path: root/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test')
3 files changed, 1036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/Android.mk b/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/Android.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23080aab23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/Android.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+# apm test app
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+ process_test.cc
+# Flags passed to both C and C++ files.
+ external/gtest/include \
+ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../../system_wrappers/interface \
+ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../interface \
+ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../interface \
+ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../..
+ libgtest
+ libutils \
+ libstlport \
+ libwebrtc_audio_preprocessing
+LOCAL_MODULE:= webrtc_apm_process_test
+include external/stlport/libstlport.mk
diff --git a/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/apmtest.m b/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/apmtest.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6152bb5a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/apmtest.m
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+function apmtest(task, testname, casenumber, legacy)
+%APMTEST is a tool to process APM file sets and easily display the output.
+% APMTEST(TASK, TESTNAME, CASENUMBER) performs one of several TASKs:
+% 'test' Processes the files to produce test output.
+% 'list' Prints a list of cases in the test set, preceded by their
+% 'show' Uses spclab to show the test case specified by the
+% CASENUMBER parameter.
+% using a set of test files determined by TESTNAME:
+% 'all' All tests.
+% 'apm' The standard APM test set (default).
+% 'apmm' The mobile APM test set.
+% 'aec' The AEC test set.
+% 'aecm' The AECM test set.
+% 'agc' The AGC test set.
+% 'ns' The NS test set.
+% 'vad' The VAD test set.
+% CASENUMBER can be used to select a single test case. Omit CASENUMBER,
+% or set to zero, to use all test cases.
+if nargin < 4
+ % Set to true to run old VQE recordings.
+ legacy = false;
+if nargin < 3
+ casenumber = 0;
+if nargin < 2
+ task = 'test';
+if nargin < 1
+ testname = 'all';
+if ~strcmp(task, 'test') && ~strcmp(task, 'list') && ~strcmp(task, 'show')
+ error(['TASK ' task ' is not recognized']);
+if casenumber == 0 && strcmp(task, 'show')
+ error(['CASENUMBER must be specified for TASK ' task]);
+filepath = 'data/';
+inpath = [filepath 'input/'];
+outpath = [filepath 'output/'];
+refpath = [filepath 'reference/'];
+% Temporary
+if legacy
+ refpath = [filepath 'output/'];
+ outpath = [filepath 'reference/'];
+if strcmp(testname, 'all')
+ tests = {'apm','apmm','aec','aecm','agc','ns','vad'};
+ tests = {testname};
+if legacy
+ progname = '/usr/local/google/p4/dev/depot/test';
+ progname = './process_test';
+global farFile;
+global nearFile;
+global eventFile;
+global delayFile;
+global driftFile;
+if legacy
+ farFile = 'vqeFar.pcm';
+ nearFile = 'vqeNear.pcm';
+ eventFile = 'vqeEvent.dat';
+ delayFile = 'vqeBuf.dat';
+ driftFile = 'vqeDrift.dat';
+ farFile = 'apm_far.pcm';
+ nearFile = 'apm_near.pcm';
+ eventFile = 'apm_event.dat';
+ delayFile = 'apm_delay.dat';
+ driftFile = 'apm_drift.dat';
+simulateMode = false;
+nErr = 0;
+nCases = 0;
+for i=1:length(tests)
+ simulateMode = false;
+ if strcmp(tests{i}, 'apm')
+ testdir = ['apm/'];
+ outfile = ['out'];
+ if legacy
+ opt = ['-ec 1 -agc 2 -nc 2 -vad 3'];
+ else
+ opt = ['--no_progress -hpf' ...
+ ' -aec --drift_compensation -agc --fixed_digital' ...
+ ' -ns --ns_moderate -vad'];
+ end
+ elseif strcmp(tests{i}, 'apm-swb')
+ simulateMode = true;
+ testdir = ['apm-swb/'];
+ outfile = ['out'];
+ if legacy
+ opt = ['-fs 32000 -ec 1 -agc 2 -nc 2'];
+ else
+ opt = ['--no_progress -fs 32000 -hpf' ...
