# # NOTE! Please use 'git ls-files -i --exclude-standard' # command after changing this file, to see if there are # any tracked files which get ignored after the change. # # Temp files (e.g. editors). *~ *.sw[op] # Compiled objects. *.a *.o *.l[ao] *.so *.exe *.d *.depends .deps .libs *.gch *.gcda *.gcno # Common output files. *.dump *.out *.test # Protobuf files. *.pb.cc *.pb.h # Python files. *.pyc # Debug (e.g. gdb). .gdb_history .gdbinit core cscope.* tags tags_sorted_by_file # Patch files. *.diff *.orig *.rej # Nested git repos. /glbench/images/ # Cargo lock file. Cargo.lock # Cargo build directories. target/ # VSCode source dirs .vscode/ # Intellij project dirs .idea # clangd cache dir .clangd .cache