path: root/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
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authorChih-hung Hsieh <chh@google.com>2016-01-20 17:01:36 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <noreply-gerritcodereview@google.com>2016-01-20 17:01:36 +0000
commit9a337512d97e37afc142dee4fd50a41b741a87d2 (patch)
tree28c4cf735dd5bd9cc8f1ccd06fff8a173b20d1cb /webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
parentfe8b4a657979b49e1701bd92f6d5814a99e0b2be (diff)
parentdaef292e03c8d7d32e650495612f336c1830013a (diff)
Merge "Merge upstream SHA 04cb763"
Diffstat (limited to 'webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m b/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c7fb522f6..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/test/unit_test/createTable.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-% Create the color enhancement look-up table and write it to
-% file colorEnhancementTable.cpp. Copy contents of that file into
-% the source file for the color enhancement function.
-close all
-% First, define the color enhancement in a normalized domain
-% Compander function is defined in three radial zones.
-% 1. From 0 to radius r0, the compander function
-% is a second-order polynomial intersecting the points (0,0)
-% and (r0, r0), and with a slope B in (0,0).
-% 2. From r0 to r1, the compander is a third-order polynomial
-% intersecting the points (r0, r0) and (r1, r1), and with the
-% same slope as the first part in the point (r0, r0) and slope
-% equal to 1 in (r1, r1).
-% 3. For radii larger than r1, the compander function is the
-% unity scale function (no scaling at all).
-r0=0.07; % Dead zone radius (must be > 0)
-r1=0.6; % Enhancement zone radius (must be > r0 and < 1)
-B=0.2; % initial slope of compander function (between 0 and 1)
-x0=linspace(0,r0).'; % zone 1
-x1=linspace(r0,r1).'; % zone 2
-x2=linspace(r1,1).'; % zone 3
-f0=A*x0.^2+B*x0; % compander function in zone 1
-% equation system for finding second zone parameters
-M=[r0^3 r0^2 r0 1;
- 3*r0^2 2*r0 1 0;
- 3*r1^2 2*r1 1 0;
- r1^3 r1^2 r1 1];
-m=[A*r0^2+B*r0; 2*A*r0+B; 1; r1];
-% solve equations
-% compander function in zone 1
-f1=[x1.^3 x1.^2 x1 ones(size(x1))]*theta;
-x=[x0; x1; x2];
-f=[f0; f1; x2];
-% plot it
-xlabel('Normalized radius')
-ylabel('Modified radius')
-% Now, create the look-up table in the integer color space
-[U,V]=meshgrid(0:255, 0:255); % U-V space
-% Conversion matrix from normalized YUV to RGB
-T=[1 0 1.13983; 1 -0.39465 -0.58060; 1 2.03211 0];
-Z(:,:,1)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(1,2) + (V-127)/256*T(1,3);
-Z(:,:,2)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(2,2) + (V-127)/256*T(2,3);
-Z(:,:,3)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(3,2) + (V-127)/256*T(3,3);
-axis square
-axis off
-R = sqrt((U-127).^2 + (V-127).^2);
-Rnorm = R/127;
-RnormMod = Rnorm;
-RnormMod(RnormMod==0)=1; % avoid division with zero
-% find indices to pixels in dead-zone (zone 1)
-scaleMatrix = (A*Rnorm(ix).^2 + B*Rnorm(ix))./RnormMod(ix);
-% find indices to pixels in zone 2
-ix=find(Rnorm>r0 & Rnorm<=r1);
-scaleMatrix = (theta(1)*Rnorm(ix).^3 + theta(2)*Rnorm(ix).^2 + ...
- theta(3)*Rnorm(ix) + theta(4)) ./ RnormMod(ix);
-U(ix)=(U(ix)-127).*scaleMatrix + 127;
-V(ix)=(V(ix)-127).*scaleMatrix + 127;
-% round to integer values and saturate
-Z(:,:,1)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(1,2) + (V-127)/256*T(1,3);
-Z(:,:,2)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(2,2) + (V-127)/256*T(2,3);
-Z(:,:,3)=Ylum + (U-127)/256*T(3,2) + (V-127)/256*T(3,3);
-axis square
-axis off
-% Last, write to file
-% Write only one matrix, since U=V'
-fid = fopen('../out/Debug/colorEnhancementTable.h','wt');
-if fid==-1
- error('Cannot open file colorEnhancementTable.cpp');
-fprintf(fid,'//Copy the constant table to the appropriate header file.\n\n');
-fprintf(fid,'//Table created with Matlab script createTable.m\n\n');
-fprintf(fid,'// Umod=colorTable[U][V]\n');
-fprintf(fid,'// Vmod=colorTable[V][U]\n');
-fprintf(fid,'static unsigned char colorTable[%i][%i] = {\n', size(U,1), size(U,2));
-for u=1:size(U,2)
- fprintf(fid,' {%i', U(1,u));
- for v=2:size(U,1)
- fprintf(fid,', %i', U(v,u));
- end
- fprintf(fid,'}');
- if u<size(U,2)
- fprintf(fid,',');
- end
- fprintf(fid,'\n');
-answ=input('Create test vector (takes some time...)? y/n : ','s');
-if answ ~= 'y'
- return
-% Also, create test vectors
-% Read test file foreman.yuv
-fprintf('Reading test file...')
-fprintf(' done\n');
-% traverse all frames
-for k=1:size(y,3)
- fprintf('Frame %i\n', k);
- for r=1:size(u,1)
- for c=1:size(u,2)
- unew(r,c,k) = uint8(U(double(v(r,c,k))+1, double(u(r,c,k))+1));
- vnew(r,c,k) = uint8(V(double(v(r,c,k))+1, double(u(r,c,k))+1));
- end
- end
-fprintf('\nWriting modified test file...')
-fprintf(' done\n');