#! /bin/sh # This filter should be applied to *every* stderr result. It removes # Valgrind startup stuff and pid numbers. # # Nb: The GNU and BSD implementations of 'sed' are quite different, so # anything remotely complicated (e.g. "\(a\|b\)" alternatives) can't be # easily done. Use Perl instead for any such cases. dir=`dirname $0` # Remove ==pid== and --pid-- and **pid** strings perl -p -e 's/(==|--|\*\*)[0-9]{1,7}\1 //' | # Do NOT remove debug level output, i.e. lines beginning with --pid: # Doing so would also remove asserts from the address space manager # and we always to see those. # Remove "Command: line". (If wrapping occurs, it won't remove the # subsequent lines...) sed "/^Command: .*$/d" | # Remove "WARNING: assuming toc 0x.." strings sed "/^WARNING: assuming toc 0x*/d" | # Remove "Using Valgrind-$VERSION and LibVEX..." line. # Tools have to filter their own line themselves. sed "/^Using Valgrind-.* and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info/ d" | # Anonymise line numbers in vg_replace_malloc.c, remove dirname if present perl -p -e "s/(m_replacemalloc\/)?vg_replace_malloc.c:\d+\)/vg_replace_malloc.c:...\)/" | # Likewise for valgrind.h perl -p -e "s/valgrind\.h:\d+\)/valgrind\.h:...\)/" | # Hide suppressed error counts sed "s/^\(ERROR SUMMARY[^(]*(suppressed: \)[0-9]*\( from \)[0-9]*)$/\10\20)/" | # Reduce some libc incompatibility $dir/filter_libc | # Remove line info out of order warnings sed "/warning: line info addresses out of order/d" | # Older bash versions print abnormal termination messages on the stderr # of the bash process. Newer bash versions redirect such messages properly. # Suppress any redirected abnormal termination messages. You can find the # complete list of messages in the bash source file siglist.c. perl -n -e 'print if !/^(Segmentation fault|Alarm clock|Aborted|Bus error)( \(core dumped\))?$/' | # Similar as above, but for ksh on Solaris/illumos. perl -n -e 'print if !/^(Memory fault|Killed) $/' | # Translate intercepted glibc functions back to their canonical name perl -p -e "s/: memcpy\@\@?GLIBC_[.1-9]+ \(vg_replace_strmem.c:.*?\)/: memcpy \(vg_replace_strmem.c:...\)/" | sed -e "s/: \(__GI_\|__\|\)\(memcmp\|memcpy\|strcpy\|strncpy\|strchr\|strrchr\)\(\|_sse4_1\|_sse42\|_sse2_unaligned\|_sse2\) (vg_replace_strmem.c:/: \2 (vg_replace_strmem.c:/" | # Remove any ": dumping core" message as the user might have a # limit set that prevents the core dump sed "s/\(signal [0-9]* (SIG[A-Z]*)\): dumping core/\1/" | # Remove the size in "The main thread stack size..." message. sed "s/The main thread stack size used in this run was [0-9]*/The main thread stack size used in this run was .../" | # Remove the size in "10482464 bytes below stack pointer" message. sed "s/[0-9][0-9]* bytes below stack pointer/.... bytes below stack pointer/" | # Suppress warnings from incompatible debug info sed '/warning: the debug information found in "[^"]*" does not match/d' | # Suppress warnings from Dwarf reader sed '/warning: evaluate_Dwarf3_Expr: unhandled DW_OP_/d'