path: root/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/MidiTest.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/MidiTest.java')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/MidiTest.java b/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/MidiTest.java
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/WALT/app/src/main/java/org/chromium/latency/walt/MidiTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.chromium.latency.walt;
+import android.annotation.TargetApi;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.media.midi.MidiDevice;
+import android.media.midi.MidiDeviceInfo;
+import android.media.midi.MidiInputPort;
+import android.media.midi.MidiManager;
+import android.media.midi.MidiOutputPort;
+import android.media.midi.MidiReceiver;
+import android.os.Handler;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import static org.chromium.latency.walt.Utils.getIntPreference;
+class MidiTest extends BaseTest {
+ private Handler handler = new Handler();
+ private static final String TEENSY_MIDI_NAME = "Teensyduino Teensy MIDI";
+ private static final byte[] noteMsg = {(byte) 0x90, (byte) 99, (byte) 0};
+ private MidiManager midiManager;
+ private MidiDevice midiDevice;
+ // Output and Input here are with respect to the MIDI device, not the Android device.
+ private MidiOutputPort midiOutputPort;
+ private MidiInputPort midiInputPort;
+ private boolean isConnecting = false;
+ private long last_tWalt = 0;
+ private long last_tSys = 0;
+ private long last_tJava = 0;
+ private int inputSyncAfterRepetitions = 100;
+ private int outputSyncAfterRepetitions = 20; // TODO: implement periodic clock sync for output
+ private int inputRepetitions;
+ private int outputRepetitions;
+ private int repetitionsDone;
+ private ArrayList<Double> deltasToSys = new ArrayList<>();
+ ArrayList<Double> deltasInputTotal = new ArrayList<>();
+ ArrayList<Double> deltasOutputTotal = new ArrayList<>();
+ private static final int noteDelay = 300;
+ private static final int timeout = 1000;
+ MidiTest(Context context) {
+ super(context);
+ inputRepetitions = getIntPreference(context, R.string.preference_midi_in_reps, 100);
+ outputRepetitions = getIntPreference(context, R.string.preference_midi_out_reps, 10);
+ midiManager = (MidiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.MIDI_SERVICE);
+ findMidiDevice();
+ }
+ MidiTest(Context context, AutoRunFragment.ResultHandler resultHandler) {
+ this(context);
+ this.resultHandler = resultHandler;
+ }
+ void setInputRepetitions(int repetitions) {
+ inputRepetitions = repetitions;
+ }
+ void setOutputRepetitions(int repetitions) {
+ outputRepetitions = repetitions;
+ }
+ void testMidiOut() {
+ if (midiDevice == null) {
+ if (isConnecting) {
+ logger.log("Still connecting...");
+ handler.post(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ testMidiOut();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ logger.log("MIDI device is not open!");
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ setupMidiOut();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error setting up test: " + e.getMessage());
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ return;
+ }
+ handler.postDelayed(cancelMidiOutRunnable, noteDelay * inputRepetitions + timeout);
+ }
+ void testMidiIn() {
+ if (midiDevice == null) {
+ if (isConnecting) {
+ logger.log("Still connecting...");
+ handler.post(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ testMidiIn();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ logger.log("MIDI device is not open!");
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ setupMidiIn();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error setting up test: " + e.getMessage());
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ return;
+ }
+ handler.postDelayed(requestNoteRunnable, noteDelay);
+ }
+ private void setupMidiOut() throws IOException {
+ repetitionsDone = 0;
+ deltasInputTotal.clear();
+ deltasOutputTotal.clear();
+ midiInputPort = midiDevice.openInputPort(0);
+ waltDevice.syncClock();
+ waltDevice.command(WaltDevice.CMD_MIDI);
+ waltDevice.startListener();
+ waltDevice.setTriggerHandler(triggerHandler);
+ scheduleNotes();
+ }
+ private void findMidiDevice() {
+ MidiDeviceInfo[] infos = midiManager.getDevices();
+ for(MidiDeviceInfo info : infos) {
+ String name = info.getProperties().getString(MidiDeviceInfo.PROPERTY_NAME);
+ logger.log("Found MIDI device named " + name);
+ if(TEENSY_MIDI_NAME.equals(name)) {
+ logger.log("^^^ using this device ^^^");
+ isConnecting = true;
+ midiManager.openDevice(info, new MidiManager.OnDeviceOpenedListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void onDeviceOpened(MidiDevice device) {
+ if (device == null) {
+ logger.log("Error, unable to open MIDI device");
+ } else {
+ logger.log("Opened MIDI device successfully!");
+ midiDevice = device;
+ }
+ isConnecting = false;
+ }
+ }, null);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private WaltDevice.TriggerHandler triggerHandler = new WaltDevice.TriggerHandler() {
+ @Override
+ public void onReceive(WaltDevice.TriggerMessage tmsg) {
+ last_tWalt = tmsg.t + waltDevice.clock.baseTime;
+ double dt = (last_tWalt - last_tSys) / 1000.;
+ deltasOutputTotal.add(dt);
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US, "Note detected: latency of %.3f ms", dt));
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestPartialResult(dt);
+ if (traceLogger != null) {
+ traceLogger.log(last_tSys, last_tWalt, "MIDI Output",
+ "Bar starts when system sends audio and ends when WALT receives note");
+ }
+ last_tSys += noteDelay * 1000;
