/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "CharacterNames.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EditingText.h" #include "HTMLBRElement.h" #include "HTMLDivElement.h" #include "HTMLElementFactory.h" #include "HTMLInterchange.h" #include "HTMLLIElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLOListElement.h" #include "HTMLUListElement.h" #include "PositionIterator.h" #include "RenderObject.h" #include "Range.h" #include "Selection.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TextIterator.h" #include "VisiblePosition.h" #include "visible_units.h" #include #if ENABLE(WML) #include "WMLNames.h" #endif using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; // Atomic means that the node has no children, or has children which are ignored for the // purposes of editing. bool isAtomicNode(const Node *node) { return node && (!node->hasChildNodes() || editingIgnoresContent(node)); } // Returns true for nodes that either have no content, or have content that is ignored (skipped // over) while editing. There are no VisiblePositions inside these nodes. bool editingIgnoresContent(const Node* node) { return !canHaveChildrenForEditing(node) && !node->isTextNode(); } bool canHaveChildrenForEditing(const Node* node) { return !node->hasTagName(hrTag) && !node->hasTagName(brTag) && !node->hasTagName(imgTag) && !node->hasTagName(buttonTag) && !node->hasTagName(inputTag) && !node->hasTagName(textareaTag) && !node->hasTagName(objectTag) && !node->hasTagName(iframeTag) && !node->hasTagName(embedTag) && !node->hasTagName(appletTag) && !node->hasTagName(selectTag) && #if ENABLE(WML) !node->hasTagName(WMLNames::doTag) && #endif !node->isTextNode(); } // Compare two positions, taking into account the possibility that one or both // could be inside a shadow tree. Only works for non-null values. int comparePositions(const Position& a, const Position& b) { Node* nodeA = a.node(); ASSERT(nodeA); Node* nodeB = b.node(); ASSERT(nodeB); int offsetA = a.offset(); int offsetB = b.offset(); Node* shadowAncestorA = nodeA->shadowAncestorNode(); if (shadowAncestorA == nodeA) shadowAncestorA = 0; Node* shadowAncestorB = nodeB->shadowAncestorNode(); if (shadowAncestorB == nodeB) shadowAncestorB = 0; int bias = 0; if (shadowAncestorA != shadowAncestorB) { if (shadowAncestorA) { nodeA = shadowAncestorA; offsetA = 0; bias = 1; } if (shadowAncestorB) { nodeB = shadowAncestorB; offsetB = 0; bias = -1; } } int result = Range::compareBoundaryPoints(nodeA, offsetA, nodeB, offsetB); return result ? result : bias; } Node* highestEditableRoot(const Position& position) { Node* node = position.node(); if (!node) return 0; Node* highestRoot = editableRootForPosition(position); if (!highestRoot) return 0; node = highestRoot; while (node) { if (node->isContentEditable()) highestRoot = node; if (node->hasTagName(bodyTag)) break; node = node->parentNode(); } return highestRoot; } Node* lowestEditableAncestor(Node* node) { if (!node) return 0; Node *lowestRoot = 0; while (node) { if (node->isContentEditable()) return node->rootEditableElement(); if (node->hasTagName(bodyTag)) break; node = node->parentNode(); } return lowestRoot; } bool isEditablePosition(const Position& p) { Node* node = p.node(); if (!node) return false; if (node->renderer() && node->renderer()->isTable()) node = node->parentNode(); return node->isContentEditable(); } bool isRichlyEditablePosition(const Position& p) { Node* node = p.node(); if (!node) return false; if (node->renderer() && node->renderer()->isTable()) node = node->parentNode(); return node->isContentRichlyEditable(); } Element* editableRootForPosition(const Position& p) { Node* node = p.node(); if (!node) return 0; if (node->renderer() && node->renderer()->isTable()) node = node->parentNode(); return node->rootEditableElement(); } bool isContentEditable(const Node* node) { return node->isContentEditable(); } Position nextCandidate(const Position& position) { PositionIterator p = position; while (!p.atEnd()) { p.increment(); if (p.isCandidate()) return p; } return Position(); } Position nextVisuallyDistinctCandidate(const Position& position) { Position p = position; Position downstreamStart = p.downstream(); while (!p.atEnd()) { p = p.next(UsingComposedCharacters); if (p.isCandidate() && p.downstream() != downstreamStart) return p; } return Position(); } Position