@echo off REM Update source for glslang REM Determine the appropriate CMake strings for the current version of Visual Studio echo Determining VS version python .\scripts\determine_vs_version.py > vsversion.tmp set /p VS_VERSION=< vsversion.tmp echo Detected Visual Studio Version as %VS_VERSION% REM Cleanup the file we used to collect the VS version output since it's no longer needed. del /Q /F vsversion.tmp setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set errorCode=0 set BUILD_DIR=%~dp0 set BASE_DIR="%BUILD_DIR%external" set REVISION_DIR="%BUILD_DIR%external_revisions" set GLSLANG_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\glslang set do_32=0 set do_64=0 set do_debug=0 set do_release=0 REM // ======== Parameter parsing ======== // set arg-use-implicit-component-list=1 set arg-do-glslang=0 set arg-no-sync=0 set arg-no-build=0 set arg-32=0 set arg-64=0 set arg-debug=0 set arg-release=0 :parameterLoop if "%1"=="" goto:parameterContinue if "%1" == "--glslang" ( set arg-do-glslang=1 set arg-use-implicit-component-list=0 echo Building glslang ^(%1^) shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "-g" ( set arg-do-glslang=1 set arg-use-implicit-component-list=0 echo Building glslang ^(%1^) shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--no-sync" ( set arg-no-sync=1 echo Skipping sync ^(%1^) shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--no-build" ( set arg-no-build=1 echo Skipping build ^(%1^) shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--32" ( set arg-32=1 echo 32-bit build requested shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--64" ( set arg-64=1 echo 64-bit build requested shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--debug" ( set arg-debug=1 echo debug build requested shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--release" ( set arg-release=1 echo release build requested shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--spirv-tools" ( echo --spirv-tools argument has been deprecated and is no longer necessary shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "-s" ( echo --s argument has been deprecated and is no longer necessary shift goto:parameterLoop ) if "%1" == "--all" ( echo --all argument has been deprecated and is no longer necessary set arg-do-glslang=1 set arg-use-implicit-component-list=0 echo Building glslang ^(%1^) shift goto:parameterLoop ) echo. echo Unrecognized option "%1" echo. echo usage: update_external_sources.bat [options] echo. echo Available options: echo -g ^| --glslang enable glslang component echo --all enable all components echo --no-sync skip sync from git echo --no-build skip build echo --32 build for 32-bit echo --64 build for 64-bit echo --debug build for debug echo --release build for release echo. echo If any component enables are provided, only those components are enabled. echo If no component enables are provided, all components are enabled. echo. echo Sync uses git to pull a specific revision. echo Build configures CMake, builds Release and Debug. echo. echo --32 without --64 builds only 32-bit, and vice-versa. echo --debug without --release builds only debug, and vice-versa. echo Specifying neither or both --32 and --64 builds both. echo Specifying neither or both --debug and --release builds both. echo So specifying none of these 4 options (default) builds all 4. goto:error :parameterContinue if %arg-use-implicit-component-list% equ 1 ( echo Building glslang set arg-do-glslang=1 ) set sync-glslang=0 set build-glslang=0 set check-glslang-build-dependencies=0 if %arg-do-glslang% equ 1 ( if %arg-no-sync% equ 0 ( set sync-glslang=1 ) if %arg-no-build% equ 0 ( set check-glslang-build-dependencies=1 set build-glslang=1 ) ) if %arg-32% equ 1 ( set do_32=1 ) if %arg-64% equ 1 ( set do_64=1 ) if %arg-32% equ 0 ( if %arg-64% equ 0 ( set do_32=1 set do_64=1 ) ) if %arg-debug% equ 1 ( set do_debug=1 ) if %arg-release% equ 1 ( set do_release=1 ) if %arg-debug% equ 0 ( if %arg-release% equ 0 ( set do_debug=1 set do_release=1 ) ) REM this is a debugging aid that can be enabled while debugging command-line parsing if 0 equ 1 ( set arg set sync-glslang set build-glslang set check-glslang-build-dependencies goto:error ) REM // ======== end Parameter parsing ======== // REM // ======== Dependency checking ======== // REM git is required for all paths for %%X in (git.exe) do (set FOUND=%%~$PATH:X) if not defined FOUND ( echo Dependency check failed: echo git.exe not found echo Git for Windows can be downloaded here: https://git-scm.com/download/win echo Install and ensure git.exe makes it into your PATH set errorCode=1 ) if %check-glslang-build-dependencies% equ 1 ( for %%X in (cmake.exe) do (set FOUND=%%~$PATH:X) if not defined FOUND ( echo Dependency check failed: echo cmake.exe not found echo Get CMake for Windows