path: root/doc
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authorArtem Serov <artem.serov@linaro.org>2020-11-09 15:26:22 +0000
committerArtem Serov <artem.serov@linaro.org>2020-11-10 15:33:15 +0000
commit5a229a9923d9dab968d7fe186ffa47ac52f9e065 (patch)
treeca689c0233a213244a288044dbb6cfc86d99be60 /doc
parentaa1d76b1824ec9bcf66af54fbdc9d137a3c398d5 (diff)
Revert^2 "Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into..."
This reverts commit 0a75ba66aa15ea1cdb3f57d0efd4ce7e7c14d45f. Test: mma test-art-host-vixl Test: test.py --host --optimizing --jit --gtest Test: test.py --target --optimizing --jit Test: run-gtests.sh Change-Id: I052ab4d3243b0b9bee4c52d00ba4ef1d93a8d32c
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/aarch64/topics/state-trace.md b/doc/aarch64/topics/state-trace.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d37af11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/aarch64/topics/state-trace.md
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+AArch64 Simulator state trace
+The AArch64 Simulator can be configured to produce traces of instruction
+execution, register contents, and memory accesses. The trace is designed to be
+intuitive for human readers, but this document describes the format of the
+trace, so that post-processing tools can confidently parse the output.
+In VIXL's own test runner, the trace is controlled by the `--trace*` options.
+Run `test-runner --help` for details.
+Basic structure
+Executed instructions show the address, the encoding of the instruction and the
+disassembly (as produced by VIXL's Disassembler). For example:
+ 0x00007fbe2a6a9044 d299d200 mov x0, #0xce90
+The first field is the address of the instruction, with exactly 16 hexadecimal
+characters and a leading 0x, and is followed by two spaces. The second field is
+the instruction encoding, with exactly eight hexadecimal characters (and no
+leading 0x). This is followed by two _tab_ characters, and the instruction
+disassembly. The following regular expression can be used to capture each field:
+ (0x[0-9a-f]{16}) ([0-9a-f]{8})\t\t(.*)
+Following each instruction are zero or more lines of state update. Most notably,
+these represent the register state updates and memory accesses that occurred
+during simulation of the instruction. All of these lines begin with a '#'
+character, so that they can be easily identified, and filtered if necessary. For
+ 0x00007fd2221c907c 8b82200e add x14, x0, x2, asr #8
+ # x14: 0xfffedcba98765432
+ 0x00007fd2221c9080 0b81200f add w15, w0, w1, asr #8
+ # w15: 0xff89abcd
+Note that the Simulator uses these state update lines to describe its initial
+state. As a result, there will be state trace output before the first simulated
+instruction, and parsers need to be tolerant of this.
+Note that padding white space is used liberally to keep values vertically
+aligned throughout the trace (as shown with the write to `w15` in the example
+above). Similarly, some compound values are split into parts using the C++14
+literal separator (`'`) character. Refer to the "Memory accesses" section
+(below) for examples.
+VIXL guarantees that each instruction is printed before its associated state
+State trace must be interpreted sequentially, line by line. VIXL avoids updating
+the same register more than once (because it makes the trace hard for humans to
+read), but this can occur in some situations, and should be supported by
+The state is intended to be consistent with architectural execution at the start
+of each instruction and at the end of the whole trace, but no such guarantees
+are made about the traced state _between_ instructions. VIXL prioritises
+human-readability when choosing the ordering of state updates.
+If simulated registers are modified externally, for example using
+`WriteRegister` from C++ code, their state will (by default) be logged
+immediately. In the full trace, it will appear as though the (runtime) call or
+return instruction modified the state. This is consistent with the guarantees
+above, but it can result in single instructions appearing to generate a large
+number of state updates.
+There is no upper limit on the number of state update lines that any one
+instruction can generate.
+Whole register trace
+The simplest form of state trace has the form "`REG: VALUE`", meaning that
+the register `REG` has the specified value, and any high-order bits in aliased
+registers are set to zero.
+ 0x00007fd2221c907c 8b82200e add x14, x0, x2, asr #8
+ # x14: 0xfffedcba98765432
+Note that to correctly track state, parsers need to be aware of architectural
+register aliasing rules. Also, VIXL uses some standard register aliases, such as
+`lr` (`x30`). To avoid misinterpreting a register alias (and thereby potentially
+missing an aliased register update), some tools may need to treat an
+unrecognised register name as an error.
+This trace format attempts to represent _architectural_ register writes.
+However, this is not strictly checked or enforced.
+`VALUE` is always shown in hexadecimal (raw bits) form, with a leading `0x` and
+enough digits to exactly fill `REG`. `VALUE` may also include annotations (for
+example to show FP arithmetic values) in parentheses. These annotations are for
+the benefit of human readers, and parsers may ignore them.
+Note that SVE registers _always_ use the partial register trace format,
+described below, so a plain `z` or `p` register will never be used in a whole
+register trace. This is true even if the vector length is configured to 16
+Partial register trace
+Sometimes, VIXL needs to show _part_ of a register without implying that the
+rest of the register is zeroed. A partial register value is indicated by a bit
+range in angled brackets after the register name: "`REG<MSB:LSB>: VALUE`".
+This format is used for stores, for example.
+SVE register updates are split across multiple lines, and therefore always use
+the partial register trace format. For example (with a 384-bit VL):
+ 0x00007fb1978da044 04214000 index z0.b, #0, #1
+ # z0<383:256>: 0x2f2e2d2c2b2a29282726252423222120
+ # z0<255:128>: 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a19181716151413121110
+ # z0<127:0>: 0x0f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100
+Note that VIXL will omit whole lines where they are unnecessary, for example if
+they have no active (predicated) lanes. Parsers should not assume that every
+part of a register will appear in such cases.
