/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.turbine.bytecode; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.turbine.bytecode.ClassFile.AnnotationInfo.ElementValue; import com.google.turbine.model.Const; import com.google.turbine.model.Const.Value; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jspecify.nullness.Nullable; /** A JVMS §4.1 ClassFile. */ public class ClassFile { private final int access; private final String name; private final @Nullable String signature; private final @Nullable String superClass; private final List interfaces; private final List methods; private final List fields; private final List annotations; private final List innerClasses; private final ImmutableList typeAnnotations; private final @Nullable ModuleInfo module; private final @Nullable String transitiveJar; public ClassFile( int access, String name, @Nullable String signature, @Nullable String superClass, List interfaces, List methods, List fields, List annotations, List innerClasses, ImmutableList typeAnnotations, @Nullable ModuleInfo module, @Nullable String transitiveJar) { this.access = access; this.name = name; this.signature = signature; this.superClass = superClass; this.interfaces = interfaces; this.methods = methods; this.fields = fields; this.annotations = annotations; this.innerClasses = innerClasses; this.typeAnnotations = typeAnnotations; this.module = module; this.transitiveJar = transitiveJar; } /** Class access and property flags. */ public int access() { return access; } /** The name of the class or interface. */ public String name() { return name; } /** The value of the Signature attribute. */ public @Nullable String signature() { return signature; } /** The super class. */ public @Nullable String superName() { return superClass; } /** The direct superinterfaces. */ public List interfaces() { return interfaces; } /** Methods declared by this class or interfaces type. */ public List methods() { return methods; } /** Fields declared by this class or interfaces type. */ public List fields() { return fields; } /** Declaration annotations of the class. */ public List annotations() { return annotations; } /** Inner class information. */ public List innerClasses() { return innerClasses; } /** Type annotations. */ public ImmutableList typeAnnotations() { return typeAnnotations; } /** A module attribute. */ @Nullable public ModuleInfo module() { return module; } /** The original jar of a repackaged transitive class. */ @Nullable public String transitiveJar() { return transitiveJar; } /** The contents of a JVMS §4.5 field_info structure. */ public static class FieldInfo { private final int access; private final String name; private final String descriptor; private final @Nullable String signature; private final @Nullable Value value; private final List annotations; private final ImmutableList typeAnnotations; public FieldInfo( int access, String name, String descriptor, @Nullable String signature, @Nullable Value value, List annotations, ImmutableList typeAnnotations) { this.access = access; this.name = name; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.signature = signature; this.value = value; this.annotations = annotations; this.typeAnnotations = typeAnnotations; } /** Field access and property flags. */ public int access() { return access; } /** The name of the field. */ public String name() { return name; } /** The descriptor. */ public String descriptor() { return descriptor; } /** The value of Signature attribute. */ @Nullable public String signature() { return signature; } /** The compile-time constant value. */ public Const.@Nullable Value value() { return value; } /** Declaration annotations of the field. */ public List annotations() { return annotations; } /** Type annotations. */ public ImmutableList typeAnnotations() { return typeAnnotations; } } /** A JVMS §4.7.6 InnerClasses attribute. */ public static class InnerClass { private final String innerClass; private final String outerClass; private final String innerName; private final int access; public InnerClass(String innerClass, String outerClass, String innerName, int access) { this.innerClass = requireNonNull(innerClass); this.outerClass = requireNonNull(outerClass); this.innerName = requireNonNull(innerName); this.access = access; } /** The binary name of the inner class. */ public String innerClass() { return innerClass; } /** The binary name of the enclosing class. */ public String outerClass() { return outerClass; } /** The simple name of the inner class. */ public String innerName() { return innerName; } /** Access and property flags of the inner class; see JVMS table 4.8. */ public int access() { return access; } } /** The contents of a JVMS §4.6 method_info structure. */ public static class MethodInfo { private final int access; private final String name; private final String descriptor; @Nullable private final String signature; private final List exceptions; private final AnnotationInfo.