diff options
2 files changed, 69 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/tests/_run_all_tests.ps1 b/tests/_run_all_tests.ps1
index f0a5059a2..0dc014bf1 100755
--- a/tests/_run_all_tests.ps1
+++ b/tests/_run_all_tests.ps1
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-# Be sure to run "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" before running powershell scripts
-# Use TestExceptions to filter out tests with known problems, separated by a colon
-# i.e. run_all_tests.ps1 -TestExceptions VkLayerTest.RequiredParameter:VkLayerTest.UnrecognizedValue
-# To trigger Debug tests, specify the parameter with a hyphen
-# i.e run_all_tests.ps1 -Debug
- [switch]$Debug,
- [string]$TestExceptions
-if ($Debug) {
- $dPath = "Debug"
-} else {
- $dPath = "Release"
-Set-Item -path env:Path -value ($env:Path + ";..\loader\$dPath")
-Set-Item -path env:Path -value ($env:Path + ";gtest-1.7.0\$dPath")
-$env:VK_LAYER_PATH = "..\layers\$dPath"
-& $dPath\vk_loader_validation_tests
-if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
- exit 1
-& $dPath\vk_layer_validation_tests --gtest_filter=-$TestExceptions
-if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
- exit 1
-exit $lastexitcode
+# Be sure to run "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" before running powershell scripts
+# Use TestExceptions to filter out tests with known problems, separated by a colon
+# i.e. run_all_tests.ps1 -TestExceptions VkLayerTest.RequiredParameter:VkLayerTest.UnrecognizedValue
+# To trigger Debug tests, specify the parameter with a hyphen
+# i.e run_all_tests.ps1 -Debug
+ [switch]$Debug,
+ [string]$TestExceptions
+if ($Debug) {
+ $dPath = "Debug"
+} else {
+ $dPath = "Release"
+Set-Item -path env:Path -value ($env:Path + ";..\loader\$dPath")
+Set-Item -path env:Path -value ($env:Path + ";gtest-1.7.0\$dPath")
+$env:VK_LAYER_PATH = "..\layers\$dPath"
+& $dPath\vk_loader_validation_tests
+if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
+ exit 1
+& $dPath\vk_layer_validation_tests --gtest_filter=-$TestExceptions
+if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
+ exit 1
+exit $lastexitcode
diff --git a/tests/_vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1 b/tests/_vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1
index 071088e19..39351dc6f 100644
--- a/tests/_vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1
+++ b/tests/_vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-# Powershell script for running the layer validation details doc validator
-# To run this test:
-# From a Windows powershell:
-# cd C:\src\Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers\build\tests
-# .\vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1 [-Debug]
-if ($args[0] -eq "-Debug") {
- $dPath = "Debug"
-} else {
- $dPath = "Release"
-write-host -background black -foreground green "[ RUN ] " -nonewline
-write-host "vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1: Validate layer documentation"
-# Run doc validation from project root dir
-push-location ..\..
-# Validate that layer documentation matches source contents
-python vk_layer_documentation_generate.py --validate
-# Report result based on exit code
- write-host -background black -foreground green "[ PASSED ] " -nonewline;
- $exitstatus = 0
-} else {
- echo 'Validation of vk_validation_layer_details.md failed'
- write-host -background black -foreground red "[ FAILED ] " -nonewline;
- echo '1 FAILED TEST'
- $exitstatus = 1
-exit $exitstatus
+# Powershell script for running the layer validation details doc validator
+# To run this test:
+# From a Windows powershell:
+# cd C:\src\Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers\build\tests
+# .\vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1 [-Debug]
+if ($args[0] -eq "-Debug") {
+ $dPath = "Debug"
+} else {
+ $dPath = "Release"
+write-host -background black -foreground green "[ RUN ] " -nonewline
+write-host "vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1: Validate layer documentation"
+# Run doc validation from project root dir
+push-location ..\..
+# Validate that layer documentation matches source contents
+python vk_layer_documentation_generate.py --validate
+# Report result based on exit code
+ write-host -background black -foreground green "[ PASSED ] " -nonewline;
+ $exitstatus = 0
+} else {
+ echo 'Validation of vk_validation_layer_details.md failed'
+ write-host -background black -foreground red "[ FAILED ] " -nonewline;
+ echo '1 FAILED TEST'
+ $exitstatus = 1
+exit $exitstatus