- bool "shred"
- default y
- help
- usage: shred [-fuz] [-n COUNT] [-s SIZE] FILE...
- Securely delete a file by overwriting its contents with random data.
- -f Force (chmod if necessary)
- -n COUNT Random overwrite iterations (default 1)
- -o OFFSET Start at OFFSET
- -s SIZE Use SIZE instead of detecting file size
- -u Unlink (actually delete file when done)
- -x Use exact size (default without -s rounds up to next 4k)
- -z Zero at end
- Note: data journaling filesystems render this command useless, you must
- overwrite all free space (fill up disk) to erase old data on those.
-# toys/other/stat.c
-config STAT
- bool stat
- default y
- help
- usage: stat [-tfL] [-c FORMAT] FILE...
- Display status of files or filesystems.
- -c Output specified FORMAT string instead of default
- -f Display filesystem status instead of file status
- -L Follow symlinks
- -t terse (-c "%n %s %b %f %u %g %D %i %h %t %T %X %Y %Z %o")
- (with -f = -c "%n %i %l %t %s %S %b %f %a %c %d")
- The valid format escape sequences for files:
- %a Access bits (octal) |%A Access bits (flags)|%b Size/512
- %B Bytes per %b (512) |%C Security context |%d Device ID (dec)
- %D Device ID (hex) |%f All mode bits (hex)|%F File type
- %g Group ID |%G Group name |%h Hard links
- %i Inode |%m Mount point |%n Filename
- %N Long filename |%o I/O block size |%s Size (bytes)
- %t Devtype major (hex) |%T Devtype minor (hex)|%u User ID
- %U User name |%x Access time |%X Access unix time
- %y Modification time |%Y Mod unix time |%z Creation time
- %Z Creation unix time
- The valid format escape sequences for filesystems:
- %a Available blocks |%b Total blocks |%c Total inodes
- %d Free inodes |%f Free blocks |%i File system ID
- %l Max filename length |%n File name |%s Fragment size
- %S Best transfer size |%t FS type (hex) |%T FS type (driver name)
-# toys/other/swapoff.c
-config SWAPOFF
- bool "swapoff"
- default y
- help
- usage: swapoff swapregion
- Disable swapping on a given swapregion.
-# toys/other/swapon.c
-config SWAPON
- bool "swapon"
- default y
- help
- usage: swapon [-d] [-p priority] filename
- Enable swapping on a given device/file.
- -d Discard freed SSD pages
- -p Priority (highest priority areas allocated first)
-# toys/other/switch_root.c
- bool "switch_root"
- default y
- help
- usage: switch_root [-c /dev/console] NEW_ROOT NEW_INIT...
- Use from PID 1 under initramfs to free initramfs, chroot to NEW_ROOT,
- and exec NEW_INIT.
- -c Redirect console to device in NEW_ROOT
- -h Hang instead of exiting on failure (avoids kernel panic)
-# toys/other/sysctl.c
-config SYSCTL
- bool "sysctl"
- default y
- help
- usage: sysctl [-aAeNnqw] [-p [FILE] | KEY[=VALUE]...]
- Read/write system control data (under /proc/sys).
- -a,A Show all values
- -e Don't warn about unknown keys
- -N Don't print key values
- -n Don't print key names
- -p Read values from FILE (default /etc/sysctl.conf)
- -q Don't show value after write
- -w Only write values (object to reading)
-# toys/other/tac.c
-config TAC
- bool "tac"
- default y
- help
- usage: tac [FILE...]
- Output lines in reverse order.
-# toys/other/taskset.c
-config NPROC
- bool "nproc"
- default y
- help
- usage: nproc [--all]
- Print number of processors.
- --all Show all processors, not just ones this task can run on
-config TASKSET
- bool "taskset"
- default y
- help
- usage: taskset [-ap] [mask] [PID | cmd [args...]]
- Launch a new task which may only run on certain processors, or change
- the processor affinity of an existing PID.
- Mask is a hex string where each bit represents a processor the process
- is allowed to run on. PID without a mask displays existing affinity.
- -p Set/get the affinity of given PID instead of a new command
- -a Set/get the affinity of all threads of the PID
-# toys/other/timeout.c
-config TIMEOUT
- bool "timeout"
- default y
- help
- usage: timeout [-k DURATION] [-s SIGNAL] DURATION COMMAND...
- Run command line as a child process, sending child a signal if the
- command doesn't exit soon enough.
- DURATION can be a decimal fraction. An optional suffix can be "m"
- (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days), or "s" (seconds, the default).
- -s Send specified signal (default TERM)
- -k Send KILL signal if child still running this long after first signal
- -v Verbose
- --foreground Don't create new process group
- --preserve-status Exit with the child's exit status
-# toys/other/truncate.c
-config TRUNCATE
- bool "truncate"
- default y
- help
- usage: truncate [-c] -s SIZE file...
- Set length of file(s), extending sparsely if necessary.
- -c Don't create file if it doesn't exist
- -s New size (with optional prefix and suffix)
- SIZE prefix: + add, - subtract, < shrink to, > expand to,
- / multiple rounding down, % multiple rounding up
- SIZE suffix: k=1024, m=1024^2, g=1024^3, t=1024^4, p=1024^5, e=1024^6
-# toys/other/uptime.c
-config UPTIME
- bool "uptime"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_UTMPX
- help
- usage: uptime [-ps]
- Tell the current time, how long the system has been running, the number
- of users, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
- -p Pretty (human readable) uptime
- -s Since when has the system been up?
-# toys/other/usleep.c
-config USLEEP
- bool "usleep"
- default y
- help
- usage: usleep MICROSECONDS
- Pause for MICROSECONDS microseconds.
-# toys/other/uuidgen.c
-config UUIDGEN
- bool "uuidgen"
- default y
- help
- usage: uuidgen
- Create and print a new RFC4122 random UUID.