@Nullable ElementValue defaultValue; private final List annotations; private final ImmutableList> parameterAnnotations; private final ImmutableList typeAnnotations; private final ImmutableList parameters; public MethodInfo( int access, String name, String descriptor, @Nullable String signature, List exceptions, @Nullable ElementValue defaultValue, List annotations, ImmutableList> parameterAnnotations, ImmutableList typeAnnotations, ImmutableList parameters) { this.access = access; this.name = name; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.signature = signature; this.exceptions = exceptions; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.annotations = annotations; this.parameterAnnotations = parameterAnnotations; this.typeAnnotations = typeAnnotations; this.parameters = parameters; } /** Method access and property flags. */ public int access() { return access; } /** The name of the method. */ public String name() { return name; } /** The descriptor. */ public String descriptor() { return descriptor; } /** The value of Signature attribute. */ @Nullable public String signature() { return signature; } /** The value of Exceptions attribute. */ public List exceptions() { return exceptions; } /** The value of the AnnotationDefault attribute. */ public AnnotationInfo.@Nullable ElementValue defaultValue() { return defaultValue; } /** Declaration annotations of the method. */ public List annotations() { return annotations; } /** Declaration annotations of the formal parameters. */ public ImmutableList> parameterAnnotations() { return parameterAnnotations; } /** Type annotations. */ public ImmutableList typeAnnotations() { return typeAnnotations; } /** Formal parameters. */ public ImmutableList parameters() { return parameters; } /** A formal parameter. */ public static class ParameterInfo { private final String name; private final int access; public ParameterInfo(String name, int access) { this.name = name; this.access = access; } /** Returns the parameter's name. */ public String name() { return name; } /** Returns the parameter's modifiers. */ public int access() { return access; } } } /** The contents of a JVMS §4.7.16 annotation structure. */ public static class AnnotationInfo { private final String typeName; private final boolean runtimeVisible; private final Map elementValuePairs; public AnnotationInfo( String typeName, boolean runtimeVisible, Map elementValuePairs) { this.typeName = typeName; this.runtimeVisible = runtimeVisible; this.elementValuePairs = elementValuePairs; } /** The JVMS §4.3.2 field descriptor for the type of the annotation. */ public String typeName() { return typeName; } /** Returns true if the annotation is visible at runtime. */ public boolean isRuntimeVisible() { return runtimeVisible; } /** The element-value pairs of the annotation. */ public Map elementValuePairs() { return elementValuePairs; } /** A value of a JVMS § element-value pair. */ public interface ElementValue { /** The value kind. */ ElementValue.Kind kind(); /** Element value kinds. */ enum Kind { ENUM, CONST, ARRAY, CLASS, ANNOTATION } /** An enum constant value. */ class EnumConstValue implements ElementValue { private final String typeName; private final String constName; public EnumConstValue(String typeName, String constName) { this.typeName = typeName; this.constName = constName; } @Override public ElementValue.Kind kind() { return ElementValue.Kind.ENUM; } /** The type of the enum. */ public String typeName() { return typeName; } /** The name of the enum constant. */ public String constName() { return constName; } } /** A primitive or string constant value. */ class ConstValue implements ElementValue { private final Const.Value value; public ConstValue(Const.Value value) { this.value = value; } @Override public ElementValue.Kind kind() { return ElementValue.Kind.CONST; } /** The constant value. */ public Const.Value value() { return value; } } /** A constant array value. */ class ArrayValue implements ElementValue { private final List elements; public ArrayValue(List elements) { this.elements = elements; } @Override public ElementValue.Kind kind() { return ElementValue.Kind.ARRAY; } /** The elements of the array. */ public List elements() { return elements; } } /** A constant class literal value. */ class ConstTurbineClassValue implements ElementValue { private final String className; public ConstTurbineClassValue(String className) { this.className = className; } @Override public ElementValue.Kind