path: root/doc
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authorarmvixl <>2013-06-14 11:42:37 +0100
committerarmvixl <>2013-06-18 16:55:15 +0100
commitad96eda8944ab1c1ba55715c50d9d6f0a3ed1dc8 (patch)
tree11017e875811dc153d4f9ba7acb599394c007d78 /doc
VIXL Release 1.0
Refer to the README.md and LICENCE files for details.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 1339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/getting-started.md b/doc/getting-started.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d32a326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/getting-started.md
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+Getting Started with VIXL
+This guide will show you how to use the VIXL framework. We will see how to set
+up the VIXL assembler and generate some code. We will also go into details on a
+few useful features provided by VIXL and see how to run the generated code in
+the VIXL simulator.
+The source code of the example developed in this guide can be found in the
+`examples` directory (`examples/getting-started.cc`).
+Creating the macro assembler and the simulator.
+First of all you need to make sure that the header files for the assembler and
+the simulator are included. You should have the following lines at the beginning
+of your source file:
+ #include "a64/simulator-a64.h"
+ #include "a64/macro-assembler-a64.h"
+VIXL's assembler will generate some code at run-time, and this code needs to
+be stored in a buffer. It must be large enough to contain all of the
+instructions and data that will be generated. In this guide we will use a
+default value of 4096 but you are free to change it to something that suits your
+ #define BUF_SIZE (4096)
+All VIXL components are declared in the `vixl` namespace, so let's add this to
+the beginning of the file for convenience:
+ using namespace vixl;
+Now we are ready to create and initialize the different components.
+First of all we need to allocate the code buffer and to create a macro
+assembler object which uses this buffer.
+ byte assm_buf[BUF_SIZE];
+ MacroAssembler masm(assm_buf, BUF_SIZE);
+We also need to set-up the simulator. The simulator uses a Decoder object to
+read and decode the instructions from the code buffer. We need to create a
+decoder and bind our simulator to this decoder.
+ Decoder decoder;
+ Simulator simulator(&decoder);
+Generating some code.
+We are now ready to generate some code. The macro assembler provides methods
+for all the instructions that you can use. As it's a macro assembler,
+the instructions that you tell it to generate may not directly map to a single
+hardware instruction. Instead, it can produce a short sequence of instructions
+that has the same effect.
+For instance, the hardware `add` instruction can only take a 12-bit immediate
+optionally shifted by 12, but the macro assembler can generate one or more
+instructions to handle any 64-bit immediate. For example, `Add(x0, x0, -1)`
+will be turned into `Sub(x0, x0, 1)`.
+Before looking at how to generate some code, let's introduce a simple but handy
+ #define __ masm->
+It allows us to write `__ Mov(x0, 42);` instead of `masm->Mov(x0, 42);` to
+generate code.
+Now we are going to write a C++ function to generate our first assembly
+code fragment.
+ void GenerateDemoFunction(MacroAssembler *masm) {
+ __ Ldr(x1, 0x1122334455667788);
+ __ And(x0, x0, x1);
+ __ Ret();
+ }
+The generated code corresponds to a function with the following C prototype:
+ uint64_t demo_function(uint64_t x);
+This function doesn't perform any useful operation. It loads the value
+0x1122334455667788 into x1 and performs a bitwise `and` operation with
+the function's argument (stored in x0). The result of this `and` operation
+is returned by the function in x0.
+Now in our program main function, we only need to create a label to represent
+the entry point of the assembly function and to call `GenerateDemoFunction` to
+generate the code.
+ Label demo_function;
+ masm.Bind(&demo_function);
+ GenerateDemoFunction(&masm);
+ masm.Finalize();
+Now we are going to learn a bit more on a couple of interesting VIXL features
+which are used in this example.
+### Label
+VIXL's assembler provides a mechanism to represent labels with `Label` objects.
+They are easy to use: simply create the C++ object and bind it to a location in
+the generated instruction stream.
+Creating a label is easy, since you only need to define the variable and bind it
+to a location using the macro assembler.
+ Label my_label; // Create the label object.
+ __ Bind(&my_label); // Bind it to the current location.
+The target of a branch using a label will be the address to which it has been
+bound. For example, let's consider the following code fragment:
+ Label foo;
+ __ B(&foo); // Branch to foo.
