path: root/src/modules/audio_processing/aecm/main/matlab/matlab/mainProgram.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/audio_processing/aecm/main/matlab/matlab/mainProgram.m')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/audio_processing/aecm/main/matlab/matlab/mainProgram.m b/src/modules/audio_processing/aecm/main/matlab/matlab/mainProgram.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeb2aaa79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/audio_processing/aecm/main/matlab/matlab/mainProgram.m
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+useHTC = 1; % Set this if you want to run a single file and set file names below. Otherwise use simEnvironment to run from several scenarios in a row
+delayCompensation_flag = 0; % Set this flag to one if you want to turn on the delay compensation/enhancement
+global FARENDFFT;
+global F;
+if useHTC
+% fid=fopen('./htcTouchHd/nb/aecFar.pcm'); xFar=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+% fid=fopen('./htcTouchHd/nb/aecNear.pcm'); yNear=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+% fid=fopen('./samsungBlackjack/nb/aecFar.pcm'); xFar=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+% fid=fopen('./samsungBlackjack/nb/aecNear.pcm'); yNear=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+% fid=fopen('aecFarPoor.pcm'); xFar=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+% fid=fopen('aecNearPoor.pcm'); yNear=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+% fid=fopen('out_aes.pcm'); outAES=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+ fid=fopen('aecFar4.pcm'); xFar=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+ fid=fopen('aecNear4.pcm'); yNear=fread(fid,'short'); fclose(fid);
+ yNearSpeech = zeros(size(xFar));
+ fs = 8000;
+ frameSize = 64;
+% frameSize = 128;
+ fs = 16000;
+% frameSize = 256;
+%F = load('fftValues.txt');
+%FARENDFFT = F(:,1:33);
+%NEARENDFFT = F(:,34:66);
+ loadFileFar = [speakerType, '_s_',scenario,'_far_b.wav'];
+ [xFar,fs,nbits] = wavread(loadFileFar);
+ xFar = xFar*2^(nbits-1);
+ loadFileNear = [speakerType, '_s_',scenario,'_near_b.wav'];
+ [yNear,fs,nbits] = wavread(loadFileNear);
+ yNear = yNear*2^(nbits-1);
+ loadFileNearSpeech = [speakerType, '_s_',scenario,'_nearSpeech_b.wav'];
+ [yNearSpeech,fs,nbits] = wavread(loadFileNearSpeech);
+ yNearSpeech = yNearSpeech*2^(nbits-1);
+ frameSize = 256;
+dtRegions = [];
+% General settings for the AECM
+setupStruct = struct(...
+ 'stepSize_flag', 1,... % This flag turns on the step size calculation. If turned off, mu = 0.25.
+ 'supGain_flag', 0,... % This flag turns on the suppression gain calculation. If turned off, gam = 1.
+ 'channelUpdate_flag', 0,... % This flag turns on the channel update. If turned off, H is updated for convLength and then kept constant.
+ 'nlp_flag', 0,... % Turn on/off NLP
+ 'withVAD_flag', 0,... % Turn on/off NLP
+ 'useSubBand', 0,... % Set to 1 if to use subBands
+ 'useDelayEstimation', 1,... % Set to 1 if to use delay estimation
+ 'support', frameSize,... % # of samples per frame
+ 'samplingfreq',fs,... % Sampling frequency
+ 'oversampling', 2,... % Overlap between blocks/frames
+ 'updatel', 0,... % # of samples between blocks
+ 'hsupport1', 0,... % # of bins in frequency domain
+ 'factor', 0,... % synthesis window amplification
+ 'tlength', 0,... % # of samples of entire file
+ 'updateno', 0,... % # of updates
+ 'nb', 1,... % # of blocks
+ 'currentBlock', 0,... %
+ 'win', zeros(frameSize,1),...% Window to apply for fft and synthesis
+ 'avtime', 1,... % Time (in sec.) to perform averaging
+ 'estLen', 0,... % Averaging in # of blocks
+ 'A_GAIN', 10.0,... %
+ 'suppress_overdrive', 1.0,... % overdrive factor for suppression 1.4 is good
+ 'gamma_echo', 1.0,... % same as suppress_overdrive but at different place
+ 'de_echo_bound', 0.0,... %
+ 'nl_alpha', 0.4,... % memory; seems not very critical
+ 'nlSeverity', 0.2,... % nonlinearity severity: 0 does nothing; 1 suppresses all
+ 'numInBand', [],... % # of frequency bins in resp. subBand
+ 'centerFreq', [],... % Center frequency of resp. subBand
+ 'dtRegions', dtRegions,... % Regions where we have DT
+ 'subBandLength', frameSize/2);%All bins
+ %'subBandLength', 11); %Something's wrong when subBandLength even
+ %'nl_alpha', 0.8,... % memory; seems not very critical
+delayStruct = struct(...