kind() { return ElementValue.Kind.CLASS; } /** The class name. */ public String className() { return className; } } /** A nested annotation value. */ class ConstTurbineAnnotationValue implements ElementValue { private final AnnotationInfo annotation; public ConstTurbineAnnotationValue(AnnotationInfo annotation) { this.annotation = annotation; } @Override public ElementValue.Kind kind() { return ElementValue.Kind.ANNOTATION; } /** The annotation. */ public AnnotationInfo annotation() { return annotation; } } } } /** The contents of a JVMS §4.7.20 type annotation structure. */ public static class TypeAnnotationInfo { private final TargetType targetType; private final Target target; private final TypePath path; private final AnnotationInfo anno; public TypeAnnotationInfo( TargetType targetType, Target target, TypePath path, AnnotationInfo anno) { this.targetType = targetType; this.target = target; this.path = path; this.anno = anno; } /** * The underlying annotation info (type, visibility, element-value pairs); shared with * declaration annotations. */ public AnnotationInfo anno() { return anno; } /** A JVMS 4.7.20 target_type kind, denotes the type context where the annotation appears. */ public TargetType targetType() { return targetType; } /** A JVMS 4.7.20 target_info structure. */ public Target target() { return target; } /** * A JVMS 4.7.20 type_path structure, denotes which part of the type the annotation applies to. */ public TypePath path() { return path; } /** A JVMS 4.7.20 target_type kind. */ public enum TargetType { CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER(0x00), METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER(0x01), SUPERTYPE(0x10), CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND(0x11), METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND(0x12), FIELD(0x13), METHOD_RETURN(0x14), METHOD_RECEIVER_PARAMETER(0x15), METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER(0x16), METHOD_THROWS(0x17); private final int tag; TargetType(int tag) { this.tag = tag; } public int tag() { return tag; } } /** A JVMS 4.7.20 target_info. */ public abstract static class Target { /** Target info kind. */ public enum Kind { TYPE_PARAMETER, SUPERTYPE, TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND, EMPTY, FORMAL_PARAMETER, THROWS; } /** Returns the target info kind. */ public abstract Target.Kind kind(); } /** A JVMS type_parameter_target. */ public static class TypeParameterTarget extends Target { private final int index; public TypeParameterTarget(int index) { this.index = index; } public int index() { return index; } @Override public Target.Kind kind() { return Target.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER; } } /** A JVMS supertype_target. */ public static class SuperTypeTarget extends Target { private final int index; public SuperTypeTarget(int index) { this.index = index; } @Override public Target.Kind kind() { return Target.Kind.SUPERTYPE; } public int index() { return index; } } /** A JVMS type_parameter_bound_target. */ public static class TypeParameterBoundTarget extends Target { private final int typeParameterIndex; private final int boundIndex; public TypeParameterBoundTarget(int typeParameterIndex, int boundIndex) { this.typeParameterIndex = typeParameterIndex; this.boundIndex = boundIndex; } @Override public Target.Kind kind() { return Target.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND; } public int typeParameterIndex() { return typeParameterIndex; } public int boundIndex() { return boundIndex; } } /** A JVMS empty_target. */ public static final Target EMPTY_TARGET = new Target() { @Override public Target.Kind kind() { return Target.Kind.EMPTY; } }; /** A JVMS formal_parameter_target. */ public static class FormalParameterTarget extends Target { private final int index; public FormalParameterTarget(int index) { this.index = index; } @Override public Target.Kind kind() { return Target.Kind.FORMAL_PARAMETER; } public int index() { return index; } } /** A JVMS throws_target. */ public static class ThrowsTarget extends Target { private final int index; public ThrowsTarget(int index) { this.index = index; } @Override public Target.Kind kind() { return Target.Kind.THROWS; } public int index() { return index; } } /** * A JVMS type_path. * *

