AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-26Merge "Add 'vendor: true' to headers to fix vndk builds"Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Add 'vendor: true' to headers to fix vndk buildsDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Merge changes from topic "instruction_set_replace" am: e1ce5311ac am: ff3826d382Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Remove WEBRTC_BUILD_NEON_LIBS am: aa415f46df am: d0febdf096Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Include test makefile am: d526425f55 am: db2b8a8c69Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Remove unused gnustl webrtc variants am: c3f927f4f5 am: cc3f37b54eDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Merge changes from topic "instruction_set_replace" am: e1ce5311acDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Remove WEBRTC_BUILD_NEON_LIBS am: aa415f46dfDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Include test makefile am: d526425f55Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Remove unused gnustl webrtc variants am: c3f927f4f5Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Merge changes from topic "instruction_set_replace"Dan Willemsen
2017-10-26Remove WEBRTC_BUILD_NEON_LIBSDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Include test makefileDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Remove unused gnustl webrtc variantsDan Willemsen
2017-10-26Merge changes from topic "instruction_set_replace"Treehugger Robot
2017-10-25Convert to Android.bpDan Willemsen
2017-10-25Remove WEBRTC_BUILD_NEON_LIBSDan Willemsen
2017-10-25Include test makefileDan Willemsen
2017-10-25Remove unused gnustl webrtc variantsDan Willemsen
2017-08-10release-request-0b474cbb-ff20-424d-a570-a0a7b83a7705-for-git_pi-release-42621...android-build-team Robot
2017-08-10Merge "Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc." am: cd56b9ddae am: 60c71f62...Chih-Hung Hsieh
2017-08-10Merge "Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc." am: cd56b9ddae am: 60c71f62...Chih-Hung Hsieh
2017-08-10Merge "Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc." am: cd56b9ddae am: 60c71f62eaChih-Hung Hsieh
2017-08-10Merge "Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc." am: cd56b9ddaeChih-Hung Hsieh
2017-08-10Merge "Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc."android-o-mr1-preview-2android-o-mr1-preview-1Chih-Hung Hsieh
2017-08-10Merge "Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc."android-o-iot-preview-5o-iot-preview-5Treehugger Robot
2017-08-09Suppress non-critical warnings in webrtc.Chih-Hung Hsieh
2017-07-14Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. (2/2)" am: 3d524127ba am: 1bc6674...oreo-mr1-devYifan Hong
2017-07-14Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. (2/2)" am: 3d524127ba am: 1bc667417dYifan Hong
2017-07-14Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. (2/2)" am: 3d524127baYifan Hong
2017-07-14Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. (2/2)"Yifan Hong
2017-07-14Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. (2/2)"android-o-preview-4Treehugger Robot
2017-07-14Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. (2/2)Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "libwebrtc_base depends on liblog" am: c07e6f5974 am: f08d623d4e am: e8...Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image." am: 12aeeac6a5 am: 83cb4ee1d7 am...Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "libwebrtc_base depends on liblog" am: c07e6f5974 am: f08d623d4eYifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image." am: 12aeeac6a5 am: 83cb4ee1d7Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "libwebrtc_base depends on liblog" am: c07e6f5974Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image." am: 12aeeac6a5Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "libwebrtc_base depends on liblog"Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image."Yifan Hong
2017-06-16Merge "libwebrtc_base depends on liblog"Treehugger Robot
2017-06-16Merge "Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image."Treehugger Robot
2017-06-14libwebrtc_base depends on liblogYifan Hong
2017-06-14Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image.Yifan Hong
2017-06-12libwebrtc_base depends on liblog am: c6f833ab1aYifan Hong
2017-06-12Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image. am: 8df7e85368Yifan Hong
2017-06-12libwebrtc_base depends on liblogYifan Hong
2017-06-12Move all libwebrtc* to vendor image.Yifan Hong
2017-06-09libwebrtc_base depends on liblogoreo-dr1-devYifan Hong