+ 'bandfirst', 8,...
+ 'bandlast', 25,...
+ 'smlength', 600,...
+ 'maxDelay', 0.4,...
+ 'oneGoodEstimate', 0,...
+ 'delayAdjust', 0,...
+ 'maxDelayb', 0);
+% More parameters in delayStruct are constructed in "updateSettings" below
+% Make struct settings
+[setupStruct, delayStruct] = updateSettings(yNear, xFar, setupStruct, delayStruct);
+setupStruct.numInBand = ones(setupStruct.hsupport1,1);
+Q = 1; % Time diversity in channel
+% General settings for the step size calculation
+muStruct = struct(...
+ 'countInInterval', 0,...
+ 'countOutHighInterval', 0,...
+ 'countOutLowInterval', 0,...
+ 'minInInterval', 50,...
+ 'minOutHighInterval', 10,...
+ 'minOutLowInterval', 10,...
+ 'maxOutLowInterval', 50);
+% General settings for the AECM
+aecmStruct = struct(...
+ 'plotIt', 0,... % Set to 0 to turn off plotting
+ 'useSubBand', 0,...
+ 'bandFactor', 1,...
+ 'H', zeros(setupStruct.subBandLength+1,Q),...
+ 'HStored', zeros(setupStruct.subBandLength+1,Q),...
+ 'X', zeros(setupStruct.subBandLength+1,Q),...
+ 'energyThres', 0.28,...
+ 'energyThresMSE', 0.4,...
+ 'energyMin', inf,...
+ 'energyMax', -inf,...
+ 'energyLevel', 0,...
+ 'energyLevelMSE', 0,...
+ 'convLength', 100,...
+ 'gammaLog', ones(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'muLog', ones(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'enerFar', zeros(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'enerNear', zeros(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'enerEcho', zeros(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'enerEchoStored', zeros(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'enerOut', zeros(setupStruct.updateno,1),...
+ 'runningfmean', 0,...
+ 'muStruct', muStruct,...
+ 'varMean', 0,...
+ 'countMseH', 0,...
+ 'mseHThreshold', 1.1,...
+ 'mseHStoredOld', inf,...
+ 'mseHLatestOld', inf,...
+ 'delayLatestS', zeros(1,51),...
+ 'feedbackDelay', 0,...
+ 'feedbackDelayUpdate', 0,...
+ 'cntIn', 0,...
+ 'cntOut', 0,...
+ 'FAR_ENERGY_MIN', 1,...
+ 'ENERGY_DEV_OFFSET', 0.5,...
+ 'ENERGY_DEV_TOL', 1.5,...
+ 'MU_MIN', -16,...
+ 'MU_MAX', -2,...
+ 'newDelayCurve', 0);
+% Adjust speech signals
+xFar = [zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1-1,1);xFar(1:setupStruct.tlength)];
+yNear = [zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1-1,1);yNear(1:setupStruct.tlength)];
+yNearSpeech = [zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1-1,1);yNearSpeech(1:setupStruct.tlength)];
+xFar = xFar(1:setupStruct.tlength);
+yNear = yNear(1:setupStruct.tlength);
+% Set figure settings
+if aecmStruct.plotIt
+ figure(13)
+ set(gcf,'doublebuffer','on')
+% Here starts the algorithm
+% Dividing into frames and then estimating the near end speech
+fTheFarEnd = complex(zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,1));
+afTheFarEnd = zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,setupStruct.updateno+1);
+fFar = zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,setupStruct.updateno+1);
+fmicrophone = complex(zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,1));
+afmicrophone = zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,setupStruct.updateno+1);
+fNear = zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,setupStruct.updateno+1);
+femicrophone = complex(zeros(setupStruct.hsupport1,1));
+emicrophone = zeros(setupStruct.tlength,1);
+if (setupStruct.useDelayEstimation == 2)
+ delSamples = [1641 1895 2032 1895 2311 2000 2350 2222 NaN 2332 2330 2290 2401 2415 NaN 2393 2305 2381 2398];
+ delBlocks = round(delSamples/setupStruct.updatel);
+ delStarts = floor([25138 46844 105991 169901 195739 218536 241803 333905 347703 362660 373753 745135 765887 788078 806257 823835 842443 860139 881869]/setupStruct.updatel);
+ delStarts = [];
+for i=1:setupStruct.updateno