-# toys/other/vconfig.c
-config VCONFIG
- bool "vconfig"
- default y
- help
- usage: vconfig COMMAND [OPTIONS]
- Create and remove virtual ethernet devices
- add [interface-name] [vlan_id]
- rem [vlan-name]
- set_flag [interface-name] [flag-num] [0 | 1]
- set_egress_map [vlan-name] [skb_priority] [vlan_qos]
- set_ingress_map [vlan-name] [skb_priority] [vlan_qos]
- set_name_type [name-type]
-# toys/other/vmstat.c
-config VMSTAT
- bool "vmstat"
- default y
- help
- usage: vmstat [-n] [DELAY [COUNT]]
- Print virtual memory statistics, repeating each DELAY seconds, COUNT times.
- (With no DELAY, prints one line. With no COUNT, repeats until killed.)
- Show processes running and blocked, kilobytes swapped, free, buffered, and
- cached, kilobytes swapped in and out per second, file disk blocks input and
- output per second, interrupts and context switches per second, percent
- of CPU time spent running user code, system code, idle, and awaiting I/O.
- First line is since system started, later lines are since last line.
- -n Display the header only once
-# toys/other/w.c
-config W
- bool "w"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_UTMPX
- help
- usage: w
- Show who is logged on and since how long they logged in.
-# toys/other/watch.c
-config WATCH
- bool "watch"
- default y
- help
- usage: watch [-teb] [-n SEC] PROG ARGS
- Run PROG every -n seconds, showing output. Hit q to quit.
- -n Loop period in seconds (default 2)
- -t Don't print header
- -e Exit on error
- -b Beep on command error
- -x Exec command directly (vs "sh -c")
-# toys/other/which.c
-config WHICH
- bool "which"
- default y
- help
- usage: which [-a] filename ...
- Search $PATH for executable files matching filename(s).
- -a Show all matches
-# toys/other/xxd.c
-config XXD
- bool "xxd"
- default y
- help
- usage: xxd [-c n] [-g n] [-i] [-l n] [-o n] [-p] [-r] [-s n] [file]
- Hexdump a file to stdout. If no file is listed, copy from stdin.
- Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.
- -c n Show n bytes per line (default 16)
- -g n Group bytes by adding a ' ' every n bytes (default 2)
- -i Include file output format (comma-separated hex byte literals)
- -l n Limit of n bytes before stopping (default is no limit)
- -o n Add n to display offset
- -p Plain hexdump (30 bytes/line, no grouping)
- -r Reverse operation: turn a hexdump into a binary file
- -s n Skip to offset n
-# toys/other/yes.c
-config YES
- bool "yes"
- default y
- help
- usage: yes [args...]
- Repeatedly output line until killed. If no args, output 'y'.
-menu "Networking"
-# toys/net/ftpget.c
-config FTPGET
- bool "ftpget"
- default y
- help
- usage: ftpget [-cvgslLmMdD] [-P PORT] [-p PASSWORD] [-u USER] HOST [LOCAL] REMOTE
- Talk to ftp server. By default get REMOTE file via passive anonymous
- transfer, optionally saving under a LOCAL name. Can also send, list, etc.
- -c Continue partial transfer
- -p Use PORT instead of "21"
- -P Use PASSWORD instead of "ftpget@"
- -u Use USER instead of "anonymous"
- -v Verbose
- Ways to interact with FTP server:
- -d Delete file
- -D Remove directory
- -g Get file (default)
- -l List directory
- -L List (filenames only)
- -m Move file on server from LOCAL to REMOTE
- -M mkdir
- -s Send file
-config FTPPUT
- bool "ftpput"
- default y
- help
- An ftpget that defaults to -s instead of -g
-# toys/net/ifconfig.c
-config IFCONFIG
- bool "ifconfig"
- default y
- help
- usage: ifconfig [-aS] [INTERFACE [ACTION...]]
- Display or configure network interface.
- With no arguments, display active interfaces. First argument is interface
- to operate on, one argument by itself displays that interface.
- -a All interfaces displayed, not just active ones
- -S Short view, one line per interface
- Standard ACTIONs to perform on an INTERFACE:
- ADDR[/MASK] - set IPv4 address ( and activate interface
- add|del ADDR[/LEN] - add/remove IPv6 address (1111::8888/128)
- up|down - activate or deactivate interface
- Advanced ACTIONs (default values usually suffice):
- default - remove IPv4 address
- netmask ADDR - set IPv4 netmask via instead of /24
- txqueuelen LEN - number of buffered packets before output blocks
- mtu LEN - size of outgoing packets (Maximum Transmission Unit)
- broadcast ADDR - Set broadcast address
- pointopoint ADDR - PPP and PPPOE use this instead of "route add default gw"
- hw TYPE ADDR - set hardware (mac) address (type = ether|infiniband)
- Flags you can set on an interface (or -remove by prefixing with -):
- arp - don't use Address Resolution Protocol to map LAN routes
- promisc - don't discard packets that aren't to this LAN hardware address
- multicast - force interface into multicast mode if the driver doesn't
- allmulti - promisc for multicast packets
-# toys/net/microcom.c
-config MICROCOM
- bool "microcom"
- default y
- help
- usage: microcom [-s SPEED] [-X] DEVICE
- Simple serial console.
- -s Set baud rate to SPEED
- -X Ignore ^@ (send break) and ^] (exit)
-# toys/net/netcat.c
-config NETCAT
- bool "netcat"
- default y
- help
- usage: netcat [-46U] [-u] [-wpq #] [-s addr] {IPADDR PORTNUM|-f FILENAME}
- Forward stdin/stdout to a file or network connection.
- -4 Force IPv4
- -6 Force IPv6
- -f Use FILENAME (ala /dev/ttyS0) instead of network
- -p Local port number
- -q Quit SECONDS after EOF on stdin, even if stdout hasn't closed yet
- -s Local source address
- -u Use UDP
- -U Use a UNIX domain socket
- -w SECONDS timeout to establish connection
- -W SECONDS timeout for more data on an idle connection
- Use "stty 115200 -F /dev/ttyS0 && stty raw -echo -ctlecho" with
- netcat -f to connect to a serial port.
