path: root/webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h
diff options
authorChih-hung Hsieh <chh@google.com>2015-12-01 17:07:48 +0000
committerandroid-build-merger <android-build-merger@google.com>2015-12-01 17:07:48 +0000
commita4acd9d6bc9b3b033d7d274316e75ee067df8d20 (patch)
tree672a185b294789cf991f385c3e395dd63bea9063 /webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h
parent3681b90ba4fe7a27232dd3e27897d5d7ed9d651c (diff)
parentfe8b4a657979b49e1701bd92f6d5814a99e0b2be (diff)
Merge changes I7bbf776e,I1b827825
am: fe8b4a6579 * commit 'fe8b4a657979b49e1701bd92f6d5814a99e0b2be': (7237 commits) WIP: Changes after merge commit 'cb3f9bd' Make the nonlinear beamformer steerable Utilize bitrate above codec max to protect video. Enable VP9 internal resize by default. Filter overlapping RTP header extensions. Make VCMEncodedFrameCallback const. MediaCodecVideoEncoder: Add number of quality resolution downscales to Encoded callback. Remove redudant encoder rate calls. Create isolate files for nonparallel tests. Register header extensions in RtpRtcpObserver to avoid log spam. Make an enum class out of NetEqDecoder, and hide the neteq_decoders_ table ACM: Move NACK functionality inside NetEq Fix chromium-style warnings in webrtc/sound/. Create a 'webrtc_nonparallel_tests' target. Update scalability structure data according to updates in the RTP payload profile. audio_coding: rename interface -> include Rewrote perform_action_on_all_files to be parallell. Update reference indices according to updates in the RTP payload profile. Disable P2PTransport...TestFailoverControlledSide on Memcheck pass clangcl compile options to ignore warnings in gflags.cc ...
Diffstat (limited to 'webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h b/webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d57b460e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/sslstreamadapter.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/candidate.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transport.h"
+namespace rtc {
+class Thread;
+namespace cricket {
+class TransportController : public sigslot::has_slots<>,
+ public rtc::MessageHandler {
+ public:
+ TransportController(rtc::Thread* signaling_thread,
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
+ PortAllocator* port_allocator);
+ virtual ~TransportController();
+ rtc::Thread* signaling_thread() const { return signaling_thread_; }
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread() const { return worker_thread_; }
+ PortAllocator* port_allocator() const { return port_allocator_; }
+ // Can only be set before transports are created.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Make this an argument to the constructor once BaseSession
+ // and WebRtcSession are combined
+ bool SetSslMaxProtocolVersion(rtc::SSLProtocolVersion version);
+ void SetIceConfig(const IceConfig& config);
+ void SetIceRole(IceRole ice_role);
+ // TODO(deadbeef) - Return role of each transport, as role may differ from
+ // one another.
+ // In current implementaion we just return the role of the first transport
+ // alphabetically.
+ bool GetSslRole(rtc::SSLRole* role);
+ // Specifies the identity to use in this session.
+ // Can only be called once.
+ bool SetLocalCertificate(
+ const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate);
+ bool GetLocalCertificate(
+ const std::string& transport_name,
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>* certificate);
+ // Caller owns returned certificate
+ bool GetRemoteSSLCertificate(const std::string& transport_name,
+ rtc::SSLCertificate** cert);
+ bool SetLocalTransportDescription(const std::string& transport_name,
+ const TransportDescription& tdesc,
+ ContentAction action,
+ std::string* err);
+ bool SetRemoteTransportDescription(const std::string& transport_name,
+ const TransportDescription& tdesc,
+ ContentAction action,
+ std::string* err);
+ // Start gathering candidates for any new transports, or transports doing an
+ // ICE restart.
+ void MaybeStartGathering();
+ bool AddRemoteCandidates(const std::string& transport_name,
+ const Candidates& candidates,
+ std::string* err);
+ bool ReadyForRemoteCandidates(const std::string& transport_name);
+ bool GetStats(const std::string& transport_name, TransportStats* stats);
+ // Creates a channel if it doesn't exist. Otherwise, increments a reference
+ // count and returns an existing channel.
+ virtual TransportChannel* CreateTransportChannel_w(
+ const std::string& transport_name,
+ int component);
+ // Decrements a channel's reference count, and destroys the channel if
+ // nothing is referencing it.
+ virtual void DestroyTransportChannel_w(const std::string& transport_name,
+ int component);
+ // All of these signals are fired on the signalling thread.
