# Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. import("//build/dotfile_settings.gni") # The location of the build configuration file. buildconfig = "//build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn" # The secondary source root is a parallel directory tree where # GN build files are placed when they can not be placed directly # in the source tree, e.g. for third party source trees. secondary_source = "//build/secondary/" # These are the targets to check headers for by default. The files in targets # matching these patterns (see "gn help label_pattern" for format) will have # their includes checked for proper dependencies when you run either # "gn check" or "gn gen --check". check_targets = [ ":webrtc_common", "//api/*", "//audio/*", "//backup/*", "//call/*", "//common_audio/*", "//common_video/*", "//examples/*", "//logging/*", "//media/*", "//modules/*", "//p2p/*", "//pc/*", "//rtc_base/*", "//rtc_tools/*", "//sdk/*", "//stats/*", "//system_wrappers/*", "//test/*", "//video/*", "//third_party/libyuv/*", ] # These are the list of GN files that run exec_script. This whitelist exists # to force additional review for new uses of exec_script, which is strongly # discouraged except for gypi_to_gn calls. exec_script_whitelist = build_dotfile_settings.exec_script_whitelist + [ "//build_overrides/build.gni" ] default_args = { # Webrtc does not support component builds because we are not using the # template "component" but we rely directly on "rtc_static_library" and # "rtc_shared_library". This means that we cannot use the chromium default # value for this argument. # This also means that the user can override this value using --args or # the args.gn file but this setting will be ignored because we don't support # component builds. is_component_build = false mac_sdk_min = "10.12" ios_deployment_target = "10.0" # The SDK API level, in contrast, is set by build/android/AndroidManifest.xml. android32_ndk_api_level = 16 android64_ndk_api_level = 21 # WebRTC does not provide the gflags dependency. Because libyuv uses it only # for unittests, it can be disabled (see third_party/libyuv/BUILD.gn) libyuv_use_gflags = false gtest_enable_absl_printers = true }