path: root/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/AudioTest.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/AudioTest.java')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/AudioTest.java b/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/AudioTest.java
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/AudioTest.java
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+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.chromium.latency.walt;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.media.AudioManager;
+import android.os.Handler;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import static org.chromium.latency.walt.Utils.getIntPreference;
+class AudioTest extends BaseTest {
+ static {
+ System.loadLibrary("sync_clock_jni");
+ }
+ static final int CONTINUOUS_TEST_PERIOD = 500;
+ static final int COLD_TEST_PERIOD = 5000;
+ enum AudioMode {COLD, CONTINUOUS}
+ private Handler handler = new Handler();
+ private boolean userStoppedTest = false;
+ // Sound params
+ private final double duration = 0.3; // seconds
+ private final int sampleRate = 8000;
+ private final int numSamples = (int) (duration * sampleRate);
+ private final byte generatedSnd[] = new byte[2 * numSamples];
+ private final double freqOfTone = 880; // hz
+ private AudioMode audioMode;
+ private int period = 500; // time between runs in ms
+ // Audio in
+ private long last_tb = 0;
+ private int msToRecord = 1000;
+ private final int frameRate;
+ private final int framesPerBuffer;
+ private int initiatedBeeps, detectedBeeps;
+ private int playbackRepetitions;
+ private static final int playbackSyncAfterRepetitions = 20;
+ // Audio out
+ private int requestedBeeps;
+ private int recordingRepetitions;
+ private static int recorderSyncAfterRepetitions = 10;
+ private final int threshold;
+ ArrayList<Double> deltas_mic = new ArrayList<>();
+ private ArrayList<Double> deltas_play2queue = new ArrayList<>();
+ ArrayList<Double> deltas_queue2wire = new ArrayList<>();
+ private ArrayList<Double> deltasJ2N = new ArrayList<>();
+ long lastBeepTime;
+ public static native long playTone();
+ public static native void startWarmTest();
+ public static native void stopTests();
+ public static native void createEngine();
+ public static native void destroyEngine();
+ public static native void createBufferQueueAudioPlayer(int frameRate, int framesPerBuffer);
+ public static native void startRecording();
+ public static native void createAudioRecorder(int frameRate, int framesToRecord);
+ public static native short[] getRecordedWave();
+ public static native long getTeRec();
+ public static native long getTcRec();
+ public static native long getTePlay();
+ AudioTest(Context context) {
+ super(context);
+ playbackRepetitions = getIntPreference(context, R.string.preference_audio_out_reps, 10);
+ recordingRepetitions = getIntPreference(context, R.string.preference_audio_in_reps, 5);
+ threshold = getIntPreference(context, R.string.preference_audio_in_threshold, 5000);
+ //Check for optimal output sample rate and buffer size
+ AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
+ String frameRateStr = am.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE);
+ String framesPerBufferStr = am.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER);
+ logger.log("Optimal frame rate is: " + frameRateStr);
+ logger.log("Optimal frames per buffer is: " + framesPerBufferStr);
+ //Convert to ints
+ frameRate = Integer.parseInt(frameRateStr);
+ framesPerBuffer = Integer.parseInt(framesPerBufferStr);
+ //Create the audio engine
+ createEngine();
+ createBufferQueueAudioPlayer(frameRate, framesPerBuffer);
+ logger.log("Audio engine created");
+ }
+ AudioTest(Context context, AutoRunFragment.ResultHandler resultHandler) {
+ this(context);
+ this.resultHandler = resultHandler;
+ }
+ void setPlaybackRepetitions(int beepCount) {
+ playbackRepetitions = beepCount;
+ }
+ void setRecordingRepetitions(int beepCount) {
+ recordingRepetitions = beepCount;
+ }
+ void setPeriod(int period) {
+ this.period = period;
+ }
+ void setAudioMode(AudioMode mode) {
+ audioMode = mode;
+ }
+ AudioMode getAudioMode() {
+ return audioMode;
+ }
+ int getOptimalFrameRate() {
+ return frameRate;
+ }
+ int getThreshold() {
+ return threshold;
+ }
+ void stopTest() {
+ userStoppedTest = true;
+ }
+ void teardown() {
+ destroyEngine();
+ logger.log("Audio engine destroyed");
+ }
+ void beginRecordingMeasurement() {
+ userStoppedTest = false;
+ deltas_mic.clear();
+ deltas_play2queue.clear();
+ deltas_queue2wire.clear();
+ deltasJ2N.clear();
+ int framesToRecord = (int) (0.001 * msToRecord * frameRate);
+ createAudioRecorder(frameRate, framesToRecord);