previousCandidate(const Position& position) { PositionIterator p = position; while (!p.atStart()) { p.decrement(); if (p.isCandidate()) return p; } return Position(); } Position previousVisuallyDistinctCandidate(const Position& position) { Position p = position; Position downstreamStart = p.downstream(); while (!p.atStart()) { p = p.previous(UsingComposedCharacters); if (p.isCandidate() && p.downstream() != downstreamStart) return p; } return Position(); } VisiblePosition firstEditablePositionAfterPositionInRoot(const Position& position, Node* highestRoot) { // position falls before highestRoot. if (comparePositions(position, Position(highestRoot, 0)) == -1 && highestRoot->isContentEditable()) return VisiblePosition(Position(highestRoot, 0)); Position p = position; if (Node* shadowAncestor = p.node()->shadowAncestorNode()) if (shadowAncestor != p.node()) p = Position(shadowAncestor, maxDeepOffset(shadowAncestor)); while (p.node() && !isEditablePosition(p) && p.node()->isDescendantOf(highestRoot)) p = isAtomicNode(p.node()) ? positionAfterNode(p.node()) : nextVisuallyDistinctCandidate(p); if (p.node() && !p.node()->isDescendantOf(highestRoot)) return VisiblePosition(); return VisiblePosition(p); } VisiblePosition lastEditablePositionBeforePositionInRoot(const Position& position, Node* highestRoot) { // When position falls after highestRoot, the result is easy to compute. if (comparePositions(position, Position(highestRoot, maxDeepOffset(highestRoot))) == 1) return VisiblePosition(Position(highestRoot, maxDeepOffset(highestRoot))); Position p = position; if (Node* shadowAncestor = p.node()->shadowAncestorNode()) if (shadowAncestor != p.node()) p = Position(shadowAncestor, 0); while (p.node() && !isEditablePosition(p) && p.node()->isDescendantOf(highestRoot)) p = isAtomicNode(p.node()) ? positionBeforeNode(p.node()) : previousVisuallyDistinctCandidate(p); if (p.node() && !p.node()->isDescendantOf(highestRoot)) return VisiblePosition(); return VisiblePosition(p); } // Whether or not content before and after this node will collapse onto the same line as it. bool isBlock(const Node* node) { return node && node->renderer() && !node->renderer()->isInline(); } // FIXME: Deploy this in all of the places where enclosingBlockFlow/enclosingBlockFlowOrTableElement are used. // FIXME: Pass a position to this function. The enclosing block of [table, x] for example, should be the // block that contains the table and not the table, and this function should be the only one responsible for // knowing about these kinds of special cases. Node* enclosingBlock(Node* node) { return static_cast(enclosingNodeOfType(Position(node, 0), isBlock)); } Position rangeCompliantEquivalent(const Position& pos) { if (pos.isNull()) return Position(); Node *node = pos.node(); if (pos.offset() <= 0) { if (node->parentNode() && (editingIgnoresContent(node) || isTableElement(node))) return positionBeforeNode(node); return Position(node, 0); } if (node->offsetInCharacters()) return Position(node, min(node->maxCharacterOffset(), pos.offset())); int maxCompliantOffset = node->childNodeCount(); if (pos.offset() > maxCompliantOffset) { if (node->parentNode()) return positionAfterNode(node); // there is no other option at this point than to // use the highest allowed position in the node return Position(node, maxCompliantOffset); } // Editing should never generate positions like this. if ((pos.offset() < maxCompliantOffset) && editingIgnoresContent(node)) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return node->parentNode() ? positionBeforeNode(node) : Position(node, 0); } if (pos.offset() == maxCompliantOffset && (editingIgnoresContent(node) || isTableElement(node))) return positionAfterNode(node); return Position(pos); } Position rangeCompliantEquivalent(const VisiblePosition& vpos) { return rangeCompliantEquivalent(vpos.deepEquivalent()); } // This method is used to create positions in the DOM. It returns the maximum valid offset // in a node. It returns 1 for some elements even though they do not have children, which // creates technically invalid DOM Positions. Be sure to call rangeCompliantEquivalent // on a Position before using it to create a DOM Range, or an exception will be thrown. int maxDeepOffset(const Node *node) { ASSERT(node); if (!node) return 0; if (node->offsetInCharacters()) return node->maxCharacterOffset(); if (node->hasChildNodes()) return node->childNodeCount(); // NOTE: This should preempt the childNodeCount for, e.g., select nodes if (editingIgnoresContent(node)) return 1; return 0; } String stringWithRebalancedWhitespace(const String& string, bool startIsStartOfParagraph, bool endIsEndOfParagraph) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, twoSpaces, (" ")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, nbsp, ("\xa0")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, pattern, (" \xa0")); String rebalancedString = string; rebalancedString.replace(noBreakSpace, ' '); rebalancedString.replace('\n', ' '); rebalancedString.replace('\t', ' '); rebalancedString.replace(twoSpaces, pattern); if (startIsStartOfParagraph && rebalancedString[0] == ' ') rebalancedString.replace(0, 1, nbsp); int end = rebalancedString.length() - 1; if (endIsEndOfParagraph && rebalancedString[end] == ' ') rebalancedString.replace(end, 1, nbsp); return rebalancedString; } bool isTableStructureNode(const Node *node) { RenderObject *r = node->renderer(); return (r && (r->isTableCell() || r->isTableRow() || r->isTableSection() || r->isTableCol())); } const String& nonBreakingSpaceString() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, nonBreakingSpaceString, (&noBreakSpace, 1)); return nonBreakingSpaceString; } // FIXME: need to dump this bool isSpecialElement(const Node *n) { if (!n) return false; if (!n->isHTMLElement()) return false; if (n->isLink()) return true; RenderObject *renderer = n->renderer(); if (!renderer) return false; if (renderer->style()->display() == TABLE || renderer->style()->display() == INLINE_TABLE) return true; if (renderer->style()->isFloating()) return true; if (renderer->style()->position() != StaticPosition) return true; return false; } // Checks if a string is a valid tag for the FormatBlockCommand function of execCommand. Expects lower case strings. bool validBlockTag(const String& blockTag) { if (blockTag == "address" || blockTag == "blockquote" || blockTag == "dd" || blockTag == "div" || blockTag == "dl" || blockTag == "dt" || blockTag == "h1" || blockTag == "h2" || blockTag == "h3" || blockTag == "h4" || blockTag == "h5" || blockTag == "h6" || blockTag == "p" || blockTag == "pre") return true; return false; } static Node* firstInSpecialElement(const Position& pos) { Node* rootEditableElement = pos.node()->rootEditableElement(); for (Node* n = pos.node(); n && n->rootEditableElement() == rootEditableElement; n = n->parentNode()) if (isSpecialElement(n)) { VisiblePosition vPos = VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM); VisiblePosition firstInElement = VisiblePosition(n, 0, DOWNSTREAM); if (isTableElement(n) && vPos == firstInElement.next()) return n; if (vPos == firstInElement) return n; } return 0; } static Node* lastInSpecialElement(const Position& pos) { Node* rootEditableElement = pos.node()->rootEditableElement(); for (Node* n = pos.node(); n && n->rootEditableElement() == rootEditableElement; n = n->parentNode()) if (isSpecialElement(n)) { VisiblePosition vPos = VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM); VisiblePosition lastInElement = VisiblePosition(n, n->childNodeCount(), DOWNSTREAM); if (isTableElement(n) && vPos == lastInElement.previous()) return n; if (vPos == lastInElement) return n; } return 0; } bool isFirstVisiblePositionInSpecialElement(const Position& pos) { return firstInSpecialElement(pos); } Position positionBeforeContainingSpecialElement(const Position& pos, Node** containingSpecialElement) { Node* n = firstInSpecialElement(pos); if (!n) return pos; Position result = positionBeforeNode(n); if (result.isNull() || result.node()->rootEditableElement() != pos.node()->rootEditableElement()) return pos; if (containingSpecialElement) *containingSpecialElement = n; return result; } bool isLastVisiblePositionInSpecialElement(const Position& pos) { return lastInSpecialElement(pos); } Position positionAfterContainingSpecialElement(const Position& pos, Node **containingSpecialElement) { Node* n = lastInSpecialElement(pos); if (!n) return pos; Position result = positionAfterNode(n); if (result.isNull() || result.node()->rootEditableElement() != pos.node()->rootEditableElement()) return pos; if (containingSpecialElement) *containingSpecialElement = n; return result; } Position positionOutsideContainingSpecialElement(const