path: root/modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalability_structure_unittest.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalability_structure_unittest.cc')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalability_structure_unittest.cc b/modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalability_structure_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d0e283fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalability_structure_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "api/transport/rtp/dependency_descriptor.h"
+#include "api/video/video_frame_type.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/chain_diff_calculator.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/create_scalability_structure.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalable_video_controller.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/frame_dependencies_calculator.h"
+#include "test/gmock.h"
+#include "test/gtest.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::AllOf;
+using ::testing::Contains;
+using ::testing::Each;
+using ::testing::Field;
+using ::testing::Ge;
+using ::testing::IsEmpty;
+using ::testing::Le;
+using ::testing::Lt;
+using ::testing::Not;
+using ::testing::SizeIs;
+using ::testing::TestWithParam;
+using ::testing::Values;
+struct SvcTestParam {
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SvcTestParam& param) {
+ return os << param.name;
+ }
+ std::string name;
+ int num_temporal_units;
+class ScalabilityStructureTest : public TestWithParam<SvcTestParam> {
+ public:
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> GenerateAllFrames() {
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> frames;
+ FrameDependenciesCalculator frame_deps_calculator;
+ ChainDiffCalculator chain_diff_calculator;
+ std::unique_ptr<ScalableVideoController> structure_controller =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name);
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ structure_controller->DependencyStructure();
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetParam().num_temporal_units; ++i) {
+ for (auto& layer_frame :
+ structure_controller->NextFrameConfig(/*reset=*/false)) {
+ int64_t frame_id = static_cast<int64_t>(frames.size());
+ bool is_keyframe = layer_frame.IsKeyframe();
+ absl::optional<GenericFrameInfo> frame_info =
+ structure_controller->OnEncodeDone(std::move(layer_frame));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(frame_info.has_value());
+ if (is_keyframe) {
+ chain_diff_calculator.Reset(frame_info->part_of_chain);
+ }
+ frame_info->chain_diffs =
+ chain_diff_calculator.From(frame_id, frame_info->part_of_chain);
+ for (int64_t base_frame_id : frame_deps_calculator.FromBuffersUsage(
+ is_keyframe ? VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey
+ : VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta,
+ frame_id, frame_info->encoder_buffers)) {
+ EXPECT_LT(base_frame_id, frame_id);
+ EXPECT_GE(base_frame_id, 0);
+ frame_info->frame_diffs.push_back(frame_id - base_frame_id);
+ }
+ frames.push_back(*std::move(frame_info));
+ }
+ }
+ return frames;
+ }
+ NumberOfDecodeTargetsAndChainsAreInRangeAndConsistent) {
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ EXPECT_GT(structure.num_decode_targets, 0);
+ EXPECT_LE(structure.num_decode_targets,
+ DependencyDescriptor::kMaxDecodeTargets);
+ EXPECT_GE(structure.num_chains, 0);
+ EXPECT_LE(structure.num_chains, structure.num_decode_targets);
+ if (structure.num_chains == 0) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(structure.decode_target_protected_by_chain, IsEmpty());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_THAT(structure.decode_target_protected_by_chain,
+ AllOf(SizeIs(structure.num_decode_targets), Each(Ge(0)),
+ Each(Lt(structure.num_chains))));
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(structure.templates,
+ SizeIs(Lt(size_t{DependencyDescriptor::kMaxTemplates})));
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, TemplatesAreSortedByLayerId) {
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ ASSERT_THAT(structure.templates, Not(IsEmpty()));
+ const auto& first_templates = structure.templates.front();
+ EXPECT_EQ(first_templates.spatial_id, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(first_templates.temporal_id, 0);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < structure.templates.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& prev_template = structure.templates[i - 1];
+ const auto& next_template = structure.templates[i];
+ if (next_template.spatial_id == prev_template.spatial_id &&
+ next_template.temporal_id == prev_template.temporal_id) {
+ // Same layer, next_layer_idc == 0
+ } else if (next_template.spatial_id == prev_template.spatial_id &&
+ next_template.temporal_id == prev_template.temporal_id + 1) {
+ // Next temporal layer, next_layer_idc == 1
+ } else if (next_template.spatial_id == prev_template.spatial_id + 1 &&
+ next_template.temporal_id == 0) {
+ // Next spatial layer, next_layer_idc == 2
+ } else {
+ // everything else is invalid.
