# Copyright 2015-2017 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import pandas as pd import unittest from trappy.plotter import AttrConf from trappy.plotter.Constraint import Constraint, ConstraintManager class TestConstraintManager(unittest.TestCase): """Test trappy.plotter.ConstraintManager""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init some common data for the tests""" self.dfrs = [pd.DataFrame({"load": [1, 2, 2, 3], "freq": [2, 3, 3, 4], "cpu": [0, 1, 0, 1]}), pd.DataFrame({"load": [2, 3, 2, 1], "freq": [1, 2, 2, 1], "cpu": [1, 0, 1, 0]})] self.cols = ["load", "freq"] super(TestConstraintManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def test_one_constraint(self): """Test that the constraint manager works with one constraint""" dfr = self.dfrs[0] c_mgr = ConstraintManager(dfr, "load", None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 1) constraint = iter(c_mgr).next() series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(series.to_dict().values(), dfr["load"].to_dict().values()) def test_no_pivot_multiple_traces(self): """Test that the constraint manager works with multiple traces and no pivots""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs, "load", None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 2) for constraint, orig_dfr in zip(c_mgr, self.dfrs): series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(series.to_dict().values(), orig_dfr["load"].to_dict().values()) def test_no_pivot_zipped_columns_and_traces(self): """Test the constraint manager with multiple columns and traces zipped""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs, self.cols, None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 2) for constraint, orig_dfr, col in zip(c_mgr, self.dfrs, self.cols): series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(series.to_dict().values(), orig_dfr[col].to_dict().values()) def test_no_pivot_multicolumns_multitraces(self): """Test the constraint manager with multiple traces that can have each multiple columns""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs, self.cols, None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}, zip_constraints=False) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 4) expected_series = [dfr[col] for dfr in self.dfrs for col in self.cols] for constraint, orig_series in zip(c_mgr, expected_series): series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(series.to_dict(), orig_series.to_dict()) def test_no_pivot_filters(self): """Test the constraint manager with filters""" simple_filter = {"freq": [2]} c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs, "load", None, AttrConf.PIVOT, simple_filter) num_constraints = len(c_mgr) self.assertEquals(num_constraints, 2) constraint_iter = iter(c_mgr) constraint = constraint_iter.next() self.assertEquals(len(constraint.result), 1) constraint = constraint_iter.next() series_second_frame = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(series_second_frame.to_dict().values(), [3, 2]) def test_pivoted_data(self): """Test the constraint manager with a pivot and one trace""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs[0], "load", None, "cpu", {}) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 1) constraint = iter(c_mgr).next() results = dict([(k, v.to_dict().values()) for k, v in constraint.result.items()]) expected_results = {0: [1, 2], 1: [2, 3]} self.assertEquals(results, expected_results) def test_pivoted_multitrace(self): """Test the constraint manager with a pivot and multiple traces""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs, "load", None, "cpu", {}) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 2) constraint_iter = iter(c_mgr) constraint = constraint_iter.next() self.assertEquals(constraint.result[0].to_dict().values(), [1, 2]) constraint = constraint_iter.next() self.assertEquals(constraint.result[1].to_dict().values(), [2, 2]) def test_pivoted_multitraces_multicolumns(self): """Test the constraint manager with multiple traces and columns""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs, ["load", "freq"], None, "cpu", {}) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 2) constraint_iter = iter(c_mgr) constraint = constraint_iter.next() self.assertEquals(constraint.result[1].to_dict().values(), [2, 3]) constraint = constraint_iter.next() self.assertEquals(constraint.result[0].to_dict().values(), [2, 1]) def test_pivoted_with_filters(self): """Test the constraint manager with pivoted data and filters""" simple_filter = {"load": [2]} c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs[0], "freq", None, "cpu", simple_filter) self.assertEquals(len(c_mgr), 1) constraint = iter(c_mgr).next() result = constraint.result self.assertEquals(result[0].iloc[0], 3) self.assertEquals(result[1].iloc[0], 3) def test_constraint_with_window(self): """Test that the constraint manager can constraint to a window of time""" c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs[0], "freq", None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}, window=(1, 3)) constraint = iter(c_mgr).next() series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(len(series), 3) # For the graph to plot a value at 0.75, the resulting series # must contain the value before 0.75. Same for the upper limit. c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs[0], "freq", None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}, window=(0.75, 1.5)) constraint = iter(c_mgr).next() series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(series.index.tolist(), [0, 1, 2]) c_mgr = ConstraintManager(self.dfrs[0], "freq", None, AttrConf.PIVOT, {}, window=(0, 2)) constraint = iter(c_mgr).next() series = constraint.result[AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL] self.assertEquals(len(series), 3) class TestConstraint(unittest.TestCase): def test_str_constraint(self): """str(constraint) doesn't fail when the column is not a string""" dfr = pd.DataFrame({12: [1, 2, 3], 13: [3, 4, 5]}) constraint = Constraint(dfr, AttrConf.PIVOT, 12, template=None, trace_index=0, filters={}, window=None) self.assertEqual(str(constraint), "DataFrame 0:12")