path: root/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
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authorChih-hung Hsieh <chh@google.com>2015-12-01 17:07:48 +0000
committerandroid-build-merger <android-build-merger@google.com>2015-12-01 17:07:48 +0000
commita4acd9d6bc9b3b033d7d274316e75ee067df8d20 (patch)
tree672a185b294789cf991f385c3e395dd63bea9063 /webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
parent3681b90ba4fe7a27232dd3e27897d5d7ed9d651c (diff)
parentfe8b4a657979b49e1701bd92f6d5814a99e0b2be (diff)
Merge changes I7bbf776e,I1b827825
am: fe8b4a6579 * commit 'fe8b4a657979b49e1701bd92f6d5814a99e0b2be': (7237 commits) WIP: Changes after merge commit 'cb3f9bd' Make the nonlinear beamformer steerable Utilize bitrate above codec max to protect video. Enable VP9 internal resize by default. Filter overlapping RTP header extensions. Make VCMEncodedFrameCallback const. MediaCodecVideoEncoder: Add number of quality resolution downscales to Encoded callback. Remove redudant encoder rate calls. Create isolate files for nonparallel tests. Register header extensions in RtpRtcpObserver to avoid log spam. Make an enum class out of NetEqDecoder, and hide the neteq_decoders_ table ACM: Move NACK functionality inside NetEq Fix chromium-style warnings in webrtc/sound/. Create a 'webrtc_nonparallel_tests' target. Update scalability structure data according to updates in the RTP payload profile. audio_coding: rename interface -> include Rewrote perform_action_on_all_files to be parallell. Update reference indices according to updates in the RTP payload profile. Disable P2PTransport...TestFailoverControlledSide on Memcheck pass clangcl compile options to ignore warnings in gflags.cc ...
Diffstat (limited to 'webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m b/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c7fb522f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+% Create the color enhancement look-up table and write it to
+% file colorEnhancementTable.cpp. Copy contents of that file into
+% the source file for the color enhancement function.
+close all
+% First, define the color enhancement in a normalized domain
+% Compander function is defined in three radial zones.
+% 1. From 0 to radius r0, the compander function
+% is a second-order polynomial intersecting the points (0,0)
+% and (r0, r0), and with a slope B in (0,0).
+% 2. From r0 to r1, the compander is a third-order polynomial
+% intersecting the points (r0, r0) and (r1, r1), and with the
+% same slope as the first part in the point (r0, r0) and slope
+% equal to 1 in (r1, r1).
+% 3. For radii larger than r1, the compander function is the
+% unity scale function (no scaling at all).
+r0=0.07; % Dead zone radius (must be > 0)
+r1=0.6; % Enhancement zone radius (must be > r0 and < 1)
+B=0.2; % initial slope of compander function (between 0 and 1)
+x0=linspace(0,r0).'; % zone 1
+x1=linspace(r0,r1).'; % zone 2
+x2=linspace(r1,1).'; % zone 3
+f0=A*x0.^2+B*x0; % compander function in zone 1
+% equation system for finding second zone parameters
+M=[r0^3 r0^2 r0 1;
+ 3*r0^2 2*r0 1 0;
+ 3*r1^2 2*r1 1 0;
+ r1^3 r1^2 r1 1];
+m=[A*r0^2+B*r0; 2*A*r0+B; 1; r1];
+% solve equations
+% compander function in zone 1
+f1=[x1.^3 x1.^2 x1 ones(size(x1))]*theta;
+x=[x0; x1; x2];
+f=[f0; f1; x2];
+% plot it
+xlabel('Normalized radius')
+ylabel('Modified radius')
+% Now, create the look-up table in the integer color space
+[U,V]=meshgrid(0:255, 0:255); % U-V space
+% Conversion matrix from normalized YUV to RGB
+T=[1 0 1.13983; 1 -0.39465 -0.58060; 1 2.03211 0];
+Z(:,:,1)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(1,2) + (V-127)/256*T(1,3);
+Z(:,:,2)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(2,2) + (V-127)/256*T(2,3);
+Z(:,:,3)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(3,2) + (V-127)/256*T(3,3);
+axis square
+axis off
+R = sqrt((U-127).^2 + (V-127).^2);
+Rnorm = R/127;
+RnormMod = Rnorm;
+RnormMod(RnormMod==0)=1; % avoid division with zero
+% find indices to pixels in dead-zone (zone 1)
+scaleMatrix = (A*Rnorm(ix).^2 + B*Rnorm(ix))./RnormMod(ix);
+% find indices to pixels in zone 2
+ix=find(Rnorm>r0 & Rnorm<=r1);
+scaleMatrix = (theta(1)*Rnorm(ix).^3 + theta(2)*Rnorm(ix).^2 + ...
+ theta(3)*Rnorm(ix) + theta(4)) ./ RnormMod(ix);
+U(ix)=(U(ix)-127).*scaleMatrix + 127;
+V(ix)=(V(ix)-127).*scaleMatrix + 127;
+% round to integer values and saturate
+Z(:,:,1)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(1,2) + (V-127)/256*T(1,3);
+Z(:,:,2)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(2,2) + (V-127)/256*T(2,3);
+Z(:,:,3)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(3,2) + (V-127)/256*T(3,3);
+axis square
+axis off
+% Last, write to file
+% Write only one matrix, since U=V'
+fid = fopen('../out/Debug/colorEnhancementTable.h','wt');
+if fid==-1
+ error('Cannot open file colorEnhancementTable.cpp');
+fprintf(fid,'//Copy the constant table to the appropriate header file.\n\n');
+fprintf(fid,'//Table created with Matlab script createTable.m\n\n');
+fprintf(fid,'// Umod=colorTable[U][V]\n');
+fprintf(fid,'// Vmod=colorTable[V][U]\n');
+fprintf(fid,'static unsigned char colorTable[%i][%i] = {\n', size(U,1), size(U,2));
+for u=1:size(U,2)
+ fprintf(fid,' {%i', U(1,u));
+ for v=2:size(U,1)
+ fprintf(fid,', %i', U(v,u));
+ end
+ fprintf(fid,'}');
+ if u<size(U,2)
+ fprintf(fid,',');
+ end
+ fprintf(fid,'\n');
+answ=input('Create test vector (takes some time...)? y/n : ','s');
+if answ ~= 'y'
+ return
+% Also, create test vectors
+% Read test file foreman.yuv
+fprintf('Reading test file...')
+fprintf(' done\n');
+% traverse all frames
+for k=1:size(y,3)
+ fprintf('Frame %i\n', k);
+ for r=1:size(u,1)
+ for c=1:size(u,2)
+ unew(r,c,k) = uint8(U(double(v(r,c,k))+1, double(u(r,c,k))+1));
+ vnew(r,c,k) = uint8(V(double(v(r,c,k))+1, double(u(r,c,k))+1));
+ end
+ end
+fprintf('\nWriting modified test file...')
+fprintf(' done\n');