- bool "netcat server options (-let)"
- default y
- depends on NETCAT
- help
- usage: netcat [-t] [-lL COMMAND...]
- -l Listen for one incoming connection
- -L Listen for multiple incoming connections (server mode)
- -t Allocate tty (must come before -l or -L)
- The command line after -l or -L is executed (as a child process) to handle
- each incoming connection. If blank -l waits for a connection and forwards
- it to stdin/stdout. If no -p specified, -l prints port it bound to and
- backgrounds itself (returning immediately).
- For a quick-and-dirty server, try something like:
- netcat -s -p 1234 -tL /bin/bash -l
-# toys/net/netstat.c
-config NETSTAT
- bool "netstat"
- default y
- help
- usage: netstat [-pWrxwutneal]
- Display networking information. Default is netstat -tuwx
- -r Routing table
- -a All sockets (not just connected)
- -l Listening server sockets
- -t TCP sockets
- -u UDP sockets
- -w Raw sockets
- -x Unix sockets
- -e Extended info
- -n Don't resolve names
- -W Wide display
- -p Show PID/program name of sockets
-# toys/net/ping.c
-config PING
- bool "ping"
- default y
- help
- usage: ping [OPTIONS] HOST
- Check network connectivity by sending packets to a host and reporting
- its response.
- Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to ipv4 or ipv6 addresses and prints each
- echo it receives back, with round trip time. Returns true if host alive.
- Options:
- -4, -6 Force IPv4 or IPv6
- -c CNT Send CNT many packets (default 3, 0 = infinite)
- -f Flood (print . and \b to show drops, default -c 15 -i 0.2)
- -i TIME Interval between packets (default 1, need root for < .2)
- -I IFACE/IP Source interface or address
- -m MARK Tag outgoing packets using SO_MARK
- -q Quiet (stops after one returns true if host is alive)
- -s SIZE Data SIZE in bytes (default 56)
- -t TTL Set Time To Live (number of hops)
- -W SEC Seconds to wait for response after last -c packet (default 3)
- -w SEC Exit after this many seconds
-# toys/net/rfkill.c
-config RFKILL
- bool "rfkill"
- default y
- help
- usage: rfkill COMMAND [DEVICE]
- Enable/disable wireless devices.
- Commands:
- list [DEVICE] List current state
- block DEVICE Disable device
- unblock DEVICE Enable device
- DEVICE is an index number, or one of:
- all, wlan(wifi), bluetooth, uwb(ultrawideband), wimax, wwan, gps, fm.
-# toys/net/sntp.c
-config SNTP
- bool "sntp"
- default y
- help
- usage: sntp [-saSdDqm] [-r SHIFT] [-m ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [SERVER]
- Simple Network Time Protocol client. Query SERVER and display time.
- -p Use PORT (default 123)
- -s Set system clock suddenly
- -a Adjust system clock gradually
- -S Serve time instead of querying (bind to SERVER address if specified)
- -m Wait for updates from multicast ADDRESS (RFC 4330 says use
- -M Multicast server on ADDRESS
- -d Daemonize (run in background re-querying )
- -D Daemonize but stay in foreground: re-query time every 1000 seconds
- -r Retry shift (every 1<<SHIFT seconds)
- -q Quiet (don't display time)
-# toys/net/tunctl.c
-config TUNCTL
- bool "tunctl"
- default y
- help
- usage: tunctl [-dtT] [-u USER] NAME
- Create and delete tun/tap virtual ethernet devices.
- -T Use tap (ethernet frames) instead of tun (ip packets)
- -d Delete tun/tap device
- -t Create tun/tap device
- -u Set owner (user who can read/write device without root access)
-menu "Linux Standard Base commands"
-# toys/lsb/dmesg.c
-config DMESG
- bool "dmesg"
- default y
- help
- usage: dmesg [-Cc] [-r|-t|-T] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] [-w]
- Print or control the kernel ring buffer.
- -C Clear ring buffer without printing
- -c Clear ring buffer after printing
- -n Set kernel logging LEVEL (1-9)
- -r Raw output (with <level markers>)
- -S Use syslog(2) rather than /dev/kmsg
- -s Show the last SIZE many bytes
- -T Human readable timestamps
- -t Don't print timestamps
- -w Keep waiting for more output (aka --follow)
-# toys/lsb/gzip.c
-config GZIP
- bool "gzip"
- default n
- help
- usage: gzip [-19cdfk] [FILE...]
- Compress files. With no files, compresses stdin to stdout.
- On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
- files with the .gz suffix.
- -c Output to stdout
- -d Decompress (act as gunzip)
- -f Force: allow overwrite of output file
- -k Keep input files (default is to remove)
- -# Compression level 1-9 (1:fastest, 6:default, 9:best)
-config GUNZIP
- bool "gunzip"
- default y
- help
- usage: gunzip [-cfk] [FILE...]
- Decompress files. With no files, decompresses stdin to stdout.
- On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
- files without the .gz suffix.
- -c Output to stdout (act as zcat)
- -f Force: allow read from tty
- -k Keep input files (default is to remove)
-config ZCAT
- bool "zcat"
- default y
- help
- usage: zcat [FILE...]
- Decompress files to stdout. Like `gzip -dc`.
- -f Force: allow read from tty
-# toys/lsb/hostname.c
-config HOSTNAME
- bool "hostname"
- default y
- help
- usage: hostname [-bdsf] [-F FILENAME] [newname]
- Get/set the current hostname.
- -b Set hostname to 'localhost' if otherwise unset
- -d Show DNS domain name (no host)
- -f Show fully-qualified name (host+domain, FQDN)
- -F Set hostname to contents of FILENAME
- -s Show short host name (no domain)
-# toys/lsb/killall.c
-config KILLALL
- bool "killall"
- default y
- help
- usage: killall [-l] [-iqv] [-SIGNAL|-s SIGNAL] PROCESS_NAME...
