path: root/src/main/javatest/com/google/security/cryptauth/lib/securegcm/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/javatest/com/google/security/cryptauth/lib/securegcm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
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-// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
- * Android compatible tests for the {@link EnrollmentCryptoOps} class.
- */
-public class EnrollmentCryptoOpsTest extends TestCase {
- private static final long DEVICE_ID = 1234567890L;
- private static final byte[] GCM_REGISTRATION_ID = { -0x80, 0, -0x80, 0, -0x80, 0 };
- private static final String DEVICE_MODEL = "TEST DEVICE";
- private static final String LOCALE = "en";
- private static final byte[] SESSION_ID = { 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 };
- private static final String OAUTH_TOKEN = "1/23456etc";
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- KeyEncodingTest.installSunEcSecurityProviderIfNecessary();
- assertEquals(
- PublicKeyProtoUtil.isLegacyCryptoRequired(), KeyEncoding.isLegacyCryptoRequired());
- super.setUp();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- KeyEncoding.setSimulateLegacyCrypto(false);
- super.tearDown();
- }
- public void testSimulatedEnrollment() throws Exception {
- boolean isLegacy = KeyEncoding.isLegacyCryptoRequired();
- // Step 1: Server generates an ephemeral DH key pair, saves the private key, and sends
- // the public key to the client as server_ephemeral_key.
- KeyPair serverEphemeralKeyPair =
- EnrollmentCryptoOps.generateEnrollmentKeyAgreementKeyPair(isLegacy);
- byte[] savedServerPrivateKey =
- KeyEncoding.encodeKeyAgreementPrivateKey(serverEphemeralKeyPair.getPrivate());
- byte[] serverEphemeralKey = KeyEncoding.encodeKeyAgreementPublicKey(
- serverEphemeralKeyPair.getPublic());
- // Step 2a: Client generates an ephemeral DH key pair, and completes the DH key exchange
- // to derive the master key.
- KeyPair clientEphemeralKeyPair =
- EnrollmentCryptoOps.generateEnrollmentKeyAgreementKeyPair(isLegacy);
- byte[] clientEphemeralKey = KeyEncoding.encodeKeyAgreementPublicKey(
- clientEphemeralKeyPair.getPublic());
- SecretKey clientMasterKey = EnrollmentCryptoOps.doKeyAgreement(
- clientEphemeralKeyPair.getPrivate(),
- KeyEncoding.parseKeyAgreementPublicKey(serverEphemeralKey));
- // Step 2b: Client generates its user key pair, and fills in a GcmDeviceInfo message containing
- // the enrollment request (which includes the user public key).
- KeyPair userKeyPair = isLegacy ? PublicKeyProtoUtil.generateRSA2048KeyPair()
- : PublicKeyProtoUtil.generateEcP256KeyPair();
- GcmDeviceInfo clientInfo = createGcmDeviceInfo(userKeyPair.getPublic(), clientMasterKey);
- // Step 2c: Client signcrypts the enrollment request to the server, using a combination of the
- // master key and its user signing key.
- byte[] enrollmentMessage = EnrollmentCryptoOps.encryptEnrollmentMessage(
- clientInfo, clientMasterKey, userKeyPair.getPrivate());
- // Step 3a: Server receives the client's DH public key and completes the key exchange using
- // the saved DH private key.
- SecretKey serverMasterKey = EnrollmentCryptoOps.doKeyAgreement(
- KeyEncoding.parseKeyAgreementPrivateKey(savedServerPrivateKey, isLegacy),
- KeyEncoding.parseKeyAgreementPublicKey(clientEphemeralKey));
- // Step 3b: Server uses the exchanged master key to de-signcrypt the enrollment request
- // (which also provides the user public key in the clear).
- GcmDeviceInfo serverInfo = EnrollmentCryptoOps.decryptEnrollmentMessage(
- enrollmentMessage, serverMasterKey, isLegacy);
- // Verify that the server sees the client's original enrollment request
- assertTrue(Arrays.equals(clientInfo.toByteArray(), serverInfo.toByteArray()));
- // Confirm that the server can recover a valid user PublicKey from the enrollment
- PublicKey serverUserPublicKey = KeyEncoding.parseUserPublicKey(
- serverInfo.getUserPublicKey().toByteArray());
- assertTrue(serverUserPublicKey.equals(userKeyPair.getPublic()));
- }
- public void testSimulatedEnrollmentWithForcedLegacy() throws Exception {
- if (PublicKeyProtoUtil.isLegacyCryptoRequired()) {
- // We already test with legacy in this case
- return;
- }
- KeyEncoding.setSimulateLegacyCrypto(true);
- testSimulatedEnrollment();
- }
- private GcmDeviceInfo createGcmDeviceInfo(PublicKey userPublicKey, SecretKey masterKey) {
- // One possible method of generating a key handle:
- GenericPublicKey encodedUserPublicKey = PublicKeyProtoUtil.encodePublicKey(userPublicKey);
- byte[] keyHandle = EnrollmentCryptoOps.sha256(encodedUserPublicKey.toByteArray());
- return GcmDeviceInfo.newBuilder()
- .setAndroidDeviceId(DEVICE_ID)
- .setGcmRegistrationId(ByteString.copyFrom(GCM_REGISTRATION_ID))
- .setDeviceMasterKeyHash(
- ByteString.copyFrom(EnrollmentCryptoOps.getMasterKeyHash(masterKey)))
- .setUserPublicKey(ByteString.copyFrom(KeyEncoding.encodeUserPublicKey(userPublicKey)))
- .setDeviceModel(DEVICE_MODEL)
- .setLocale(LOCALE)
- .setKeyHandle(ByteString.copyFrom(keyHandle))
- .setEnrollmentSessionId(ByteString.copyFrom(SESSION_ID))
- .setOauthToken(OAUTH_TOKEN)
- .build();
- }