Position &pos, Node **containingSpecialElement) { if (isFirstVisiblePositionInSpecialElement(pos)) return positionBeforeContainingSpecialElement(pos, containingSpecialElement); if (isLastVisiblePositionInSpecialElement(pos)) return positionAfterContainingSpecialElement(pos, containingSpecialElement); return pos; } Node* isFirstPositionAfterTable(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition) { Position upstream(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent().upstream()); if (upstream.node() && upstream.node()->renderer() && upstream.node()->renderer()->isTable() && upstream.offset() == maxDeepOffset(upstream.node())) return upstream.node(); return 0; } Node* isLastPositionBeforeTable(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition) { Position downstream(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent().downstream()); if (downstream.node() && downstream.node()->renderer() && downstream.node()->renderer()->isTable() && downstream.offset() == 0) return downstream.node(); return 0; } Position positionBeforeNode(const Node *node) { return Position(node->parentNode(), node->nodeIndex()); } Position positionAfterNode(const Node *node) { return Position(node->parentNode(), node->nodeIndex() + 1); } bool isListElement(Node *n) { return (n && (n->hasTagName(ulTag) || n->hasTagName(olTag) || n->hasTagName(dlTag))); } Node* enclosingNodeWithTag(const Position& p, const QualifiedName& tagName) { if (p.isNull()) return 0; Node* root = highestEditableRoot(p); for (Node* n = p.node(); n; n = n->parentNode()) { if (root && !isContentEditable(n)) continue; if (n->hasTagName(tagName)) return n; if (n == root) return 0; } return 0; } Node* enclosingNodeOfType(const Position& p, bool (*nodeIsOfType)(const Node*), bool onlyReturnEditableNodes) { if (p.isNull()) return 0; Node* root = highestEditableRoot(p); for (Node* n = p.node(); n; n = n->parentNode()) { // Don't return a non-editable node if the input position was editable, since // the callers from editing will no doubt want to perform editing inside the returned node. if (root && !isContentEditable(n) && onlyReturnEditableNodes) continue; if ((*nodeIsOfType)(n)) return n; if (n == root) return 0; } return 0; } Node* highestEnclosingNodeOfType(const Position& p, bool (*nodeIsOfType)(const Node*)) { Node* highest = 0; Node* root = highestEditableRoot(p); for (Node* n = p.node(); n; n = n->parentNode()) { if ((*nodeIsOfType)(n)) highest = n; if (n == root) break; } return highest; } Node* enclosingTableCell(const Position& p) { return static_cast(enclosingNodeOfType(p, isTableCell)); } Node* enclosingAnchorElement(const Position& p) { if (p.isNull()) return 0; Node* node = p.node(); while (node && !(node->isElementNode() && node->isLink())) node = node->parentNode(); return node; } HTMLElement* enclosingList(Node* node) { if (!node) return 0; Node* root = highestEditableRoot(Position(node, 0)); for (Node* n = node->parentNode(); n; n = n->parentNode()) { if (n->hasTagName(ulTag) || n->hasTagName(olTag)) return static_cast(n); if (n == root) return 0; } return 0; } Node* enclosingListChild(Node *node) { if (!node) return 0; // Check for a list item element, or for a node whose parent is a list element. Such a node // will appear visually as a list item (but without a list marker) Node* root = highestEditableRoot(Position(node, 0)); // FIXME: This function is inappropriately named if it starts with node instead of node->parentNode() for (Node* n = node; n && n->parentNode(); n = n->parentNode()) { if (n->hasTagName(liTag) || isListElement(n->parentNode())) return n; if (n == root || isTableCell(n)) return 0; } return 0; } static HTMLElement* embeddedSublist(Node* listItem) { // Check the DOM so that we'll find collapsed sublists without renderers. for (Node* n = listItem->firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (isListElement(n)) return static_cast(n); } return 0; } static Node* appendedSublist(Node* listItem) { // Check the DOM so that we'll find collapsed sublists without renderers. for (Node* n = listItem->nextSibling(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (isListElement(n)) return static_cast(n); if (n->renderer() && n->renderer()->isListItem()) return 0; } return 0; } Node* enclosingEmptyListItem(const VisiblePosition& visiblePos) { // Check that position