+ ' -aec --drift_compensation -agc --adaptive_digital' ...
+ ' -ns --ns_moderate -vad'];
+ end
+ elseif strcmp(tests{i}, 'apmm')
+ testdir = ['apmm/'];
+ outfile = ['out'];
+ opt = ['-aec --drift_compensation -agc --fixed_digital -hpf -ns ' ...
+ '--ns_moderate'];
+ else
+ error(['TESTNAME ' tests{i} ' is not recognized']);
+ end
+ inpath = [inpath testdir];
+ outpath = [outpath testdir];
+ refpath = [refpath testdir];
+ if ~exist(inpath,'dir')
+ error(['Input directory ' inpath ' does not exist']);
+ end
+ if ~exist(refpath,'dir')
+ warning(['Reference directory ' refpath ' does not exist']);
+ end
+ [status, errMsg] = mkdir(outpath);
+ if (status == 0)
+ error(errMsg);
+ end
+ [nErr, nCases] = recurseDir(inpath, outpath, refpath, outfile, ...
+ progname, opt, simulateMode, nErr, nCases, task, casenumber, legacy);
+ if strcmp(task, 'test') || strcmp(task, 'show')
+ system(['rm ' farFile]);
+ system(['rm ' nearFile]);
+ if simulateMode == false
+ system(['rm ' eventFile]);
+ system(['rm ' delayFile]);
+ system(['rm ' driftFile]);
+ end
+ end
+if ~strcmp(task, 'list')
+ if nErr == 0
+ fprintf(1, '\nAll files are bit-exact to reference\n', nErr);
+ else
+ fprintf(1, '\n%d files are NOT bit-exact to reference\n', nErr);
+ end
+function [nErrOut, nCases] = recurseDir(inpath, outpath, refpath, ...
+ outfile, progname, opt, simulateMode, nErr, nCases, task, casenumber, ...
+ legacy)
+global farFile;
+global nearFile;
+global eventFile;
+global delayFile;
+global driftFile;
+dirs = dir(inpath);
+nDirs = 0;
+nErrOut = nErr;
+for i=3:length(dirs) % skip . and ..
+ nDirs = nDirs + dirs(i).isdir;
+if nDirs == 0
+ nCases = nCases + 1;
+ if casenumber == nCases || casenumber == 0
+ if strcmp(task, 'list')
+ fprintf([num2str(nCases) '. ' outfile '\n'])
+ else
+ vadoutfile = ['vad_' outfile '.dat'];
+ outfile = [outfile '.pcm'];
+ % Check for VAD test
+ vadTest = 0;
+ if ~isempty(findstr(opt, '-vad'))
+ vadTest = 1;
+ if legacy
+ opt = [opt ' ' outpath vadoutfile];
+ else
+ opt = [opt ' --vad_out_file ' outpath vadoutfile];
+ end
+ end
+ if exist([inpath 'vqeFar.pcm'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeFar.pcm ' farFile]);
+ elseif exist([inpath 'apm_far.pcm'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_far.pcm ' farFile]);
+ end
+ if exist([inpath 'vqeNear.pcm'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeNear.pcm ' nearFile]);
+ elseif exist([inpath 'apm_near.pcm'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_near.pcm ' nearFile]);
+ end
+ if exist([inpath 'vqeEvent.dat'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeEvent.dat ' eventFile]);
+ elseif exist([inpath 'apm_event.day'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_event.dat ' eventFile]);
+ end
+ if exist([inpath 'vqeBuf.dat'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeBuf.dat ' delayFile]);
+ elseif exist([inpath 'apm_delay.day'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_delay.dat ' delayFile]);
+ end
+ if exist([inpath 'vqeSkew.dat'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeSkew.dat ' driftFile]);
+ elseif exist([inpath 'vqeDrift.dat'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeDrift.dat ' driftFile]);
+ elseif exist([inpath 'apm_drift.dat'])
+ system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_drift.dat ' driftFile]);
+ end
+ if simulateMode == false
+ command = [progname ' -o ' outpath outfile ' ' opt];
+ else
+ if legacy
+ inputCmd = [' -in ' nearFile];
+ else
+ inputCmd = [' -i ' nearFile];
+ end
+ if exist([farFile])
+ if legacy
+ inputCmd = [' -if ' farFile inputCmd];
+ else
+ inputCmd = [' -ir ' farFile inputCmd];
+ end
+ end
+ command = [progname inputCmd ' -o ' outpath outfile ' ' opt];
+ end
+ % This prevents MATLAB from using its own C libraries.
+ shellcmd = ['bash -c "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH;'];
+ fprintf([command '\n']);
+ [status, result] = system([shellcmd command '"']);
+ fprintf(result);
+ fprintf(['Reference file: ' refpath outfile '\n']);
+ if vadTest == 1
+ equal_to_ref = are_files_equal([outpath vadoutfile], ...
+ [refpath vadoutfile], ...
+ 'int8');
+ if ~equal_to_ref
+ nErr = nErr + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ [equal_to_ref, diffvector] = are_files_equal([outpath outfile], ...
+ [refpath outfile], ...
+ 'int16');
+ if ~equal_to_ref
+ nErr = nErr + 1;
+ end
+ if strcmp(task, 'show')
+ % Assume the last init gives the sample rate of interest.
+ str_idx = strfind(result, 'Sample rate:');
+ fs = str2num(result(str_idx(end) + 13:str_idx(end) + 17));
+ fprintf('Using %d Hz\n', fs);
+ if exist([farFile])
+ spclab(fs, farFile, nearFile, [refpath outfile], ...
+ [outpath outfile], diffvector);
+ %spclab(fs, diffvector);
+ else
+ spclab(fs, nearFile, [refpath outfile], [outpath outfile], ...
+ diffvector);
+ %spclab(fs, diffvector);
+ end
+ if vadTest == 1
+ spclab([refpath vadoutfile], [outpath vadoutfile]);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i=3:length(dirs)
+ if dirs(i).isdir
+ [nErr, nCases] = recurseDir([inpath dirs(i).name '/'], outpath, ...
+ refpath,[outfile '_' dirs(i).name], progname, opt, ...
+ simulateMode, nErr, nCases, task, casenumber, legacy);
+ end
+ end
+nErrOut = nErr;
+function [are_equal, diffvector] = ...
+ are_files_equal(newfile, reffile, precision, diffvector)
+are_equal = false;
+diffvector = 0;
+if ~exist(newfile,'file')
+ warning(['Output file ' newfile ' does not exist']);
+ return
+if ~exist(reffile,'file')
+ warning(['Reference file ' reffile ' does not exist']);
+ return
+fid = fopen(newfile,'rb');
+new = fread(fid,inf,precision);
+fid = fopen(reffile,'rb');
+ref = fread(fid,inf,precision);
+if length(new) ~= length(ref)
+ warning('Reference is not the same length as output');
+ minlength = min(length(new), length(ref));
+ new = new(1:minlength);
+ ref = ref(1:minlength);
+diffvector = new - ref;
+if isequal(new, ref)
+ fprintf([newfile ' is bit-exact to reference\n']);
+ are_equal = true;
+ if isempty(new)
+ warning([newfile ' is empty']);
+ return
+ end
+ snr = snrseg(new,ref,80);
+ fprintf('\n');
+ are_equal = false;
diff --git a/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/process_test.cc b/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/process_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c62345fcf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/process_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "tick_util.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "module_common_types.h"
+#include "audio_processing.h"
+#include "cpu_features_wrapper.h"
+using webrtc::AudioFrame;
+using webrtc::TickInterval;
+using webrtc::TickTime;
+using webrtc::AudioProcessing;
+using webrtc::GainControl;
+using webrtc::NoiseSuppression;
+void usage() {
+ printf(
+ "Usage: process_test [options] [-ir REVERSE_FILE] [-i PRIMARY_FILE]\n");
+ printf(
+ " [-o OUT_FILE]\n");
+ printf(
+ "process_test is a test application for AudioProcessing.\n\n"
+ "When -ir or -i is specified the files will be processed directly in a\n"
+ "simulation mode. Otherwise the full set of test files is expected to be\n"
+ "present in the working directory.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Options\n");
+ printf("General configuration:\n");
+ printf(" -fs SAMPLE_RATE_HZ\n");
+ printf(" -ch CHANNELS_IN CHANNELS_OUT\n");
+ printf(" -rch REVERSE_CHANNELS\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Component configuration:\n");
+ printf(
+ "All components are disabled by default. Each block below begins with a\n"
+ "flag to enable the component with default settings. The subsequent flags\n"
+ "in the block are used to provide configuration settings.\n");
+ printf("\n -aec Echo cancellation\n");
+ printf(" --drift_compensation\n");
+ printf(" --no_drift_compensation\n");
+ printf("\n -aecm Echo control mobile\n");
+ printf("\n -agc Gain control\n");
+ printf(" --analog\n");
+ printf(" --adaptive_digital\n");
+ printf(" --fixed_digital\n");
+ printf(" --target_level LEVEL\n");
+ printf(" --compression_gain GAIN\n");
+ printf(" --limiter\n");
+ printf(" --no_limiter\n");
+ printf("\n -hpf High pass filter\n");
+ printf("\n -ns Noise suppression\n");
+ printf(" --ns_low\n");
+ printf(" --ns_moderate\n");
+ printf(" --ns_high\n");
+ printf(" --ns_very_high\n");
+ printf("\n -vad Voice activity detection\n");
+ printf(" --vad_out_file FILE");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Modifiers:\n");
+ printf(" --perf Measure performance.\n");
+ printf(" --quiet Suppress text output.\n");
+ printf(" --no_progress Suppress progress.\n");
+ printf(" --version Print version information and exit.\n");
+// void function for gtest.
+void void_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
+ usage();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ printf("Did you mean to run without arguments?\n");
+ printf("Try `process_test --help' for more information.\n\n");
+ }
+ AudioProcessing* apm = AudioProcessing::Create(0);
+ WebRtc_Word8 version[1024];
+ WebRtc_UWord32 version_bytes_remaining = sizeof(version);
+ WebRtc_UWord32 version_position = 0;
+ const char* far_filename = NULL;
+ const char* near_filename = NULL;
+ const char* out_filename = NULL;
+ const char* vad_out_filename = NULL;
+ int32_t sample_rate_hz = 16000;
+ int32_t device_sample_rate_hz = 16000;
+ int num_capture_input_channels = 1;
+ int num_capture_output_channels = 1;
+ int num_render_channels = 1;
+ int samples_per_channel = sample_rate_hz / 100;
+ bool simulating = false;
+ bool perf_testing = false;
+ bool verbose = true;
+ bool progress = true;
+ //bool interleaved = true;
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ir") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i, argc) << "Specify filename after -ir";
+ far_filename = argv[i];
+ simulating = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i, argc) << "Specify filename after -i";
+ near_filename = argv[i];
+ simulating = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i, argc) << "Specify filename after -o";
+ out_filename = argv[i];
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fs") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i, argc) << "Specify sample rate after -fs";
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &sample_rate_hz));
+ samples_per_channel = sample_rate_hz / 100;
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->set_sample_rate_hz(sample_rate_hz));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ch") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i + 1, argc) << "Specify number of channels after -ch";
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num_capture_input_channels));
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num_capture_output_channels));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->set_num_channels(num_capture_input_channels,
+ num_capture_output_channels));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-rch") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i, argc) << "Specify number of channels after -rch";
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num_render_channels));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->set_num_reverse_channels(num_render_channels));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-aec") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->echo_cancellation()->Enable(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noasm") == 0) {
+ WebRtc_GetCPUInfo = WebRtc_GetCPUInfoNoASM;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--drift_compensation") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->echo_cancellation()->Enable(true));
+ // TODO(ajm): this is enabled in the VQE test app by default. Investigate
+ // why it can give better performance despite passing zeros.
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->enable_drift_compensation(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no_drift_compensation") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->echo_cancellation()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->enable_drift_compensation(false));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-aecm") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->echo_control_mobile()->Enable(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-agc") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--analog") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->set_mode(GainControl::kAdaptiveAnalog));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--adaptive_digital") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->set_mode(GainControl::kAdaptiveDigital));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--fixed_digital") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->set_mode(GainControl::kFixedDigital));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--target_level") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ int level;
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &level));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->set_target_level_dbfs(level));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--compression_gain") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ int gain;
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &gain));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->set_compression_gain_db(gain));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--limiter") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->enable_limiter(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no_limiter") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->gain_control()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->enable_limiter(false));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-hpf") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->high_pass_filter()->Enable(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ns") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->noise_suppression()->Enable(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--ns_low") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->noise_suppression()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->noise_suppression()->set_level(NoiseSuppression::kLow));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--ns_moderate") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->noise_suppression()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->noise_suppression()->set_level(NoiseSuppression::kModerate));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--ns_high") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->noise_suppression()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->noise_suppression()->set_level(NoiseSuppression::kHigh));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--ns_very_high") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->noise_suppression()->Enable(true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->noise_suppression()->set_level(NoiseSuppression::kVeryHigh));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-vad") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->voice_detection()->Enable(true));
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--vad_out_file") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ ASSERT_LT(i, argc) << "Specify filename after --vad_out_file";
+ vad_out_filename = argv[i];
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--perf") == 0) {
+ perf_testing = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--quiet") == 0) {
+ verbose = false;
+ progress = false;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no_progress") == 0) {
+ progress = false;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError, apm->Version(version,
+ version_bytes_remaining,
+ version_position));
+ printf("%s\n", version);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ FAIL() << "Unrecognized argument " << argv[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("Sample rate: %d Hz\n", sample_rate_hz);
+ printf("Primary channels: %d (in), %d (out)\n",
+ num_capture_input_channels,
+ num_capture_output_channels);
+ printf("Reverse channels: %d \n", num_render_channels);
+ }
+ const char far_file_default[] = "apm_far.pcm";
+ const char near_file_default[] = "apm_near.pcm";
+ const char out_file_default[] = "out.pcm";
+ const char event_filename[] = "apm_event.dat";
+ const char delay_filename[] = "apm_delay.dat";
+ const char drift_filename[] = "apm_drift.dat";
+ const char vad_file_default[] = "vad_out.dat";
+ if (!simulating) {
+ far_filename = far_file_default;
+ near_filename = near_file_default;
+ }
+ if (out_filename == NULL) {
+ out_filename = out_file_default;
+ }
+ if (vad_out_filename == NULL) {
+ vad_out_filename = vad_file_default;
+ }
+ FILE* far_file = NULL;
+ FILE* near_file = NULL;
+ FILE* out_file = NULL;
+ FILE* event_file = NULL;
+ FILE* delay_file = NULL;
+ FILE* drift_file = NULL;
+ FILE* vad_out_file = NULL;
+ if (far_filename != NULL) {
+ far_file = fopen(far_filename, "rb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != far_file) << "Unable to open far-end audio file "
+ << far_filename;
+ }
+ near_file = fopen(near_filename, "rb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != near_file) << "Unable to open near-end audio file "
+ << near_filename;
+ struct stat st;
+ stat(near_filename, &st);
+ int near_size_samples = st.st_size / sizeof(int16_t);
+ out_file = fopen(out_filename, "wb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != out_file) << "Unable to open output audio file "
+ << out_filename;
+ if (!simulating) {
+ event_file = fopen(event_filename, "rb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != event_file) << "Unable to open event file "
+ << event_filename;
+ delay_file = fopen(delay_filename, "rb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != delay_file) << "Unable to open buffer file "
+ << delay_filename;
+ drift_file = fopen(drift_filename, "rb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != drift_file) << "Unable to open drift file "
+ << drift_filename;
+ }
+ if (apm->voice_detection()->is_enabled()) {
+ vad_out_file = fopen(vad_out_filename, "wb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != vad_out_file) << "Unable to open VAD output file "
+ << vad_out_file;
+ }
+ enum Events {
+ kInitializeEvent,
+ kRenderEvent,
+ kCaptureEvent,
+ kResetEventDeprecated
+ };
+ int16_t event = 0;
+ size_t read_count = 0;
+ int reverse_count = 0;
+ int primary_count = 0;
+ int near_read_samples = 0;
+ TickInterval acc_ticks;
+ AudioFrame far_frame;
+ far_frame._frequencyInHz = sample_rate_hz;
+ AudioFrame near_frame;
+ near_frame._frequencyInHz = sample_rate_hz;
+ int delay_ms = 0;
+ int drift_samples = 0;
+ int capture_level = 127;
+ int8_t stream_has_voice = 0;
+ TickTime t0 = TickTime::Now();
+ TickTime t1 = t0;
+ WebRtc_Word64 max_time_us = 0;
+ WebRtc_Word64 max_time_reverse_us = 0;
+ WebRtc_Word64 min_time_us = 1e6;
+ WebRtc_Word64 min_time_reverse_us = 1e6;
+ while (simulating || feof(event_file) == 0) {
+ std::ostringstream trace_stream;
+ trace_stream << "Processed frames: " << reverse_count << " (reverse), "
+ << primary_count << " (primary)";
+ SCOPED_TRACE(trace_stream.str());
+ if (simulating) {
+ if (far_file == NULL) {
+ event = kCaptureEvent;
+ } else {
+ if (event == kRenderEvent) {
+ event = kCaptureEvent;
+ } else {
+ event = kRenderEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ read_count = fread(&event, sizeof(event), 1, event_file);
+ if (read_count != 1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ //if (fread(&event, sizeof(event), 1, event_file) != 1) {
+ // break; // This is expected.
+ //}
+ }
+ if (event == kInitializeEvent || event == kResetEventDeprecated) {
+ fread(&sample_rate_hz, sizeof(sample_rate_hz), 1, event_file));
+ samples_per_channel = sample_rate_hz / 100;
+ fread(&device_sample_rate_hz,
+ sizeof(device_sample_rate_hz),
+ 1,
+ event_file));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->set_sample_rate_hz(sample_rate_hz));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->set_device_sample_rate_hz(
+ device_sample_rate_hz));
+ far_frame._frequencyInHz = sample_rate_hz;
+ near_frame._frequencyInHz = sample_rate_hz;
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("Init at frame: %d (primary), %d (reverse)\n",
+ primary_count, reverse_count);
+ printf(" Sample rate: %d Hz\n", sample_rate_hz);
+ }
+ } else if (event == kRenderEvent) {
+ reverse_count++;
+ far_frame._audioChannel = num_render_channels;
+ far_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples =
+ num_render_channels * samples_per_channel;
+ read_count = fread(far_frame._payloadData,
+ sizeof(WebRtc_Word16),
+ far_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples,
+ far_file);
+ if (simulating) {
+ if (read_count != far_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples) {
+ break; // This is expected.
+ }
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_EQ(read_count,
+ far_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples);
+ }
+ if (perf_testing) {
+ t0 = TickTime::Now();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->AnalyzeReverseStream(&far_frame));
+ if (perf_testing) {
+ t1 = TickTime::Now();
+ TickInterval tick_diff = t1 - t0;
+ acc_ticks += tick_diff;
+ if (tick_diff.Microseconds() > max_time_reverse_us) {
+ max_time_reverse_us = tick_diff.Microseconds();
+ }
+ if (tick_diff.Microseconds() < min_time_reverse_us) {
+ min_time_reverse_us = tick_diff.Microseconds();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (event == kCaptureEvent) {
+ primary_count++;
+ near_frame._audioChannel = num_capture_input_channels;
+ near_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples =
+ num_capture_input_channels * samples_per_channel;
+ read_count = fread(near_frame._payloadData,
+ sizeof(WebRtc_Word16),
+ near_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples,
+ near_file);
+ near_read_samples += read_count;
+ if (progress && primary_count % 100 == 0) {
+ printf("%.0f%% complete\r",
+ (near_read_samples * 100.0) / near_size_samples);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ if (simulating) {
+ if (read_count != near_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples) {
+ break; // This is expected.