+ __ Mov(x0, 42);
+ __ Bind(&foo); // Actual address of foo is here.
+ __ Mov(x1, 0xc001);
+If we run this code fragment the `Mov(x0, 42)` will never be executed since
+the first thing this code does is to jump to `foo`, which correspond to the
+`Mov(x1, 0xc001)` instruction.
+When working with labels you need to know that they are only to be used for
+local branches, and should be passed around with care. There are two reasons
+for this:
+ - They can't safely be passed or returned by value because this can trigger
+ multiple constructor and destructor calls. The destructor has assertions
+ to check that we don't try to branch to a label that hasn't been bound.
+ - The `B` instruction does not branch to labels which are out of range of the
+ branch. The `B` instruction has a range of 2^28 bytes, but other variants
+ (such as conditional or `CBZ`-like branches) have smaller ranges. Confining
+ them to local ranges doesn't mean that we won't hit these limits, but it
+ makes the lifetime of the labels much shorter and eases the debugging of
+ these kinds of issues.
+### Literal Pool
+On ARMv8 instructions are 32 bits long, thus immediate values encoded in the
+instructions have limited size. If you want to load a constant bigger than this
+limit you have two possibilities:
+1. Use multiple instructions to load the constant in multiple steps. This
+ solution is already handled in VIXL. For instance you can write:
+ `__ Mov(x0, 0x1122334455667788);`
+ The previous instruction would not be legal since the immediate value is too
+ big. However, VIXL's macro assembler will automatically rewrite this line into
+ multiple instructions to efficiently generate the value.
+2. Store the constant in memory and load this value from the memory. The value
+ needs to be written near the code that will load it since we use a PC-relative
+ offset to indicate the address of this value. This solution has the advantage
+ of making the value easily modifiable at run-time; since it does not reside
+ in the instruction stream, it doesn't require cache maintenance when updated.
+ VIXL also provides a way to do this:
+ `__ Ldr(x0, 0x1122334455667788);`
+ The assembler will store the immediate value in a "literal pool", a set of
+ constants embedded in the code. VIXL will emit literal pools after natural
+ breaks in the control flow, such as unconditional branches or return
+ instructions.
+ Literal pools are emitted regularly, such that they are within range of the
+ instructions that refer to them. However, you can force a literal pool to be
+ emitted using `masm.EmitLiteralPool()`.
+Running the code in the simulator.
+Now we are going to see how to use the simulator to run the code that we
+generated previously.
+Use the simulator to assign a value to the registers. Our previous code example
+uses the register x0 as an input, so let's set the value of this register.
+ simulator.set_xreg(0, 0x8899aabbccddeeff);
+Now we can jump to the "entry" label to execute the code:
+ simulator.RunFrom(entry.target());
+When the execution is finished and the simulator returned, you can inspect
+the value of the registers after the execution. For instance:
+ printf("x0 = %" PRIx64 "\n", simulator.xreg(0));
+The example shown in this tutorial is very simple, because the goal was to
+demonstrate the basics of the VIXL framework. There are more complex code
+examples in the VIXL `examples` directory showing more features of both the
+macro assembler and the ARMv8 architecture.
diff --git a/doc/supported-instructions.md b/doc/supported-instructions.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90d63ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/supported-instructions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1133 @@
+VIXL Supported Instruction List
+This is a list of the AArch64 instructions supported by the VIXL assembler,
+disassembler and simulator. The simulator may not support all floating point
+operations to the precision required by AArch64 - please check the simulator
+source code for details.
+AArch64 integer instructions
+### adc ###
+Add with carry bit.
+ void adc(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### add ###
+ void add(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### adr ###
+Calculate the address of a PC offset.
+ void adr(const Register& rd, int imm21)
+### adr ###
+Calculate the address of a label.
+ void adr(const Register& rd, Label* label)
+### asr ###
+Arithmetic shift right.
+ inline void asr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned shift)
+### asrv ###
+Arithmetic shift right by variable.
+ void asrv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### b ###
+Branch to PC offset.
+ void b(int imm26, Condition cond = al)
+### b ###
+Branch to label.
+ void b(Label* label, Condition cond = al)
+### bfi ###
+Bitfield insert.
+ inline void bfi(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned lsb,
+ unsigned width)
+### bfm ###
+Bitfield move.