- Send a signal (default: TERM) to all processes with the given names.
- -i Ask for confirmation before killing
- -l Print list of all available signals
- -q Don't print any warnings or error messages
- -s Send SIGNAL instead of SIGTERM
- -v Report if the signal was successfully sent
- -w Wait until all signaled processes are dead
-# toys/lsb/md5sum.c
-config MD5SUM
- bool "md5sum"
- default y
- help
- usage: md5sum [-bcs] [FILE]...
- Calculate md5 hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none.
- Output one hash (32 hex digits) for each input file, followed by filename.
- -b Brief (hash only, no filename)
- -c Check each line of each FILE is the same hash+filename we'd output
- -s No output, exit status 0 if all hashes match, 1 otherwise
-config SHA1SUM
- bool "sha1sum"
- default y
- help
- usage: sha?sum [-bcs] [FILE]...
- Calculate sha hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none. Output
- one hash (40 hex digits for sha1, 56 for sha224, 64 for sha256, 96 for sha384,
- and 128 for sha512) for each input file, followed by filename.
- -b Brief (hash only, no filename)
- -c Check each line of each FILE is the same hash+filename we'd output
- -s No output, exit status 0 if all hashes match, 1 otherwise
-config SHA224SUM
- bool "sha224sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-config SHA256SUM
- bool "sha256sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-config SHA384SUM
- bool "sha384sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-config SHA512SUM
- bool "sha512sum"
- default y
- help
- See sha1sum
-# toys/lsb/mknod.c
-config MKNOD
- bool "mknod"
- default y
- help
- usage: mknod [-m MODE] NAME TYPE [MAJOR MINOR]
- Create a special file NAME with a given type. TYPE is b for block device,
- c or u for character device, p for named pipe (which ignores MAJOR/MINOR).
- -m Mode (file permissions) of new device, in octal or u+x format
-config MKNOD_Z
- bool
- default y
- depends on MKNOD && !TOYBOX_LSM_NONE
- help
- usage: mknod [-Z CONTEXT] ...
- -Z Set security context to created file
-# toys/lsb/mktemp.c
-config MKTEMP
- bool "mktemp"
- default y
- help
- usage: mktemp [-dqu] [-p DIR] [TEMPLATE]
- Safely create a new file "DIR/TEMPLATE" and print its name.
- -d Create directory instead of file (--directory)
- -p Put new file in DIR (--tmpdir)
- -q Quiet, no error messages
- -t Prefer $TMPDIR > DIR > /tmp (default DIR > $TMPDIR > /tmp)
- -u Don't create anything, just print what would be created
- Each X in TEMPLATE is replaced with a random printable character. The
- default TEMPLATE is tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.
-# toys/lsb/mount.c
-config MOUNT
- bool "mount"
- default y
- help
- usage: mount [-afFrsvw] [-t TYPE] [-o OPTION,] [[DEVICE] DIR]
- Mount new filesystem(s) on directories. With no arguments, display existing
- mounts.
- -a Mount all entries in /etc/fstab (with -t, only entries of that TYPE)
- -O Only mount -a entries that have this option
- -f Fake it (don't actually mount)
- -r Read only (same as -o ro)
- -w Read/write (default, same as -o rw)
- -t Specify filesystem type
- -v Verbose
- OPTIONS is a comma separated list of options, which can also be supplied
- as --longopts.
- Autodetects loopback mounts (a file on a directory) and bind mounts (file
- on file, directory on directory), so you don't need to say --bind or --loop.
- You can also "mount -a /path" to mount everything in /etc/fstab under /path,
- even if it's noauto. DEVICE starting with UUID= is identified by blkid -U.
-#config SMBMOUNT
-# bool "smbmount"
-# deault n
-# helo
-# usage: smbmount SHARE DIR
-# Mount smb share with user/pasword prompt as necessary.
-#config NFSMOUNT
-# bool "nfsmount"
-# default n
-# help
-# usage: nfsmount SHARE DIR
-# Invoke an eldrich horror from the dawn of time.
-# toys/lsb/passwd.c
-config PASSWD
- bool "passwd"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: passwd [-a ALGO] [-dlu] [USER]
- Update user's authentication tokens. Defaults to current user.
- -a ALGO Encryption method (des, md5, sha256, sha512) default: des
- -d Set password to ''
- -l Lock (disable) account
- -u Unlock (enable) account
-config PASSWD_SAD
- bool "Add sad password checking heuristics"
- default n
- depends on PASSWD
- help
- Password changes are checked to make sure they're at least 6 chars long,
- don't include the entire username (but not a subset of it), or the entire
- previous password (but changing password1, password2, password3 is fine).
- This heuristic accepts "aaaaaa" and "123456".
-# toys/lsb/pidof.c
-config PIDOF
- bool "pidof"
- default y
- help
- usage: pidof [-s] [-o omitpid[,omitpid...]] [NAME]...
- Print the PIDs of all processes with the given names.
- -s Single shot, only return one pid
- -o Omit PID(s)
- -x Match shell scripts too
-# toys/lsb/seq.c
-config SEQ
- bool "seq"
- depends on TOYBOX_FLOAT
- default y
- help
- usage: seq [-w|-f fmt_str] [-s sep_str] [first] [increment] last
- Count from first to last, by increment. Omitted arguments default
- to 1. Two arguments are used as first and last. Arguments can be
- negative or floating point.
- -f Use fmt_str as a printf-style floating point format string
- -s Use sep_str as separator, default is a newline character
- -w Pad to equal width with leading zeroes
-# toys/lsb/su.c
-config SU
- bool "su"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SHADOW
- help
- usage: su [-lp] [-u UID] [-g GID,...] [-s SHELL] [-c CMD] [USER [COMMAND...]]
- Switch user, prompting for password of new user when not run as root.
- With one argument, switch to USER and run user's shell from /etc/passwd.