here: http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html echo Install and ensure each makes it into your PATH, default is "C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin" set errorCode=1 ) ) REM goto:main REM // ======== end Dependency checking ======== // :main if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) REM Read the target versions from external file, which is shared with Linux script if not exist %REVISION_DIR%\glslang_giturl ( echo. echo Missing glslang_giturl file! Place it in %REVISION_DIR% with git repo URL in it. set errorCode=1 goto:error ) if not exist %REVISION_DIR%\glslang_revision ( echo. echo Missing glslang_revision file! Place it in %REVISION_DIR% with target version in it. set errorCode=1 goto:error ) set /p GLSLANG_GITURL= < %REVISION_DIR%\glslang_giturl set /p GLSLANG_REVISION= < %REVISION_DIR%\glslang_revision echo GLSLANG_GITURL=%GLSLANG_GITURL% echo GLSLANG_REVISION=%GLSLANG_REVISION% echo Creating and/or updating glslang in %BASE_DIR% if %sync-glslang% equ 1 ( if not exist %GLSLANG_DIR% ( call:create_glslang ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_glslang if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %build-glslang% equ 1 ( call:build_glslang if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) echo. echo Exiting goto:finish :error echo. echo Halting due to error set errorCode=1 goto:finish :finish if not "%cd%\" == "%BUILD_DIR%" ( cd %BUILD_DIR% ) exit /b %errorCode% REM // ======== Functions ======== // :create_glslang echo. echo Creating local glslang repository %GLSLANG_DIR%) mkdir %GLSLANG_DIR% cd %GLSLANG_DIR% git clone %GLSLANG_GITURL% . git checkout %GLSLANG_REVISION% python.exe .\update_glslang_sources.py if not exist %GLSLANG_DIR%\SPIRV ( echo glslang source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_glslang echo. echo Updating %GLSLANG_DIR% cd %GLSLANG_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %GLSLANG_REVISION% python.exe .\update_glslang_sources.py goto:eof :build_glslang echo. echo Building %GLSLANG_DIR% cd %GLSLANG_DIR% if not exist build32 ( mkdir build32 ) if not exist build ( mkdir build ) set GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR=%GLSLANG_DIR%\build32 if %do_32% equ 1 ( echo Making 32-bit glslang echo ************************* cd %GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR% echo Generating 32-bit Glslang CMake files for Visual Studio %VS_VERSION% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install .. cmake -G "Visual Studio %VS_VERSION%" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install .. if %do_debug% equ 1 ( echo Building 32-bit Glslang: MSBuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x86 /p:Configuration=Debug msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x86 /p:Configuration=Debug /verbosity:quiet REM Check for existence of one lib, even though we should check for all results if not exist %GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR%\glslang\Debug\glslangd.lib ( echo. echo glslang 32-bit Debug build failed! set errorCode=1 ) ) if %do_release% equ 1 ( echo Building Glslang: MSBuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x86 /p:Configuration=Release msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x86 /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:quiet REM Check for existence of one lib, even though we should check for all results if not exist %GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR%\glslang\Release\glslang.lib ( echo. echo glslang 32-bit Release build failed! set errorCode=1 ) ) cd .. ) set GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR=%GLSLANG_DIR%\build if %do_64% equ 1 ( echo Making 64-bit glslang echo ************************* cd %GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR% echo Generating 64-bit Glslang CMake files for Visual Studio %VS_VERSION% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install .. cmake -G "Visual Studio %VS_VERSION% Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install .. if %do_debug% equ 1 ( echo Building 64-bit Glslang: MSBuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Debug msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Debug /verbosity:quiet REM Check for existence of one lib, even though we should check for all results if not exist %GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR%\glslang\Debug\glslangd.lib ( echo. echo glslang 64-bit Debug build failed! set errorCode=1 ) ) if %do_release% equ 1 ( echo Building Glslang: MSBuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:quiet REM Check for existence of one lib, even though we should check for all results if not exist %GLSLANG_BUILD_DIR%\glslang\Release\glslang.lib ( echo. echo glslang 64-bit Release build failed! set errorCode=1 ) ) cd .. ) goto:eof