+ setupStruct.currentBlock = i;
+ sb = (i-1)*setupStruct.updatel + 1;
+ se = sb + setupStruct.support - 1;
+ %%%%%%%
+ % Analysis FFTs
+ %%%%%%%
+ % Far end signal
+ temp = fft(setupStruct.win .* xFar(sb:se))/frameSize;
+ fTheFarEnd = temp(1:setupStruct.hsupport1);
+ afTheFarEnd(:,i) = abs(fTheFarEnd);
+ fFar(:,i) = fTheFarEnd;
+ % Near end signal
+ temp = fft(setupStruct.win .* yNear(sb:se))/frameSize;%,pause
+ fmicrophone = temp(1:setupStruct.hsupport1);
+ afmicrophone(:,i) = abs(fmicrophone);
+ fNear(:,i) = fmicrophone;
+ %abs(fmicrophone),pause
+ % The true near end speaker (if we have such info)
+ temp = fft(setupStruct.win .* yNearSpeech(sb:se));
+ aftrueSpeech = abs(temp(1:setupStruct.hsupport1));
+ if(i == 1000)
+ %break;
+ end
+ % Perform delay estimation
+ if (setupStruct.useDelayEstimation == 1)
+ % Delay Estimation
+ delayStruct = align(fTheFarEnd, fmicrophone, delayStruct, i);
+ %delayStruct.delay(i) = 39;%19;
+ idel = max(i - delayStruct.delay(i) + 1,1);
+ if delayCompensation_flag
+ % If we have a new delay estimate from Bastiaan's alg. update the offset
+ if (delayStruct.delay(i) ~= delayStruct.delay(max(1,i-1)))
+ delayStruct.delayAdjust = delayStruct.delayAdjust + delayStruct.delay(i) - delayStruct.delay(i-1);
+ end
+ % Store the compensated delay
+ delayStruct.delayNew(i) = delayStruct.delay(i) - delayStruct.delayAdjust;
+ if (delayStruct.delayNew(i) < 1)
+ % Something's wrong
+ pause,break
+ end
+ % Compensate with the offset estimate
+ idel = idel + delayStruct.delayAdjust;
+ end
+ if 0%aecmStruct.plotIt
+ figure(1)
+ plot(1:i,delayStruct.delay(1:i),'k:',1:i,delayStruct.delayNew(1:i),'k--','LineWidth',2),drawnow
+ end
+ elseif (setupStruct.useDelayEstimation == 2)
+ % Use "manual delay"
+ delIndex = find(delStarts<i);
+ if isempty(delIndex)
+ idel = i;
+ else
+ idel = i - delBlocks(max(delIndex));
+ if isnan(idel)
+ idel = i - delBlocks(max(delIndex)-1);
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ % No delay estimation
+ %idel = max(i - 18, 1);
+ idel = max(i - 50, 1);
+ end
+ %%%%%%%%
+ % This is the AECM algorithm
+ %
+ % Output is the new frequency domain signal (hopefully) echo compensated
+ %%%%%%%%
+ [femicrophone, aecmStruct] = AECMobile(fmicrophone, afTheFarEnd(:,idel), setupStruct, aecmStruct);
+ %[femicrophone, aecmStruct] = AECMobile(fmicrophone, FARENDFFT(idel,:)'/2^F(idel,end-1), setupStruct, aecmStruct);
+ if aecmStruct.feedbackDelayUpdate
+ % If the feedback tells us there is a new offset out there update the enhancement
+ delayStruct.delayAdjust = delayStruct.delayAdjust + aecmStruct.feedbackDelay;
+ aecmStruct.feedbackDelayUpdate = 0;
+ end
+ % reconstruction; first make spectrum odd
+ temp = [femicrophone; flipud(conj(femicrophone(2:(setupStruct.hsupport1-1))))];
+ emicrophone(sb:se) = emicrophone(sb:se) + setupStruct.factor * setupStruct.win .* real(ifft(temp))*frameSize;
+ if max(isnan(emicrophone(sb:se)))
+ % Something's wrong with the output at block i
+ i
+ break
+ end
+if useHTC
+ fid=fopen('aecOutMatlabC.pcm','w');fwrite(fid,int16(emicrophone),'short');fclose(fid);
+ %fid=fopen('farendFFT.txt','w');fwrite(fid,int16(afTheFarEnd(:)),'short');fclose(fid);
+ %fid=fopen('farendFFTreal.txt','w');fwrite(fid,int16(imag(fFar(:))),'short');fclose(fid);
+ %fid=fopen('farendFFTimag.txt','w');fwrite(fid,int16(real(fFar(:))),'short');fclose(fid);
+ %fid=fopen('nearendFFT.txt','w');fwrite(fid,int16(afmicrophone(:)),'short');fclose(fid);
+ %fid=fopen('nearendFFTreal.txt','w');fwrite(fid,int16(real(fNear(:))),'short');fclose(fid);
+ %fid=fopen('nearendFFTimag.txt','w');fwrite(fid,int16(imag(fNear(:))),'short');fclose(fid);
+if useHTC
+ %spclab(setupStruct.samplingfreq,xFar,yNear,emicrophone)
+ spclab(setupStruct.samplingfreq,xFar,yNear,emicrophone,yNearSpeech)