- With no arguments, USER is root. If COMMAND line provided after USER,
- exec() it as new USER (bypasing shell). If -u or -g specified, first
- argument (if any) isn't USER (it's COMMAND).
- first argument is USER name to switch to (which must exist).
- Non-root users are prompted for new user's password.
- -s Shell to use (default is user's shell from /etc/passwd)
- -c Command line to pass to -s shell (ala sh -c "CMD")
- -l Reset environment as if new login.
- -u Switch to UID instead of USER
- -g Switch to GID (only root allowed, can be comma separated list)
- -p Preserve environment (except for $PATH and $IFS)
-# toys/lsb/sync.c
-config SYNC
- bool "sync"
- default y
- help
- usage: sync
- Write pending cached data to disk (synchronize), blocking until done.
-# toys/lsb/umount.c
-config UMOUNT
- bool "umount"
- default y
- help
- usage: umount [-a [-t TYPE[,TYPE...]]] [-vrfD] [DIR...]
- Unmount the listed filesystems.
- -a Unmount all mounts in /proc/mounts instead of command line list
- -D Don't free loopback device(s)
- -f Force unmount
- -l Lazy unmount (detach from filesystem now, close when last user does)
- -n Don't use /proc/mounts
- -r Remount read only if unmounting fails
- -t Restrict "all" to mounts of TYPE (or use "noTYPE" to skip)
- -v Verbose
-menu "Example commands"
-# toys/example/demo_many_options.c
- bool "demo_many_options"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_many_options -[a-zA-Z]
- Print the optflags value of the command arguments, in hex.
-# toys/example/demo_number.c
- bool "demo_number"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_number [-hsbi] NUMBER...
- -b Use "B" for single byte units (HR_B)
- -d Decimal units
- -h Human readable
- -s Space between number and units (HR_SPACE)
-# toys/example/demo_scankey.c
- bool "demo_scankey"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_scankey
- Move a letter around the screen. Hit ESC to exit.
-# toys/example/demo_utf8towc.c
- bool "demo_utf8towc"
- default n
- help
- usage: demo_utf8towc
- Print differences between toybox's utf8 conversion routines vs libc du jour.
-# toys/example/hello.c
-config HELLO
- bool "hello"
- default n
- help
- usage: hello
- A hello world program.
- Mostly used as a simple template for adding new commands.
- Occasionally nice to smoketest kernel booting via "init=/usr/bin/hello".
-# toys/example/hostid.c
-config HOSTID
- bool "hostid"
- default n
- help
- usage: hostid
- Print the numeric identifier for the current host.
-# toys/example/logwrapper.c
- bool "logwrapper"
- default n
- help
- usage: logwrapper ...
- Append command line to $WRAPLOG, then call second instance
- of command in $PATH.
-# toys/example/skeleton.c
-config SKELETON
- bool "skeleton"
- default n
- help
- usage: skeleton [-a] [-b STRING] [-c NUMBER] [-d LIST] [-e COUNT] [...]
- Template for new commands. You don't need this.
- When creating a new command, copy this file and delete the parts you
- don't need. Be sure to replace all instances of "skeleton" (upper and lower
- case) with your new command name.
- For simple commands, "hello.c" is probably a better starting point.
- bool "skeleton_alias"
- default n
- help
- usage: skeleton_alias [-dq] [-b NUMBER]
- Example of a second command with different arguments in the same source
- file as the first. This allows shared infrastructure not added to lib/.
-menu "Android"
-# toys/android/getenforce.c
- bool "getenforce"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- help
- usage: getenforce
- Shows whether SELinux is disabled, enforcing, or permissive.
-# toys/android/load_policy.c
- bool "load_policy"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: load_policy FILE
- Load the specified SELinux policy file.
-# toys/android/log.c
-config LOG
- bool "log"
- depends on TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID
- default y
- help
- usage: log [-p PRI] [-t TAG] MESSAGE...
- Logs message to logcat.
- -p Use the given priority instead of INFO:
- -t Use the given tag instead of "log"
-# toys/android/restorecon.c
- bool "restorecon"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: restorecon [-D] [-F] [-R] [-n] [-v] FILE...
- Restores the default security contexts for the given files.
- -D Apply to /data/data too
- -F Force reset
- -R Recurse into directories
- -n Don't make any changes; useful with -v to see what would change
- -v Verbose
-# toys/android/runcon.c
-config RUNCON
- bool "runcon"
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- default y
- help
- usage: runcon CONTEXT COMMAND [ARGS...]
- Run a command in a specified security context.
-# toys/android/sendevent.c
- bool "sendevent"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID
- help
- usage: sendevent DEVICE TYPE CODE VALUE
- Sends a Linux input event.
-# toys/android/setenforce.c
- bool "setenforce"
- default y
- depends on TOYBOX_SELINUX
- help
- usage: setenforce [enforcing|permissive|1|0]
- Sets whether SELinux is enforcing (1) or permissive (0).