+The `VALUE` has the same format as in the whole register trace, except in the
+case of SVE `p` registers (as described below).
+SVE `p` registers
+For `p` registers, we try to keep the lanes vertically aligned with the
+corresponding parts of the `z` registers that they affect. To do this, we use a
+binary format, with a leading `0b`, and spaces between each digit. For example:
+ 0x00007f66e539b0b8 04f54607 index z7.d, x16, #-11
+ # z7<127:0>: 0x00000000000000150000000000000020
+ 0x00007f66e539b0bc 25d8e3a7 ptrue p7.d, all
+ # p7<15:0>: 0b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
+Memory accesses
+The pattern for a memory access is "`VALUE OP ADDRESS`", where:
+- `VALUE` is a hexadecimal value, with visual separators (') between
+ structure components,
+- `OP` is `"->"` for a store, or `"<-"` for a load,
+- `ADDRESS` is the (hexadecimal) address of the access.
+Accesses shown in this style are always contiguous, and with little-endian
+semantics. However, a given instruction might have multiple lines of memory
+access trace, particularly if the instruction performs non-contiguous accesses.
+In the case of simple accesses, the `VALUE` is shared with register value trace:
+ 0x00007f3835372058 e400e401 st1b { z1.b }, p1, [x0]
+ # z1<127:0>: 0xd4d7dadde0e3e6e9eceff2f5f8fbfe01 -> 0x000055d170298e90
+Sign-extending loads show the whole resulting register value, with the (smaller)
+access represented on a separate line. This makes the (differing) values in the
+register and in memory unambiguous, without parsers needing to understand the
+instruction set:
+ 0x00007f47922d0068 79800306 ldrsh x6, [x24]
+ # x6: 0xffffffffffff8080
+ # ╙─ 0x8080 <- 0x00007fffbc197708
+Some instructions access several different memory locations. In these cases,
+each access is given its own line, with the highest lane index first so that
+(for contiguous accesses) the lowest address ends up at the bottom:
+ 0x00007fa6001e9060 e4217c0a st2b { z10.b, z11.b }, p7, [x0, x1]
+ # z10<127:0>: 0x0f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100
+ # z11<127:0>: 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a19181716151413121110
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─ 0x10'00 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f90
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─── 0x11'01 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f92
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙───── 0x12'02 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f94
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─────── 0x13'03 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f96
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙───────── 0x14'04 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f98
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─────────── 0x15'05 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f9a
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙───────────── 0x16'06 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f9c
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─────────────── 0x17'07 -> 0x00007ffe485d2f9e
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙───────────────── 0x18'08 -> 0x00007ffe485d2fa0
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─────────────────── 0x19'09 -> 0x00007ffe485d2fa2
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙───────────────────── 0x1a'0a -> 0x00007ffe485d2fa4
+ # ║ ║ ║ ║ ╙─────────────────────── 0x1b'0b -> 0x00007ffe485d2fa6
+ # ║ ║ ║ ╙───────────────────────── 0x1c'0c -> 0x00007ffe485d2fa8
+ # ║ ║ ╙─────────────────────────── 0x1d'0d -> 0x00007ffe485d2faa
+ # ║ ╙───────────────────────────── 0x1e'0e -> 0x00007ffe485d2fac
+ # ╙─────────────────────────────── 0x1f'0f -> 0x00007ffe485d2fae
+The line-drawing characters are encoded as UTF-8 (as is this document). There is
+currently no locale handling in VIXL, so this is not configurable. However,
+since these annotations are for the benefit of human readers, parsers can safely
+ignore them, and treat the whole trace as an ASCII byte stream (ignoring 8-bit
+characters). This is useful in situations where UTF-8 handling carries an
+unacceptable performance cost.
+In the future, VIXL may offer an option to avoid printing these annotations, so
+that the trace is restricted to single-byte characters.
+Floating-point value annotations
+Some floating-point operations produce register trace that annotates the raw
+values with the corresponding FP arithmetic values. This is for the benefit of
+human readers (and has limited precision). Such annotations follow the `VALUE`
+in parentheses.
+Scalar form:
+ # s1: 0x3f800000 (1.000) <- 0x00007ffdc64d2314
+Vector form, updating all S lanes using a load:
+ # v16: 0x1211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403 (4.577e-28, 1.739e-30, 6.598e-33, 2.502e-35)
+ # ║ ║ ║ ╙─ 0x06050403 <- 0x00007ffe56fd7863
+ # ║ ║ ╙───────── 0x0a090807 <- 0x00007ffe56fd7867
+ # ║ ╙───────────────── 0x0e0d0c0b <- 0x00007ffe56fd786b
+ # ╙───────────────────────── 0x1211100f <- 0x00007ffe56fd786f
+Vector form, updating a single S lane using a load:
+ # v2: 0x03020100040302017ff0f0027f80f000 (..., 1.540e-36, ...)
+ # ╙───────────────── 0x04030201 <- 0x00007ffc7b2e3ca1
+Vector form, replicating a single struct load to all S lanes:
+ # v15: 0x100f0e0d100f0e0d100f0e0d100f0e0d (2.821e-29, 2.821e-29, 2.821e-29, 2.821e-29)
+ # v16: 0x14131211141312111413121114131211 (7.425e-27, 7.425e-27, 7.425e-27, 7.425e-27)
+ # v17: 0x18171615181716151817161518171615 (1.953e-24, 1.953e-24, 1.953e-24, 1.953e-24)
+ # ╙───────╨───────╨───────╨─ 0x18171615'14131211'100f0e0d <- 0x00007ffdd64d847d