+ void bfm(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned immr,
+ unsigned imms)
+### bfxil ###
+Bitfield extract and insert low.
+ inline void bfxil(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned lsb,
+ unsigned width)
+### bic ###
+Bit clear (A & ~B).
+ void bic(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### bl ###
+Branch with link to PC offset.
+ void bl(int imm26)
+### bl ###
+Branch with link to label.
+ void bl(Label* label)
+### blr ###
+Branch with link to register.
+ void blr(const Register& xn)
+### br ###
+Branch to register.
+ void br(const Register& xn)
+### brk ###
+Monitor debug-mode breakpoint.
+ void brk(int code)
+### cbnz ###
+Compare and branch to PC offset if not zero.
+ void cbnz(const Register& rt, int imm19)
+### cbnz ###
+Compare and branch to label if not zero.
+ void cbnz(const Register& rt, Label* label)
+### cbz ###
+Compare and branch to PC offset if zero.
+ void cbz(const Register& rt, int imm19)
+### cbz ###
+Compare and branch to label if zero.
+ void cbz(const Register& rt, Label* label)
+### ccmn ###
+Conditional compare negative.
+ void ccmn(const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ StatusFlags nzcv,
+ Condition cond)
+### ccmp ###
+Conditional compare.
+ void ccmp(const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ StatusFlags nzcv,
+ Condition cond)
+### cinc ###
+Conditional increment: rd = cond ? rn + 1 : rn.
+ void cinc(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond)
+### cinv ###
+Conditional invert: rd = cond ? ~rn : rn.
+ void cinv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond)
+### cls ###
+Count leading sign bits.
+ void cls(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### clz ###
+Count leading zeroes.
+ void clz(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### cmn ###
+Compare negative.
+ void cmn(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### cmp ###
+ void cmp(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### cneg ###
+Conditional negate: rd = cond ? -rn : rn.
+ void cneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond)
+### csel ###
+Conditional select: rd = cond ? rn : rm.
+ void csel(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ Condition cond)
+### cset ###
+Conditional set: rd = cond ? 1 : 0.
+ void cset(const Register& rd, Condition cond)
+### csetm ###
+Conditional set mask: rd = cond ? -1 : 0.
+ void csetm(const Register& rd, Condition cond)
+### csinc ###
+Conditional select increment: rd = cond ? rn : rm + 1.
+ void csinc(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ Condition cond)
+### csinv ###
+Conditional select inversion: rd = cond ? rn : ~rm.
+ void csinv(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ Condition cond)
+### csneg ###
+Conditional select negation: rd = cond ? rn : -rm.
+ void csneg(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ Condition cond)
+### eon ###
+Bitwise enor/xnor (A ^ ~B).
+ void eon(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### eor ###
+Bitwise eor/xor (A ^ B).
+ void eor(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### extr ###
+ void extr(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ unsigned lsb)
+### hint ###
+System hint.
+ void hint(SystemHint code)
+### hlt ###
+Halting debug-mode breakpoint.
+ void hlt(int code)
+### ldnp ###
+Load integer or FP register pair, non-temporal.
+ void ldnp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
+ const MemOperand& src)
+### ldp ###
+Load integer or FP register pair.
+ void ldp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
+ const MemOperand& src)
+### ldpsw ###
+Load word pair with sign extension.
+ void ldpsw(const Register& rt, const Register& rt2, const MemOperand& src)
+### ldr ###
+Load integer or FP register.
+ void ldr(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& src)
+### ldr ###
+Load literal to FP register.
+ void ldr(const FPRegister& ft, double imm)
+### ldr ###
+Load literal to register.
+ void ldr(const Register& rt, uint64_t imm)
+### ldrb ###
+Load byte.
+ void ldrb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
+### ldrh ###
+Load half-word.
+ void ldrh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
+### ldrsb ###
+Load byte with sign extension.
+ void ldrsb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
+### ldrsh ###
+Load half-word with sign extension.
+ void ldrsh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
+### ldrsw ###
+Load word with sign extension.
+ void ldrsw(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
+### lsl ###
+Logical shift left.
+ inline void lsl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned shift)
+### lslv ###
+Logical shift left by variable.
+ void lslv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### lsr ###
+Logical shift right.
+ inline void lsr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned shift)
+### lsrv ###
+Logical shift right by variable.