diff --git a/android/host/generated/Config.probed b/android/host/generated/Config.probed
deleted file mode 100644
index 413d2896..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/Config.probed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- bool
- default n
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default n
- bool
- default n
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
- bool
- default y
diff --git a/android/host/generated/build.sh b/android/host/generated/build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b8c65514..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-BUILD='cc -Wall -Wundef -Wno-char-subscripts -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -funsigned-char -I . -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -DTOYBOX_VERSION="android-o-mr1-iot-release-1.0.14-80-g88dfc8df55f2"'
-LINK='-Wl,--gc-sections -o generated/unstripped/toybox -Wl,--as-needed -lutil -lcrypt -lm -lresolv -lselinux -lcrypto -lz'
-lib/xwrap.c lib/help.c main.c toys/lsb/hostname.c
diff --git a/android/host/generated/cflags b/android/host/generated/cflags
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/cflags
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/android/host/generated/config2help b/android/host/generated/config2help
deleted file mode 100755
index 98114185..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/config2help
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/android/host/generated/flags.raw b/android/host/generated/flags.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b3b9b6..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/flags.raw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-acpi " " "abctV"
-arp " " "vi:nDsdap:A:H:[+Ap][!sd]"
-arping " " "<1>1s:I:w#<0c#<0AUDbqf[+AU][+Df]"
-ascii " " " "
-base64 " " "diw#<0=76[!dw]"
-basename "<1as:" "<1as:"
-bc "i(interactive)l(mathlib)q(quiet)s(standard)w(warn)" "i(interactive)l(mathlib)q(quiet)s(standard)w(warn)"
-blkid " " "ULs*[!LU]"
-blockdev " " "<1>1(setro)(setrw)(getro)(getss)(getbsz)(setbsz)#<0(getsz)(getsize)(getsize64)(getra)(setra)#<0(flushbufs)(rereadpt)"
-bootchartd " " " "
-brctl " " "<1"
-bunzip2 " " "cftkv"
-bzcat " " " "
-cal " " ">2"
-cat "uvte" "uvte"
-catv " " "vte"
-cd " " " "
-chattr " " " "
-chcon " " "<2hvR"
-chgrp " " "<2hPLHRfv[-HLP]"
-chmod "<2?vRf[-vf]" "<2?vRf[-vf]"
-chroot " " "^<1"
-chrt " " "^mp#<0iRbrfo[!ibrfo]"
-chvt " " "<1"
-cksum " " "HIPLN"
-clear " " " "
-cmp "<2>2ls(silent)(quiet)[!ls]" "<2>2ls(silent)(quiet)[!ls]"
-comm "<2>2321" "<2>2321"
-count " " " "
-cp "<2(preserve):;D(parents)RHLPprdaslvnF(remove-destination)fi[-HLPd][-ni]" "<2(preserve):;D(parents)RHLPprdaslvnF(remove-destination)fi[-HLPd][-ni]"
-cpio " " "(no-preserve-owner)(trailer)mduH:p:|i|t|F:v(verbose)o|[!pio][!pot][!pF]"
-crc32 " " " "
-crond " " "fbSl#<0=8d#<0L:c:[-bf][-LS][-ld]"
-crontab " " "c:u:elr[!elr]"
-cut "b*|c*|f*|F*|C*|O(output-delimiter):d:sDn[!cbf]" "b*|c*|f*|F*|C*|O(output-delimiter):d:sDn[!cbf]"
-date "d:D:r:u[!dr]" "d:D:r:u[!dr]"
-dd " " " "
-deallocvt " " ">1"
-demo_many_options " " "ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
-demo_number " " "D#=3<3hdbs"
-demo_scankey " " " "
-demo_utf8towc " " " "
-devmem " " "<1>3"
-df " " "HPkhit*a[-HPkh]"
-dhcp " " "V:H:F:x*r:O*A#<0=20T#<0=3t#<0=3s:p:i:SBRCaovqnbf"
-dhcp6 " " "r:A#<0T#<0t#<0s:p:i:SRvqnbf"
-dhcpd " " ">1P#<0>65535fi:S46[!46]"
-diff "<2>2(color)(strip-trailing-cr)B(ignore-blank-lines)d(minimal)b(ignore-space-change)ut(expand-tabs)w(ignore-all-space)i(ignore-case)T(initial-tab)s(report-identical-files)q(brief)a(text)L(label)*S(starting-file):N(new-file)r(recursive)U(unified)#<0=3" "<2>2(color)(strip-trailing-cr)B(ignore-blank-lines)d(minimal)b(ignore-space-change)ut(expand-tabs)w(ignore-all-space)i(ignore-case)T(initial-tab)s(report-identical-files)q(brief)a(text)L(label)*S(starting-file):N(new-file)r(recursive)U(unified)#<0=3"
-dirname "<1" "<1"
-dmesg " " "w(follow)CSTtrs#<1n#c[!Ttr][!Cc][!Sw]"
-dos2unix " " " "
-du "d#<0=-1hmlcaHkKLsx[-HL][-kKmh]" "d#<0=-1hmlcaHkKLsx[-HL][-kKmh]"
-dumpleases " " ">0arf:[!ar]"
-echo "^?Een[-eE]" "^?Een[-eE]"
-eject " " ">1stT[!tT]"
-env " " "^0iu*"