+ logger.log("Audio recorder created; starting test");
+ requestedBeeps = 0;
+ doRecordingTestRepetition();
+ }
+ private void doRecordingTestRepetition() {
+ if (requestedBeeps >= recordingRepetitions || userStoppedTest) {
+ finishRecordingMeasurement();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (requestedBeeps % recorderSyncAfterRepetitions == 0) {
+ try {
+ waltDevice.syncClock();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error syncing clocks: " + e.getMessage());
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ requestedBeeps++;
+ startRecording();
+ switch (audioMode) {
+ handler.postDelayed(requestBeepRunnable, msToRecord / 2);
+ break;
+ case COLD: // TODO: find a more accurate method to measure cold input latency
+ requestBeepRunnable.run();
+ break;
+ }
+ handler.postDelayed(stopBeepRunnable, msToRecord);
+ }
+ void beginPlaybackMeasurement() {
+ userStoppedTest = false;
+ if (audioMode == AudioMode.CONTINUOUS) {
+ startWarmTest();
+ }
+ try {
+ waltDevice.syncClock();
+ waltDevice.startListener();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error starting test: " + e.getMessage());
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ return;
+ }
+ deltas_mic.clear();
+ deltas_play2queue.clear();
+ deltas_queue2wire.clear();
+ deltasJ2N.clear();
+ logger.log("Starting playback test");
+ initiatedBeeps = 0;
+ detectedBeeps = 0;
+ waltDevice.setTriggerHandler(playbackTriggerHandler);
+ handler.postDelayed(playBeepRunnable, 300);
+ }
+ private WaltDevice.TriggerHandler playbackTriggerHandler = new WaltDevice.TriggerHandler() {
+ @Override
+ public void onReceive(WaltDevice.TriggerMessage tmsg) {
+ // remove the far away playBeep callback(s)
+ handler.removeCallbacks(playBeepRunnable);
+ detectedBeeps++;
+ long enqueueTime = getTePlay() - waltDevice.clock.baseTime;
+ double dt_play2queue = (enqueueTime - lastBeepTime) / 1000.;
+ deltas_play2queue.add(dt_play2queue);
+ double dt_queue2wire = (tmsg.t - enqueueTime) / 1000.;
+ deltas_queue2wire.add(dt_queue2wire);
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "Beep detected, initiatedBeeps=%d, detectedBeeps=%d\n" +
+ "dt native playTone to Enqueue = %.2f ms\n" +
+ "dt Enqueue to wire = %.2f ms\n",
+ initiatedBeeps, detectedBeeps,
+ dt_play2queue,
+ dt_queue2wire
+ ));
+ if (traceLogger != null) {
+ traceLogger.log(lastBeepTime + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ enqueueTime + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ "Play-to-queue",
+ "Bar starts at play time, ends when enqueued");
+ traceLogger.log(enqueueTime + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ tmsg.t + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ "Enqueue-to-wire",
+ "Bar starts at enqueue time, ends when beep is detected");
+ }
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestPartialResult(dt_queue2wire);
+ // Schedule another beep soon-ish
+ handler.postDelayed(playBeepRunnable, (long) (period + Math.random() * 50 - 25));
+ }
+ };
+ private Runnable playBeepRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ // debug: logger.log("\nPlaying tone...");
+ // Check if we saw some transitions without beeping, might be noise audio cable.
+ if (initiatedBeeps == 0 && detectedBeeps > 1) {
+ logger.log("Unexpected beeps detected, noisy cable?");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (initiatedBeeps >= playbackRepetitions || userStoppedTest) {
+ finishPlaybackMeasurement();
+ return;
+ }
+ initiatedBeeps++;
+ if (initiatedBeeps % playbackSyncAfterRepetitions == 0) {
+ try {
+ waltDevice.stopListener();
+ waltDevice.syncClock();
+ waltDevice.startListener();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error re-syncing clock: " + e.getMessage());
+ finishPlaybackMeasurement();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ waltDevice.command(WaltDevice.CMD_AUDIO);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error sending command AUDIO: " + e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ long javaBeepTime = waltDevice.clock.micros();
+ lastBeepTime = playTone() - waltDevice.clock.baseTime;
+ double dtJ2N = (lastBeepTime - javaBeepTime)/1000.;
+ deltasJ2N.add(dtJ2N);
+ if (traceLogger != null) {
+ traceLogger.log(javaBeepTime + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ lastBeepTime + waltDevice.clock.baseTime, "Java-to-native",
+ "Bar starts when Java tells native to beep and ends when buffer written in native");
+ }
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "Called playTone(), dt Java to native = %.3f ms",
+ dtJ2N
+ ));
+ // Repost doBeep to some far away time to blink again even if nothing arrives from
+ // Teensy. This callback will almost always get cancelled by onIncomingTimestamp()