+ void lsrv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### madd ###
+Multiply and accumulate.
+ void madd(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ const Register& ra)
+### mneg ###
+Negated multiply.
+ void mneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### mov ###
+Move register to register.
+ void mov(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### movk ###
+Move immediate and keep.
+ void movk(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1)
+### movn ###
+Move inverted immediate.
+ void movn(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1)
+### movz ###
+Move immediate.
+ void movz(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1)
+### mrs ###
+Move to register from system register.
+ void mrs(const Register& rt, SystemRegister sysreg)
+### msr ###
+Move from register to system register.
+ void msr(SystemRegister sysreg, const Register& rt)
+### msub ###
+Multiply and subtract.
+ void msub(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ const Register& ra)
+### mul ###
+ void mul(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### mvn ###
+Move inverted operand to register.
+ void mvn(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand)
+### neg ###
+ void neg(const Register& rd,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### ngc ###
+Negate with carry bit.
+ void ngc(const Register& rd,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### nop ###
+ void nop()
+### orn ###
+Bitwise nor (A | ~B).
+ void orn(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### orr ###
+Bitwise or (A | B).
+ void orr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### rbit ###
+Bit reverse.
+ void rbit(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### ret ###
+Branch to register with return hint.
+ void ret(const Register& xn = lr)
+### rev ###
+Reverse bytes.
+ void rev(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### rev16 ###
+Reverse bytes in 16-bit half words.
+ void rev16(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### rev32 ###
+Reverse bytes in 32-bit words.
+ void rev32(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### ror ###
+Rotate right.
+ inline void ror(const Register& rd, const Register& rs, unsigned shift)
+### rorv ###
+Rotate right by variable.
+ void rorv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### sbc ###
+Subtract with carry bit.
+ void sbc(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### sbfiz ###
+Signed bitfield insert with zero at right.
+ inline void sbfiz(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned lsb,
+ unsigned width)
+### sbfm ###
+Signed bitfield move.
+ void sbfm(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned immr,
+ unsigned imms)
+### sbfx ###
+Signed bitfield extract.
+ inline void sbfx(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned lsb,
+ unsigned width)
+### scvtf ###
+Convert signed integer or fixed point to FP.
+ void scvtf(const FPRegister& fd, const Register& rn, unsigned fbits = 0)
+### sdiv ###
+Signed integer divide.
+ void sdiv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### smaddl ###
+Signed long multiply and accumulate: 32 x 32 + 64 -> 64-bit.
+ void smaddl(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ const Register& ra)
+### smsubl ###
+Signed long multiply and subtract: 64 - (32 x 32) -> 64-bit.
+ void smsubl(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ const Register& ra)
+### smulh ###
+Signed multiply high: 64 x 64 -> 64-bit <127:64>.
+ void smulh(const Register& xd, const Register& xn, const Register& xm)
+### smull ###
+Signed long multiply: 32 x 32 -> 64-bit.
+ void smull(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### stnp ###
+Store integer or FP register pair, non-temporal.
+ void stnp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
+ const MemOperand& dst)
+### stp ###
+Store integer or FP register pair.
+ void stp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
+ const MemOperand& dst)
+### str ###
+Store integer or FP register.
+ void str(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& dst)
+### strb ###
+Store byte.
+ void strb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& dst)
+### strh ###
+Store half-word.
+ void strh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& dst)
+### sub ###
+ void sub(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Operand& operand,
+ FlagsUpdate S = LeaveFlags)
+### sxtb ###
+Signed extend byte.
+ inline void sxtb(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### sxth ###
+Signed extend halfword.
+ inline void sxth(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### sxtw ###
+Signed extend word.
+ inline void sxtw(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### tbnz ###
+Test bit and branch to PC offset if not zero.
+ void tbnz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, int imm14)
+### tbnz ###
+Test bit and branch to label if not zero.
+ void tbnz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, Label* label)
+### tbz ###
+Test bit and branch to PC offset if zero.
+ void tbz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, int imm14)
+### tbz ###
+Test bit and branch to label if zero.
+ void tbz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, Label* label)
+### tst ###
+Bit test and set flags.
+ void tst(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
+### ubfiz ###
+Unsigned bitfield insert with zero at right.
+ inline void ubfiz(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned lsb,
+ unsigned width)
+### ubfm ###
+Unsigned bitfield move.