-exit " " " "
-expand " " "t*"
-expr " " " "
-factor " " " "
-fallocate " " ">1l#|o#"
-false " " " "
-fdisk " " "C#<0H#<0S#<0b#<512ul"
-file " " "<1hL[!hL]"
-find "?^HL[-HL]" "?^HL[-HL]"
-flock " " "<1>1nsux[-sux]"
-fmt " " "w#<0=75"
-fold " " "bsuw#<1"
-free " " "htgmkb[!htgmkb]"
-freeramdisk " " "<1>1"
-fsck " " "?t:ANPRTVsC#"
-fsfreeze " " "<1>1f|u|[!fu]"
-fstype " " "<1"
-fsync " " "<1d"
-ftpget " " "<2>3P:cp:u:vgslLmMdD[-gs][!gslLmMdD][!clL]"
-getconf ">2al" ">2al"
-getenforce " " ">0"
-getfattr " " "(only-values)dhn:"
-getty " " "<2t#<0H:I:l:f:iwnmLh"
-grep "(line-buffered)(color):;(exclude-dir)*S(exclude)*M(include)*ZzEFHIab(byte-offset)h(no-filename)ino(only-matching)rRsvwcl(files-with-matches)q(quiet)(silent)e*f*C#B#A#m#x[!wx][!EFw]" "(line-buffered)(color):;(exclude-dir)*S(exclude)*M(include)*ZzEFHIab(byte-offset)h(no-filename)ino(only-matching)rRsvwcl(files-with-matches)q(quiet)(silent)e*f*C#B#A#m#x[!wx][!EFw]"
-groupadd " " "<1>2g#<0S"
-groupdel " " "<1>2"
-groups " " " "
-gunzip " " "cdfk123456789[-123456789]"
-gzip " " "cdfk123456789[-123456789]"
-head "?n(lines)#<0=10c(bytes)#<0qv[-nc]" "?n(lines)#<0=10c(bytes)#<0qv[-nc]"
-hello " " " "
-help " " "ah"
-hexedit " " "<1>1r"
-host " " "<1>2avt:"
-hostid " " ">0"
-hostname ">1bdsfF:[!bdsf]" ">1bdsfF:[!bdsf]"
-hwclock " " ">0(fast)f(rtc):u(utc)l(localtime)t(systz)s(hctosys)r(show)w(systohc)[-ul][!rtsw]"
-i2cdetect " " ">3aFly"
-i2cdump " " "<2>2fy"
-i2cget " " "<3>3fy"
-i2cset " " "<4fy"
-iconv " " "cst:f:"
-id ">1nGgru[!Ggu]" ">1ZnGgru[!ZGgu]"
-ifconfig " " "^?aS"
-init " " " "
-inotifyd " " "<2"
-insmod " " "<1"
-install " " "<1cdDpsvm:o:g:"
-ionice " " "^tc#<0>3=2n#<0>7=5p#"
-iorenice " " "?<1>3"
-iotop " " ">0AaKOHk*o*p*u*s#<1=7d%<100=3000m#n#<1bq"
-ip " " " "
-ipcrm " " "m*M*s*S*q*Q*"
-ipcs " " "acptulsqmi#"
-kill " " "?ls: "
-killall " " "?s:ilqvw"
-killall5 " " "?o*ls: [!lo][!ls]"
-klogd " " "c#<1>8n"
-last " " "f:W"
-link " " "<2>2"
-ln "<1vnfs" "<1vnfs"
-load_policy " " "<1>1"
-log " " "<1p:t:"
-logger " " "st:p:"
-login " " ">1f:ph:"
-logname " " ">0"
-logwrapper " " " "
-losetup " " ">2S(sizelimit)#s(show)ro#j:fdcaD[!afj]"
-ls "(color):;(full-time)(show-control-chars)ZgoACFHLRSabcdfhikl@mnpqrstux1[-Cxm1][-Cxml][-Cxmo][-Cxmg][-cu][-ftS][-HL][!qb]" "(color):;(full-time)(show-control-chars)ZgoACFHLRSabcdfhikl@mnpqrstux1[-Cxm1][-Cxml][-Cxmo][-Cxmg][-cu][-ftS][-HL][!qb]"
-lsattr " " "vldaR"
-lsmod " " " "
-lsof " " "lp*t"
-lspci " " "emkn@i:"
-lsusb " " " "
-makedevs " " "<1>1d:"
-man " " "k:M:"
-mcookie " " "v(verbose)V(version)"
-md5sum "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]" "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]"
-mdev " " "s"
-microcom "<1>1s:X" "<1>1s:X"
-mix " " "c:d:l#r#"
-mkdir "<1vp(parent)(parents)m:" "<1Z:vp(parent)(parents)m:"
-mke2fs " " "<1>2g:Fnqm#N#i#b#"
-mkfifo " " "<1Z:m:"
-mknod " " "<2>4m(mode):Z:"
-mkpasswd " " ">2S:m:P#=0<0"
-mkswap " " "<1>1L:"
-mktemp ">1uqd(directory)p(tmpdir):t" ">1uqd(directory)p(tmpdir):t"
-modinfo " " "<1b:k:F:0"
-modprobe " " "alrqvsDbd*"
-more " " " "
-mount " " "?O:afnrvwt:o*[-rw]"
-mountpoint " " "<1qdx[-dx]"
-mv "<2vnF(remove-destination)fi[-ni]" "<2vnF(remove-destination)fi[-ni]"
-nbd_client " " "<3>3ns"
-netcat " " "^tlLw#<1W#<1p#<1>65535q#<1s:f:46uU[!tlL][!Lw][!46U]"
-netstat " " "pWrxwutneal"
-nice " " "^<1n#"
-nl " " "v#=1l#w#<0=6Eb:n:s:"
-nohup " " "<1^"
-nproc " " "(all)"
-nsenter " " "<1F(no-fork)t#<1(target)i:(ipc);m:(mount);n:(net);p:(pid);u:(uts);U:(user);"
-od "j#vw#<1=16N#xsodcbA:t*" "j#vw#<1=16N#xsodcbA:t*"
-oneit " " "^<1nc:p3[!pn]"
-openvt " " "c#<1>63sw"
-partprobe " " "<1"
-passwd " " ">1a:dlu"
-paste "d:s" "d:s"
-patch "(dry-run)ulp#d:i:Rs(quiet)" "(dry-run)xulp#d:i:Rs(quiet)"
-pgrep " " "?cld:u*U*t*s*P*g*G*fnovxL:[-no]"
-pidof " " "<1so:x"
-ping " " "<1>1m#t#<0>255=64c#<0=3s#<0>4088=56i%W#<0=3w#<0qf46I:[-46]"
-pivot_root " " "<2>2"
-pkill " " "?Vu*U*t*s*P*g*G*fnovxl:[-no]"
-pmap " " "<1xq"
-printenv " " "0(null)"
-printf " " "<1?^"
-ps " " "k(sort)*P(ppid)*aAdeflMno*O*p(pid)*s*t*Tu*U*g*G*wZ[!ol][+Ae][!oO]"
-pwd ">0LP[-LP]" ">0LP[-LP]"
-pwdx " " "<1a"
-readahead " " " "
-readlink "<1>1nqmef(canonicalize)[-mef]" "<1>1nqmef(canonicalize)[-mef]"