+ handler.postDelayed(playBeepRunnable, (long) (period * 3 + Math.random() * 100 - 50));
+ }
+ };
+ private Runnable requestBeepRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ // logger.log("\nRequesting beep from WALT...");
+ String s;
+ try {
+ s = waltDevice.command(WaltDevice.CMD_BEEP);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error sending command BEEP: " + e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ last_tb = Integer.parseInt(s);
+ logger.log("Beeped, reply: " + s);
+ handler.postDelayed(processRecordingRunnable, (long) (msToRecord * 2 + Math.random() * 100 - 50));
+ }
+ };
+ private Runnable stopBeepRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ try {
+ waltDevice.command(WaltDevice.CMD_BEEP_STOP);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error stopping tone from WALT: " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ private Runnable processRecordingRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ long te = getTeRec() - waltDevice.clock.baseTime; // When a buffer was enqueued for recording
+ long tc = getTcRec() - waltDevice.clock.baseTime; // When callback receiving a recorded buffer fired
+ long tb = last_tb; // When WALT started a beep (according to WALT clock)
+ short[] wave = getRecordedWave();
+ int noisyAtFrame = 0; // First frame when some noise starts
+ while (noisyAtFrame < wave.length && wave[noisyAtFrame] < threshold)
+ noisyAtFrame++;
+ if (noisyAtFrame == wave.length) {
+ logger.log("WARNING: No sound detected");
+ doRecordingTestRepetition();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Length of recorded buffer
+ double duration_us = wave.length * 1e6 / frameRate;
+ // Duration in microseconds of the initial silent part of the buffer, and the remaining
+ // part after the beep started.
+ double silent_us = noisyAtFrame * 1e6 / frameRate;
+ double remaining_us = duration_us - silent_us;
+ // Time from the last frame in the buffer until the callback receiving the buffer fired
+ double latencyCb_ms = (tc - tb - remaining_us) / 1000.;
+ // Time from the moment a buffer was enqueued for recording until the first frame in
+ // the buffer was recorded
+ double latencyEnqueue_ms = (tb - te - silent_us) / 1000.;
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "Processed: L_cb = %.3f ms, L_eq = %.3f ms, noisy frame = %d",
+ latencyCb_ms,
+ latencyEnqueue_ms,
+ noisyAtFrame
+ ));
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestPartialResult(latencyCb_ms);
+ if (traceLogger != null) {
+ traceLogger.log((long) (tb + waltDevice.clock.baseTime + remaining_us),
+ tc + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ "Beep-to-rec-callback",
+ "Bar starts when WALT plays beep and ends when recording callback received");
+ }
+ deltas_mic.add(latencyCb_ms);
+ doRecordingTestRepetition();
+ }
+ };
+ private void finishPlaybackMeasurement() {
+ stopTests();
+ waltDevice.stopListener();
+ waltDevice.clearTriggerHandler();
+ waltDevice.checkDrift();
+ // Debug: logger.log("deltas_play2queue = array(" + deltas_play2queue.toString() +")");
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "\n%s audio playback results:\n" +
+ "Detected %d beeps out of %d initiated\n" +
+ "Median Java to native time is %.3f ms\n" +
+ "Median native playTone to Enqueue time is %.1f ms\n" +
+ "Buffer length is %d frames at %d Hz = %.2f ms\n" +
+ "-------------------------------\n" +
+ "Median time from Enqueue to wire is %.1f ms\n" +
+ "-------------------------------\n",
+ audioMode == AudioMode.COLD? "Cold" : "Continuous",
+ detectedBeeps, initiatedBeeps,
+ Utils.median(deltasJ2N),
+ Utils.median(deltas_play2queue),
+ framesPerBuffer, frameRate, 1000.0 / frameRate * framesPerBuffer,
+ Utils.median(deltas_queue2wire)
+ ));
+ if (resultHandler != null) {
+ resultHandler.onResult(deltas_play2queue, deltas_queue2wire);
+ }
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStopped();
+ if (traceLogger != null) traceLogger.flush(context);
+ }
+ private void finishRecordingMeasurement() {
+ waltDevice.checkDrift();
+ // Debug: logger.log("deltas_mic: " + deltas_mic.toString());
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "\nAudio recording/microphone results:\n" +
+ "Recorded %d beeps.\n" +
+ "-------------------------------\n" +
+ "Median callback latency - " +
+ "time from sampling the last frame to recorder callback is %.1f ms\n" +
+ "-------------------------------\n",
+ deltas_mic.size(),
+ Utils.median(deltas_mic)
+ ));
+ if (resultHandler != null) {
+ resultHandler.onResult(deltas_mic);
+ }
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStopped();
+ if (traceLogger != null) traceLogger.flush(context);
+ }