+ // If any transport failed => failed,
+ // Else if all completed => completed,
+ // Else if all connected => connected,
+ // Else => connecting
+ sigslot::signal1<IceConnectionState> SignalConnectionState;
+ // Receiving if any transport is receiving
+ sigslot::signal1<bool> SignalReceiving;
+ // If all transports done gathering => complete,
+ // Else if any are gathering => gathering,
+ // Else => new
+ sigslot::signal1<IceGatheringState> SignalGatheringState;
+ // (transport_name, candidates)
+ sigslot::signal2<const std::string&, const Candidates&>
+ SignalCandidatesGathered;
+ // for unit test
+ const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate_for_testing();
+ protected:
+ // Protected and virtual so we can override it in unit tests.
+ virtual Transport* CreateTransport_w(const std::string& transport_name);
+ // For unit tests
+ const std::map<std::string, Transport*>& transports() { return transports_; }
+ Transport* GetTransport_w(const std::string& transport_name);
+ private:
+ void OnMessage(rtc::Message* pmsg) override;
+ // It's the Transport that's currently responsible for creating/destroying
+ // channels, but the TransportController keeps track of how many external
+ // objects (BaseChannels) reference each channel.
+ struct RefCountedChannel {
+ RefCountedChannel() : impl_(nullptr), ref_(0) {}
+ explicit RefCountedChannel(TransportChannelImpl* impl)
+ : impl_(impl), ref_(0) {}
+ void AddRef() { ++ref_; }
+ void DecRef() {
+ ASSERT(ref_ > 0);
+ --ref_;
+ }
+ int ref() const { return ref_; }
+ TransportChannelImpl* get() const { return impl_; }
+ TransportChannelImpl* operator->() const { return impl_; }
+ private:
+ TransportChannelImpl* impl_;
+ int ref_;
+ };
+ std::vector<RefCountedChannel>::iterator FindChannel_w(
+ const std::string& transport_name,
+ int component);
+ Transport* GetOrCreateTransport_w(const std::string& transport_name);
+ void DestroyTransport_w(const std::string& transport_name);
+ void DestroyAllTransports_w();
+ bool SetSslMaxProtocolVersion_w(rtc::SSLProtocolVersion version);
+ void SetIceConfig_w(const IceConfig& config);
+ void SetIceRole_w(IceRole ice_role);
+ bool GetSslRole_w(rtc::SSLRole* role);
+ bool SetLocalCertificate_w(
+ const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate);
+ bool GetLocalCertificate_w(
+ const std::string& transport_name,
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>* certificate);
+ bool GetRemoteSSLCertificate_w(const std::string& transport_name,
+ rtc::SSLCertificate** cert);
+ bool SetLocalTransportDescription_w(const std::string& transport_name,
+ const TransportDescription& tdesc,
+ ContentAction action,
+ std::string* err);
+ bool SetRemoteTransportDescription_w(const std::string& transport_name,
+ const TransportDescription& tdesc,
+ ContentAction action,
+ std::string* err);
+ void MaybeStartGathering_w();
+ bool AddRemoteCandidates_w(const std::string& transport_name,
+ const Candidates& candidates,
+ std::string* err);
+ bool ReadyForRemoteCandidates_w(const std::string& transport_name);
+ bool GetStats_w(const std::string& transport_name, TransportStats* stats);
+ // Handlers for signals from Transport.
+ void OnChannelWritableState_w(TransportChannel* channel);
+ void OnChannelReceivingState_w(TransportChannel* channel);
+ void OnChannelGatheringState_w(TransportChannelImpl* channel);
+ void OnChannelCandidateGathered_w(TransportChannelImpl* channel,
+ const Candidate& candidate);
+ void OnChannelRoleConflict_w(TransportChannelImpl* channel);
+ void OnChannelConnectionRemoved_w(TransportChannelImpl* channel);
+ void UpdateAggregateStates_w();
+ rtc::Thread* const signaling_thread_ = nullptr;
+ rtc::Thread* const worker_thread_ = nullptr;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, Transport*> TransportMap;
+ TransportMap transports_;
+ std::vector<RefCountedChannel> channels_;
+ PortAllocator* const port_allocator_ = nullptr;
+ rtc::SSLProtocolVersion ssl_max_version_ = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
+ // Aggregate state for TransportChannelImpls.
+ IceConnectionState connection_state_ = kIceConnectionConnecting;
+ bool receiving_ = false;
+ IceGatheringState gathering_state_ = kIceGatheringNew;
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Move the fields below down to the transports themselves
+ IceConfig ice_config_;
+ IceRole ice_role_ = ICEROLE_CONTROLLING;
+ // Flag which will be set to true after the first role switch
+ bool ice_role_switch_ = false;
+ uint64_t ice_tiebreaker_ = rtc::CreateRandomId64();
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate> certificate_;
+} // namespace cricket