# Copyright 2015-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Parse the results from a Workload Automation run and show it in a "pretty" table """ import os import collections, csv, re import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt class Result(pd.DataFrame): """A DataFrame-like class for storing benchmark results""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Result, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ax = None def init_fig(self): _, self.ax = plt.subplots() def enlarge_axis(self, data): """Make sure that the axis don't clobber some of the data""" (_, _, plot_y_min, plot_y_max) = plt.axis() concat_data = pd.concat(data[s] for s in data) data_min = min(concat_data) data_max = max(concat_data) # A good margin can be 10% of the data range margin = (data_max - data_min) / 10 if margin < 1: margin = 1 update_axis = False if data_min <= plot_y_min: plot_y_min = data_min - margin update_axis = True if data_max >= plot_y_max: plot_y_max = data_max + margin update_axis = True if update_axis: self.ax.set_ylim(plot_y_min, plot_y_max) def plot_results_benchmark(self, benchmark, title=None): """Plot the results of the execution of a given benchmark A title is added to the plot if title is not supplied """ if title is None: title = benchmark.replace('_', ' ') title = title.title() self[benchmark].plot(ax=self.ax, kind="bar", title=title) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, .5), loc=6) def plot_results(self): for bench in self.columns.levels[0]: self.plot_results_benchmark(bench) def get_run_number(metric): found = False run_number = None if re.match("Overall_Score|score|FPS", metric): found = True match = re.search(r"(.+)[ _](\d+)", metric) if match: run_number = int(match.group(2)) if match.group(1) == "Overall_Score": run_number -= 1 else: run_number = 0 return (found, run_number) def get_results(path=".", name=None): """Return a pd.DataFrame with the results The DataFrame's rows are the scores. The first column is the benchmark name and the second the id within it. For benchmarks that have a score result, that's what's used. For benchmarks with FPS_* result, that's the score. E.g. glbenchmarks "score" is it's fps. An optional name argument can be passed. If supplied, it overrides the name in the results file. """ bench_dict = collections.OrderedDict() if os.path.isdir(path): path = os.path.join(path, "results.csv") with open(path) as fin: results = csv.reader(fin) for row in results: (is_result, run_number) = get_run_number(row[3]) if is_result: if name: run_id = name else: run_id = re.sub(r"_\d+", r"", row[0]) bench = row[1] try: result = int(row[4]) except ValueError: result = float(row[4]) if bench in bench_dict: if run_id in bench_dict[bench]: if run_number not in bench_dict[bench][run_id]: bench_dict[bench][run_id][run_number] = result else: bench_dict[bench][run_id] = {run_number: result} else: bench_dict[bench] = {run_id: {run_number: result}} bench_dfrs = {} for bench, run_id_dict in bench_dict.iteritems(): bench_dfrs[bench] = pd.DataFrame(run_id_dict) return Result(pd.concat(bench_dfrs.values(), axis=1, keys=bench_dfrs.keys())) def combine_results(data): """Combine two DataFrame results into one The data should be an array of results like the ones returned by get_results() or have the same structure. The returned DataFrame has two column indexes. The first one is the benchmark and the second one is the key for the result. """ res_dict = {} for benchmark in data[0].columns.levels[0]: concat_objs = [d[benchmark] for d in data] res_dict[benchmark] = pd.concat(concat_objs, axis=1) combined = pd.concat(res_dict.values(), axis=1, keys=res_dict.keys()) return Result(combined)