is on a line by itself inside a list item Node* listChildNode = enclosingListChild(visiblePos.deepEquivalent().node()); if (!listChildNode || !isStartOfParagraph(visiblePos) || !isEndOfParagraph(visiblePos)) return 0; VisiblePosition firstInListChild(Position(listChildNode, 0)); VisiblePosition lastInListChild(Position(listChildNode, maxDeepOffset(listChildNode))); if (firstInListChild != visiblePos || lastInListChild != visiblePos) return 0; if (embeddedSublist(listChildNode) || appendedSublist(listChildNode)) return 0; return listChildNode; } HTMLElement* outermostEnclosingList(Node* node) { HTMLElement* list = enclosingList(node); if (!list) return 0; while (HTMLElement* nextList = enclosingList(list)) list = nextList; return list; } Node* highestAncestor(Node* node) { ASSERT(node); Node* parent = node; while ((node = node->parentNode())) parent = node; return parent; } // FIXME: do not require renderer, so that this can be used within fragments, or rename to isRenderedTable() bool isTableElement(Node* n) { if (!n || !n->isElementNode()) return false; RenderObject* renderer = n->renderer(); return (renderer && (renderer->style()->display() == TABLE || renderer->style()->display() == INLINE_TABLE)); } bool isTableCell(const Node* node) { RenderObject* r = node->renderer(); if (!r) return node->hasTagName(tdTag) || node->hasTagName(thTag); return r->isTableCell(); } PassRefPtr createDefaultParagraphElement(Document* document) { return new HTMLDivElement(divTag, document); } PassRefPtr createBreakElement(Document* document) { return new HTMLBRElement(brTag, document); } PassRefPtr createOrderedListElement(Document* document) { return new HTMLOListElement(olTag, document); } PassRefPtr createUnorderedListElement(Document* document) { return new HTMLUListElement(ulTag, document); } PassRefPtr createListItemElement(Document* document) { return new HTMLLIElement(liTag, document); } PassRefPtr createHTMLElement(Document* document, const QualifiedName& name) { return HTMLElementFactory::createHTMLElement(name, document, 0, false); } PassRefPtr createHTMLElement(Document* document, const AtomicString& tagName) { return createHTMLElement(document, QualifiedName(nullAtom, tagName, xhtmlNamespaceURI)); } bool isTabSpanNode(const Node *node) { return node && node->hasTagName(spanTag) && node->isElementNode() && static_cast(node)->getAttribute(classAttr) == AppleTabSpanClass; } bool isTabSpanTextNode(const Node *node) { return node && node->isTextNode() && node->parentNode() && isTabSpanNode(node->parentNode()); } Node *tabSpanNode(const Node *node) { return isTabSpanTextNode(node) ? node->parentNode() : 0; } Position positionBeforeTabSpan(const Position& pos) { Node *node = pos.node(); if (isTabSpanTextNode(node)) node = tabSpanNode(node); else if (!isTabSpanNode(node)) return pos; return positionBeforeNode(node); } PassRefPtr createTabSpanElement(Document* document, PassRefPtr tabTextNode) { // make the span to hold the tab ExceptionCode ec = 0; RefPtr spanElement = document->createElementNS(xhtmlNamespaceURI, "span", ec); ASSERT(ec == 0); spanElement->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleTabSpanClass); spanElement->setAttribute(styleAttr, "white-space:pre"); // add tab text to that span if (!tabTextNode) tabTextNode = document->createEditingTextNode("\t"); spanElement->appendChild(tabTextNode, ec); ASSERT(ec == 0); return spanElement.release(); } PassRefPtr createTabSpanElement(Document* document, const String& tabText) { return createTabSpanElement(document, document->createTextNode(tabText)); } PassRefPtr createTabSpanElement(Document* document) { return createTabSpanElement(document, PassRefPtr()); } bool isNodeRendered(const Node *node) { if (!node) return false; RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return false; return renderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE; } Node *nearestMailBlockquote(const Node *node) { for (Node *n = const_cast(node); n; n = n->parentNode()) { if (isMailBlockquote(n)) return n; } return 0; } unsigned numEnclosingMailBlockquotes(const Position& p) { unsigned num = 0; for (Node* n = p.node(); n; n = n->parentNode()) if (isMailBlockquote(n)) num++; return num; } bool isMailBlockquote(const Node *node) { if (!node || !node->isElementNode() && !node->hasTagName(blockquoteTag)) return false; return