+ repetitionsDone++;
+ if (repetitionsDone < outputRepetitions) {
+ try {
+ waltDevice.command(WaltDevice.CMD_MIDI);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Failed to send command CMD_MIDI: " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ } else {
+ finishMidiOut();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ private void scheduleNotes() {
+ if(midiInputPort == null) {
+ logger.log("midiInputPort is not open");
+ return;
+ }
+ long t = System.nanoTime() + ((long) noteDelay) * 1000000L;
+ try {
+ // TODO: only schedule some, then sync clock
+ for (int i = 0; i < outputRepetitions; i++) {
+ midiInputPort.send(noteMsg, 0, noteMsg.length, t + ((long) noteDelay) * 1000000L * i);
+ }
+ } catch(IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Unable to schedule note: " + e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ last_tSys = t / 1000;
+ }
+ private void finishMidiOut() {
+ logger.log("All notes detected");
+ logger.log(String.format(
+ Locale.US, "Median total output latency %.1f ms", Utils.median(deltasOutputTotal)));
+ handler.removeCallbacks(cancelMidiOutRunnable);
+ if (resultHandler != null) {
+ resultHandler.onResult(deltasOutputTotal);
+ }
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStopped();
+ if (traceLogger != null) traceLogger.flush(context);
+ teardownMidiOut();
+ }
+ private Runnable cancelMidiOutRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ logger.log("Timed out waiting for notes to be detected by WALT");
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ teardownMidiOut();
+ }
+ };
+ private void teardownMidiOut() {
+ try {
+ midiInputPort.close();
+ } catch(IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error, failed to close input port: " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ waltDevice.stopListener();
+ waltDevice.clearTriggerHandler();
+ waltDevice.checkDrift();
+ }
+ private Runnable requestNoteRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ logger.log("Requesting note from WALT...");
+ String s;
+ try {
+ s = waltDevice.command(WaltDevice.CMD_NOTE);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error sending NOTE command: " + e.getMessage());
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStoppedWithError();
+ return;
+ }
+ last_tWalt = Integer.parseInt(s);
+ handler.postDelayed(finishMidiInRunnable, timeout);
+ }
+ };
+ private Runnable finishMidiInRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ waltDevice.checkDrift();
+ logger.log("deltas: " + deltasToSys.toString());
+ logger.log("MIDI Input Test Results:");
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "Median MIDI subsystem latency %.1f ms\nMedian total latency %.1f ms",
+ Utils.median(deltasToSys), Utils.median(deltasInputTotal)
+ ));
+ if (resultHandler != null) {
+ resultHandler.onResult(deltasToSys, deltasInputTotal);
+ }
+ if (testStateListener != null) testStateListener.onTestStopped();
+ if (traceLogger != null) traceLogger.flush(context);
+ teardownMidiIn();
+ }
+ };
+ private class WaltReceiver extends MidiReceiver {
+ public void onSend(byte[] data, int offset,
+ int count, long timestamp) throws IOException {
+ if(count > 0 && data[offset] == (byte) 0x90) { // NoteOn message on channel 1
+ handler.removeCallbacks(finishMidiInRunnable);
+ last_tJava = waltDevice.clock.micros();
+ last_tSys = timestamp / 1000 - waltDevice.clock.baseTime;
+ final double d1 = (last_tSys - last_tWalt) / 1000.;
+ final double d2 = (last_tJava - last_tSys) / 1000.;
+ final double dt = (last_tJava - last_tWalt) / 1000.;
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US,
+ "Result: Time to MIDI subsystem = %.3f ms, Time to Java = %.3f ms, " +
+ "Total = %.3f ms",
+ d1, d2, dt));
+ deltasToSys.add(d1);
+ deltasInputTotal.add(dt);
+ if (testStateListener != null) {
+ handler.post(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ testStateListener.onTestPartialResult(dt);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (traceLogger != null) {
+ traceLogger.log(last_tWalt + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ last_tSys + waltDevice.clock.baseTime, "MIDI Input Subsystem",
+ "Bar starts when WALT sends note and ends when received by MIDI subsystem");
+ traceLogger.log(last_tSys + waltDevice.clock.baseTime,
+ last_tJava + waltDevice.clock.baseTime, "MIDI Input Java",
+ "Bar starts when note received by MIDI subsystem and ends when received by app");
+ }
+ repetitionsDone++;
+ if (repetitionsDone % inputSyncAfterRepetitions == 0) {
+ try {
+ waltDevice.syncClock();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error syncing clocks: " + e.getMessage());
+ handler.post(finishMidiInRunnable);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (repetitionsDone < inputRepetitions) {
+ handler.post(requestNoteRunnable);
+ } else {
+ handler.post(finishMidiInRunnable);
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger.log(String.format(Locale.US, "Expected 0x90, got 0x%x and count was %d",
+ data[offset], count));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void setupMidiIn() throws IOException {
+ repetitionsDone = 0;
+ deltasInputTotal.clear();
+ deltasOutputTotal.clear();
+ midiOutputPort = midiDevice.openOutputPort(0);
+ midiOutputPort.connect(new WaltReceiver());
+ waltDevice.syncClock();
+ }
+ private void teardownMidiIn() {
+ handler.removeCallbacks(requestNoteRunnable);
+ handler.removeCallbacks(finishMidiInRunnable);
+ try {
+ midiOutputPort.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.log("Error, failed to close output port: " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }