# Copyright 2015-2017 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """The idea is to create a wrapper class that returns a Type of a Class dynamically created based on the input parameters. Similar to a factory design pattern """ from trappy.base import Base import re from trappy.ftrace import GenericFTrace def default_init(self): """Default Constructor for the Dynamic MetaClass. This is used for the dynamic object creation in :mod:`trappy.dynamic.DynamicTypeFactory` """ kwords = {} try: kwords["parse_raw"] = self.parse_raw except AttributeError: pass super(type(self), self).__init__(**kwords) class DynamicTypeFactory(type): """Override the type class to create a dynamic type on the fly. This Factory class is used internally by :mod:`trappy.dynamic.register_dynamic_ftrace` """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): """Override the new method""" return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): """Override the constructor""" super(DynamicTypeFactory, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) def _get_name(name): """Internal Method to Change camelcase to underscores. CamelCase -> camel_case """ return re.sub('(?!^)([A-Z]+)', r'_\1', name).lower() def register_dynamic_ftrace(class_name, unique_word, scope="all", parse_raw=False, pivot=None): """Create a Dynamic FTrace parser and register it with any FTrace parsing classes :param class_name: The name of the class to be registered (Should be in CamelCase) :type class_name: str :param unique_word: The unique_word to be matched in the trace :type unique_word: str :param scope: Registry Scope (Can be used to constrain the parsing of events and group them together) :type scope: str :param parse_raw: If, true, raw trace output (-R flag) will be used :type parse_raw: bool :param pivot: The data column about which the data can be grouped :type pivot: str For example if a new unique word :code:`my_unique_word` has to be registered with TRAPpy: :: import trappy custom_class = trappy.register_dynamic_ftrace("MyEvent", "my_unique_word") trace = trappy.FTrace("/path/to/trace_file") # New data member created in the ftrace object trace.my_event .. note:: The name of the member is :code:`my_event` from **MyEvent** :return: A class object of type :mod:`trappy.base.Base` """ kwords = { "__init__": default_init, "unique_word": unique_word, "name": _get_name(class_name), "parse_raw" : parse_raw, } if pivot: kwords["pivot"] = pivot dyn_class = DynamicTypeFactory(class_name, (Base,), kwords) GenericFTrace.register_parser(dyn_class, scope) return dyn_class def register_ftrace_parser(cls, scope="all"): """Register a new FTrace parser class implementation Should be used when the class has complex helper methods and does not expect to use the default constructor. :param cls: The class to be registered for enabling the parsing of an event in trace :type cls: :mod:`trappy.base.Base` :param scope: scope of this parser class. The scope can be used to restrict the parsing done on an individual file. Currently the only scopes available are "sched", "thermal" or "all" :type scope: string """ # Check the argspec of the class GenericFTrace.register_parser(cls, scope) def unregister_ftrace_parser(ftrace_parser): """Unregister an ftrace parser :param ftrace_parser: An ftrace parser class that was registered with register_ftrace_parser() or register_dynamic_ftrace(). If done with the latter, the cls parameter is the return value of register_dynamic_ftrace() :type ftrace_parser: class derived from :mod:`trappy.base.Base` """ GenericFTrace.unregister_parser(ftrace_parser)