+ }
+ delay_ms = 0;
+ drift_samples = 0;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_EQ(read_count,
+ near_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples);
+ // TODO(ajm): sizeof(delay_ms) for current files?
+ fread(&delay_ms, 2, 1, delay_file));
+ fread(&drift_samples, sizeof(drift_samples), 1, drift_file));
+ }
+ if (perf_testing) {
+ t0 = TickTime::Now();
+ }
+ // TODO(ajm): fake an analog gain while simulating.
+ int capture_level_in = capture_level;
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->gain_control()->set_stream_analog_level(capture_level));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->set_stream_delay_ms(delay_ms));
+ ASSERT_EQ(apm->kNoError,
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->set_stream_drift_samples(drift_samples));
+ int err = apm->ProcessStream(&near_frame);
+ if (err == apm->kBadStreamParameterWarning) {
+ printf("Bad parameter warning. %s\n", trace_stream.str().c_str());
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(err == apm->kNoError ||
+ err == apm->kBadStreamParameterWarning);
+ capture_level = apm->gain_control()->stream_analog_level();
+ stream_has_voice =
+ static_cast<int8_t>(apm->voice_detection()->stream_has_voice());
+ if (vad_out_file != NULL) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, fwrite(&stream_has_voice,
+ sizeof(stream_has_voice),
+ 1,
+ vad_out_file));
+ }
+ if (apm->gain_control()->mode() != GainControl::kAdaptiveAnalog) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(capture_level_in, capture_level);
+ }
+ if (perf_testing) {
+ t1 = TickTime::Now();
+ TickInterval tick_diff = t1 - t0;
+ acc_ticks += tick_diff;
+ if (tick_diff.Microseconds() > max_time_us) {
+ max_time_us = tick_diff.Microseconds();
+ }
+ if (tick_diff.Microseconds() < min_time_us) {
+ min_time_us = tick_diff.Microseconds();
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(near_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples,
+ fwrite(near_frame._payloadData,
+ sizeof(WebRtc_Word16),
+ near_frame._payloadDataLengthInSamples,
+ out_file));
+ }
+ else {
+ FAIL() << "Event " << event << " is unrecognized";
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("\nProcessed frames: %d (primary), %d (reverse)\n",
+ primary_count, reverse_count);
+ }
+ int8_t temp_int8;
+ if (far_file != NULL) {
+ read_count = fread(&temp_int8, sizeof(temp_int8), 1, far_file);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, feof(far_file)) << "Far-end file not fully processed";
+ }
+ read_count = fread(&temp_int8, sizeof(temp_int8), 1, near_file);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, feof(near_file)) << "Near-end file not fully processed";
+ if (!simulating) {
+ read_count = fread(&temp_int8, sizeof(temp_int8), 1, event_file);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, feof(event_file)) << "Event file not fully processed";
+ read_count = fread(&temp_int8, sizeof(temp_int8), 1, delay_file);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, feof(delay_file)) << "Delay file not fully processed";
+ read_count = fread(&temp_int8, sizeof(temp_int8), 1, drift_file);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, feof(drift_file)) << "Drift file not fully processed";
+ }
+ if (perf_testing) {
+ if (primary_count > 0) {
+ WebRtc_Word64 exec_time = acc_ticks.Milliseconds();
+ printf("\nTotal time: %.3f s, file time: %.2f s\n",
+ exec_time * 0.001, primary_count * 0.01);
+ printf("Time per frame: %.3f ms (average), %.3f ms (max),"
+ " %.3f ms (min)\n",
+ (exec_time * 1.0) / primary_count,
+ (max_time_us + max_time_reverse_us) / 1000.0,
+ (min_time_us + min_time_reverse_us) / 1000.0);
+ } else {
+ printf("Warning: no capture frames\n");
+ }
+ }
+ AudioProcessing::Destroy(apm);
+ apm = NULL;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ void_main(argc, argv);
+ return 0;