-realpath "<1" "<1"
-reboot " " "fn"
-renice " " "<1gpun#|"
-reset " " " "
-restorecon " " "<1DFnRrv"
-rev " " " "
-rfkill " " "<1>2"
-rm "fiRrv[-fi]" "fiRrv[-fi]"
-rmdir "<1p" "<1p"
-rmmod " " "<1wf"
-route " " "?neA:"
-runcon " " "<2"
-sed "(help)(version)e*f*i:;nErz(null-data)[+Er]" "(help)(version)e*f*i:;nErz(null-data)[+Er]"
-sendevent " " "<4>4"
-seq "<1>3?f:s:w[!fw]" "<1>3?f:s:w[!fw]"
-setenforce " " "<1>1"
-setfattr " " "hn:|v:x:|[!xv]"
-setsid " " "^<1t"
-sh " " "c:i"
-sha1sum "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]" "bc(check)s(status)[!bc]"
-shred " " "<1zxus#<1n#<1o#<0f"
-skeleton " " "(walrus)(blubber):;(also):e@d*c#b:a"
-skeleton_alias " " "b#dq"
-sleep " " "<1"
-sntp " " "M:m:Sp:asdDqr#<4>17=10[!as]"
-sort "gS:T:mo:k*t:xVbMcszdfirun" "gS:T:mo:k*t:xVbMcszdfirun"
-split " " ">2a#<1=2>9b#<1l#<1[!bl]"
-stat "<1c:(format)fLt" "<1c:(format)fLt"
-strings " " "t:an#=4<1fo"
-stty " " "?aF:g[!ag]"
-su " " "^lmpu:g:c:s:[!lmp]"
-sulogin " " "t#<0=0"
-swapoff " " "<1>1"
-swapon " " "<1>1p#<0>32767d"
-switch_root " " "<2c:h"
-sync " " " "
-sysctl " " "^neNqwpaA[!ap][!aq][!aw][+aA]"
-syslogd " " ">0l#<1>8=8R:b#<0>99=1s#<0=200m#<0>71582787=20O:p:f:a:nSKLD"
-tac " " " "
-tail "?fc-n-[-cn]" "?fc-n-[-cn]"
-tar "&(restrict)(full-time)(no-recursion)(numeric-owner)(no-same-permissions)(overwrite)(exclude)*(mode):(mtime):(group):(owner):(to-command):o(no-same-owner)p(same-permissions)k(keep-old)c(create)|h(dereference)x(extract)|t(list)|v(verbose)J(xz)j(bzip2)z(gzip)S(sparse)O(to-stdout)m(touch)X(exclude-from)*T(files-from)*C(directory):f(file):a[!txc][!jzJa]" "&(restrict)(full-time)(no-recursion)(numeric-owner)(no-same-permissions)(overwrite)(exclude)*(mode):(mtime):(group):(owner):(to-command):o(no-same-owner)p(same-permissions)k(keep-old)c(create)|h(dereference)x(extract)|t(list)|v(verbose)J(xz)j(bzip2)z(gzip)S(sparse)O(to-stdout)m(touch)X(exclude-from)*T(files-from)*C(directory):f(file):a[!txc][!jzJa]"
-taskset " " "<1^pa"
-tcpsvd " " "^<3c#=30<1C:b#=20<0u:l:hEv"
-tee "ia" "ia"
-telnet " " "<1>2"
-telnetd " " "w#<0b:p#<0>65535=23f:l:FSKi[!wi]"
-test " " " "
-tftp " " "<1b#<8>65464r:l:g|p|[!gp]"
-tftpd " " "rcu:l"
-time " " "<1^pv"
-timeout "<2^(foreground)(preserve-status)vk:s(signal):" "<2^(foreground)(preserve-status)vk:s(signal):"
-top " " ">0O*Hk*o*p*u*s#<1d%<100=3000m#n#<1bq[!oO]"
-touch "<1acd:fmr:t:h[!dtr]" "<1acd:fmr:t:h[!dtr]"
-toybox " " " "
-tr "^>2<1Ccsd[+cC]" "^>2<1Ccsd[+cC]"
-traceroute " " "<1>2i:f#<1>255=1z#<0>86400=0g*w#<0>86400=5t#<0>255=0s:q#<1>255=3p#<1>65535=33434m#<1>255=30rvndlIUF64"
-true " " " "
-truncate " " "<1s:|c"
-tty " " "s"
-tunctl " " "<1>1t|d|u:T[!td]"
-ulimit " " ">1P#<1SHavutsrRqpnmlifedc[-SH][!apvutsrRqnmlifedc]"
-umount " " "cndDflrat*v[!na]"
-uname "oamvrns[+os]" "oamvrns[+os]"
-uniq "f#s#w#zicdu" "f#s#w#zicdu"
-unix2dos " " " "
-unlink " " "<1>1"
-unshare " " "<1^f(fork);r(map-root-user);i:(ipc);m:(mount);n:(net);p:(pid);u:(uts);U:(user);"
-uptime " " ">0ps"
-useradd " " "<1>2u#<0G:s:g:h:SDH"
-userdel " " "<1>1r"
-usleep " " "<1"
-uudecode " " ">1o:"
-uuencode " " "<1>2m"
-uuidgen " " ">0r(random)"
-vconfig " " "<2>4"
-vi " " "<1>1"
-vmstat " " ">2n"
-w " " " "
-watch " " "^<1n%<100=2000tebx"
-wc "mcwl" "mcwl"
-wget " " "f:"
-which "<1a" "<1a"
-who " " "a"
-xargs "^E:ptrn#<1s#0[!0E]" "^E:ptrn#<1s#0[!0E]"
-xxd ">1c#l#o#g#<1=2iprs#[!rs]" ">1c#l#o#g#<1=2iprs#[!rs]"
-xzcat " " " "
-yes " " " "
-zcat " " "cdfk123456789[-123456789]"
diff --git a/android/host/generated/mkflags b/android/host/generated/mkflags
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c9541d4..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/mkflags
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/android/host/generated/mktags b/android/host/generated/mktags
deleted file mode 100755
index 14fc05bf..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/mktags
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/android/host/generated/optlibs.dat b/android/host/generated/optlibs.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb3176f..00000000
--- a/android/host/generated/optlibs.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@