+ void ubfm(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned immr,
+ unsigned imms)
+### ubfx ###
+Unsigned bitfield extract.
+ inline void ubfx(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ unsigned lsb,
+ unsigned width)
+### ucvtf ###
+Convert unsigned integer or fixed point to FP.
+ void ucvtf(const FPRegister& fd, const Register& rn, unsigned fbits = 0)
+### udiv ###
+Unsigned integer divide.
+ void udiv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
+### umaddl ###
+Unsigned long multiply and accumulate: 32 x 32 + 64 -> 64-bit.
+ void umaddl(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ const Register& ra)
+### umsubl ###
+Unsigned long multiply and subtract: 64 - (32 x 32) -> 64-bit.
+ void umsubl(const Register& rd,
+ const Register& rn,
+ const Register& rm,
+ const Register& ra)
+### uxtb ###
+Unsigned extend byte.
+ inline void uxtb(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### uxth ###
+Unsigned extend halfword.
+ inline void uxth(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+### uxtw ###
+Unsigned extend word.
+ inline void uxtw(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
+AArch64 floating point instructions
+### fabs ###
+FP absolute.
+ void fabs(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fadd ###
+FP add.
+ void fadd(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+### fccmp ###
+FP conditional compare.
+ void fccmp(const FPRegister& fn,
+ const FPRegister& fm,
+ StatusFlags nzcv,
+ Condition cond)
+### fcmp ###
+FP compare immediate.
+ void fcmp(const FPRegister& fn, double value)
+### fcmp ###
+FP compare registers.
+ void fcmp(const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+### fcsel ###
+FP conditional select.
+ void fcsel(const FPRegister& fd,
+ const FPRegister& fn,
+ const FPRegister& fm,
+ Condition cond)
+### fcvt ###
+FP convert single to double precision.
+ void fcvt(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fcvtms ###
+Convert FP to signed integer (round towards -infinity).
+ void fcvtms(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fcvtmu ###
+Convert FP to unsigned integer (round towards -infinity).
+ void fcvtmu(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fcvtns ###
+Convert FP to signed integer (nearest with ties to even).
+ void fcvtns(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fcvtnu ###
+Convert FP to unsigned integer (nearest with ties to even).
+ void fcvtnu(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fcvtzs ###
+Convert FP to signed integer (round towards zero).
+ void fcvtzs(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fcvtzu ###
+Convert FP to unsigned integer (round towards zero).
+ void fcvtzu(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fdiv ###
+FP divide.
+ void fdiv(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+### fmax ###
+FP maximum.
+ void fmax(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+### fmin ###
+FP minimum.
+ void fmin(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+### fmov ###
+Move FP register to FP register.
+ void fmov(FPRegister fd, FPRegister fn)
+### fmov ###
+Move FP register to register.
+ void fmov(Register rd, FPRegister fn)
+### fmov ###
+Move immediate to FP register.
+ void fmov(FPRegister fd, double imm)
+### fmov ###
+Move register to FP register.
+ void fmov(FPRegister fd, Register rn)
+### fmsub ###
+FP multiply and subtract.
+ void fmsub(const FPRegister& fd,
+ const FPRegister& fn,
+ const FPRegister& fm,
+ const FPRegister& fa)
+### fmul ###
+FP multiply.
+ void fmul(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+### fneg ###
+FP negate.
+ void fneg(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### frintn ###
+FP round to integer (nearest with ties to even).
+ void frintn(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### frintz ###
+FP round to integer (towards zero).
+ void frintz(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fsqrt ###
+FP square root.
+ void fsqrt(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
+### fsub ###
+FP subtract.
+ void fsub(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
+Additional or pseudo instructions
+### bind ###
+Bind a label to the current PC.
+ void bind(Label* label)
+### dc32 ###
+Emit 32 bits of data into the instruction stream.
+ inline void dc32(uint32_t data)
+### dc64 ###
+Emit 64 bits of data into the instruction stream.
+ inline void dc64(uint64_t data)
+### dci ###
+Emit raw instructions into the instruction stream.
+ inline void dci(Instr raw_inst)
+### debug ###
+Debug control pseudo instruction, only supported by the debugger.
+ void debug(const char* message, uint32_t code, Instr params = BREAK)