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Invalid templates order. Template #" << i
+ << " with layer (" << next_template.spatial_id << ","
+ << next_template.temporal_id
+ << ") follows template with layer ("
+ << prev_template.spatial_id << ","
+ << prev_template.temporal_id << ").";
+ }
+ }
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, TemplatesMatchNumberOfDecodeTargetsAndChains) {
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ structure.templates,
+ Each(AllOf(Field(&FrameDependencyTemplate::decode_target_indications,
+ SizeIs(structure.num_decode_targets)),
+ Field(&FrameDependencyTemplate::chain_diffs,
+ SizeIs(structure.num_chains)))));
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, FrameInfoMatchesFrameDependencyStructure) {
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> frame_infos = GenerateAllFrames();
+ for (size_t frame_id = 0; frame_id < frame_infos.size(); ++frame_id) {
+ const auto& frame = frame_infos[frame_id];
+ EXPECT_GE(frame.spatial_id, 0) << " for frame " << frame_id;
+ EXPECT_GE(frame.temporal_id, 0) << " for frame " << frame_id;
+ EXPECT_THAT(frame.decode_target_indications,
+ SizeIs(structure.num_decode_targets))
+ << " for frame " << frame_id;
+ EXPECT_THAT(frame.part_of_chain, SizeIs(structure.num_chains))
+ << " for frame " << frame_id;
+ }
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, ThereIsAPerfectTemplateForEachFrame) {
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> frame_infos = GenerateAllFrames();
+ for (size_t frame_id = 0; frame_id < frame_infos.size(); ++frame_id) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(structure.templates, Contains(frame_infos[frame_id]))
+ << " for frame " << frame_id;
+ }
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, FrameDependsOnSameOrLowerLayer) {
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> frame_infos = GenerateAllFrames();
+ int64_t num_frames = frame_infos.size();
+ for (int64_t frame_id = 0; frame_id < num_frames; ++frame_id) {
+ const auto& frame = frame_infos[frame_id];
+ for (int frame_diff : frame.frame_diffs) {
+ int64_t base_frame_id = frame_id - frame_diff;
+ const auto& base_frame = frame_infos[base_frame_id];
+ EXPECT_GE(frame.spatial_id, base_frame.spatial_id)
+ << "Frame " << frame_id << " depends on frame " << base_frame_id;
+ EXPECT_GE(frame.temporal_id, base_frame.temporal_id)
+ << "Frame " << frame_id << " depends on frame " << base_frame_id;
+ }
+ }
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, NoFrameDependsOnDiscardableOrNotPresent) {
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> frame_infos = GenerateAllFrames();
+ int64_t num_frames = frame_infos.size();
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ for (int dt = 0; dt < structure.num_decode_targets; ++dt) {
+ for (int64_t frame_id = 0; frame_id < num_frames; ++frame_id) {
+ const auto& frame = frame_infos[frame_id];
+ if (frame.decode_target_indications[dt] ==
+ DecodeTargetIndication::kNotPresent) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int frame_diff : frame.frame_diffs) {
+ int64_t base_frame_id = frame_id - frame_diff;
+ const auto& base_frame = frame_infos[base_frame_id];
+ EXPECT_NE(base_frame.decode_target_indications[dt],
+ DecodeTargetIndication::kNotPresent)
+ << "Frame " << frame_id << " depends on frame " << base_frame_id
+ << " that is not part of decode target#" << dt;
+ EXPECT_NE(base_frame.decode_target_indications[dt],
+ DecodeTargetIndication::kDiscardable)
+ << "Frame " << frame_id << " depends on frame " << base_frame_id
+ << " that is discardable for decode target#" << dt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST_P(ScalabilityStructureTest, NoFrameDependsThroughSwitchIndication) {
+ FrameDependencyStructure structure =
+ CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name)->DependencyStructure();
+ std::vector<GenericFrameInfo> frame_infos = GenerateAllFrames();
+ int64_t num_frames = frame_infos.size();
+ std::vector<std::set<int64_t>> full_deps(num_frames);
+ // For each frame calculate set of all frames it depends on, both directly and
+ // indirectly.
+ for (int64_t frame_id = 0; frame_id < num_frames; ++frame_id) {
+ std::set<int64_t> all_base_frames;
+ for (int frame_diff : frame_infos[frame_id].frame_diffs) {
+ int64_t base_frame_id = frame_id - frame_diff;
+ all_base_frames.insert(base_frame_id);
+ const auto& indirect = full_deps[base_frame_id];
+ all_base_frames.insert(indirect.begin(), indirect.end());
+ }
+ full_deps[frame_id] = std::move(all_base_frames);
+ }
+ // Now check the switch indication: frames after the switch indication mustn't
+ // depend on any addition frames before the switch indications.
+ for (int dt = 0; dt < structure.num_decode_targets; ++dt) {
+ for (int64_t switch_frame_id = 0; switch_frame_id < num_frames;
+ ++switch_frame_id) {
+ if (frame_infos[switch_frame_id].decode_target_indications[dt] !=
+ DecodeTargetIndication::kSwitch) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int64_t later_frame_id = switch_frame_id + 1;
+ later_frame_id < num_frames; ++later_frame_id) {
+ if (frame_infos[later_frame_id].decode_target_indications[dt] ==
+ DecodeTargetIndication::kNotPresent) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int frame_diff : frame_infos[later_frame_id].frame_diffs) {
+ int64_t early_frame_id = later_frame_id - frame_diff;
+ if (early_frame_id < switch_frame_id) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(full_deps[switch_frame_id], Contains(early_frame_id))
+ << "For decode target #" << dt << " frame " << later_frame_id
+ << " depends on the frame " << early_frame_id
+ << " that switch indication frame " << switch_frame_id
+ << " doesn't directly on indirectly depend on.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Svc,
+ ScalabilityStructureTest,
+ Values(SvcTestParam{"L1T2", /*num_temporal_units=*/4},
+ SvcTestParam{"L1T3", /*num_temporal_units=*/8},
+ SvcTestParam{"L2T1", /*num_temporal_units=*/3},
+ SvcTestParam{"L2T1_KEY", /*num_temporal_units=*/3},
+ SvcTestParam{"L3T1", /*num_temporal_units=*/3},
+ SvcTestParam{"L3T3", /*num_temporal_units=*/8},
+ SvcTestParam{"S2T1", /*num_temporal_units=*/3},
+ SvcTestParam{"L2T2", /*num_temporal_units=*/4},
+ SvcTestParam{"L2T2_KEY", /*num_temporal_units=*/4},
+ SvcTestParam{"L2T2_KEY_SHIFT", /*num_temporal_units=*/4}),
+ [](const testing::TestParamInfo<SvcTestParam>& info) {
+ return info.param.name;
+ });
+} // namespace
+} // namespace webrtc