@echo off REM Update source for glslang, spirv-tools, and shaderc REM REM Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project REM Copyright (C) 2015 Valve Corporation REM REM Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); REM you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. REM You may obtain a copy of the License at REM REM http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 REM REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software REM distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. REM See the License for the specific language governing permissions and REM limitations under the License. REM setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set errorCode=0 set ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=%~dp0 set BUILD_DIR=%ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% set BASE_DIR=%BUILD_DIR%\third_party set GLSLANG_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\shaderc\third_party\glslang set SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\shaderc\third_party\spirv-tools set SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\shaderc\third_party\spirv-tools\external\spirv-headers set SHADERC_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\shaderc set VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\Vulkan-Tools set VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR=%BASE_DIR%\Vulkan-Headers for %%X in (where.exe) do (set FOUND=%%~$PATH:X) if not defined FOUND ( echo Dependency check failed: echo where.exe not found echo This script requires Windows Vista or later, which includes where.exe. set errorCode=1 ) where /q git.exe if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 ( echo Dependency check failed: echo git.exe not found echo Git for Windows can be downloaded here: https://git-scm.com/download/win echo Install and ensure git.exe makes it into your PATH set errorCode=1 ) where /q ndk-build.cmd if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 ( echo Dependency check failed: echo ndk-build.cmd not found echo Android NDK can be downloaded here: http://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/setup.html echo Install and ensure ndk-build.cmd makes it into your PATH set errorCode=1 ) REM ensure where is working with below false test REM where /q foo REM if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 ( REM echo foo REM ) :main if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) REM Read the target versions from external file, which is shared with Linux script if not exist %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR%\glslang_revision_android ( echo. echo Missing glslang_revision_android file. Place it in %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% goto:error ) if not exist %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR%\spirv-tools_revision_android ( echo. echo Missing spirv-tools_revision_android file. Place it in %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% set errorCode=1 goto:error ) if not exist %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR%\spirv-headers_revision_android ( echo. echo Missing spirv-headers_revision_android file. Place it in %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% set errorCode=1 goto:error ) if not exist %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR%\shaderc_revision_android ( echo. echo Missing shaderc_revision_android file. Place it in %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% set errorCode=1 goto:error ) if not exist %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR%\vulkan-headers_revision_android ( echo. echo Missing vulkan-headers_revision_android file. Place it in %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% set errorCode=1 goto:error ) if not exist %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR%\vulkan-tools_revision_android ( echo. echo Missing vulkan-tools_revision_android file. Place it in %ANDROID_BUILD_DIR% set errorCode=1 goto:error ) set /p GLSLANG_REVISION= < glslang_revision_android set /p SPIRV_TOOLS_REVISION= < spirv-tools_revision_android set /p SPIRV_HEADERS_REVISION= < spirv-headers_revision_android set /p SHADERC_REVISION= < shaderc_revision_android set /p VULKAN_HEADERS_REVISION= < vulkan-headers_revision_android set /p VULKAN_TOOLS_REVISION= < vulkan-tools_revision_android echo GLSLANG_REVISION=%GLSLANG_REVISION% echo SPIRV_TOOLS_REVISION=%SPIRV_TOOLS_REVISION% echo SPIRV_HEADERS_REVISION=%SPIRV_HEADERS_REVISION% echo SHADERC_REVISION=%SHADERC_REVISION% echo VULKAN_HEADERS_REVISION=%VULKAN_HEADERS_REVISION% echo VULKAN_TOOLS_REVISION=%VULKAN_TOOLS_REVISION% echo Creating and/or updating glslang, spirv-tools, spirv-headers, shaderc, vulkan-headers, vulkan-tools in %BASE_DIR% set sync-glslang=1 set sync-spirv-tools=1 set sync-spirv-headers=1 set sync-shaderc=1 set sync-vulkan-headers=1 set sync-vulkan-tools=1 set build-shaderc=1 if %sync-shaderc% equ 1 ( if not exist %SHADERC_DIR% ( call:create_shaderc ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_shaderc if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %sync-glslang% equ 1 ( if not exist %GLSLANG_DIR% ( call:create_glslang ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_glslang if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %sync-spirv-tools% equ 1 ( if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (goto:error) if not exist %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR% ( call:create_spirv-tools ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_spirv-tools if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %sync-spirv-headers% equ 1 ( if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (goto:error) if not exist %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR% ( call:create_spirv-headers ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_spirv-headers if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %sync-vulkan-headers% equ 1 ( if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (goto:error) if not exist %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR% ( call:create_vulkan-headers ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_vulkan-headers if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %sync-vulkan-tools% equ 1 ( if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (goto:error) if not exist %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR% ( call:create_vulkan-tools ) if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) call:update_vulkan-tools if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) if %build-shaderc% equ 1 ( call:build_shaderc if %errorCode% neq 0 (goto:error) ) echo. echo Exiting goto:finish :error echo. echo Halting due to error goto:finish :finish if not "%cd%\" == "%BUILD_DIR%" ( cd %BUILD_DIR% ) endlocal REM This needs a fix to return error, something like exit %errorCode% REM Right now it is returning 0 goto:eof REM // ======== Functions ======== // :create_glslang echo. echo Creating local glslang repository %GLSLANG_DIR% if not exist "%GLSLANG_DIR%\" mkdir %GLSLANG_DIR% cd %GLSLANG_DIR% git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang.git . git checkout %GLSLANG_REVISION% if not exist %GLSLANG_DIR%\SPIRV ( echo glslang source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_glslang echo. echo Updating %GLSLANG_DIR% cd %GLSLANG_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %GLSLANG_REVISION% if not exist %GLSLANG_DIR%\SPIRV ( echo glslang source update failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :create_spirv-tools echo. echo Creating local spirv-tools repository %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR% if not exist "%SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR%\" mkdir %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR% cd %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR% git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools.git . git checkout %SPIRV_TOOLS_REVISION% if not exist %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR%\source ( echo spirv-tools source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_spirv-tools echo. echo Updating %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR% cd %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %SPIRV_TOOLS_REVISION% if not exist %SPIRV_TOOLS_DIR%\source ( echo spirv-tools source update failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :create_spirv-headers echo. echo Creating local spirv-headers repository %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR% if not exist "%SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR%\" mkdir %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR% cd %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR% git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers.git . git checkout %SPIRV_HEADERS_REVISION% if not exist %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR%\include ( echo spirv-headers source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_spirv-headers echo. echo Updating %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR% cd %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %SPIRV_HEADERS_REVISION% if not exist %SPIRV_HEADERS_DIR%\include ( echo spirv-headers source update failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :create_shaderc echo. echo Creating local shaderc repository %SHADERC_DIR% if not exist "%SHADERC_DIR%\" mkdir %SHADERC_DIR% cd %SHADERC_DIR% git clone https://github.com/google/shaderc.git . git checkout %SHADERC_REVISION% if not exist %SHADERC_DIR%\libshaderc ( echo shaderc source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_shaderc echo. echo Updating %SHADERC_DIR% cd %SHADERC_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %SHADERC_REVISION% if not exist %SHADERC_DIR%\libshaderc ( echo shaderc source update failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :build_shaderc echo. echo Building %SHADERC_DIR% cd %SHADERC_DIR%\android_test echo Building shaderc with Android NDK call ndk-build NDK_APPLICATION_MK=../../../jni/shaderc/Application.mk THIRD_PARTY_PATH=../third_party -j 4 REM Check for existence of one lib, even though we should check for all results if not exist %SHADERC_DIR%\android_test\obj\local\x86\libshaderc.a ( echo. echo shaderc build failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :create_vulkan-headers echo. echo Creating local vulkan-headers repository %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR% if not exist "%VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR%\" mkdir %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR% cd %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR% git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers.git . git checkout %VULKAN_HEADERS_REVISION% if not exist %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR%\registry ( echo vulkan-headers source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_vulkan-headers echo. echo Updating %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR% cd %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %VULKAN_HEADERS_REVISION% if not exist %VULKAN_HEADERS_DIR%\registry ( echo vulkan-headers source update failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :create_vulkan-tools echo. echo Creating local vulkan-tools repository %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR% if not exist "%VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR%\" mkdir %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR% cd %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR% git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Tools.git . git checkout %VULKAN_TOOLS_REVISION% if not exist %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR%\common ( echo vulkan-tools source download failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof :update_vulkan-tools echo. echo Updating %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR% cd %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR% git fetch --all git checkout %VULKAN_TOOLS_REVISION% if not exist %VULKAN_TOOLS_DIR%\common ( echo vulkan-tools source update failed! set errorCode=1 ) goto:eof