Represented as an immutable linked-list of nodes, which is built out by {@code Lower} * while recursively searching for type annotations to process. */ public static class TypePath { /** The root type_path_kind, used for initialization. */ public static TypePath root() { return new TypePath(null, null); } /** Adds an array type_path_kind entry. */ public TypePath array() { return new TypePath(TypePath.Kind.ARRAY, this); } /** Adds a nested type type_path_kind entry. */ public TypePath nested() { return new TypePath(TypePath.Kind.NESTED, this); } /** Adds a wildcard bound type_path_kind entry. */ public TypePath wild() { return new TypePath(TypePath.Kind.WILDCARD_BOUND, this); } /** Adds a type argument type_path_kind entry. */ public TypePath typeArgument(int idx) { return new TypePath(idx, TypePath.Kind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, this); } /** A type_path_kind. */ enum Kind { ARRAY(0), NESTED(1), WILDCARD_BOUND(2), TYPE_ARGUMENT(3); final int tag; Kind(int tag) { this.tag = tag; } } private final @Nullable TypePath parent; private final TypePath.@Nullable Kind kind; private final int index; private TypePath(TypePath.@Nullable Kind kind, @Nullable TypePath parent) { // JVMS type_argument_index is 0 if the bound kind is not TYPE_ARGUMENT this(0, kind, parent); } private TypePath(int index, TypePath.@Nullable Kind kind, @Nullable TypePath parent) { this.index = index; this.kind = kind; this.parent = parent; } /** The type argument index; set only if the kind is {@code TYPE_ARGUMENT}. */ public int typeArgumentIndex() { return index; } /** The JVMS serialized value of the type_path_kind. */ public byte tag() { return (byte) requireNonNull(kind).tag; } /** Returns a flattened view of the type path. */ public ImmutableList flatten() { Deque flat = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (TypePath curr = this; requireNonNull(curr).kind != null; curr = curr.parent) { flat.addFirst(curr); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(flat); } } } /** A JVMS 4.7.25 module attribute. */ public static class ModuleInfo { private final String name; private final @Nullable String version; private final int flags; private final ImmutableList requires; private final ImmutableList exports; private final ImmutableList opens; private final ImmutableList uses; private final ImmutableList provides; public ModuleInfo( String name, int flags, @Nullable String version, ImmutableList requires, ImmutableList exports, ImmutableList opens, ImmutableList uses, ImmutableList provides) { this.name = name; this.flags = flags; this.version = version; this.requires = requires; this.exports = exports; this.opens = opens; this.uses = uses; this.provides = provides; } public String name() { return name; } public int flags() { return flags; } public @Nullable String version() { return version; } public ImmutableList requires() { return requires; } public ImmutableList exports() { return exports; } public ImmutableList opens() { return opens; } public ImmutableList uses() { return uses; } public ImmutableList provides() { return provides; } /** A JVMS 4.7.25 module requires directive. */ public static class RequireInfo { private final String moduleName; private final int flags; private final @Nullable String version; public RequireInfo(String moduleName, int flags, @Nullable String version) { this.moduleName = moduleName; this.flags = flags; this.version = version; } public String moduleName() { return moduleName; } public int flags() { return flags; } public @Nullable String version() { return version; } } /** A JVMS 4.7.25 module exports directive. */ public static class ExportInfo { private final String moduleName; private final int flags; private final ImmutableList modules; public ExportInfo(String moduleName, int flags, ImmutableList modules) { this.moduleName = moduleName; this.flags = flags; this.modules = modules; } public String moduleName() { return moduleName; } public int flags() { return flags; } public ImmutableList modules() { return modules; } } /** A JVMS 4.7.25 module opens directive. */ public static class OpenInfo { private final String moduleName; private final int flags; private final ImmutableList modules; public OpenInfo(String moduleName, int flags, ImmutableList modules) { this.moduleName = moduleName; this.flags = flags; this.modules = modules; } public String moduleName() { return moduleName; } public int flags() { return flags; } public ImmutableList modules() { return modules; } } /** A JVMS 4.7.25 module uses directive. */ public static class UseInfo { private final String descriptor; public UseInfo(String descriptor) { this.descriptor = descriptor; } public String descriptor() { return descriptor; } } /** A JVMS 4.7.25 module provides directive. */ public static class ProvideInfo { private final String descriptor; private final ImmutableList implDescriptors; public ProvideInfo(String descriptor, ImmutableList implDescriptors) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.implDescriptors = implDescriptors; } public String descriptor() { return descriptor; } public ImmutableList implDescriptors() { return implDescriptors; } } } }