static_cast(node)->getAttribute("type") == "cite"; } int caretMinOffset(const Node* n) { RenderObject* r = n->renderer(); ASSERT(!n->isCharacterDataNode() || !r || r->isText()); // FIXME: This was a runtime check that seemingly couldn't fail; changed it to an assertion for now. return r ? r->caretMinOffset() : 0; } // If a node can contain candidates for VisiblePositions, return the offset of the last candidate, otherwise // return the number of children for container nodes and the length for unrendered text nodes. int caretMaxOffset(const Node* n) { // For rendered text nodes, return the last position that a caret could occupy. if (n->isTextNode() && n->renderer()) return n->renderer()->caretMaxOffset(); // For containers return the number of children. For others do the same as above. return maxDeepOffset(n); } bool lineBreakExistsAtPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition) { if (visiblePosition.isNull()) return false; Position downstream(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent().downstream()); return downstream.node()->hasTagName(brTag) || downstream.node()->isTextNode() && downstream.node()->renderer()->style()->preserveNewline() && visiblePosition.characterAfter() == '\n'; } // Modifies selections that have an end point at the edge of a table // that contains the other endpoint so that they don't confuse // code that iterates over selected paragraphs. Selection selectionForParagraphIteration(const Selection& original) { Selection newSelection(original); VisiblePosition startOfSelection(newSelection.visibleStart()); VisiblePosition endOfSelection(newSelection.visibleEnd()); // If the end of the selection to modify is just after a table, and // if the start of the selection is inside that table, then the last paragraph // that we'll want modify is the last one inside the table, not the table itself // (a table is itself a paragraph). if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(endOfSelection)) if (startOfSelection.deepEquivalent().node()->isDescendantOf(table)) newSelection = Selection(startOfSelection, endOfSelection.previous(true)); // If the start of the selection to modify is just before a table, // and if the end of the selection is inside that table, then the first paragraph // we'll want to modify is the first one inside the table, not the paragraph // containing the table itself. if (Node* table = isLastPositionBeforeTable(startOfSelection)) if (endOfSelection.deepEquivalent().node()->isDescendantOf(table)) newSelection = Selection(startOfSelection.next(true), endOfSelection); return newSelection; } int indexForVisiblePosition(VisiblePosition& visiblePosition) { if (visiblePosition.isNull()) return 0; Position p(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent()); RefPtr range = Range::create(p.node()->document(), Position(p.node()->document(), 0), rangeCompliantEquivalent(p)); return TextIterator::rangeLength(range.get(), true); } PassRefPtr avoidIntersectionWithNode(const Range* range, Node* node) { if (!range) return 0; Document* document = range->ownerDocument(); Node* startContainer = range->startContainer(); int startOffset = range->startOffset(); Node* endContainer = range->endContainer(); int endOffset = range->endOffset(); if (!startContainer) return 0; ASSERT(endContainer); if (startContainer == node || startContainer->isDescendantOf(node)) { ASSERT(node->parentNode()); startContainer = node->parentNode(); startOffset = node->nodeIndex(); } if (endContainer == node || endContainer->isDescendantOf(node)) { ASSERT(node->parentNode()); endContainer = node->parentNode(); endOffset = node->nodeIndex(); } return Range::create(document, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset); } Selection avoidIntersectionWithNode(const Selection& selection, Node* node) { if (selection.isNone()) return Selection(selection); Selection updatedSelection(selection); Node* base = selection.base().node(); Node* extent = selection.extent().node(); ASSERT(base); ASSERT(extent); if (base == node || base->isDescendantOf(node)) { ASSERT(node->parentNode()); updatedSelection.setBase(Position(node->parentNode(), node->nodeIndex())); } if (extent == node || extent->isDescendantOf(node)) { ASSERT(node->parentNode()); updatedSelection.setExtent(Position(node->parentNode(), node->nodeIndex())); } return updatedSelection; } } // namespace WebCore