Versioning ========== Since version 3.0.0, VIXL uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0][semver]. Briefly: - Backwards-incompatible changes update the _major_ version. - New features update the _minor_ version. - Bug fixes update the _patch_ version. Why 3.0.0? ---------- VIXL was originally released as 1.x using snapshot releases. When we moved VIXL into Linaro, we started working directly on `master` and stopped tagging named releases. However, we informally called this "VIXL 2", so we are skipping 2.0.0 to avoid potential confusion. Using `master` -------------- Users who want to take the latest development version of VIXL can still take commits from `master`. Our day-to-day development process hasn't changed and these commits should still pass their own tests. However, note that commits not explicitly tagged with a given version should be considered to be unversioned, with no backwards-compatibility guarantees. [semver]: "Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Specification"